七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Save the trees Period 1 words课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Save the trees Period 1 words课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Save the trees Period 1 words课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Save the trees Period 1 words课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt_第3页
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Unit4 Savethetrees npinebranchexamplegasoxygenfurniturediseasehole adjmajorconvenient vsavediscussfightproduceimaginedigcarry prepagainst takeincomefromforexampleinfactlookaroundbemadeofmillionsofbegoodfor save v 拯救 safeadj 安全的 Thedogisbadlyhurt Luckily thegirl it Don tworry mum I m now saved safe pine n 松树 discuss v 讨论 discussionn 安全的 It slatenow We dbetter aboutthequestionatthenextmeeting Theteacheraskedustohaveashort discuss discussion branch n 树枝 复数形式branches fight v 与 作斗争 过去式 fought 我们应该与空气污染作斗争 Weshouldfightagainstairpollution fightagainst与 作斗争 harmful adj 有害的 harmn 损害 吸烟对身体有害 Smokingisharmfultoourhealth beharmfulto bebadfor对 有害 produce v 产生 生产 productionn 生产 这家工厂生产了许多塑料袋 Thefactoryproduceslotsofplasticbags productn 产品 convenient adj 方便的 conveniencen 便利 It s totravelfromoneplacetoanotherbyplane Theconstructionofthehighwayhasbroughtlotsof tothevillage convenient convenience furniture不可数名词 imagine v 想像 imaginationn 想像力 Canyou whatlifewillbewithoutwater Tobeanartist youshouldhavegreat imagine imagination dig v 挖 过去式 dug 我们挖了一个洞 把树苗种进去 Wedugaholeandplantedsometreesinit take短语 吸收拿出来收走带着 takeintakeouttakeawaytake with look短语 环顾四周小心照顾寻找 lookaroundlookoutlookafterlookfor savepinediscussbranchfightagainstexample 拯救松树讨论树枝与 斗争反对例子 harmfulgasproduceoxygenmajorconvenientfurniture 有害的气体产生 生产氧气主要的方便的家具 imaginediseasedigholecarry 想像疾病挖洞搬 扛 takeincomefromforexampleinfactlookaroundbemadeofmillionsofbegoodfor 吸收来自例如确切地说环顾四周由 制成大量的对 有用 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 1 Howmuch furniture isthereinyourroom 2 Youhadbetterputthefoodinthe contain 3 Hisstorymadeusfullof imagine 4 Thisplanthasgreen leaf throughouttheyear 5 Goslowlyand breath slowly furniture container imagination leaves breathe 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 6 Theyhelp fight againstthepollution 7 Wehadalong discuss beforewehadameeting 8 Three life werelostintheaccident 9 Everyonemustknowthe important oftrees 10 Weshouldwriteadiarytorecordthe day life fighters discussion lives importance daily ThankYou


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