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上海版2020年新目标英语中考复习:语法综合检测(一)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共35题;共70分)1. (2分)_ young man next to me is _ university student. A . A, anB . A, theC . The, anD . The, a2. (2分)Anna, is this your bike? Yes, its _. My mother bought it for me on my birthday.A . yoursB . myC . hersD . mine3. (2分)Why not buy a second-hand car first if you dont have enough money? Thats a good _.A . questionB . adviceC . serviceD . suggestion4. (2分)How do your students improve their English writing?Well, about _ of the students like keeping diaries in English in our class.A . two fifthB . two fifthsC . second fiveD . two five5. (2分) Have you got apples? Yes, Ive got .A . some; anyB . some; someC . any; some6. (2分)If something is_ it can make people laugh. A . boringB . sunnyC . funny7. (2分)Dont _. Just try it! A . be shyB . to shyC . to be shyD . shy8. (2分)(2015.上海) _ important it is for kids to imagine freely !A . WhatB . What aC . What anD . How9. (2分)Mr. _Mrs. White often go shopping _their daughter. A . and; andB . with; withC . and; withD . with; and10. (2分)Thanks _ the photo _ your family A . of, ofB . for, forC . for, ofD . of, for11. (2分)Grace is going to give much money to a charity, _she is not rich enough. A . ifB . unlessC . sinceD . though12. (2分)Toms mother told him _eating too much meat. A . stopsB . to stopC . stoppingD . stopped13. (2分)_ the result of the exam is, we should try our best to prepare for it.A . WhereverB . WhateverC . HoweverD . Whenever14. (2分)People _ drive after drinking wine or beer according to the new laws.A . couldntB . needntC . wouldntD . mustnt15. (2分)Your ring is in the lost and found box. You can _ Mr Li for it. A . askB . lookC . knowD . help16. (2分)The people in the painting appear alive. A . toB . to beC . being17. (2分)Have all the students known that we will have an English exam this Saturday?Yes. Every student _ about it.A . tellsB . toldC . was toldD . has told18. (2分)I am dying to meet my old friend because we havent seen each other for three years. A . cant wait toB . dont want toC . agree to19. (2分)She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on a big rock by the side of the path.A . to have restedB . restingC . to restD . rest20. (2分)- The scarves are all beautiful. I cant decide which one to choose.- Oh, look at this red one. I think its .A . beautifulB . more beautifulC . the most beautifulD . less beautiful21. (2分)There is _ milk in the bottle and we dont need to buy milk today. A . a bitB . a fewC . a bit ofD . few22. (2分) What do you do? _A . Im fine, thanks.B . Im a student.C . I read books.D . Im Zhao Ming.23. (2分)Hes read this book before, ?A . hasnt heB . doesnt heC . isnt24. (2分) _ Go up this road to the end.A . Where are we now?B . What are we doing at the supermarket?C . How can I get to the supermarket?D . Who can get to the supermarket?25. (2分)If we Chinese work hard together, China Dream will _. A . come outB . come trueC . come upD . come down26. (2分)It is of you to help so many people and it is important us to be kind to others.A . right; ofB . kind; forC . clever; forD . hard; of27. (2分)Im busy now. I have _ to do. A . anything importantB . something importantC . important anything28. (2分)I will not go to bed _I finish watching my favourite TV programme.A . sinceB . untilC . afterD . when29. (2分)Alan, how is your new classmate?Shes friendly. We all like to be together with her. A . lovelyB . smartC . kind30. (2分)Who do you want to talk with at the end of the speech?The man_ Mr White.A . they callB . called himselfC . calls himselfD . is called31. (2分)Jims father _ to London last month. He _ there three times.A . went; has goneB . has gone; has beenC . went; has beenD . has been; has gone32. (2分) Do you know _ the population of Shanghai? Yes, its over ten million.A . how many isB . how much isC . whats33. (2分)Wheres Sam?He _ for a test in his room.A . studyB . studiesC . studiedD . is studying34. (2分)I do not doubt _ win in the race.A . whether he willB . whether will heC . that he willD . that will he35. (2分)(2015.上海)Over $30,000 _ for a childrens hospital by a British girl several months ago.A . is raised B . was raised C . will be raised D . has been raised二、 填空题 (共2题;共2分)36. (1分)Now guys! Close your eyes, open your arms and _ (breath) deeply.37. (1分)Think it over before making an important _ (choose).三、 句型转换 (共1题;共2分)38. (2分)Laura sometimes goes to the movies. (对画线部分提问) _does Laura go to the movies?第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共35题;共70分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、二、 填空题 (共2题;共2分)36-1、37-1、三、 句型转换 (共1题;共2分)38-1、


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