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Unit5Doyouwanttowatchagameshow Review复习 名词newsdiscussionjokeactioncartoonculturereasonfilm moviearmy 动词plantodosthhopetodo hopethat从句wishsbsthstanddoingsthhappentodoexpecttodoappear disappearbecomebecameOurschoolisbecomingmoreandmorebeautiful 8 loselost 形容词副词educationalmeaninglessfamousbefamousfor assuccessfulcommonunluckyluckyluckilyluckreadysimple 词组findoutactionmoviebereadytodressuptakesb splacedoagoodjob 短语熟记 Idon tmind Ican tstand minddoingsthstanddoingsthhopetodoexpecttodoplantodowanttodofindoutaroundtheworldWhat sgoingonlearnfrom 我不介意我不能忍受介意做某事忍受做某事希望做某事期待做某事计划做某事想要做某事查明 弄清全世界正发生什么向 学习 从 学到 短语熟记 thinkofbefamousforcomeoutoneof becomepopularacommonmanfaceanydangerbereadytodotrysb sbesttodoapairofnotas so as over morethan 想起 认为因 而著名出版 出现 之一变得流行一个普通人面临任何危险愿意 乐意做某事尽某人最大努力做某事一双不如 不及超过 多于 1 想起 认为 2 例如 3 发行 出版 4 在二十世纪三十年代 5 主要原因之一 6 尽力做某事 7 准备好做某事 8 尽最大努力 Let ssaythephrases thinkof comeout inthe1930s oneofthemainreasons bereadytodosth tryone sbest trytodosth suchas 9 像 10 看起来像 11 向 学习 12 打算做某事 13 希望做某事 14 期待做某事 15 做某事怎么样 Let ssaythephrases belike looklike learnfrom plantodosth hopetodosth expecttodosth How Whataboutdoing 16 介意做某事 17 代替某人 18 不能忍受做某事 19 装扮成 20 干得好 做得好 Let ssaythephrases minddoingsth can tstanddoingsth takesb splace dressup doagoodjob 1 Whatdoyouthinkofmysister She A isshortB isfriendlyC waskindD hascurlyhair2 Couldyoutellme A wheredoesheliveB whatdoesshedoC whatdopeoplethinkofmeD whatpeoplethinkofme 例1 Whatdoyou yourhometown Iloveitverymuch A lookatB talkaboutC thinkofD Like 例2 Whatdoesyoursisterthinkofthefilm A Shedoesn tmindthemB ShelikesthemC ShelikesitD Shedoesn tlikeher 例3 Oh Ican tstandit A HowaboutChineseCookingB WhatdoesyourmotherthinkofthebookC WhatdoesyourmotherlikethebookD Whatdoeshethinkofthebook Mind1 minddoing2 Do Wouldyoumind 物主代词 代词的宾格 doingsth 意为 你介意某人做某事吗 Wouldyoumindmy meopeningthedoor 3 mindn 意见 头脑 心智Mindandbody 例1 Wouldyoumindmy basketballinthegarden A playingB playedC toplayD Plays 例2 Idon t ifhecanchangehis A mind mindB mind mindsC minds mindD minds minds Page344 Doyouplantowatchthenewstonight 你计划今晚看新闻吗 例1 Whatdoyouplan thisweekend I venoidea A doB doingC todoD todoing 例2 Thechildrenaremaking takeatripthissummervacation A plantoB planonC planstoD planson 5 BecauseIhopetofindoutwhat sgoingonaroundtheworld hope作动词时 其后可以接两种形式作宾语 hopetodosth 希望做某事Ihopetoseeyousoon hope that从句Ihopethatyouhaveagoodtime 作名词Don tlosehope 不要失去希望 Hewishedmetogowithhim Wishyougoodluck 祝你好运 goondoingsth goonwithsth 继续做 同一件 事goontodosth 继续去做 另一件 事 例1 Ihopeyou atonce 立刻 A tostartB startingC canstartD Starts 例2 Mymotherwishedme forherattheschoolgate A waitB waitingC towaitD thatwaited 例3 Myschoolbagismissing Canyou whotookminebymistake A foundoutB foundC findoutD Find 例4 Theywenton themachinewithoutarest A torepairB repairingC repairedD Repair 例5 根据括号内所给词的正确形式填空Afterhefinishedhomework hewenton do thedishes todo 6 WehadadiscussionaboutTVshows 7 Oh Ican tstandthem standv 忍受 是及物动词 常用于否定句和疑问句中 Howcanyoustandher 你怎么能忍受得了她呢 standv 站立 是不及物动词 Look Mybrotherisstandingunderthetree 看 我弟弟正在树下站着 例题 They suchbadfood A standB can tstandC arestandingD Stood4 Lucyissoslow Ican tstand forhersolong A waitB waitingC towaitD waited 8 Iliketofollowthestoryandseewhathappensnext 我喜欢跟着故事情节走 看看下一步会发生什么 happenv 发生 出现 是不及物动词 Theaccidenthappenedoutsidemyhouseyesterday 事故于昨天发生在我家外边 1 happenv 碰巧 后接不定式 SbhappentodoIhappenedtositbyherinthecinema 2 表示某人发生某事用sth happens ed tosb Whathappenedtoher Whatwaswrong thematterwithher 例1 Theaccident arainynightlastJune A happenedonB happenedinC happensonD happensin 例2 Afloodhappened thecityandmanypeopledied A onB withC toD at根据汉语意思完成下句我碰巧在超市遇到他 I himinthesupermarket happenedtomeet 9 Well theymaynotbeveryexciting butyoucanexpecttolearnalotfromthem 噢 它们可能不令人兴奋 但是你可以期盼从它们中学到一些知识 maymodelv 可以 表示请求或许可 MayIuseyourpen maymodelv 也许 可能 表示推测Youcanaskhim Hemayknow may引出的一般疑问句 其简略回答是 Yes 主语 may 或 No 主语 can t mustn t MayIsithere 我可以坐在这儿吗 Yes youmay No youcan t mustn t expectv expect sb todosth Iexpecttobebackwithinaweek Ididn texpecthimtostaysolong 例1 Mary Ihavesomemorecakes Certainly helpyourself A needB mustC willD may 例2 Mayweputtheboxintheroom No you A mayB can tC maynotD needn t 例3 Myparentsare ustocomefordinner A expectB expectingC waitingtoD expectingto Page3610 educationalseriouswonderfulrelaxingmeaninglessenjoyableexcitingboringComedyscarymovie 例题 Ican tknowthe ofthesentence Ithinkit s A meaning meaningB meaningful meaningC meaning meaninglessD meaning meaningful 1 ThestoryisaboutLeiFeng It svery A boringB meaninglessC educationalD enjoyable Page3711 Whatisyourfavoritecartoon 12 ButoneveryfamoussymbolinAmericancultureisacartoon 但是在美国文化中一个非常著名的象征是卡通片 famousadj 著名的 出名的LiuHuanisafamoussinger befamousfor 以 而出名ChinaisfamousfortheGreatWall befamousas 作为 而出名MoYanisfamousasagreatwriter 例题1 Kunming itsfineweather It swarmalltheyearround A befamousforB befamousC isfamousforD isfamousas 例题2 Weifangisfamous itskites A asB byC toD for 13 theblackmousewithtwolargeroundears14 Over80yearsago hefirstappearedinthecartoonSteamboatWillie 例题 Thoughhe intheconcert hedidn t A performed appearB performs appearedC appeared performedD appeared perform 15 WhenthiscartooncameoutinNewYorkonNovember18 1928 eout出版 发表ThebookofKuangren sDiarycameoutin1918 狂人日记 出版于1918年 comeout出来 开花 结果Ithinktheflowerwillcomeoutnextweek 我认为这花下周就要开了 例题1 Thenewspapers everyFriday A lookoutB comeoutC takeoutD goout 例题2 Hisbook andhe famous A comeout becomeB cameout becomesC comesout becameD cameout became 16 Hebecameveryrichandsuccessful successfuladj 获得成功的 有成就的asuccessfulactor successfullyadv 成功地Hepassedtheexamsuccessfully successn 成功 作不可数名词 反义词是failure失败Confidenceisthekeytosuccess 信心是成功的关键 successn 成功的人或物 作可数名词Thepartywasasuccess 这次聚会非常成功 例1 Lostonjourneyisavery movie A successB successesC successfulD successfully 例2 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 我们最终成功地登上了山顶 Intheend weclimbedtothetopofthemountain 这次会议非常成功 Thismeetingisagreat successfully success 17 OneofthemainreasonsisthatMickeywaslikeacommonman buthealwaystriedtofaceanydanger 18 Inhisearlyfilms Mickeywasunluckyandhadmanyproblemssuchaslosinghishouseorgirlfriend Minnie unluckyadj 不幸的 不吉利的 由否定前缀un lucky构成 I munluckytodaybecauseIamlateforschool unluckilyadv 不幸地Unluckilymycarbrokedownhalfway 不幸的是我的车半路上坏了 losev 失去 丢失 过去式为lost Ilostmykeys Don tloseheart youwillsucceedoneday 例1 Hewas boy But hehadakindgrandmother A anunlucky luckilyB alucky luckilyC anunlucky unluckilyD alucky unluckily 例2 Yesterdaythelittleboy hisway A loseB losesC lostD Losing 例2 3 they thegameandfeltsad A Luckily wonB Luckily lostC Unluckily wonD Unluckily lost 19 However hewasalwaysreadytotryhisbest readyadj 愿意的 准备好的bereadytodosth 有两种含义 一种是 乐意做某事 另一种是 准备去做某事 Thegirlisreadytohelpothers sowealllikeher Thestudentsarereadytoclimbthehill bereadyforsth 为某事做准备I mreadyformymathtest tryone sbest尽力做Wemusttry doourbesttoimproveourEnglish 我们必须尽全力来提高我们的英语水平 例1 Jim sparentsareready hisbirthdayparty A toB forC onD at 例2 Areyouready footballwithme A toplayingB toplayC playD playing 例3 Hehastriedhisbest thiswork A doB doingC todoD does 20 Today scartoonsareusuallynotsosimpleaslittleMickeyMouse 21 WhohasapairofearsmorefamousthanMickey s Page3922 Mulandresseduplikeaboyandtakesherfather splacetofightinthearmy heboydressedupas likeaking dressupin 衣服bedressedin 衣服穿着 Hewasdressedinablacksweater Myteacherisill Mr Liistakingherplace takeplace发生Greatchangestookplacelastyearinmyhometown 去年我的家乡发生了很大变化 例1 Inthegames theyalldressed policemen A upB inC uplikeD upin 例2 Mysisterisdressed aredjackettoday A upB InC onD off 例3 I mverybusy Couldyou togototheparty A takeplaceB takemeplaceC taketheplaceofmineD takemyplace 4 Ourmathteacherwasillyesterday soMrLitook place A heB himC he sD his5 Howaboutyourbasketballmatchlastweek Oh we Wewereallhappy A didbadlyB didagoodjobC didgoodD didagoodwork 1 你想看新闻吗 Doyouwantto 2 你觉得谈话节目怎么样 Whatdoyou 3 我不介意 我不能忍受 我爱看 Idon t them I them I them 4 你计划今晚上看什么节目 doyou watchtonight thinkoftalkshows watchthenews mind can tstand 根据课本内容 完成下列句子 lovewatching planto What 5 我计划看 我们过去的时代 I watchDaysofOurPast 6 你期望从情景喜剧中学到什么 Whatcanyou fromsitcoms 7 你能学到一些很好的笑话 Youcan somegreat 8 你为什么喜欢看新闻呢 Whydoyoulike 9 因为我希望了解在世界各地发生了什么事情 BecauseI what sgoingonaroundtheworld planto expecttolearn learnjokes watchingthenews hopetofindout 常见的跟动词不定式做宾语的动词 想要 期望 希望 计划 决定 开始 想要 尽力 动词不定式的形式 to 动词原形 e g Jackwantstobuysomeflowers 杰克想买些花 want expect hope plan decide begin wouldliketo try 动词不定式做宾语的用法 动词不定式的否定形式 notto 动词原形 1 Sheexpects arrive tomorrow 2 Let s watch talkshowstonight 3 Theyhope visit theGreatWallnextyear 4 Doyouplan find apart timejob 5 Whendoyouwant go swimming 6 Myuncleoftenhelpsme learn English tofind togo tovisit watch learn 用动词的适当形式填空 toarrive Languagepoints 1 famousadj 著名的 出名的MarkTwinwasfamousasachildren storywriter 马克 吐温作为儿童故事作家而著称 Thisbookisfamousasareferencebook 这本书作为参考书而出名 Heisfamousforhisskillinplayingfootball 他因球艺而出名 Theareaisfamousforitsgreentea 这个地区以产绿茶而著称 befamousfor与befamousas的区别 befamousas意为 作为 而出名 主要是表示人 以某种身份或职业而出名 或表示某地方 作为什么产地或地方而出名 或表示某事物 以某种形式而出名 befamousfor表示人 因为 而出名 表示某地 以某种特产或特征出名 或表示某事 以其内容 特征 价值等而被人所知 theother other others another区别 theother 代词 两者中的另一个 如 Ihavetwobrothers Oneisadoctor theotherisateacher other 形容词 其他的 后面必须接名词 如 Otherstudentsareswimmingintheriver others 代词 其他的人或物 单独使用 如 Someboysareplaying othersaresleeping another 代词 三者或以上事物的 另一个 如 Idon tlikethisone Pleasegivemeanotherone 1 Ihavetwocats Oneisblack and iswhite A anotherB someC otherD theother 2 Idon tliketheapple Canyougiveme apple otherB othersC anotherD theother 3 On sideofthestreet thereisatalltree A otherB othersC anotherD theother 4 Somelikesinging preferdancing A otherB othersC anotherD theother 5 Tomrunsfasterthanany studentinhisclass A otherB othersC anotherD theother6 ThestudentshaveEnglish Chinese math biologyandmany subjects A otherB othersC anotherD theother D C D B C A Writeyourmoviereviewusingthenotesin3b hers


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