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U 2languagepoints A be1 must can thavedonebedoing 1 A ThatmustbetheWilliams B No itcan tbethem Theyareawayonholidays 2 Youmustbeverytiredafterthelongjourney 3 Hemusthaveearnedalargesumofmoneyaftersomanyyearsofhardwork 4 Hemustbewalkingthedogbecauseheisusedto Isn tthatAnn shusbandoverthere No it behim I msurehedoesn twearglasses A can tB mustnotC won tD maynot A forthefirsttime单独做状语thefirsttime指次数 eg 1 Marywasinvitedtoapartyforthefirsttime 2 ThiswasthefirsttimeMarywasinvitedtoaparty It stime forsb todosth sb didsth eg 1 It shightimethatwediscussedourplan 2 It stimeyouhandedinyourhomework 2 It sthe1st 2nd timethatsb have hasdone eg 1 It sthefirsttimeI vevisitedyourcity 2 It sthesecondtimehehastalkedwithanEnglishman 注意下面的变化 1 Itwasthefirsttimehemadesuchamistake 2 ItisthelasttimeI llgiveyouaFrenchlesson alltheway一路上 自始自终 eg 1 HecameallthewayfromCanada 2 Thebothstayedinthegamealltheway allthewayto一路至noway决不bythewayloseone swaybywayof经由makeone swaytoonthe one s way tos p makeone swayintheway阻碍ina one someway在某种程度上 3 eg 1 NowaywillIgoonworkingforthatman 2 Ileftthemalone asIfeelIwasintheway 3 Inawayyouareright butIstillhavedoubts 4 Oh bytheway doyouhavemynewaddress onone s theway tos p 在 路上eg Hemetanoldfriendonhiswayhome towork 即将 在进行中eg 1 Heavyrainwasontheway 2 WhenIarrived thepartywaswellonthe itsway atall根本 否 既然 if 到底 问 aboveall firstofallinall intotal altogetherafterall毕竟 eg 1 Shedidn tenjoythefilmatall 2 Doitwellifyoudoitatall 3 Didyouseehimatall 4 Toseeanyoneatallinsuchalonelyplacewasashocktome 意料之外 4 1 Imustcheckthenumber 2 yourbirthdayisonlytwoweeksaway 3 Hedoesn tlikemath 4 Ifyoudoit doitwell 5 Thereare2 000students inourschool Firstofall Aboveall Afterall atall atall inall Fillineachblankwithasuitablephrase makeoneselfathomefeelathomewithsb beathomein with onsth eg 1 Pleasesitdownandmakeyourselfathome 2 Theyfeelathomewitheachother 3 Theproductsellswellbothathomeandabroad 4 Theboyisathomeinwater 精通 熟悉 5 SheisquiteathomewithEnglish onhistory 5 WhatisitthatJoecan tfind 强调句型Itis was 被强调部分 that 强调谓语 do does did eg IsawJohninthelibrarylastweek ItwasIwho thatsawJohn ItwasJohnwho whom thatIsawin ItwasinthelibrarythatIsawJohnlast ItwaslastweekthatI IdidseeJohninthelibrarylastweek 6 1 Itwasabout600yearsago thefirstclockwithafaceandanhourhandwasmade A thatB untilC beforeD when2 Itwaswithgreatjoy hereceivedthenewsthathislostdaughterhadbeenfound AbecauseBwhichCsinceDthat A D broad面积广阔 肩背宽 豁达大度wide两侧距离宽广 眼嘴大 广博的 eg abroad wideroadawideriver abroadocean wideknowledge broadshouldersOpenyoureyeswide please 7 n that forget remember regretdoingtodo eg 1 Iforgottellinghimaboutit 2 Don tforgettotellhimaboutit 3 Heregrettedwastingtimeplayingcomputergames 4 Iregrettotellyouthatyoudidn tpasstheexam 8 abitnotabit not atallalittlenotalittle very much eg 1 Hewasnotalittletiredaftersuchalongjourney 2 Thoughhehasbeenworkingforalongtime heisnotabittired 9 1 Infact thisproblemwas biggerthanthatonebecausehedidn tknowtheanswer 2 WecangoonwithitorhavearestbecauseIamonly tired 3 Iam tired soweneedn thavearest 4 Iam tiredandwemusthavearest 5 Thereisonly foodleftforlunch 6 Thereisonly offoodleftforlunch alittle abit abit alittle notabit notalittle alittle abit a themajority minority mostof n 10 1 Amajorityofpeoplecontinuetosupporthim 2 Themajorityofhisbooksarekeptupstairs 3 Mostofthemoneyisspentonclothing 1 Allmenarebornequal 2 Twicethreeisequaltosix 3 Twoplustwoequalsfour 4 Theyareequallystrong adj 相等的 平等的beequalto 等于n 同等的或平等的人或物vt 等于 和 相等adv equally 11 equal thenumberof 的数量 动词用单数anumberof numbersof很多 动词用复数 12 1 Thenumberofgiantpandasisgrowing 2 Quiteanumberofstudentshaveredthisbook 1 Doyouknow numberofmytelephone 2 numberoftreesplantedinourvillageisneverunder200everyyear 3 Wehavelivedtherefor numberofyears 4 numberofjoblesspeoplegrowsinthecountryatpresent 5 numberofstudentsareplayingfootballontheplayground 6 numberofstudentsinourclassisover50 the The The The a A to dosb sth 同类中去除若干 排除在外13 exceptthat 从句for整体中除去某个因素 性质不同 只是 besides除 外还有 其余也如此 1 TheyallwenttothecinemaexceptJack 2 Thesuitfittedhimwellexceptthatthecolorwasalittlebrighter 3 Hecoulddonothingexceptwalkhome 4 Hehadnochoiceexcepttowalkhome Somemoreexamples Hiscompositionisgood exceptforsomespellingmistakes 2 Theroomisemptyexceptforabrokenchair 3 TherearethreeothersintheroombesidesMary Weansweredallthequestions thelastone 2 Weallwent ourteacher Wehadagoodtimewithourteacher 3 Iknownothingabouthim heisfromthesouth 4 Yourcompositionisgood somespellingmistakes 5 Hedidnothingallday playcomputergames 6 Wehadnochoice obeyhisorder except besides exceptthat exceptfor except exceptto 14 withsb sth doing done todo adj adv prep Itwasapitythatthegreatwriterdied hisworksunfinished A forB withC fromD of2 twoexamstoworryabout Ihavetoworkreallyhardthisweekend A WithB BesidesC AsforD Becauseof B A aswellas besidesaswell句末15 also句中或句首too句末 前可有逗号either 否 句末 1 Wealsoregardhimasagreatwritertoday 2 Mary aswellasherparents hasgonetothepark 3 Peterwenttothepark Jackwenttheretoo aswell 4 Tomdidn tpasstheexam Johndidn t either E mail aswellastelephones animportantpartindailycommunication A isplayingB haveplayedC areplayingD play A about happen occur takeplace breakout acrosssb sth 偶然遇到 on来吧 快点out出现 真相大白 被出版up长出 被提出 上升 e 1 Canyoutellmehowtheaccidentcame 2 Howdiditcome thatheknewwherewewere 3 Thethoughtcame mymindthatIhadseenherbefore 4 Come Theothersarewaiting 5 Thebookwillcome nextmonth 6 Thequestionhasn tcome yet out about across on out up while并列连词 而 却when并列连词 突然 eg 1 Marylikesdrawing whileherbrotherlikessinging 2 While Whenwewerehavingameeting astrangercamein 3 Hehadjustgottothestation whenthetrainbegantostart 17 I mgoingtothepostoffice youarethere canyougetmesomestamps A AsB WhileC BecauseD If B 18 however转折 逗号隔开 句首 中 末 无论多么 adj adv eg 1 It sraininghard However Ishouldgotothemeetingontime 2 Hethoughthepassedtheexam Hedidn t however 3 Youcan tmovethatstone however nomatterhowstrongyouare 19 havedifficulty trouble in doingsth withsth eg 1 Didyouhavedifficultyinfindingyourway 2 Hehassomedifficultywithpronunciation Didyouhaveanytrouble thepostoffice A tohavefoundB withfindingC tofindD infinding D in引进 赚取outpublishvt 20 bringup抚养 提出 呕吐down使价格降低 使 倒下about causetohappen 1 Theboysbringin60dollarsaweek 2 Thecompanyhasbroughtinmanymodernmachines 3 Seout 4 Hewasbroughtupbyhisuncle 5 Hewasillandbroughtuphisdinner 6 Whatbroughtdownthepriceofapples 7 Whatbroughtabouttheforestfire 1 Goodharvestwill theprices 2 He byhisgrandmotherinthecountry 3 Hisnewsuggestion atthemeeting 4 She twonewbooksatthesametime 5 He onehundredmoredollarsamonthfromhisnewjob 6 What thequarrelbetweenthem bringdown wasbroughtup wasbroughtup broughtout broughtin broughtabout agreatmany many agoodmany a large great numberof manya 2 much agreat gooddealof agreatamountof3 alotof lotsof plentyof alarge greatquantityof quantitiesof c n pl u n c n u n 21 数量词的用法 1 alanguage spokenallaroundtheworld 2 ontheair ontheradio onTV municatewithsb 4 knowledgeun a adj knowledgeof5 either or neither nor notonly butalso 就近原则therebe others 6 willbedoing7 stay remain 表语 系动词 8 moreorless9 stoptodo doing10 onemore anotherone11 intotal asawhole inall12 ofone sown belongtosb onone sown byoneself13 suchas位于被列举的事物之前forexample插入语 句首 中 末 14 difference tellthedifferencebetweenAandBdifferent AbedifferentfromBinsth 15 answervt answeraquestion thetelephone thedoorreplyvi replytoaquestion16 endup最终成为 终归endupwith begin startwith17 trytodo doing tryone pareAtoB把 比作 compareAwithB与 相比19 replace代替 取代 放回takeplace happen taketheplaceof代替 取代


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