中考英语 语法精讲精炼 第14讲 定语从句课件.ppt

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中考英语 语法精讲精炼 第14讲 定语从句课件.ppt_第1页
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语法精讲精炼 第十四讲定语从句 广州中考高分突破 定语从句是在主从复合句中修饰某个名词或代词句子 它在句中作定语 被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词 连接先行词和定语从句的词叫引导词 也叫关系词 如 Theboys 先行词 who 引导词 areplayingfootball 从句 arefromClassOne 那群踢足球的小男孩都是一班的 第十四讲定语从句 1 定语从句的引导词 关系词 1 常考的关系代词有 2 常考的关系副词有表示原因 thereason 的why 2 常考的引导词 关系词 的用法 1 由that引导的定语从句一般情况下that可指人或物 可以代替who whom和which 在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语 但不能作介词的宾语 如 Themanthat who isspeakingatthemeetingisaforeigner 正在会上发言的那个男人是个外国人 Isthisthenursethat whom youtalkedaboutyesterday 这就是你们昨天谈论的那位护士吗 Thepresentthat which Ireceivedyesterdaywasfrommyfather 昨天我收到的礼物是我父亲寄来的 2 由who whom和whose引导的定语从句who在从句中作主语 whom在从句中作宾语 whose在从句中作定语 如 Thisisthethiefwhostolemycar 这就是偷我车的那个贼 Heistheboywhomyouwantedtofind 他就是你想要找的那个男孩 Thegirlwhosemotherisanurseiswaitingforyououtside 妈妈是个护士的那个女孩在外面等你 3 由which引导的定语从句which指物 在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语 如 ThebookwhichMumboughtmelastweekiscalledTheOldManandtheSea 妈妈上周买给我的那本书名叫 老人与海 ThehousewhichLuXunoncelivedinisnowtheLuXunMuseum 鲁迅曾经住过的那所房子现在是鲁迅博物馆 3 关系副词why的用法 先行词为thereason时 关系副词用why 如 Idon tknowthereasonwhyhewaslate 我不知道他为什么迟到 语法选择 复合句 Manykidsthinktheyareordinary Theythink theyaren ttheprettiestorthesmartest Atthesametime theythinktheyaren teventheugliestorthesilliest wouldatleastmakethemstandout Everyonefeelsthatwaysometimes especiallyinmiddleschool Kidsseldomrealizehowspecial 1 2 3 Itispartofgrowingup Growingupmeansunderstanding theworld you reyoung yourealizethatjustbybeingyourself youdooffersomethingtootherpeople Maybeyouaren tthebest butthatdoesn tmakeyou notamazing Doyourselfafavor Thinkaboutyourfriendscarefully Writedownalistofthings youlikeaboutthem Thinkabout youmakefriendswiththem Youwillgettoknow intheend nomatteriftheyaren tthesmartestortheprettiestorthemosttalented 4 5 6 7 8 theyaregreatintheirownway Andtheyfeeljustthesameaboutyou Remember itgetseasier yougrowolder youtryyourbest youarestillprettyamazing 1 A whatB C whenD why 2 A thatB whichC whoD inwhich 3 A theyareB aretheyC theywereD werethey B B A 9 10 4 A whatyoucanofferB whatcanyouofferC youcanofferwhatD canyouofferwhat 5 A SinceB BecauseC WhenD If 6 A thatB whereC whoD inwhich 7 A whyB thatC whereD when 8 A whatB thatC whenD why 9 A beforeB assoonasC asD sothat 10 A AlthoughB BeforeC AssoonasD If A C A B A C D 中考模拟演练 Davidreceivedaparrotforhisbirthday Theparrothadapoorvocabulary 词汇量 andmanywereimpolite Thebird polite He triedanythinghecouldthinkoftosetagoodexample But worked birdwasalwaysrude Heshoutedatthebirdandthebirdjustgotangryandbecameeven Finally anyhope Davidputtheparrotinthefreezer Forafewmomentsheheardthebird loudlyinit David 一 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 didn tknow itwassoquiet Hewas frightenedtodoanythingatfirst Thensuddenlyitwasquiet notasoundforhalfaminute ThenDavidwasafraidthathemight thebirdandquicklyopenthefreezerdoor Theparrot didn tsayawordjumpedoutontoDavid sarm Itsaid IbelievethatImayhavemadeyouangry meaboutmyimpolitelanguageandactions I mybestatoncetobepolite Iamsorryandbegyourpardon 8 9 10 11 12 13 Itwasimpossible thebirdtochangesomuch Davidwassurprisedatthebird schange andhewasjustwhathadmadesuchasurprisingchangewhentheparrotwenton MayIaskwhatthechickeninthefreezerdid 1 A teachB wastaughtC hastaughtD taught 2 A alsoB tooC eitherD neither 14 15 B A 3 A everythingB anythingC nothingD something 4 A aB anC theD 5 A politeB moreimpoliteC mostimpoliteD themostimpolite 6 A withB outC withoutD a 7 A cryB criedC tocryD tocrying 8 A howB whatC whyD when 9 A soB veryC suchD too B C C C A C D 10 A hurtB hurtsC ishurtingD havehurt 11 A whoB whenC whatD which 12 A inB forC toD with 13 A hastriedB triedC triesD willtry 14 A ofB forC aboutD on 15 A sayingB sayC saidD tosay D D D D B A Athirstybeewenttoarivertodrink Asitwasdrinking strangehappenedtoit It awaybytherunningwater Akindbirdsawthatthebee introuble Itpicked leafoffatreeandthrewitintothewaterinfrontofthebee Thebeeclimbedontheleaf anditwasbrought totheland Thebeethankedthebeealotandthenflewawaywithout anything 二 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notlongafterthat thebirdwassittingonthebranchofatreewhenit arest Itdidnotknow amanwasshootingatit thebeesawit Itnoticed themanwasdoing itflewintotheman seyesandstung 刺蜇 him Thepainintheman seyeswas greatthathewasnotabletoshootatthebird andthebirdflewaway Thebee hadbeensavedbythebird wasabletosavethelifeofthebird The 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 birddidthesame thebee They helpeachotherinacleverway 1 A somethingB everythingC anythingD nothing 2 A carryB wascarriedC carryingD carries 3 A wasB isC hasbeenD being 4 A aB theC anD 5 A safeB safetyC saveD safely 14 15 B A A A D 6 A sayingB sayC saidD tosay 7 A takeB tookC wastakingD takes 8 A whyB whereC whenD that 9 A ThoughB BecauseC SoD But 10 A whenB whatC howD why 11 A soB orC butD and 12 A soB suchC veryD too 13 A whoB whomC whichD whose 14 A likeB asC toD from 15 A bothB allC neitherD none A C D D B A A C B A Mikewas innewthings Hesometimesforgot therules Andthismade indanger Hismotherremindshim thisagainandagainbeforetheyleft OnedayMikewentwithhisfathertoseehisgrandparents liveinasmalltown thetrain Mikeputhisheadoutofthewindoweveryminute Hisfathersaid Mike be Don t yourheadoutofthewindow Insteadof 三 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tohisfather Mikewentonputtinghisheadoutofthewindow Hisfathercoulddo ThenMike sfatherwantedtoplayajokeonhisson HetookMike scapquietly hiditbehindhisbackandsaid Yousee yourcap away Miketouchedhisheadanditwasreallygone Hedidn tknow todo Theboybegantocry Hewantedtogethiscapback Don tworry son saidhisfather Iwillgetyourcapback Howcanyougetitback askedMikeinsurprise 10 11 12 Hisfathersaid Closeyoureyesandwhistle 吹口哨 once andmaybeyourcap back Mikecametothewindow closedhiseyesandwhistled Justatthatmoment hisfatherquicklyputthecapontheson shead strangeway Mikesaid Hewaspleased thenhequicklytookhisfather scapand itoutofthewindow Nowitisyourturntowhistle Dad hesaidhappily 13 14 15 1 A interestB interestingC interestsD interested 2 A followB tofollowC followingD tofollowing 3 A himB hisC heD himself 4 A toB withC ofD for 5 A whichB whereC whenD who 6 A AtB OfC ToD In 7 A careB carefulC carefullyD careless 8 A putB putsC puttingD wasput D B A C D D B A 9 A listentoB listeningtoC tolistentoD listensto 10 A nothingB anythingC somethingD anything 11 A hasflownB flewC isflyingD willfly 12 A howB whatC whyD that 13 A comesB willcomeC hascomeD came 14 A WhataB WhatC HowD Howa 15 A throwingB threwC throwsD throw B A A B B A B Dreamsmaybemoreimportantthansleep Weallneedto somescientistssay Dreamstakeupaboutonequarterof sleepingtime Peoplehave dreamseachnight Dreams shortfilms Theyareusuallyincolour Somedreamsareoldfilms cometousoverandoveragain Thatmaybebecausethedreamerisworryingabout Also dreamingmaybeawayof tofindananswer Some 四 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 peoplegetnewideasabouttheirworkfromdreams Sotheirworkmay aboutallday Laterinthedream peoplemayfindanswerstotheirwork It apityifyoucan tremembertheanswersinyourdream right Sometimeswewakeupwithagoodfeelingfromadream mostpeopleoftencan tremember Dreamscandisappear frommemory 记忆 alongdreamcanbeharmful 有害的 Themorewesleep the wedream Themindishardatworkwhenwedream That 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 is wemayhavealongsleepbutstillwakeuptired 1 A dreamsB dreamC bedreamedD dreamed 2 A oursB usC weD our 3 A littleB fewC alittleD several 4 A likeB likedC arelikingD arelike 5 A whichB whoC whatD whom 6 A somethingB everythingC anythingD nothing 7 A tryB tryingC triedD tries 15 B D D D A A B 8 A bethoughtB thoughtC thinkD thinks 9 A isB wasC willbeD hasbeen 10 A thoughB butC soD because 11 A whatisthedreamB howisthedreamC whatthedreamisD whichthedreamis 12 A quickB morequicklyC mostquicklyD quickly 13 A HaveB HavingC TohaveD Tohaving 14 A longB longerC longestD length 15 A whenB whereC whyD how A C B C D B B C NowteleshoppingisstartinginEurope PeoplecanturnontheirTVsandshopfor theyneed Teleshopping popularinSweden andinoneyear itmadeMYM10million There twoteleshoppingchannelsinFrance andtheFrenchspendaboutMYM20millionayear thingsthroughthosechannels Onlyonechannel untillastyearinGermany Thenthegovernmentallowed teleshoppingthanbefore 五 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 channelscanopenfortelebusiness includingthelargestAmericanteleshoppingcompanyanda teleshoppingcompany Germanbusinessmenarehopingthese themsellmorethings Somepeopleliketeleshoppingbecauseitallowsthem theirshoppingwithoutgoingout Withallthetrafficproblemsincities goingshoppingisnot easything Butatthesametime otherEuropeansdon tlikethisnewwayof things Theycallteleshopping junkontheair ManyEuropeans 8 9 10 11 12 usually aboutthequalityofthethingsforsaleonTV Theythinkhighqualityisthemostimportantthing Becauseoftheneedofhighquality theywillhavetobemorecarefulaboutthequalityofthethings theysell Theywillalsohavetoworkhardertosellthingsthatthebuyerscannottouchorseeby 1 A whenB whichC whatD why 2 A becomeB isbecomingC becameD wasbecoming 3 A hasB haveC isD are 13 14 15 C B D 4 A buyingB tobuyC buysD buy 5 A allowedB wasallowedC hasallowedD allows 6 A manyB moreC muchD most 7 A theotherB othersC theothersD other 8 A 24hoursB 24hoursC 24hour sD 24hour 9 A willhelpB helpedC havehelpedD washelping A B B D D A 10 A todoB doC doingD todoing 11 A anB theC aD 12 A buyB buyingC buysD tobuy 13 A worriedB worryC haveworriedD areworrying 14 A whichB whoC whomD when 15 A themselvesB themC theyD their A B B A A A Frankwasaverytalkativelittleboy Heneversawanewthingwithoutasking questionsaboutit Hismotherwasverypatientandkind Whenitwasproper hisquestions shewoulddoso Sometimesshewouldsay You renot tounderstandthat myson Whenyouaretenyearsold ifyouaskmeaboutit I you ThefirsttimeFranksaw hourglass 沙漏 hewasverymuchinterested buthedidnot 六 4 1 2 3 5 know itwas Hismothersaid Anhourglass intheshapeofthefigure 8 Thesandisputinatoneend andrunsthroughasmallholeinthemiddle Allsand intotheglassinanhour WhenFrankwatchedthelittlestreamofsand hewasimpatient Letmeshakeit mother Iwanttomakeitrun saidFrank Itislazy andwillnevergetthrough Ohyes itwill myson saidhismother Whenyoulookattheclock youthinktheygo 6 7 8 9 very Thesandmovesdownlittlebylittle butitmovesallthetime Whileyou thesandisrunning grain 颗粒 bygrain Likethehourhandoftheclockhasmovedallaround face Thisisbecausetheykeep everysecond Theydonotstoptothink itwilltakethemtodoit Now Frank smotherwantedhimtolearnalittlepoem buthesaid Mother Icanhardly it Hismothersaid Studyallthetime Neverstoptoaskhowlongitwilltaketolearnit You 10 11 12 13 14 15 willbeabletosayitverysoon Frankfollowedhismother sadvice Atlast heknewthepoemperfectly 1 A plentyofB lotofC muchD alittle 2 A answerB answeringC toanswerD toanswering 3 A oldenoughB enougholdC toooldD veryold 4 A tellB amtellingC toldD willtell 5 A anB aC theD 6 A whenB whatC whereD why A C A D A B 7 A madeB makesC ismakingD ismade 8 A willrunB runsC runD isrunning 9 A fastestB fasterC fastD fastly 10 A slowB moreslowlyC mostslowlyD slowly 11 A playedB playC haveplayedD areplaying 12 A itB itsC it sD itself 13 A toworkB workC workingD toworking 14 A howlongB howsoonC howoftenD when 15 A learnedB learnsC learnD learning D A B D D B C A C Eachofusfailsfromtimetotime Ifwearewise havingenoughexperienceandknowledge weregardthesefailures 失败 as importantpartoflearning Butoftenasparentsandteachers wedon tofferthisright 权利 toourchildren MystudentDonniewasin Hisworryaboutfailurekepthimfromclassroomgamesthat childrenenjoyed Heseldomansweredmyquestions hewasafraidofmakingmistakes 七 1 2 3 Itriedmybesttobuildhisselfconfidence nothingchangeduntilmidterm whenMaryanewteacher came Shewasyoungandpretty andshe byeverystudentincludingDonnie Itwasthenewteacher madeabigdifferencetoDonnielater Onemorning theyweredoingmathproblemsattheblackboard Donniehadcopiedtheproblems Buthe dmissedthefourthproblemandbegantocry 4 5 6 7 Ididn tknow Suddenly asmileappearedonMary sface Fromthedeskshegotabox pencils Look Donnie shesaidgently I vegotsomethingtoshowyou Lookat pencils Donnie shecontinued Theyare Seehowtheerasersareworn 磨损 That sbecauseImakemistakestoo ButIerasethemistakesandtryagain That swhatyou learntodo too Shekissedhimandstoodup Here shesaid I oneofthesepencilsonyourdesk soyou llrememberthateverybody 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 mistakes eventeachers Donniesmiled ThepencilbecameDonnie sprize Itmadehim themeaningofmakingmistakesis it sallrighttomakemistakes aslongasyouerasethemandtryagain 1 A anB aC theD 2 A threegradeB thirdgradeC thethreegradeD GradeThree 3 A othersB theothersC otherD theother 4 A AndB OrC ButD So 5 A islovedB waslovedC lovedD loves 6 A whomB whoC whichD when 15 A D C C B B 7 A carefullyB carefulC careD careless 8 A howtodoB whatshouldIdoC whattodoD howIshoulddo 9 A fullwithB fillwithC filledwithD filledof 10 A thisB thatC theseD it 11 A myB meC ID mine 12 A mightB couldC mustD don thaveto 13 A leaveB willleaveC haveleftD left 14 A makesB aremakingC makeD havemade 15 A understoodB tounderstandC understandingD understand A C C C D C B A D Simonhasabigshopinthecenterofthecity Hetellsallhisemployeestobefriendly thebuyersandhegetsalotofmoney Onedayanoldwomanwenttotheshop asilkblouse Whenshecameoutoftheshopwiththeblouse sheleftherwalletinit Agirl itup There nearlyfivehundreddollarsinit Shetried calm Shelookedaroundand sawit Sheputitintoherpocketquickly Soon oldwomancamebacktolookforit ofcourseshefailed That 八 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eveningSimon aboutit Anemployee didn ttellatruthshouldbesentaway Hewas angrythathesentthegirlawaythenextday Thenhedecidedtoemploy honestmantotakeherplace Severalyoungmencame but ofthemcouldsatisfyhim Thismorningayoungmancametohisoffice Heasked Doyousmoke sir No sir answeredtheyoungman Doyoudrink No sir Simonaskedhimtheotherquestions andtheyoungman sanswersmadehim It 8 9 10 11 12 13 seemedhewastherightpersonforSimon heemployedhim heaskedhimthelastquestion Youhavenoshortcoming doyou No Idon t sir saidtheyoungman Ionlylike lies 1 A toB forC withD on 2 A buysB boughtC buyD tobuy 3 A pickB pickedC picksD waspicking 4 A isB wasC areD were 5 A tokeepingB keepC keepingD tokeep 14 15 A D B B D 6 A somebodyB everybodyC nobodyD anybody 7 A anB C aD the 8 A toldB wastoldC hastoldD wastelling 9 A whomB whichC whoD what 10 A soB veryC tooD quite 11 A aB anC theD 不填 12 A neitherB bothC noneD all 13 A happyB morehappyC happilyD morehappily 14 A BeforeB WhileC UntilD If 15 A tellB tellsC toldD telling C D B C A B C A A D Gary smotherfelltothefloorathomeasshewasgoingdownstairsforsomefoodoneevening Whilehisdadwascalling120 Garybegantotakeaction hismum Garysaid I whenIheardmydadcallingme Iraninandfoundmymomlyingonthefloor Ididn thavetimetothinkabout else Istartedtohelpher Gary smother suffersfromararediseasefeltsick Shegraduallystopped ashersonwastryingtosaveherlife However the 九 1 2 3 4 5 6 braveboykept hertreatmentuntiltheambulancearrived Thenshe tohospital tookthedoctorshourstosaveher Shecamebacktolife Whenshewoke shedidn tremember hadhappened but wasverygratefulforherson stogivehelpquickly Shelatersaid Thedoctorssaidthatitwas son sfirstaidskillswhichsavedmylife I mveryproud him Garysaid Inever Iwouldeverhavetodofirstaidonmyownmom 7 8 9 10 11 13 12 14 cleverboyheis Weshouldlearnfromhim 1 A saveB savingC tosaveD saved 2 A sleepB amsleepingC sleptD wassleeping 3 A everythingB anythingC nothingD something 4 A SoB ButC AndD Or 5 A whichB whoC whomD whose 6 A breathingB tobreatheC breatheD tobreathing 15 C D B A B A 7 A giveB gaveC givingD togive 8 A istakenB wastakenC wastakingD took 9 A ThisB ThatC SheD It 10 A whatB whichC whenD where 11 A herB hersC herselfD she 12 A meB mineC myselfD my 13 A forB byC ofD to 14 A thinkB thoughtC amthinkingD wasthinking 15 A WhatB WhatanC WhataD How C B D A D D C B C Whenyoustepintoanewenvironment youmusthaveastrongwishtofitin Fittingin makingmorefriends Itcanalso moreinfluenceonothersandgetmorechancestoliveahappierlife Hereissome thatcanhelpyou Beconfident Confidenceattractsmostpeople Everyone specialandthereisonlyonepersonlikeyouinthisworld Spend thinkingaboutyourstrongpoints Ifso youwillbeabletobuildup 十 1 2 3 4 5 confidencestepbystep Youwon thavemuchdifficulty in Bekindtoeveryone Kindnessisthebridgeto happiness Whenpeoplenoticeyourkindness theywillreturnitoneday Alwaysgivemorethanyoureceive andthinkmoreofothersthanof Aperson caresforothersispopulareverywhere Beactiveingroupactivities Variousactivitieslikeplayingfootballcanhelpyoutobeknownto Youmayaddmore 6 7 8 9 10 friendstoyourcircle Atthesametime youwillbe toseehowmuchtheylikeyou Insteadofwastingtimebeingalone goouttodanceandsingtogetherwith todevelopfriendship Beoptimistic Optimismmakesbothyouandotherpeoplefeelpleased Itmakesagoodfirstimpression Apleasantsmilecoststhe anddoesthemost Humorcatchesothers attention Peoplewilllikeyouformakingthemlivehappily Ifyoufollowwhatismentionedabove you 11 12 13 14 bypeoplearoundyou Asaresult youwillfitinverywellandenjoyyournewlife 1 A meanB meansC meantD aremeaning 2 A hadB tohaveC havingD have 3 A adviceB advicesC suggestionsD suggestion 4 A isB areC wasD were 5 A sometimesB sometimesC sometimeD sometime 6 A fitB fittingC tofitD tofitting 7 A yourselfB yourselvesC yourownD youown 15 B D A A C B C 8 A youB yourselfC yourD yours 9 A B whichC whatD who 10 A otherB theotherC anotherD others 11 A amazingB amazeC amazementD amazed 12 A otherB theotherC othersD theothers 13 A littleB lessC leastD fewest 14 A tooB aswellasC eitherD also 15 A willacceptB willbeacceptedC won tacceptD won tbeaccepted B D D D C C A B Once Einsteingavealectureinauniversity Afterhisspeech theaudiencestartedaskingquestions Agirlasked Doyouthinkyou re giantofscience Einsteinsaid asmile Agiantisapersonwhoistallinheight YouseeI msosmall howcanIbeagiant MaybeIseeabitfarther only Istandhigher Thenaboyasked Youmentionedyoustandhigherthan Itremindsme 十一 1 2 3 4 thatyou atalkwithaladyonthetopoftheAlps Idon twanttoask youtalkedabout butIwanttoknowwhetheryourealizedyouhavebeenatopinthehistoryofsciencewhenyoustoodonthetop Lookingattheboy Einsteinreplied Well heightcannotbecomeatop Andthereisnotopthatnoonecangetto sowedon twanttobeatop butwewanttobeapersontoclimbthetop Thenhetookup chalk Andthenslowlyhe ontheblackboard Standingon 5 6 7 8 9 10 thetop youarenottall buteven Thenhesaid Istandtall butintheeyesoftheworldI mstillsmall Finally Icantellyouasentence whichwasthelastoneItoldtheladyonthetopoftheAlps Anytopcan forthereisnogiantintheworldbuttheone standshigher Astormofapplause TheladywholistenedtoEinstein sinstructionontheAlpsthatyearwasnootherthanMadamCurie 11 12 13 14 15 1 A aB anC theD 2 A inB ofC withD from 3 A soB becauseC butD though 4 A anotherB otherC theothersD others 5 A haveB hadC hasD having 6 A whatB whereC thatD which 7 A careB carefulC carelessD carefully 8 A myB meC ID mine 9 A apiecesofB twopieceofC aD apieceof 10 A writeB wroteC writesD writing A C B D B A D A D B 11 A smallestB smallerC smallD thesmallest 12 A ThoughB BecauseC HoweverD 13 A reachB reachesC isreachedD bereached 14 A whoB whichC whenD where 15 A soundedB wassoundedC wassoundingD hassounded B D D A A LudwigvanBeethovenisoneof intheworld He inamusicalfamilyinGermany Asachild hespentmanylonelyhours hismusiceveryday Bytheageofeleven hewasalreadycomposinghisownmusicandbeing conductorinanorchestra 管弦乐队 InhislateteenshewenttoViennafor study Therehereachedfame 名望 notfortune 财富 Oneeveningashewasoutwalking hepassedahousewhereheheardsomeone 十二 1 2 3 4 5 6 inside apieceofwonderfulmusic Atlast thismusic wasoneofhiscompositionsbecamefamous Ashestopped heoverheardagirlsaythatshewishedshecouldheararealmusicianplayit Beethovenwentintothehouseandnoticedtheyounglady thepianowasblind Soheofferedtoplaythepiecefor Whilehedid darknessfellandthecandleintheroomwentout Outsideinthenightsky themoonshone 7 8 9 10 11 12 Beethoven bytheyounglady Hewassomoved 感动的 andthebeautyoftheatmosphereintheroom hecomposedhisfamousmusic MoonlightSonata 1 A thegreatmusiciansB thegreatmusicianC thegreatestmusicianD thegreatestmusicians 2 A isbornB bornC wasbornD bore 3 A practiseB topractiseC practisedD practicing 13 14 15 D C D 4 A aB anC theD 5 A farB furtherC furthestD thefurthest 6 A thoughB soC andD or 7 A playB playingC playedD toplay 8 A whoB whichC itD whom 9 A listeningB listenedC listensD tolisten 10 A properB mostproperC mostproperlyD properly 11


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