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PartA Let slearn Unit1Howtallareyou 体貌比较有方法 体貌比较公式 A am is are taller shorter older younger than B A be动词 形容词比较级 than B Canyousay Thebearisshorterthanthegiraffe Thegiraffeistallerthanthebear Themanis thanthewoman Thewomanis theman taller shorter than Thefatherisolderthantheboy Theboyisyoungerthanthefather Canyousay Theturtleisolderthanthecat Thecatisyoungerthantheturtle 175yearsold 33yearsold Themanis thanthewoman stronger PanghuisstrongerthanDaxiong PanghuisthanDaxiong thinner 询问体貌用how A Howtallareyou 提问高度 多高 B Iam cmtall A Howheavyareyou 提问重量 多重 B Iam kgA Howbigareyourfeet 提问尺寸 多大 B Iwearsize A Howlongisyourhair 提问长度 多长 B cm A Howold 提问年龄 多少岁 B I m A Howareyou 你身体好吗 Howtallareyou I m158cmtall He s226cmtall ruler Howtallareyou I m175cmtall 175cm cm centimeter这里的cm是centimeter的缩写 厘米 不管前面的数字有多大 书写时一般使用单数形式 如 160cm 67kg 但读的时候要读成centimeter 超过1厘米时 要读其复数形式centimeters Iam175cmtall IamonehundredandSeventy fivecentimeterstall kilogramm类似 I m10yearsold Howoldareyou I m9yearsold I molderthanyou Howoldareyou I myoungerthanyou 你能回答吗 Howtallishe 姓名 张一山年龄 20身高 176cm Heis176cmtall Howoldishe Heis20yearsold 姓名 杨紫年龄 19身高 167cm Howoldisshe Sheis19yearsold Howtallisshe Sheis167cmtall 姓名 宋丹丹年龄 41身高 168cm Howoldisshe Sheis41yearsold Howtallisshe Sheis168cmtall 说说看 用A be 比较级 than B来描述下列图片 例如 ZhangYishanistallerthanYangZi 年龄 20身高 176cm 年龄 19身高 167cm 年龄 41身高 168cm 说说看 用A be 修饰词 比较级 than B来描述下列图片 例如 ZhangYishanis9cmtallerthanYangZi 年龄 20身高 176cm 年龄 19身高 167cm 年龄 41身高 168cm playgames Lineupfromyoungertoolder Lineupfromtallertoshorter Howtallareyou I m158cmtall centimeter A Iam165centimeters B Iam175centimeters cm tall taller Howtousethegrammar thecomparativedegree 主语 be 形容词比较级 than 另一人 事物 Let sChant MikeistallerthanLee LeeistallerthanSue SueistallerthanAmy Howtallareyou AmyissmallerthanSue SueissmallerthanLee LeeissmallerthanMike Areyousmallerthanme playgames Lineupfromyoungertoolder Lineupfromstrongertothinner Lineupfromtallertoshorter Let sread tall tallershort shorterlong longerbig biggerold olderyoung youngersmall smallerheavy heavierthin thinnerfat fattercm centimeter厘米kg kilogram公斤千克 形容词填空 1 Myteacheris strong 2 Myteacheris strong thanhisfriend 3 Mikeis old 4 Mikeis old thanLiuMing 5 Stevenis tall 6 Stevenis tall thanAmy strong stronger old older taller tall Pleaseuseourclassmatesoryourthingstopractisetheknowledge 请用同学或你的物品来练习所学知识 tall shortbig smalllong shortfat thinheavy lightnew oldyoung oldhot cold tall taller thin thinner heavy heavier 你能发现以下的规律吗 nice nicer 你能说出更多的例子吗 试试看 形容词比较级构成法 1 大部分直接在后面加er2 重读闭音节单词 一个元音加一个辅音结尾 双写结尾辅音加erbigbigger3 以辅音字母加y结尾 把y改为i 再加erheavyheavier4 以e结尾的 直接加rnicenicer 将下列形容词变为比较级 A1 tall 2 short 3 strong 4 old 5 young taller shorter stronger older younger longer Unit1Howtallareyou Page5Let stalk Learningaims 1 Canreadthedialoguecollectly 2 Cantranslatethedialoguecollectly Howtallareyou I m164cmtall You reshorterthanme Yes I m160cm You re4cmtallerthanme 你多高 我身高164厘米 你比我矮 是的 我160厘米 你比我高4厘米 howtall 多高 对身高提问的特殊疑问词 Howtallbe主语 例 Howtallareyou HowtallisMike 迈克多高 你多高 160cm onehundredandsixtycentimeters 160厘米 159cm onehundredandfifty ninecentimeters 159厘米 你多高 我身高164厘米 你比我矮 是的 我160厘米 你比我高4厘米 你多大 我十一岁 你比我大 是的 我十二 我比你大一岁 Let stalk A B Iam164cmtall Youareshorter me A Yes Iam160cm Youare cm thanme A B I m11yearsold You reolder me A Yes I m12 I m thanyou 高矮胖瘦差多少 比较身高I m164cmtall You re160cmtall I m4cmtallerthanyou Iam11yearsold Youare13 Iam2yearsyoungerthanyou 在体貌比较公式中的形容词比较级前面加上相差的数值就可以了 1 which哪一个 只 whichboy哪一个男孩whichmonkey哪一只猴子2 brown棕色的3 yellow黄色的4 funny滑稽的 可笑的5 about大约6 its它的7 tail尾巴 Whichmonkeydoyoulike Ben 本 你喜欢哪一只猴子 Iliketheyellowone 我喜欢黄色的那一只 Look it stallerthanthebrownone 看 它比那只棕色的更高 Whichmonkeyisstronger 哪一只猴子更强壮 Thebrownmonkeyisstronger 棕色的猴子更强壮 Buttheyellowmonkeyistaller 但是那只黄色的猴子更高 Ilikethelittlemonkey 我喜欢那只小猴子 It syoungerandfunnier 它更年轻更滑稽 Howlongisitstail 它的尾巴多长 Ithinkthelittlemonkeyisonly40cmtall 我认为那只小猴子只有40厘米高 Itstailisabout30cmlong 它的尾巴大约30厘米长 Ithinktheyellowmonkeyis150cmtall 我认为那只黄色的猴子150厘米高 Theyellowmonkeyistallerbutthelittlemonkeyisfunnier 那只黄色的猴子更高但是那只小猴子更滑稽 人教PEP 六年级英语下册课件 Unit1Howtallareyou 第五课时 抽查点拨P16 17 18知识点 Let schant MikeistallerthanLee LeeistallerthanSue SueistallerthanAmy Howtallareyou AmyissmallerthanSue SueissmallerthanLee LeeissmallerthanMike Areyousmallerthanme choosethebestanswer 1 How isshe Sheis16 A bigB longC old2 Iam thanyou A strongerB tallC old3 Youareolderthan A mineB meC my4 Iam1 55meters A longerB tallerC tall5 tailisabout35cmlong A HeB ItsC You 练一练 连词成句 1 tallhowyouare 2 largeyourroomhowis 3 10squaremetersismyroom 4 myhandsyoursarebiggerthan 5 methantaller4cmyou re Howtallareyou Howlargeisyourroom Myroomis10squaremeters Myhandsarebiggerthanyours You re4cmtallerthanme 560kg 320kg Whichanimalisheavier 119kg 60kg MissTang MissGuo Whoisstronger 96cm Howlongistheleg Howlongarethelegs Theyare96cmlong Howbigareyourfeet Amy size18 Iwearsize18 你多大脚 我穿17码 I m50kg I mstronger I mstrongerandheavierthanyou Howheavyareyou Iam100kg Whataboutyou 50kg ButIamtallerthanyou Haha Howbigareyourfeet Iwearsize45 Size40 My is are thanyours 比一比 shorter longer bigger smaller handsfeeteyeshairarmslegs Daxiong Panghu 30kg 39kg Howheavyis kg kilogram Heis is than 15 heavier shorter Let stalk Mike Howheavyareyou Zhang I m48kg Mike I mthinnerthanyou andshorter Zhang Yes I mbiggerandstrongerthanyou Let stalK Mike Zhang I m48kg I m thanyou and Mike Yes I m and thanyou Howheavyareyou thinner shorter bigger stronger I mthinnerandshorterthanyou Sarah Chen Iwearsize17 Sarah Chen Mylegsare76cmlong Howbigareyourfeet Howlongareyourlegs 145 25 10 5 7 35 30 T Howtallareyou T Howlongareyourlegs T Howbigareyourfeet T Howheavyareyou I m120cm 120cm 60cm 10cm 15cm 30kg Mylegsare60cm Myhairis10cm Myfeetare15cm I m30kg T Howlongisyourhair 做一个报告 Importantsentences Howheavyareyou Iam kg Howlongareyour Iam cm Howbigareyour IwearSize Unit1HowTallAreYou let sread Homework 选择 1 tallareyou A WhoB HowC Which 2 Iam thanyou A tallBshortC older 3 Iam tallerthanyou A oneyearB 3cmC 2kg 4 Howtallareyou A I m12yearsold B I m164cm C I m50kg 5 Howlongis tail A itB it sC its 6 Myhandsare thanyours A bigB bigerC bigger 7 Howbig yourfeet A isB areC than 8 Aboyis A 35mB 35cmC 35kg 9 Mypencilis thanyours A olderB youngerC longer 10 Amouseis thananelephant A heavierB strongerC shorter guess SpermWhale抹香鲸 guess KillerWhale虎鲸 SpermWhale抹香鲸 KillerWhale虎鲸 SpermWhale抹香鲸 KillerWhale虎鲸 我们要保护动物 SpermWhale抹香鲸 抹香鲸是世界上最大的齿鲸 它们在所有鲸类中潜得最深 最久 因此号称为动物王国中的 潜水冠军 可能只有喙鲸科的两种瓶鼻鲸在潜水方面能与之比拟 除了过去被视为头号目标的捕鲸时期以外 抹香鲸可能是大型鲸中数量最多的一种 美国作家梅尔维尔的经典名著 白鲸记 书中那头神勇的大鲸莫比 敌克就是一头抹香鲸 Food squid lobster smallsharks Skill candiveintothedeep技能coldwater Teeth 50 eachupto20cmlong guess KillerWhale虎鲸 虎鲸是一种大型齿鲸 身长为8 10米 体重9吨左右 背呈黑色 腹为灰白色 有一个尖尖的背鳍 背鳍弯曲长达1米 嘴巴细长 牙齿锋利 性情凶猛 食肉动物 善于进攻猎物 是企鹅 海豹等动物的天敌 有时它们还袭击其它鲸类 甚至是大白鲨 可称得上是海上霸王 Length 8meter Killerwhale虎鲸 Weight 3 600kg Tenth 40 eachupto20cmlong Tail 6meterlong food Food fish birds seals Skill goodswimmer canjumpoutofwater Question 1 Howlongisthespermwhale killerwhale It s15metersIt s8meters2 Whatdoesthespermwhale killerwhaleeat Squid lobstersandsmallsharksFish birds sealsandevenwhales3 Whatcanthespermwhale thekillerwhaledo Itcandiveintothedeepcoldwater Itcanjumpoutofwater Heisagoodswimmer 4 Howmanyteethdoesthespermwhale thekillerwhalehave Ithas50 eachupto20cmlong Ithas40 eachupto20cmlong 5 howheavyisthespermwhale killerwhale It s35tonsIt s3600kg 1 Thespermwhaleislongerthanthekillerwhale 2 Thespermwhaleisheavierthanthekillerwhale 3 Thekillerwhaleisshorterthanthespermwhale 4 Thekillerwhalehasmore 更多 teeththanthespermwhale 5 Thespermwhalecanjumpoutofthewater 一 听音 判断对错 1 Aspermwhaleisthanakillerwhaleinitslength 2 Akillerwhaleisthanaspermwhaleinitssize 3 Aspermwhalehas50teeth Ithasmoreteeththanakillerwhale 4 Thelengthofaspermwhale stoothiscm 课本练习 longer smaller 10 20 二 读一读 填一填 二 听音 补充单词或数字 1 小组再多阅读一次 互相讨论两种鲸鱼的特征 看你比较喜欢哪一种鲸鱼 2 了解你的朋友喜欢哪种动物及它的外貌特征 把它记录下来 Homework


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