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15.5常用图表阐释语:(1)表示“图表所示”句型:As is shown in the chart如图所示As can be seen in the table从表中可知As the graph shows该曲线图表明The above table illustrates该表格显示The first column represents第一栏代表The second row demonstrates that第二行表示See Figure (Table) 2 请看图(表)2(2)表示上升的动词:.increase, rise, go up, grow, climb, rocket, soar, rebound, ascend. Leap upwards, jump, speed up, surge, shoot up (3)表示下降的动词:.go down, fall, drop, decline, abate,decrease, slump, diminish, descend, plummet (fall quickly), shrink, slip, slide, take a plunge, dive,sink, slow down, (4)表示快速的副词:rapidly, quickly, sharply, dramatically, surprisingly, fast.(5)表示程度的副词、短语:considerably, a great deal, very much, a lot, rather, somewhat, quite a lot, a bit, a little, slightlysignificantly, markedly, noticeably, exactly, precisely, almost, nearly, roughly, approximately.(6)表示缓慢、逐步的副词、短语:steadily, gradually, small increase, slightly, moderately, slowly.(7)表示达到顶峰、平行向前等短语: to peak a high point at, reach a peak at, reach a plateau;reach the bottom at, to bottom a low point at,drop to the bottom at, to level off;keep constant, stay the same, remain steady, remain the same/constant, stabilize.(8) 表示状况的单词、短语:erratic movements (unstable trend), fluctuations, trough (the lowest point), to the bottom, upward trend, downward trend.15.6 图表描述例句:Sales stood at the lowest level in March.三月份的销售额呈最底水平。The company sold 13,953 vehicles in the mainland in Jan., up from 8,294 units in the same period of last year.元月份在中国大陆公司销售了13,953辆车,与去年同期相比多销售了8,294辆。The growth of Hondas sales more than tripled that of total sales of vehicles produced in the mainland last month 上个月本田汽车的销售量超过在中国大陆生产的汽车的销售量三倍之多。Hondas sales in the mainland surged by 74.8% year-on-year to 215,000 units in 2004.本田汽车在中国大陆的销售量增长74.8%,递年增长,至2004年销售量达215,000辆。The sales totaled $800,000 last month.上个月总销售额为八十万美元。Factory As profit percentage increased steadily, despite some minor fluctuations, whereas that of factory B fell slightly.尽管稍有波动,甲工厂的利润百分比逐步上升,而乙工厂的利润百分比却略有所下降。The turnover of last year rose astonishingly, whereas that of this year fell markedly.去年的营业额大幅度上升,而今年的营业额显著下降。After a steady decline for almost a whole decade, the countrys fertility rate shows signs of steady rise.该国的生产力经过近20年逐步下滑,现在有迹象表明在逐步上升。From the bar chart we can learn that there has been a steep fall in market share of our products in this region in recent three years.从柱形图我们可知,我公司产品在该地区的市场占有率最近三年大幅度下降。According to the table, from 2006 to 2007 there had been a dramatic decrease in investment in this area.根据该表格,该地区从2006年到2007年的投资大幅度下降。According to the graph, in the city there was a very significant drop in the number of people who went to and from work by bicycle between 2005 and 2006.该曲线图表明,2005年与2006年之间该城市骑自行车上下班的人急剧下降。As (is) indicated in the drawing, the year 2006 has witnessed an ever-increasing funds for training.如图所示,2006年培训费用看涨。The profit in December accounted for nearly 20% of the total.十二月的利润占总利润的近百分之二十。The production in 2005 dropped sharply to only 500 tons.2005年的生产量急剧下降至仅500吨。The number of car production fluctuated slightly from June to July of 2007.2007年六月到七月的轿车生产量略有波动。There was hardly any change in the figures of cars sold between June and October.六月到十月之间轿车的销售量几乎没有变化。The profit percentage in June reached a peak at about 20%.六月的利润百分比达到顶峰,约为20%。The profit percentage in June reached the bottom at only 2%.六月的利润百分比掉入最底谷,只有2%。注意:表示上升或下降多少用“by”,表示上升或下降到多少用“to”,例如:Our company increased the profits by 20% in the first quarter of the year but there was a fall of five per cent in group turnover.我们公司今年第一季度利润上升了百分之二十,但集团公司的营业额下降了百分之五。The price of our product has been reduced to $88.我们产品的价格已削减至88美元The company liquid funds climbed to US$18m in the previous quarter.公司的流动资金上一个季度上升到一千八百万美元。ABC Company turnover fell 5 per cent to US$20.66bn from US$21.8bn in the first three months of last year despite a substantial rise in the volume of recorder sales.ABC公司的营业额下跌了5%, 从去年前三个月的218亿美元下降到206亿美元,尽管其录音机的销售量有很大的增长。15.7 表示倍数的句型:The figure of labor from rural areas has increased about twice compared with that in 2005.与2005年相比,农村的劳动力数目大约增加两倍。The business was down by 30% on the previous year.与头年相比,业务量下降了30%。Your luggage is almost four times as heavy as mine.你的行李是我的行李的近四倍重。Kuwait oil wells yield approximately 500 times more than U.S. oil wells.科威特油井的产量是美国油井产量的近500倍。The percentage of profit doubled from July to October.七月到十月的利润百分比翻了一番。The diagram shows that the output of steel in our factory has risen by 30% this year against last year.该图表明,我厂的钢产量今年比去年增加了30%。The sales volume of our branch is approximately twice that of their branch. 我们分公司的销售总量是他们分公司的将近两倍。The population of Beijing is much larger than that of Nanjing.北京的人口比南京的人口多很多。Model A is the second most popular in USA.型号A在美国是第二受欢迎的。About twice as many brown cars are sold as black cars in Britain.在英国,棕色轿车的销售量是黑色轿车销售量的约二倍。Half as many black cars are sold as brown cars.黑色轿车的销售量是棕色轿车销售量的一半。They produced half as much steel as we.他们生产的钢比我们生产的少一半。A is three more than B.A 比B多3。A is three less than B.A比B 少3。Our factory is three times larger than yours.我们工厂比你们的工厂大三倍。Our factory is four times as big as yours.我们的工厂是你们工厂的四倍(大三倍)。Our factory is four times the size of your factory.我们工厂是你们工厂的四倍(大三倍)。The output of the steel works is three times over that of last year.该钢厂的产量比去年增加了三倍The output of our company for this year is estimated to be 5% up on last year.我们公司的产量估计比去年增长百分之五。A is as long again as B.A 比 B 长一倍。This year the value of our industrial output has increased by half(or by twice)as compared with that of last year.今年我们工业的产值比去年增加一半(或增加两倍)。In 1933, industrial output in the USA sunk to 65 per cent of the output in 1929.美国在1933年的工业产量将到1929年水准的百分之六十五。Last year, the production of different kinds of machines in our factory increased (to) three times compared with 2005.去年我厂各种机器的生产比2005年增加两倍。Total output value of the companys industry has grown 4.2-fold since 2002.自2002年以来,该公司的总产值增长了4.2倍。There is a 50% increase of TV sets as compared with last year.电视机的产量比去年增加50%。15.8表示可能性的句型:(1)100%可能(certain):will (definitely) reachare sure to reachare certain to reach There is no doubt that The figures must be Im absolutely sure that(2)超过60%可能性(probable):are likely to reachwill probably reachshould reachare expected to reach Its quite possible that I expect that Our sales may well remain I wouldnt be surprised if(3)超过30% 可能性(possible):may reachwill possibly reachcould reachmight reach There is a chance that It is (just) possible that Im not sure if There may have been a(4)不到30% 可能性(improbable):probably wont reachare unlikely to reach It probably isnt I dont think that I doubt if(5)100%不可能(impossible):will (definitely) not reachare certain not to reach Im quite sure that it isnt It cant have reached It couldnt possibly be商务英语信函常用句型1表示“今来函”(1) We are writing concerning(2) We are writing to enquire about(3) I am writing with reference to your advertisement of(4) The object of this letter is to (5) We are writing in connection with(6) We are interested in your latest product.(7) I am writing to apply for the Sales Manager post you advertized in2表示“收到来函”:(1) Thank you very much for your letter dated (of) December 28,2013, concerning(2) We have duly received your letter dated,asking if(3) We are very much obliged for your letter of,enquiring about(4) We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour dated January1,2014, enclosing3表示“随函附上”: (1)Enclosed please find.(2)Enclosed we hand you(3)We enclose herewith(4)We are enclosing(5)Attached you will find4表示“有关详情”:(1) I will write you particulars in my next (letter).(2) I will inform you more fully in my next.(3) I will go into further details in my next.(4) Particulars will be related in the following letter.5表示“按你方要求”:(1) As required in your last letter, (2) In accordance with the instructions in your e-mail,(3) According to your instructions of your previous letter dated(4) In compliance with your request, we6表示“关于”:(1) With (In) reference to your last letter.(2) Further to your inquiry of(3) With regard to the damaged goods, we(4) Referring to our telephone yesterday, Id like to(5) With reference to our meeting last week, I7表示抱歉:(1) Please accept our apologies for(2) We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused by us.(3) We apologize for(4) Please excuse this error. It is certainly our fault.(5) We must apologize for the delay of (6) With apologies once again.8表示“特此奉告”:(1) We are pleased to inform you that (2) We have the pleasure in informing you that (3) May we ask your attention to (4) We have to advise you of.9 表示“惠请告知”:1) Kindly inform me that(of)(2) Please inform us of(3) We should be very pleased if you could tell us.(4) We shall deem it a favor if you could advise us of(5) You will greatly oblige me by informing that10表示“以回复”:(1) In reply to your previous letter of August 23,2007(2) In answer to your.(3) In response to your inquiry of(4) Answering your letter dated(5) Replying to your letter of11表示“如”:(1) As shown in the enclosed document, (2) As stated in the following, (3) As you can see from my enclosed CV, I (4) As already mentioned in the above, (5) As indicated in the previous letter, (6) As detailed in the previous e-mail, (7) As particularized in the attached sheet,12表示提请对方注意:(1) Id like to draw your attention to the fact that(2) Id like to remind you that.(3) I should like to point out that(4) May we ask your attention to13表示“遗憾”(1) We regret to tell you that(2) We are so sorry to hear that(3) Much to our regret we (4) It is with great regret that we14表示“若,请随时联系”(1) Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.(2) Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.(3) Please call me at this phone number at any time.15信结尾希望尽快收到回复:(1) Looking forward to hearing from you soon.(2) We would be very much obliged to you if you could(3) We very much appreciate it if you could(4) We look forward to receiving your earliest answer.(5) Please could you as soon as possible. (6) Please send your earliest reply.16其他:(1) This is owing to(2) This is due to the fact that(3) This is as a result of(4) This is because of(5) However, when we.(6) Unfortunately, when we checked the goods, we found(7) Please remember me to your General Manager.(8) Please give my regards to Joan. The profit of the chain stores in the downtown area started at US$200,000, and it kept rising in the following years. .From 1998 to 1999, the profit went up steadily, while from 1999 to 2000, the profit increased sharply, but it climbed rather slowly in the following year.On the other hand, the profit of the chain stores in densely populated area grew up steadily and then fast. The total profit was about US$2,390,000, while the profit of the downtown was about US$3,270,000. The last area chain stores profit was much poorer. It never surpassed $200,000. The initial profit started at a very low point: about US$ 30,000. The profit in this area kept rising, but it increased very slightly, the total profit being about US$630,000.


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