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Today we will be talk about whether After graduation young people should stay in big cities like Beijing,Shanghai. Each have their own views.on the affirmative side we have A B C ,and on the negative side we have D E.we will make a free debate ,so we have no referee,now ,can we begin our debate? The prime debater states your opinion, please.正方A:hello everyone!I believe that the graduates should be left in large cities.because Big city is beneficial to peoples career development !我相信毕业生应该留在大城市,因为大城市有利于个人事业的发展。反方A:we should have a open vision,the potential for development of small cities, young people have more opportunities我们应该有更开放的视野,在具有发展潜力的小城市中,年轻人会有更多的机会正方B: I think big cities usually have more job opportunities than small cities, therefore they are beneficial to our career development.我认为在通常情况下大城市比小城市有更多的工作机会,因此大城市更适合我们的职业的发展。反方B: as we know ,the development of small cities needs of young people, in small cities, young people will be given more attention正如我们知道的 小城市的发展需要年轻人,在小城市,年轻人会受到更多的重视 正反C:In my opinion, big cities such as Beijing,and Shanghai can provide us with a better stage to develop and improve our abilities in working, and most headquarters(总部) of multinational(跨国的) corporations are located in big cities.依我看来,像北京、上海这样的大城市可以给我们提供一个更高的平台去发展和提高个人的工作能力。而且大部分跨国公司的总部都坐落大城市。反方B: from a higher perspective, perhaps, a small city can prove the ability of young people to explore their potential and realize their own dreams.从更高的角度说,也许,小城市可以证明年轻人的能力,发掘自己潜力,是实现自己梦想的地方。 正方B:in shorts As we all know, the pressures can be changed into drives for us to learn and to improve ourselves. Thus, when we are working in big cities, the pressures are good for our further career development.众所周知,压力可以转化为驱使我们学习和提高的动力。因此,当我们在大城市工作的时候,压力对我们以后的事业发展是很有好处的。正方A: Whether the medical building, education facilities, recreation and leisure, and getting information,the big cities have the perfect infrastructure(基础设施) and public service system。Meanwhile,with its unique open and inclusive,which let the human make the new ideas and creating the new word.无论是医疗建设,以及教育设施,娱乐休闲以及过去信息,大城市拥有完美的基础设施和公共服务系统,同时它独特的开放和包容让人们创造新的观点和创造新的世界。反方A:As for me, I think I will choose a small city to work rather than a big city. Undoubtedly, big cities offer more opportunities. However, people have to bear more pressures. In my view, as a human being, the main objective is to enjoy life, instead of undertaking pressures. 对我来说,我会选择在小城市工作,而不是大城市。毋庸置疑,大城市能够提供更多的工作机会,然而,人们不得不承受更大的压力。依我看来,我们的主要目标是享受生活,而不是承受压力。反方B:big cities is too noisy,small cities more quiet ,so its better for us to ponder a problem.at the same time ,we have more chance close to nature . 大城市太吵闹,小城市更加安静,因此利于我们思考问题,同时,我们有更多的机会接近自然。正方C: next, During undergraduate and graduate ,i have already familiar with everything here. I can better adapt to the life in big cities. 其次,在本科与研究生期间,我已经对这里很熟悉了,并且能够更好的适应大城市的生活。正方C : In shorts, the big cities have a more convenient life ,and have more chance to get education ,also there are lots of high level hospital and more entertainment ,so we choose the big cities . 总而言之,大城市有更加便利的生活,有更多的机会得到教育,当然这里也有更多的高级医院,和更多的娱乐设施,所以我们选择大城市。反方B:I think, small cities can provide us with more promotion(升职) opportunities than big cities. First of all, the bigger the city is, the fiercer(猛烈的) the competition is, which can make getting a promotion difficult. Secondly, with many people flowing to big cities, there are fewer and fewer competitors left around us in small cities. Therefore, we can become the key employees in our companies and take more opportunities to be promoted.我认为,小城市相对大城市来说,能够提供给我们更多的升职机会。首先,城市越大,竞争越激烈,导致升职也更加的困难。第二,随着越来越多的人涌向大城市,我们周边小城市的竞争越来越小了。因此,我们就可以成为公司的核心员工,就有更大的升职机会。反方A:Now for me to present our point of view. Small cities in the development process, both challenges and opportunities, especially in the state of small cities have more policy support, making the future of small city full of hope.whether small city employment pressure, or the pressure of traffic and housing pressure is relatively small, so that the lives of young people happier.Therefore, we believe that young people should stay in a small city. 小城市在发展的过程中,既有挑战,也有机遇,尤其是国家对小城市也有更多的政策支持,使得小城市的未来充满希望.小城市不论是就业压力、还是交通压力和住房压力比较小,以使年轻人的生活比较幸福.因此,我方认为年轻人应该待在小城市。 Whether we are in the a small city or big city, we all have our own choice, we can not be changed of our goals because of changes in the environment, we should adapt to the environment, the use of the environment and change the environment.As long as we keep optimistic positive attitude, the world is yours.总结:无论是小城市还是大城市,我们都有自己的选择,我们不能因为环境的变化而改变我们的目标,我们更应该适应环境和、利用环境以及改变环境。只要我们保持乐观积极的心态,世界都是你们的。


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