中考英语 重点难点梳理 九上 Unit 5-6课件.ppt

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教材重点难点梳理 九年级 上 Unit5 Unit6 广州中考高分突破 view script director make up artist studio praise contestant upon 10 在 中 11 向 朝 12 向前 13 秒 时间单位 14 放松的 冷静的 15 领先 16 赢 打败 某人 among onto forward second relaxed aheadof beat still single victory England lucky news survey preference review bean beef protein hamburger cola sandwich salad medical product fat sugar state necessary research plenty usual coffee treat customer title serve pound pie chip service seat shinedownupon passout rushforward putmake uponone sface talentshow aheadof wintheprize 8 保持静止 保持不动 的状态 9 去理发 10 楼层平面图 11 紧急出口 keepstill haveahaircut floorplan emergencyexit closingwords openingwords jumpoutofone sskin onweekdays tocutalongstoryshort tobehonest apieceofcake abalanceddiet dairyproduct stayawayfrom friedfood medicalexamination softdrink loseweight plentyof ingeneral treatoneselftosth eatinghabits fishandchips be preparedtodosth inthefadinglight gentlewind 三 重点句型1 IfounditdifficulttotalktoforeignersinEnglishalthoughIthoughtmyEnglishwasquitegood 我发现用英语跟外国人交谈很困难 尽管我认为我的英语很好 句型 sb find it 形容词 todo 此固定句式意为 某人发现做某事是 的 it是形式宾语 真正的宾语是todo部分 用于此种结构的动词还think make feel believe consider等 填空 我觉得多做些运动有必要 Ithinkmoreexercise 2 Ithink that I llhaveahamburger somechocolatecakeandalargecola 我认为我将要一个汉堡包 一些巧克力蛋糕和一大杯可乐 句型 宾语从句 Ithink是主句部分 that是引导词 从句部分是I llhaveahamburger somechocolatecakeandalargecola 这是整个句子的宾语部分 其语序用陈述句语序 以下是从句部分的分类 itnecessarytotake 值得注意的是从句中的时态 1 主句用一般现在时 从句可以用任何时态 如 Irememberhereturnedthebooktome 2 主句用过去时 从句用相应的过去时态 如 HetoldusthathewouldtraveltoJapanthenextweek 3 从句表示客观真理 自然现象或习惯性动作时 不管主句用什么时态 从句都用一般现在时 如 Thegeographyteachertoldusthattheearthgoesaroundthesun 巩固练习一 语法选择Ihaveeateninyourrestaurantmanytimesandhavealwaysbeenhappywiththefoodandservice ButI mwritingtotellyouthatI mveryangrywith1happenedlastSaturday Itwasmyson sbirthdaysowebookedano smokingtableatyourrestaurantfor7 30p m We2ontimebutweretoldthatourtablewasnotyetready At8 00p m we3atableinthesmokingarea IaskedtomovebutIwastoldthattherewereno4tables Alotofpeopleweresmoking5itwasuncomfortableandunhealthy Our6waitress Janet wasverypoliteandhelpful She gaveusfreedrinksforwaiting7longtime Ourfoodalsocamequicklyandlooked8 Whenmywifehadeatenmostofhermeal shefounda9cockroachinhervegetables Shecalledthewaitress Atfirstthewaitresstoldusitwasapieceofgarlic 10wetoldherthatgarlicdoesnothavelegs shesaidsorryandtookthefoodaway Weaskedforthebill 11nottopayformywife smeal Nobodycame After15minutes 12waitresstoldusJanethadfinishedwork Andshedidn tbelievemystoryand13meabillforthreemeals Iarguedwithherbutwasmade14 Iwouldlikeyoutosaysorrytousand15 Thankyouforyourattention Yourssincerely 1 A howB thatC whatD where 2 A arriveB arrivedC arrivesD havearrived 3 A giveB aregivenC gaveD weregiven 4 A otherB othersC anotherD theother 5 A becauseB soC thoughD but 6 A firstB thefirstC firstlyD thefirstly 7 A soB soaC suchD sucha 8 A niceB nicelyC nicerD morenicely A A A B B D C D 9 A dieB dyingC deadD death 10 A BecauseB WhenC BeforeD Since 11 A expectB toexpectC expectingD expected 12 A otherB theotherC anotherD others 13 A giveB gaveC givesD giving 14 A toleaveB leaveC leavingD left 15 A paymebackB paybackmeC payusbackD paybackus B B A C C C C 二 完形填空Happinessisforeveryone Youdon tneedtobeconcernedwiththosepeoplewhohavebeautiful1withlargegardens orthosewhohavenicecarsandmuchmoney Why Becausethosepeoplewhohavebighousesmayoftenfeel2andthosepeoplewhohave3maywanttowalkonthecountryroadduringtheirfreetime Infact happinessisalwaysaroundyouifyouputyourheartintoit Whenyouareintroubleatschool yourfriendswill4you Whenyoustudyhardatyourlessons your5arealwaystheretakinggoodcareofyourlifeandhealth Whenyouare6 yourfriendswill A B C D D C A B B C 三 阅读理解Thisisnotadiet It sasimplewaytoloseweight Andyoudon tevenhavetogiveupthefoodyouloveorjoinagym Youjustfollowsomehabitsthatthinpeoplehave Keepthem andyou llbecomethin 1 Wake upWhenyouwakeupinthemorning situpslowlywithoutusingyourhands Withlegsstraightout bendforwarduntilyoufeelsoreinyourback Itwillburnabout10calories 卡路里 2 StartwithsoupWhenyouhaveameal orderaclearsoup andhaveitbeforehavingthemainfood Inthisway you llfeelfuller so D B A B D 四 阅读填空阅读下列短文 从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 WangYan a15 year oldChinesegirl likeseatingsnacksverymuch Shepreferscreambiscuits McDonald shamburgersandKFCchicken 1 TodayinChina therearemanychildrenlikeWangYanwhowouldliketoeatjunkfood 2 First theymusteatregularmealsandbeginwithahealthybreakfast Infact thisisthemostimportantofthethreemealsaday 3 Theywillgettiredandhavenoenergyforthemorningclasses Second theyshouldhavedifferentkindsoffoodssuchasfruit vegetables grain eggs milkandmeat E C A 4 Third childrenshouldn teattoomuchjunkfood Suchkindoffoodisdelicious Buteatingitoftenisbadfortheirhealth 5 Ifchildrendoastheexpertssay theywon tbecomeoverweight Theywillbehealthier Studentswon tbecometiredatschool Sotheywillbebetterattheirstudy B D A Healthexpertsgivesomeadvicehowchildrencanhavehealthyeatinghabits B Don teatonlythekindoffoodyoulikethebest C Asaresult shehasbecomeoverweight D Besides toomuchjunkfoodisthemainreasonwhysomanyyoungstudentsgettoofat E However alargenumberofstudentsaretoobusytohaveanytimeforbreakfast rtist econds ucky elaxed ews ecessary eat ustomers mong lenty 六 完成句子1 我们看到那些士兵们都保持不动 Wesawthesoldiers 2 工作日我父母都上班 Myparentsbothwork 3 我不确定我什么时候能到达上海 IwasnotsuregettoShanghai 4 测试前 这位老师让我们觉得放松 Theteachermadeusbeforethetest 5 这孩子宁愿待在家里看电视 ThechildstayathomeandwatchTV standingstill onweekdays whenIcould feelrelaxed wouldrather 6 保持均衡饮食 这样你会减肥 Keepasothatyoucan 7 通常 你应该少吃肉 多吃水果和蔬菜 youshouldeatmeatandfruitandvegetables 8 你很幸运 得到了三等奖 Itisyouthethirdprize 9 每个人都知道钱不长在树上 Everyoneknewthatmoneyontrees 10 成为一名学生意味着要努力学习 Beingastudenthard balanceddiet keepfit Ingeneral less more luckyof toget doesn tgrow meansstudying


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