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表示强调的连接词 still,尽管如此。Indeed 事实上。apparently很显然的。oddly enough 奇怪的是。of course当然。 after all毕竟, significantly值得注意的是, interestingly有趣的是, also 而且。above all最重要的是, surely可以肯定的是。certainly当然。undoubtedly毫无疑问。in any case在任何情况下, anyway无论如何。above all最重要的是, in fact事实上, especially尤其. Obviously 很明显,clearly清楚。Indeed, faith should bring us together. 的确,信任会将我们带到一起Apparently, as you say, I have some things to learn 很显然,就如你所说,我有很多东西要学Oddly enough, no matter which way you turn, this destiny calls out to you奇怪的是,不管你怎么你绕多少弯路,命运会将你拉回来This, of course, depends upon where you sit 这当然取决于你所在的位置After all, we are human毕竟我们都是凡人But they performed significantly better in all other tests但他们在所有其他测试中明显表现的更好More interestingly, how does Boss log in as both? 更有趣的是,老板如何以两种身份登录?One should not only observe but also help 不但要看, 而且要帮。However, I also have weaknesses 可是,我也有缺点Never waste anything, and above all never waste time任何东西都不要浪费,尤其是时间Above all, we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses首先,我们应该认识自己的优点和缺点Surely well profit from your work. 我们肯定会从你的工作中得到益处Certainly, he had nothing against her. 当然,他对她丝毫没有什么不满。This is undoubtedly important. 这无疑是重要的In any case, John insists on his own belief. 任何情况下,约翰都坚持他自己的信仰。He kept his head in any case. 他在任何情况下都能保持镇静。If they really want you, theyll hire you anyway. 如果他们真的想要你,无论如何都会招你。So anyway, Im still in Career Limbo. How are you?所以无论如何,我仍然是在徘徊在事业的边缘,你呢?In fact, why do we rate him? 事实上,为什么我们去评定他?In fact, I liked and respected them all. 实际上,我喜欢并尊敬他们所有人。I like to swim, especially in the sea. 我喜欢游泳,尤其喜欢在大海中游泳Obviously, we had to decide what to do.显然,我们必须决定要做什么In one sense, obviously yes. 从某种意义来说,显然是的。This is obviously inadequate. 这显然是不够的。Clearly, he still thinks so. 显然他仍然这样认为。You have to see your end result clearly. 你必须清晰地看到你的最终目标。表示比较的连接词 like 喜欢的、similarly同样、likewise同样的。in the same way 在同样的方式。in the same manner以相同的方式。equally也是一样。They expected me to lie down like a coward. 他们指望我像一个懦夫一样屈服。Similarly, you can use the same philosophy when transforming from one model toanother model. 同样地,当从一个模式转换为另一个模式时,您可以利用相同的原理。Likewise, it should improve the performance. 同样,它应该改善性能。Further, not every file is stored in the same way. 另外,每个文件并非以相同的方式存储。In the same manner, create two more variables. 以同样的方式,创建另外两个变量。Not everyone will be equally receptive to this sort of schooling, however. 然而,并不是所有的人都会同样地接受某种训练。表示对比的连接词 by contrast相比之下, on the contrary恰恰相反。while(我觉得)的同时, whereas然而, on the other hand另一方面、 unlike不像、instead 相反、but但是、conversely相反、different from不同。however 然而、nevertheless尽管如此, otherwise 否则, whereas 然而、unlike 不像、yet然而, in contrast相反。I am not good at expressing myself. By contrast, I am better at thinking indeed. 我不是一个善于表达的人,的确,相比之下,我想我更擅长于思考。On the contrary, It fills me with strength and courage. 正好相反,它让我充满了力量和勇气。While he was in Chicago, Henry looked up a friend of college days. 亨利在芝加哥时探望了他在大学时的一个朋友。Whereas, right now we only have access to this memory. 然而,现在我们只能使用这个内存。On the other hand, I have difficulty editing because by that point the creationprocess is already over for me. 另一方面,我不喜欢编辑,因为那个时刻对我来说,创作过程已经是结束了。However, unlike those frameworks, it does not require you to use this approach. 但是,不像这些框架,它不要求 您使用此方法。This means youll experience confusion, unhappiness, and weakness instead. 这将意味着你反而会迷失、沮丧、以及虚弱。It was an embarrassing situation, but they carried it off well. 这是一个尴尬的局面, 但是他们成功地应付过去了。Conversely, if you turn off your creativity, then your life will turn into torture. 相反的,如果你放弃创造力你的生活将变得痛苦。The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it wasmade of iron and glass. 这座水晶宫不同于世界上所有的其他建筑,因为它是用钢和玻璃建成的。Id like to go with you; however, my hands are full. 我很想和你一块儿去,可是我忙不过来。Nevertheless, I still want to try such a challenging task. 虽然如此,我还是想试试这么有挑战性的工作。Be modest, otherwise you will lag behind. 要谦虚,否则就要落后。Please call before you come otherwise we may not be home. 在来以前请打电话,否则我们可能不在家。But we have not yet resolved the problem. 然而,我还是没有解决问题。We love the sea, yet we pollute it. 我们热爱大海,然而我们却污染了它。In contrast, in many families today, the modern woman works outside the homeeven after she has children. 与此相反,今天在许多家庭中,现代的妇女,即使在有了孩子以后也要到家庭外面去工作。表示列举的连接词 for example举个例子, for instance比如, such as例如, take .for example把为例. Except (for) 除了。to illustrate来说明For instance, in 1957 most of the cars were gorgeous. 例如,在1957年大部分的汽车都是华丽的。I like to smell different things and judge things by their smells. Take seasons, for example. 我喜欢闻不同的东西,我喜欢用气味来判断事物,比如四季。I can cite quite a few instances to illustrate. 我可以举出好几件事来说明。表示时间的连接词 later后来, next接下来, then然后finally最终, at last最终, eventually最终, meanwhile与此同时, from now on从现在起, at the same time与此同时, for the time being随着时间的推移, in the end最后, immediately立即, in the meantime与此同时, in the meanwhile在这期间, recently近日, soon很快, now and then从现在开始, during期间。 nowadays如今, since因为, lately最近, as soon as一旦, afterwards后来, temporarily暂时的, earlier早些时候, now如今, after a while经过一段时间.The stubborn student finally began to buckle under. 那个倔强的学生最后开始屈从了。 They tamed the wild horse at last. 他们终于驯服了那匹野马 As you know, this was not the solution eventually agreed upon. 你们知道,这不是最后达成协议的解决办法。Amazon itself, meanwhile, did not exist 15 years ago. 同时,亚马逊本身在15年前并不存在。So, from now on, choose to be happy! 所以从现在开始,请选择快乐吧!I really will try from now on. I promise. 从现在起我一定要试着开口,我保证。At the same time the very shape of this network space shapes us. 与此同时,网络空间的这种特殊形式也塑造了我们。But if she keeps asking, Ill keep answering until shes satisfied, for the timebeing. 但是,如果她接着问,我就接着回答,直到她暂时满意为止。He calmed down in the end. 他的情绪终于平定下来。We should act immediately 我们应该立即行动。In the meantime, what can you do? 在这期间您能做什么呢?In the meanwhile we have not only been to Beijing but also to Russia. 结果在此期间我不仅仅是来了北京,还去了俄罗斯。He is hammering at his studies recently. 他最近正在刻苦钻研他的学业。Please come to my room soon. 请快点儿到我房间来。But now and then, just for a moment, he remembered. 但偶尔他也想起过去,虽然只是片刻工夫。Now and then, he listens to music. 有时,他听听音乐。I go to the movies with my wife every now and then. 我有时和我太太一起去看电影。Even among the madness during the 即使在疯狂的期间 Too many gimmicky models nowadays. 时下太多的“花哨”模型。Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining about the heavy traffic. 现今,许多大城市的人们都在抱怨交通拥堵。Society still discriminates against women nowadays. 当今社会仍然歧视女性。Maybe it is right since everything is possible. 或许它是正确的,因为一切皆有可能。I know youve been upset lately. 我知道你近来一直很烦躁。What to do: As soon as you notice this happening, take steps to prevent it from becoming habitual. 怎么做:一旦你意识到这种情况发生,采取方法阻止它变成惯常的行为。She wrote a letter afterwards. 她后来又写了一封信。As you work, you most likely need to store little pieces of text temporarily. 在工作过程中,您很可能需要临时存放一些零碎的文本。After a while he has a “good” idea. 过了一会儿他想到了一个“好”主意。表示顺序的连接词 first第一, second第二, third第三, then然后, finally最终, to begin with首先, first of all首先, in the first place首先, last最后, next接下来, above all首先、 last but not the least最后但并非最不重要, first and most important.最重要的是he is very honest, to begin with. 首先,她很诚实。One of the first things we need to think about is what is life in the first place. 我们首先要做的事情之一就是我们需要思考最初的生命是什么。Last but not the least, there is always imperfection in reality. 最后但不是最不重要的,总有不完善的现实。First and most important, the American economy is likely to improve. 首先最重要的是,美国的经济状况可能改善。表示可能的连接词 presumably据推测, probably也许, perhaps也许用于解释的连接词 in other words换句话说, in fact事实上、as a matter of fact作为一个事实, that is那就是, namely就是, in simpler terms用更简单的语言谈一谈. In other words, to better use the resources you have. 换句话说,是去更好的利用你现有的资源。 But as a matter of fact, our success today owes a lot to the teamwork in our company. 不过,我们公司能有今日的成就,实际上是靠全体员工的共同努力。That is why our marriages fail, and we have all this fighting. 这就是婚姻失败的原因,这也是我们争吵的原因。It is therefore true or false immediately, namely, that it is already decided. 因此,这会立刻是真实,或是虚假,换句话说,它已经被决定。Come up with metaphors to describe more complicated ideas in simpler terms. 想出一个比喻,用简单的术语来描述更复杂的观点。表示递进的连接词 What is more更甚的是, in addition此外, and再说, besides也, also此外, furthermore另外, too也, moreover此外, furthermore,此外, as well as以及, additionally另外, again再次., What is more, big companies are increasingly global. 更重要的是,大公司正日益全球化。,In addition, discover the costs and advantages of each solution. 此外,发现每种解决方案的成本和优点。 Furthermore, our decisions seemed to be determined by these feelings. 此外,我们的决策似乎是由这些感觉来决定的。 It provides comfort and joy as well as nourishment. 既能提供营养,也能够给孩子安抚和快乐。Additionally, you do not have access to the databases. 此外,您没有访问数据库的权限。表示让步的连接词 although虽然, after all毕竟, in spite of. 尽管, despite尽管, even if即使这样, even though即使, though虽然, admittedly诚然, whatever may happen不管发生什么。He keeps at his studies although he is ill. 他虽然病了,却坚持学习。He staggered on his views,although no man agreed with him. 尽管没人赞同他的观点,他还是坚持他的看法。We must try to carry on our work in spite of difficulties. 我们必须不顾困难,把工作继续下去。I went shopping in spite of the rain. 尽管下雨,我还是出去买东西了But in spite of what they say, Ill just take my coffee in a cup, thank you. 但拜托, 不管他们怎么说, 我只要喝装在杯子里的咖啡就行了。He went to work despite his illness. 尽管生病,他还是去工作。Admittedly, it is a huge challenge for many people,but it is a fact of working life. 诚然,对于许多人来说,这是一个巨大的挑战,但这就 是工作中的现实。Whatever may happen will not change my idea. 不管发生什么事也改变不了我的主意。Whatever may happen, Ill never change my mind. 不管发生什么,我都不会改变主意。表示转折的连接词 however然而, rather than而不是别的, instead of而不是, but但是, yet然而, on the other hand另一方面, unfortunately.很遗憾 Whereas 鉴于Enter their world and stand beside them, rather than in opposition. 进入他们的世界,站在他们的旁边,而不是对立面。 His success plays his luck instead of his skill. 他取得的成功靠的是运气而不是技术。Unfortunately, I was one of them. 不幸的是,我就是其中之一。 表示原因的连接词 for this reason因为这个原因, due to因为, thanks to由于, because因为, because of因为, as因为, since因为, owing to由于. For this reason, the project manager needs to acquire the services of a consultant as soon as possible. 由于这个原因,项目经理需要尽快获得一个咨询公司的服务。To some extent, this is due to the nature of the world around it. 从某种程度上来说,这是由于世界的周围局势所决定的。Owing to the help from his comrades, he has made rapid progress. 由于同志们的帮助,他进步很快。表示结果的连接词 as a resul作为一个结果, thus因此, hence因此, so所以, therefore因此, accordingly因此, consequently因此, as consequence后果. Hence they should be able to keep using these tools! 因此他们应该能够继续使用这些工具!Accordingly, we may not bother to help them by hurting them.因此,我们可能不操心通过伤害来帮助他们。Hence, disappointment and frustration, and consequently hurt, are common. 因此,失望和沮丧,从而伤害,是常见的。As a consequence, when I came of age I left the city without sparing it a backward glance. 其结果是,当我成年后离开这座城市时,不屑回头多看它一眼。用于总结的连接词 on the whole从总体上看, in conclusion总之, in a word总之, to sum up综上所述, in brief总之, in summary综上所述, to conclude最后的总结, to summarize总结, in short. 简而言之 其他类型连接词 Mostly最主要的, occasionally偶尔, currently目前, naturally自然地, mainly主要, exactly准确地说, evidently很明显, frankly坦率地说, commonly通常, for this purpose为了这个目的, to a large extent在很大程度上, for most of us,对我们大多数人来说, in many cases在许多情况下, in this case在这种情况下,His business, on the whole, was successful. 他的事业大体上是成功的。On the whole he is right. 大体上他是对的。In conclusion, a qualified candidate must give an excellent performance. 总之,一个合格的应聘者应该呈现一场精彩的演出。To sum up all, uprisings have been disastrous. 总之,暴动是件祸国殃民的事。


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