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小学英语小升初毕业总复习句子专项练习题1、连词成句:首先要按照句子的结构、语序及所给标点将句子重新排列,尤其要注意疑问句的语序,再检查一下句子是否通顺,专有名词、句首单词第一个字母要大写,不能漏单词。(1) drawing she too pictures like_(2) to year we last went Canada_(3) say its to time goodbye friends my to_(4) will Im that like sure he_(5) at would party you like to the perform_(6) you about how _(7) are where you staying _(8) you looking what for are _(9) different are we going see place to_(10) with are going who you_2、改错。改错主要考查我们的语法知识,包括短语的固定搭配,介词的用法,疑问词的运用等等。常见的几种错误有:漏词,单词拼写错误,固定词语搭配错误,时态、语法上的错误,没有转换人称,be动词、助词、助动词的单复数等等。(1) I live in china. _(2) What is he do now? _(3) Whats colour is the pencil? _(4) I like a pair shoes. _(5) Its a red. _(6) How are you feel? _(7) How many foots do you have? _(8) Whats she name? _(9) This is a Library. _(10) He is they son. _3、句型转换。(1)就划线部分提问:首先应该看清楚画线部分在句中的意思、作用及成分,再用相关的疑问词来提问。I like summer, because I like swimming._ Tom does sports two hours a week._ I like winter._We walked an hour after dinner._ She cleaned the room after breakfast._ I want to go home by train._ He lives in America._ I have four friends here._ Its October the first today._New York is in the US._ I know they goto Shanghai by plane._ They go to work on foot._ He often goes to school at 7:00 in the morning._ I feel happy._ Im 1.6 meters tall._ I have one apple._ Its 7:00._ The flag is red._ The girl in the red dress is Lily._ Its Sunday today._(2) 变复数句子。变复数需要注意主语和谓语动词的单复数要一致。There is an apple on the table._ Does he walk to school every day?_ Is it a dog?_ The child likes playing._ She is a little girl._ This is a knife._ This is a pair of socks._ That is a nice dress._ She is my teachers._ I have a picture._(3) 同义句转换。有时候一句话可以用好几个不同的句型来表达,这就是我们所说的同义句,主要考查我们对同义句型的理解与掌握情况。 I want some vegetables._ Whats the matter?_ Its lunch time._ May I help you?_ He walk to school every day._ We can go there by bus._ The school isnt near our home._ Where are you from?_ Her friends are going to visit her._ My bike doesnt work._(4) 把句子变为否定句。 改否定句时,在be动词、情态动词 、助动词后加 not.I am 17. _They are listening to the teacher._ _She is in the house._He was at school last year. _We were happy yestoday. _They can speak Chinese ._We must go home. _Tom has to go to bed at 10:00 p.m._Lily reads English in the morning._The students played football after school._(5)把句子变为一般疑问句。改一般疑问句时,主语和谓语(be动词、助动词)换一下位置,句末加问号。但是值得注意的是第一、二人称的相互转换。He is at home. _I am fine. _They are in red. _Amice read books last evening. _Linda reads books every evening. _We go to school by bus. _She can draw. _You must go to bed at 10:00 p.m. _There is a book in the desk._They will play chess on Friday. _4、用所给单词的正确形式完成句子。若所给的单词为名词,要注意单复数及名词的格。若所给的单词为动词,要注意动词所用的时态等。若所给的单词为形容词或副词,要注意比较级、最高级等。(1) She _(be) a pupil of Grade One.(2) We have a _(wind) day today.(3) My old bike is _(break).(4) I _(not go) to work on foot.(5) Im _ (eat) now.(6) Jenny _(go) out five minutes age.(7) What colour are _(Li Ming) shoes?(8) Her birthday is May the _( five).(9) Be _(care)!(10)This is an _ (interest) story.(11) _(do) your uncle live in Shanghai?(12)_(we) English teacher is a woman.(13) My legs are _(long) than hers.(14)He doesnt want _( this) books.(15) Our teacher _(fly) a kite now.5、情景交际(1)用正确的单词将对话补充完整。 补全对话主要是在特定的语境中检查我们对英语知识的运用能力,还考查我们根据所给的内容进行正确的逻辑推理能力,综合判断能力和分析能力。我们要保证补全以后的对话语法正确、意思通顺、前后连贯,结构完整。A:Amy: Whos she? Tom: _ my mother. Amy: What _ she do? Tom: She _ in a hospital. Shes a doctor. Amy: _ does she go to work? Tom: She goes to work _subway. Amy: Whats _ hobby? Tom: She _ collecting stamps/B:Zoom: Lets go _ the park.Zip: How _ we get there?Zoom: _ bus.Zip: OK! _ not far.Zoom: Oh, sorry. There are _ buses.Zip: Lets walk there. Its _ exercises.Zoom: OK. _ go.C:Amy: I _ a pen pal.Chen: Really? _ her name?Amy: Sarah Smith. _ is in Canada.Chen: Does she live _ the city?Amy: Oh, no, she _ in the country.Chen: What does she like _ do?Amy: She likes singing _dancing.(2)根据情境选择正确答案。根据已经给出的情景,选择最佳答案,可以用排除法来完成。将不符合句子的时态、人称、语言、中文含义等逐一排除,最后剩下一个最合适的答案。( )当你迟到了,站在门口量,你应该说:( )当你想跟Bill先生能电话时,你应该说; A: Hello! Are you Mr Bill? B: Hello! Im Peter. C: Hello! Who are you? D: May I speak to Mr Bill, please?( ) Which one do you want, a big one or a small one? _A: Yes, a big one. B: Yes, a small one.C: A big one, please. D: No, a small one.( ) Where are our cars? - They are over there._A: This is the way. B: This way, please.C: Thats all right. D: Goodbye.( ) -Are you Lily? -No, Im not. Im Lucy. -_ -Thats OK.A: Excuse me, you look after them. B: Oh, are you twins?C: Oh, you look like. D: Sorry, you look the same.(3)从B栏中选择A栏的答语,将序号填入括号内。(对答如流)遇到这类题目,一定要先看清楚A栏的问题,就针对所问的问题寻找答句;还可以通过句型来判断,如一般疑问句就要用yes或no来回答;最后还可以通过时态来寻找答案,用什么时态问就用什么时态来回答。例题略。(4) 根据情境选择正确答案。这种类型题主要是考查我们在特定话题的情况下用英语进行交流的能力。常选用较长的对话,题干中所空部分常常是一旬话,而不是单词或词组。要求我们在所给选项中选出正确答案,且选项常常有剩余作为干扰项。 A: (1) B: Yes, I want to buy a shirt. A: (2) B: Blue. A: What about this one? B: It looks nice! (3) A: Eighty-five yuan. B: Oh , thats too expensive! A: (4) . Its only sixty-two yuan. B: OK! (5) . A: Here you are. B: Thanks.A: How about this one?B: Ill take it , please.C: What colour do you like?D: How much is it?E: May I help you?Lily: (1) Jim: I dont know. Lets ask the policeman. (to the policeman) Excuse me?Policeman: (2) Jim: Wheres the department store?Policeman: Near the Green Umbrella park.Lily: (3) Policeman: No. Its about 200 meters from here.Jim: (4) Policeman: Oh. (5) You will see the department store.Lily: Thanks!A: Yes?B: How do we get there?C: Where is the department store?D: Go down this street and turn left.E: Is that far from here?Mr Smith: Is this Mikes home? Mike: Yes, it is. Oh, its Mr. Smith! (1) Mr Smith: Good afternoon, Mike. Mr Smith: (2) Mike: No, I feel sick. Mr Smith: (3) Mike: I have a stomachache. Mr Smith: Mum, (4) Mother: How do you do? Mr Smith: (5) Mother: Sit down and have a cup of tea. Mr Smith: (6) A: Good afternoon.B: Whats the matter?C: Are you OK?D: This is my teacher, Mr Smith.E: Thank you very much.F: How do you do?(5)根据答句写问句:1 They bought a new bike yesterday._2 She is a nurse ._3 She is my teacher._4 He bought the red one ._5 It is my coat ._6 I am looking for my sister ._7 I get up at six ._8 I am from Hubei ._9 I went to school late because I got up late._10. It is windy . _11.My best season is winter. _12. My bag is red . _13. The book is Li Huas. _14. I like math best. _15. They are five yuan . _16. I wash it twice a week . _17. He will be back in four days . _ _19.I went to Beijing by plane. _20.She went to Xinjiang last month. _21.I sang and danced with my new friend. _22.I am going to see a doctor. _23.I have a fever. _24.I brought some presents for my parents on the last summer holiday. _25.He is going to buy a new dictionary. _26. I am 50 kg. 27. She is 40 kg. _28.She is listening to music now. _29.He always goes ice-skating on the weekends. _30.The skirt is 80 yuan. _31.The children are playing in the park. _32.It is eight oclock in the evening. _33.My favourite subject is English. _34. Tomorrow is Friday. _35.It was Sunday yesterday. _36. There are thirty girls in the classroom. _37.My birthday is on May 5th. _38.I have fish, chicken, eggplant for dinner. _39. I was tired. _40. She was happy. _40.He is going back tomorrow. _41.It is a picture on the wall. _42.The ducks are swimming in the river. _43.I often play football on Sundays. _ 19 / 19


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