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Unit3Languageinuse Module9Peopleandplaces Objectives 1 Tolearntousepresentcontinuoustense2 Toreportwhatothersaredoing 1 I mstandingontheGreatWallofChinaandtalkingtoyou 2 Tonyiseatingadeliciousicecream 3 They reworking 4 Peoplearen thavingdinner Observe Areyoufamiliarwiththeseexamples Wehavelearntalloftheminthismodule 5 Weareenjoyingtheschooltripalot 6 Damingishavinglunchandlyinginthesun 7 Linglingisbuyingafewpresentsandpostcards 8 Peoplearen tsleeping Theyareeating 9 Somearewatchingtelevisionorplayinggamesathome 10 Somepeopleareseeingfriends callinghomeorshopping 1 I stand ontheGreatWallofChinaand talk toyou 2 Tony eat adeliciousicecream 3 They work 4 People nothave dinner 5 5 We enjoy theschooltripalot amstanding talking iseating areworking aren thaving areenjoying go Ready 6 Daming have lunchand lie inthesun 7 Lingling buy afewpresentsandpostcards 8 People notsleep They eat 9 Some watch televisionor play gamesathome 10 Somepeople see friends call homeor shop ishaving lying isbuying aren tsleeping areeating arewatching playing areseeing calling shopping 现在进行时态 I Grammar 1 定义 表示现在 说话瞬间 正在进行的动作 HeiswatchingTVnow Heisdrinkingaglassofwater Weareworkingonafarmthesedays Iamwritingabookthisyear 还可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 2 谓语动词的构成 助动词be V ing 注 不加助动词be的V ing或be V原形不能构成现在进行时 如 观察几个例子 I mvisitingmyfriend Heiseatinganicecream We repreparingforSpringFestival Theyarelyinginthesun Hevisitinghisfriend Heisvisithisfriend 将下面的句子变为否定句 I m writingthepostcard s 3 句型转换 变为否定句时 be后加not not 将下面的句子变为一般疑问句 Tony havinglunch i I m I writingthepostcard Are you 变为一般疑问句时把be提前到句首 人称和be作相应变化 注意 变化时注意人称的相应变化 Iamlyinginthesunwithmyfriends Areyoulyinginthesunwithyourfriends 肯定句 一般疑问句 4 现在进行时的否定和疑问形式的构成 5 现在进行时的标志词有 Look Listen Nowit s8o clock Whatareyoudoing 等 Whatareyoudoingnow 你在干什么 I mreadingnow 我现在正在读书 Listen Sheissinging 听 她正在唱歌 Look Mymotheriswateringtheflowers 看 我妈妈正在浇花 以下部分为课本练习 供老师在对答案时选择使用 1 Lookatthepicture Saywhatyouaredoing Tonyiscallingafriend 2 CompletetheconversationbetweenTonyandhisdadwiththecorrectformofthewordsinbrackets Tony Hi Dad Dad Hi Tony Whatareyoudoingnow Tony We 1 visit theForbiddenCity LinglingandBetty 2 write postcards arevisiting arewriting Dad WhatisDamingdoing Tony He 3 take photos Therearelotsofpeoplehere They 4 enjoy thesun somepeople 5 look atthebuildingsandsome 6 look atmaps Dad Areyouhavingagoodtime Tony Yes we 7 have agreattime Dad SeeyounextMonday istaking areenjoying arelooking arelooking arehaving 3 Writeaboutthepictures Someboys football They basketball areplaying aren tplaying Someoldpeople taijiquan They yangge areplaying aren tplaying He TV He onacomputer isn twatching isworking 4 Workinpairs Mimeanactionforyourpartnertoguess Usetheexpressionstohelpyou drivingacar gettingup goingtosleep lyinginthesun playingbasketball runningforabus studyinghistory takingphotos watchingTV writingpostcards A You rerunningforabus B No A You replayingbasketball B Yes Whenyoureviseyourvocabulary choosewordswhichareusefulforyou andwritetheminsentences postcard OnholidayIusuallysendfourorfivepostcardstomyfriends Learningtolearn Step1 Workingroupsofthreeorfour Planaradioreport Talkaboutnewsyouwouldliketoreport Listtheactivitiesyouwouldliketoreport Makenotesaboutthenews Writewhatyouaregoingtosay Step2 Showyourreporttothewholeclass Step3 Choosethebestreport Moduletask Makingaradioreport Summary 正在进行时表示正在发生的动作 1 构成 肯定句 主语 be V ing否定句 主语 benot V ing一般疑问句 be 主语 V ing 2 标志词语 Look Listen 用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空 runstudyenjoytakebuild1 Thewhite isourcitylibrary 2 WhatisRosedoing Sheis photos3 MikewantstogotoChinato history 4 Theboyis forabus IsheWangHao 5 Lotsofpeopleare thesunonthebeach 海滩 building taking study running enjoying 用所给动词的正确形式填空 1 It snineo clock She read 2 yoursister watch TVatthismoment No sheisn t 3 Thosepeople notwork now 4 Mybrother notwrite rightnow He dance 5 What they do now They play basketball isreading Iswatching aren tworking isn twriting isdancing aredoing areplaying 根据所给汉语及短语提示 写出正确的句子 1 那些孩子们正玩得开心 haveagoodtime 2 徐刚正在起床吗 getup 3 他正在发送邮件给朋友 send to Thechildrenarehavingagoodtime IsXuGanggettingup Heissendingemailstohisfriends 4 我的猫现在没有躺在阳光下 lieinthesun 5 托尼正在哪里写明信片 writepostcards Mycatisn tlyinginthesun WhereisTonywritingpostcards 根据对话内容 选用适当的句子补全对话 A It sabookbyGuoJingming B Whatareyoudoingnow C Ishestillwritingbooks D Whereishelivingnow E WheredoesGuoJingmingcomefrom A Hi Meimei 1 B I mreadingabook A Whatbook B 2 Heisagreatwriter 作家 He spopularwithmanypeople A 3 B HecomesfromSichuan A 4 B He slivinginShanghai A 5 B Yes Heloveswritingandhewantstowritemoregreatbooks A That sgreat Iwillreadhisbookstoo B A E D C Homework 1 Reviewtheuseofpresentcontinuoustense 2 FinishtheexercisesinLearningEnglish 3 PreviewthenewwordsandexpressionsinModule10


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