七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第6课时)Self Check课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第6课时)Self Check课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第6课时)Self Check课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第6课时)Self Check课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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第六课时SelfCheck Unit9Whatdoeshelooklike 一 词汇 A 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1 Johnisnottallorshort heisof 中等的 height 2 Eachofusseethingsindifferent 方式 3 Mysisterhasbrownhairandwears 眼镜 4 Canyou 描述 whatthepersonlookslike 5 Theboyisvery 英俊的 Wealllikehim medium ways glasses describe handsome 6 Thepolicehere kind 7 Helooks coolandwealllikehim 8 EmmaWatsonismyfavorite 9 Eachofthe hasalotofthingstodo 10 Shecomeshere meaboutthemeeting are really actress persons totell 二 单项选择 11 She blueeyesandblondehair she ofmediumheight A is isB has isC has hasD is has12 Hehasonly money sohecan tbuyanewhouse A alotofB manyC alittleD much13 Tom hisfatherandhisfather young A looks lookslikeB lookslike looksC looks islikeD likes lookslike B C B 14 peopleseethesamething A Different differentB Different differentlyC Differently differentD Differently differently15 Ican tfindMike Couldyoutellme Heisinthelibrary A whatheisB howheisC whereheisD whenheis B C 三 句型转换 16 Mikehas short brown hair 对画线部分提问 Mike like 17 Lucydoesherhomeworkintheevening 改为否定句 Lucy herhomeworkintheevening 18 Hedoesn tlikestayingathome Ithink 合并为一句 I thinkhe stayingathome 19 ShelikesEnglish 用Chinese改为选择疑问句 she 20 Bettyisgoingtovisit the Great Wallthissummer 对画线部分提问 Betty thissummer Whatdoes look doesn tdo don t likes Does likeEnglishorChinese Whatis goingtodo 四 完形填空 I mJohn amiddleschoolstudent Myeyesarebrown Myhairis 21 too Iam 22 somymomdoesn tletmehave 23 ice cream 24 cola Ihaveto 25 theuniform 26 schooldays Onweekends IusuallywearaT shirtandjeans My 27 bestfriendsareBobandMolly Bobis13 He stall He 28 nearmyhouse Weoftendoourhomeworktogetherathishome He svery 29 andhelpsme 30 withmymath Thereisa 31 inourneighborhood Heoftenexercisesthere Mollyis13 too She sbeautiful 32 straightblondehair Herhomeisfarfrom 33 Ittakesheraboutanhour 34 atmyhome Shesaysthatshealwayshasagoodtime 35 withme 21 A blackB purpleC whiteD brown 22 A shyB fatC busyD cold 23 A toomuchB toomanyC muchtooD manytoo 24 A withB ofC orD but 25 A washB wearC showD bring 26 A atB inC onD to 27 A fiveB fourC threeD two 28 A livesB playsC worksD shops 29 A afraidB healthyC smartD funny 30 A alotofB alotC lotsofD alots D B A C B C D A C B 31 A bankB hotelC hospitalD park 32 A haveB hasC thereisD with 33 A mineB myC yoursD your 34 A arriveB toarriveC arrivingD toarriving 35 A playingB toplayC playD toplaying D D A B A 五 阅读理解 Hello I mLucy Wehavethreenewteachersthisterm ButIlikemyEnglishteacherbest HernameisLindaSmith MissSmithisverybeautiful Shehasbigblueeyes astraightnoseandasmallmouth Herhairislongandblonde Sheisnottallorshort Shelikeswearingwhiteskirts Shelookslikeanangel 天使 MissSmith sfavoritefoodistofu Shethinksit shealthy Sheisgoodatplayingping pong Alsoshesingswell MissSmithworksveryhard Sheisstrictwithusinclass andherclassisveryinteresting Afterclasssheoftentalkswithus Sheisaveryfriendlyteacher 36 WhatsubjectdoesMissSmithteach A Chinese B English C Math D P E 37 WhatcolormayLindaSmithlike A Blue B Blonde C White D Black 38 WhydoesMissSmithliketofu A Becauseshethinksit shealthy B Becausehermothermakesitforher C Becauseit sthemostdeliciousfood D Becauseherstudentsbuyitforher B C A 39 WhatisMissSmithgoodat A Playingping pongandsinging B Playingping ponganddrawing C Drawinganddancing D Singinganddancing 40 WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaboutLindaSmith A Shehasabigmouth B Sheisofmediumheight C Herclassisboring D Herhairisshort A B 六 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话 John Doyouknowmybrother Jack 41 John Heisofmediumheight 42 Jack 43 John No heisn t Heisfatandshort Jack 44 John No hehasshorthair Jack 45 John Yes heoftenwearglasses Jack Oh Iknowhim HeisPeter B A E D C A Andhehasaroundface B Whatdoeshelooklike C Doeshewearglasses D Doeshehavelonghair E Ishethin 七 语法填空 Ihaveagoodfriend 46 she nameisMary She47 come fromtheUSA Nowletmetellyouwhatshelooks48 Mary49 be nottallorshort Sheis50 mediumheight She51 have aroundface twobigeyesandcurlyblondehair Sheoftenwears52 glass andlooksverycool Shelikessportsandsheisgood53 tennis Sheusuallywearsjeans aT shirtandsportsshoes Shewantstobean54 act Ilikeherverymuch55 sheisveryfunny Her comes like is of has glasses at actress because


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