
上传人:max****ui 文档编号:6671275 上传时间:2020-03-02 格式:PPT 页数:15 大小:218.50KB
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1 A Whatcanyoudo P56B 2 A B Thereisanatureparkinthecity 3 A B Yes thewaterisclean 4 Whereisyourclassroom B 5 A B No therearen tanytreesonthemountain Icancookthemeals What sinthecity Isthewaterclean It sonthefifthfloor Arethereanytreesonthemountain 1 Canyoucookthe 2 housesarethereinthevillage 3 Look thereisaplane thesky 4 Inthevillage theairis 5 Orangesare butgrapesare meals Howmany in fresh clean sweet sour 1 Therearesomebridgesinmyvillage 2 Icanwatertheflowersatschool 3 Thereisaparkinthecity 4 Therearemanytallbuildingsinthevillage 5 Myfathercancookthemeals 6 Ihavesomenicepictures Arethereanybridgesinyourvillage Canyouwatertheflowersatschool Isthereaparkinthecity Arethereanytallbuildingsinthevillage Canyourfathercookthemeals Doyouhaveanynicepictures 六 填上合适的单词 使句意通顺 合理P581 Thereare daysinaweek isthefirstdayinaweek 2 Applesandbananasare 3 Thereisabridgeoverthe 4 Ilikeice creams They re 5 Amyisn tquiet butvery 6 It s12 00 It stimefor 7 Mother sDayisthesecond inMay 8 Therearemanyclothesinthe seven Sunday fruits sweet river sweet active lunch Sunday closet 七 根据括号里的要求完成下列句子 1 tomato 复数 2 infrontof 3 I 宾格 4 women 单数 5 can t 完全形式 6 here 对应词 7 has 动词原形 8IwouId 缩写形式 9 aren t 完全形式 10too 同音词 tomatoes behind me woman cannot there have I d arenot two to 八 翻译下列短语 1 年轻貌美 2 我房间的照片 3 上英语课 4 在床的上方 5 在第三层楼 6 使用电脑 youngandpretty apictureofmyroom haveEnglish overthebed onthethirdfloor useacomputer 九 根据答句 写出问句 1 A B It sMonday 2 A B Icanemptythetrash 3 A B Ilikemutton 4 A B NO she sold Whatdayisittoday Whatcanyoudo What syourfavouritefood Whatdoyoulike Issheyoung 5 A B She syoungandactive 6 A B No thereisn tafootballunderthedesk What sshelike Isthereafootballunderthedesk 十1 any are river fish there the in 2 an the table bed there end near is 3 grapes don t I like 4 you dishes can the do 5 no village buildings there tall are the in Arethereanyfishintheriver Isthereanendtablenearthebed Idon tlikegrapes Canyoudothedishes Therearenotallbuildingsinthevillage 1 WehaveEnglishclass Mondayafternoon 2 Whatdoyouhave dinner 3 What stheweather today 4 Igetup six themorning 5 Let swritealetter ourteacher 6 Theydon tgotoschool weekends 7 CanIinterviewyou theschoolnewspaper 8 Istudy WillowSchool 9 Ioftenplayfootball mybrother 10 Hehaslunch home on for like at in to on for in with at 1 Thereis 森林公园 inourcity 2 Doyouoften 做作业 onSaturdays 3 什么时候 doyou 吃晚饭 4 你能 makethebedbyyourselves 5 Thisisapictureof 我的学校 6 Thereisatallboy 在后面 me 7 Look thecatis 在树上 8 葡萄 aremyfavouritefruits 9 星期天 isthefirstdayofaweek 10 What syourfather 像 aforestpark dohomework When havesupper dinner Canyou myschool behind inthetree Grapes Sunday like P60 1 Whatisonthethirdfloor 2 What sthebedroomlike 3 Aretheregreencurtainsandthreeendtablesinthebedroom 4 Isthereanoldair conditionerintheroom 5 What sintheflat Thereisaflatonthethirdfloor It ssmallandnice No therearen t No thereisn t Therearetwobedrooms akitchen abathroomandaliving room P62 六 1 Thereisabridge theriver 2 It s12 00 It stimetohave 3 Wecan footballandcomputergames 4 Orangesaremyfavourite 5 Whatcanyou intheclassroom 6 Mysisterisnottall she s 7 Therearemany inthecloset 8 Pleasewash beforeyouhavemeals over lunch play do fruits short closet hands 八 1 Whatdayisittoday 2 Isthereanair conditionerintheroom 3 What syourfavouritefood 4 Canyoudothedishesandsetthetable 5 Howmanypensarethereinyourpencil box It sThursday Yes thereis No thereisn t Vegetables Cabbage Yes Ican No Ican t Three One Therearethree Thereisone 6 Whatdoyouoftendoonweekends 7 Whatdoyouhaveforlunchtoday Ioftenreadbooksandgoshopping Ihavetofu greenbeansandpork

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