中考英语 第二轮 语法专题聚焦 专题九 动词的时态课件.ppt

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中考英语 第二轮 语法专题聚焦 专题九 动词的时态课件.ppt_第1页
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中考英语 第二轮 语法专题聚焦 专题九 动词的时态课件.ppt_第2页
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中考英语 第二轮 语法专题聚焦 专题九 动词的时态课件.ppt_第3页
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专题九动词的时态 山西专用 考点一一般现在时1 用法 表示经常性 习惯性或反复做的动作 表示现存的状态或特征 表示普遍真理或客观事实 a 表示频度 often sometimes usually always never twiceamonth everyday等 b 一般时间状语 onSundays onMondayafternoons everyday week month year等 2 结构 主语 be am is are 主语 情态动词 v 主语 实义动词 注意 时间状语从句和条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来 如 IwillgotoseeyouifIamfree IwilltellhimassoonasIseehim 表示性格 能力等动词常用一般现在时 考点二现在进行时1 用法 表示此刻正在进行的动作 表示现阶段正在进行的动作 用现在进行时表示将来 如 IamleavingforGansutomorrow 我明天将动身去甘肃 常与now atthemoment thesedays等时间状语连用或当listen look等词放在句首时 2 结构 主语 am is are 现在分词 注意 表示状态或感觉的动词不能用进行时 与always usually forever等词连用 表示反复出现或习惯性的动作 表达赞扬 厌恶或不满的情绪 如 Sheisalwayssmilingonherface 她总是面带微笑 1 Ourphysicsteachertolduslight fasterthansound A travelsB traveledC traveling2 Today syoungpeoplecan tlivewithoutsmartphones Theykeeptheirhandsonthephoneswherevertheygo evenwhilethey meals A willhaveB arehavingC werehaving3 Mum it slate Whyareyoustillhere Dadhasn tcomebackyet I forhim A amwaitingB waswaitingC waited4 IfNancy theexam shewillgotoAustraliaforEnglishstudy A passB passedC passes A B A C 5 Alice wouldyoumindnotplayingtheguitar I onthephone Oh sorry mom A talkB wastalkingC amtalking6 DoyouknowwhetherDavidwillgocyclingornottomorrow David Never He outdooractivities A hatesB hatedC ishating7 WhatdoesTom suncledo Heisateacher He physicsataschoolnow A willteachB hastaughtC teaches C A C 8 Hey Tom Let sgoswimming Justamoment I amessage A sentB amsendingC havesent9 Henrywillgiveusareportassoonashe A arrivesB arrivedC isarriving10 Helen doyouknowifMartin tomypartynextweek Ithinkhewillcomeifhefree A willcome willbeB willcome isC comes isD comes willbe B A B 考点三过去进行时1 用法 表示过去某一阶段或某一时刻正在进行的动作 表示过去频繁发生的习惯性动作 带有一定感情色彩 常与atthattime thistimeyesterday at1 00lastnight atthatmoment then when while 从句等表示过去时间的状语连用 如 Iwasreadingwhenhecamein 当他进来的时候 我正在看书 Whatwereyoudoingatninelastnight 昨天晚上九点你在做什么 IwaswatchingTVatthattime 那时我正在看电视 2 结构 主语 was were 动词的现在分词 注意 当与go come leave start等动词连用时 表示在过去某个时间来看将要发生的事情 考点四现在完成时1 用法 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果 表示过去已经开始 持续到现在的动作或状态 连用的词有yet already still just sofar before recently once never since1996 inthelast past fortenyears 2 结构 主语 have has 过去分词 主语 have hasbeen 现在分词 注意 for和表示一段时间的短语连用 since和表示过去某一时刻的词或词组连用 如 sofar 到目前为止 inthepast lastfewyears 几年来 非延续性动词不具备第二种用法 要将非延续性动词转化成延续性动词 如 非延续性动词在否定结构中可以用现在完成时的第二种用法 如 Ihaven tboughtanythingfortwomonths 我已经两个月没有买任何东西了 1 Myuncle booksintheroomatthistimeyesterday A wasseeingB isreadingC wasreading2 Whereisyourfather He Xiamenonbusiness A willgotoB goestoC hasgoneto3 What youwhenthecaptaincamein A are doingB did doC were doing4 She thebooktwodaysago A hasborrowed sinceB haskept sinceC kept for5 Ididn thearwhatAlicesaidbecauseI thenewsaboutShenzhouXontheradio A amlisteningtoB listentoC waslisteningto C B C B C 6 Manykids volunteerstohelpotherssincetheterribleearthquakes A havebecome happenedB havebeen happenedC became havehappened7 WherewereyouwhenIcalledatyourhousethismorning Oh I forafriendfromNewYourattheairport A waitedB waswaitingC havewaited8 Whyarethewindowssodirty Becausewe themforalongtime A havecleanedB haven tcleanedC didn tclean B B B 9 Weallwenttothecinemaexceptyoulastnight Whydidn tyoucome BecauseI thatmovietwice A havewatchedB hadwatchedC waswatching10 Wehaven theardfromhimforalongtime Whatdoyouthink tohim A washappeningB tohappenC hashappened B C 考点五一般过去时1 用法 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作 表示过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态 常与表示过去的时间 justnow amomentago ago lastnight week month yesterday theotherday usedto thedaybeforeyesterday thismorning inthepast in1989 atthattime等连用 2 结构 主语 动词过去式 考点六一般将来时1 用法 表示将来某个时间即将发生的动作或存在的状态 表示将来经常或反复发生的动作 表示某人的一种打算或计划 常与tomorrow nextweek year soon thedayaftertomorrow inthefuture infivedays等连用 2 结构 主语 will 动词 主语 am is aregoingto 动词 与表示将来的时间状语连用 主语一般是人 注意 begoingto表示根据主观判断将来肯定要发生的事 will表示客观上将来势必发生的事 如 It scloudy itisgoingtorain 乌云密布 快要下雨了 Iwillgotocollegeoneday 我将来要上大学 1 HaveyoueverbeentoBeijing Yes LastmonthI there A havebeenB wentC willgo2 There afootballmatchonTVthisevening Yeah that sgreat A isgoingtobeB aregoingtobeC willhave3 Ihavetogobackhometoday Whatapity I youcouldstayalittlelongerwithus A amthinkingB thoughtC think4 IthinkitistruethatMike toworktodaybecauseheisonbusiness A don tcomeB willnotcomeC hascome B A B B 5 Whatdidyoudolastnight I TVandreadbooks A watchB watchedC havewatched6 Jimwillphoneyouassoonashe theticketstotheartexhibition A getsB gotC willget7 Kidsmaynotgotoschoolinthefuture they athomeoncomputers A havestudiedB willstudyC studied8 导学号 36422262 Ifitdoesn traintomorrow we swimming A goB willgoC went9 IfellinlovewithShanghaionmyfirsttrip soIdecideI initin10years A livesB willliveC lived10 Healmostfelldown Buthe A didn tB doesn tC won t B A B B B A 5 Whatdidyoudolastnight I TVandreadbooks A watchB watchedC havewatched6 Jimwillphoneyouassoonashe theticketstotheartexhibition A getsB gotC willget7 Kidsmaynotgotoschoolinthefuture they athomeoncomputers A havestudiedB willstudyC studied8 导学号 36422262 Ifitdoesn traintomorrow we swimming A goB willgoC went9 IfellinlovewithShanghaionmyfirsttrip soIdecideI initin10years A livesB willliveC lived10 Healmostfelldown Buthe A didn tB doesn tC won t B A B B B A


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