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get/et,gt/v.S1W1英etpt:gotpp:gotgottenpres part:gettingMEANINGS 义项1.RECEIVE收到T not in passive,不用被动态to receive something that someone gives you or sends you收到,接到She got loads of presents. 她收到了许多礼物。What did you get for Christmas? 你圣诞节收到了什么礼物?We get a lot of junk mail. 我们收到许多垃圾邮件。Igota few gamesfreewhen I bought my computer. 我买电脑的时候得到了几个免费的游戏。get sth from sbWe got a letter from Pam this morning. 今天早上我们收到了帕姆的来信。get sth off sbI got it off my Dad. 这是我从我爸那里拿来的。2.OBTAIN获得Tto obtain something by finding it, asking for it, or paying for it通过寻找、要求或出钱获得,得到We need to get help quickly! 我们需要马上得到帮助!It would be a good idea to get professional advice. 征求专业人士的意见,这个主意很好。You may be able to get a grant from the local authority. 你也许可以从当地政府获得拨款。He cleared his throat to get our attention. 他清清嗓子来引起我们的注意。get sth for sbI want you to get some information for me. 我要你去给我找一些资料来。get sb sthHis father managed to get him a job at the local factory. 他父亲想办法在当地的这家工厂里给他找了份工作。3.BRING带来Tto bring someone or something back from somewhere带来,去取,去拿THESAURUSBRINGRun upstairs and get a pillow. 赶紧去楼上拿个枕头来。I went back into the office to get a pen. 我回办公室拿了一支钢笔。Shall Igo and getthe phone book? 要我去把电话号码簿拿来吗?get sb/sth from sthShes just gone to get the kids from school. 她刚去学校接孩子了。get sth for sbIll get a towel for you. 我给你拿块毛巾来。get sb sthIll get you a chair. 我给你搬把椅子来。4.BUY购买Tto buy something买,购买Where did you get that jacket? 你那件夹克衫是哪里买的?Its a lovely coat, and I managed togetitcheapin the sales. 这件外套很漂亮,我是减价的时候买的,很便宜。get sth for sbJoes going to get tickets for all of us. 乔要去给我们大家买票。get sb sthWhile youre out, could you get me some batteries? 你出去时给我买几节电池好吗?get yourself sthHes just got himself a new van. 他刚刚给自己买了一辆新的厢式货车。get sth from sthI usually get vegetables from the supermarket. 我一般在这家超市里买蔬菜。get sth for $20/100/50p etcYou can get a decent PC for about 500 now. 现在大约500英镑就可以买一台不错的个人电脑了。to pay for something for someone else为付钱Ill get these drinks. 这些饮料我来付钱。to buy a newspaper regularly定期购买报纸My parents always used to get the Daily Telegraph. 我父母以前总是买每日电讯报。5.MONEY钱Tto receive money for doing work挣,赚Hospital doctors get a minimum of 50,000 a year. 医院的医生一年起码挣5万英镑。get 2,000/$4,000 etc for doing sthHe gets 4 an hour for stacking shelves. 他给货架上货一小时挣4英镑。to receive money when you sell something卖得Did youget a good price forit? 你卖到好价钱了吗?get 100/$200 etc for sthYou should get a couple of hundred pounds for your old car. 你的旧车应该可以卖几百英镑。6.HAVE A FEELING/IDEA有某种感觉/想法Tto start to have a feeling or an idea产生,获得某种感觉或想法She began to get an uncomfortable feeling that she was being watched. 她开始有一种不安的感觉,觉得有人在监视她。I got a terrible shock when I saw how ill he looked. 看到他病成这样,我大吃一惊。I got the impression that everyone was fed up with us. 我感觉到大家对我们厌烦了。get pleasure from/out of sthShe gets a lot of pleasure from her garden. 她从自己的花园里获得很多乐趣。7.HAVE/EXPERIENCE有/经历Tto have, do, or experience something有;经历You dont get enough exercise. 你锻炼得不够多。I never get time to read these days. 这些日子我根本没有时间看书。The west of the country gets quite a lot of rain. 该国西部地区经常下雨。We might get the chance to go to America this year. 今年我们可能有机会去美国。8.ILLNESS疾病T not in passive,不用被动态to catch an illness患上,得病I got flu last winter and was in bed for three weeks. 去年冬天我得了流感,在床上躺了三个星期。She was worried she might get food poisoning. 她担心自己可能会食物中毒。9.ACHIEVE取得Tto achieve something取得成绩I got 98% in my last maths test. 上一次数学考试我得了98分。the person who gets the highest score 得分最高的人10.RECEIVE A PUNISHMENT受到惩罚Tto receive something as a punishment受到惩罚He got ten years in prison for his part in the robbery. 他因参与抢劫被判刑十年。11.ARRIVE到达I always + adv/prepto arrive somewhere到达THESAURUSARRIVEWhat time will we get there? 我们什么时候可以到那里?We didnt get home until midnight. 我们半夜才到家。+ toWe got to Paris that evening. 那天晚上我们到了巴黎。12.REACH A POINT达到某一点I always + adv/prepto reach a particular point or stage of something达到某一点或某一阶段Ive got as far as chapter 5. 我已经看到第5章了。I couldnt wait to get to the end of the book. 我迫不及待地想把书看完。Where have you got up to in the story? 这小说你看到哪里了?It was disappointing to lose, having got this far in the competition. 比赛到了这一步却输掉了,真是让人失望。13.get (sb) somewhere/anywhere/nowhereif you get somewhere, or if an action gets you somewhere, you make progress(某人)有所进展/有任何进展/没有进展I think were getting somewhere at last. 我想我们终于有了一些进展。We didnt seem to be getting anywhere. 我们好像没有任何进展。Ive tried arguing, but it got me nowhere. 我争也争过了,可是没有用。14.MOVE移动I always +adv/prepto move or go somewhere移动,去Get out of my house! 滚出我的房子!We managed to get past the guards. 我们设法从警卫身边溜了过去。They shouted at us to get back. 他们喊着要我们回去。Petergot tohisfeet(=stood up) . 彼得站了起来。15.MAKE STH MOVE使某物移动T always + adv/prepto make something or someone move to a different place or position, especially with some difficulty尤指费力地移动I couldnt get the disk out of the computer. 我没法从电脑里取出磁盘。Could you help me get the wardrobe up the stairs? 你能帮我把大衣柜搬到楼上去吗?We must get food and emergency aid into the area as quickly as possible. 我们必须尽快把食品和紧急救援物资送进那个地区。16.TRAVEL旅行Tto travel somewhere on a train, bus etc乘坐You can get a bus to the station. 你可以乘巴士去火车站。I got the 9.15 from London to Edinburgh. 我乘坐的是9点15分从伦敦开往爱丁堡的火车。17.BECOME变成linking verb,连系动词to change to a new feeling, situation, or state变得,变成SYNBECOMETHESAURUSBECOMEDont get upset. 别难过。She soon got bored with the job. 她不久就厌倦了这份工作。He calmed down as he got older. 他的性子随着年龄增长变得平和了。Eat your dinner before it gets cold. 吃饭吧,一会儿就凉了。This is getting silly. 这事越来越荒唐了。get to be sthIts getting to be a problem. 这将是个问题。18.MAKE SB/STH BECOME STH使某人/某物变成某物Tto make someone or something change to a new feeling, situation, or state使变得Sometimes she gets me so angry! 有时候她会把我惹得非常生气!Dont get the children too excited. 别让孩子们太兴奋了。He was terrified of getting her pregnant. 他害怕使她怀孕。It took them 15 minutes to get the boat ready. 他们花了15分钟把船备好。19.BE HURT/BROKEN ETC受伤/受损等linking verb,连系动词, Tused to say that something, especially something bad, happens to someone or something被,受到Mind the camera doesnt get broken. 小心不要把相机弄坏了。My dad got killed in a car crash. 我爸爸在一次车祸中丧生。I knew I would get shouted at if I was late home. 我知道我如果回家晚了就会挨骂。This is a question we very often get asked. 这个问题经常有人问我们。get hurt/broken/stolen etcYou might get hurt if you stand there. 你站在那里可能会被伤到。get sth caught/stuck etcShe got her foot caught in the wire. 她的脚卡在铁丝网里了。20.MAKE STH HAPPEN TO SB/STH使某事发生在某人身上/某物上Tto accidentally make someone or something experience something使遭遇Youre going to get us all killed! 你会让我们都没命的!Mind you dont get yourself burned. 小心别烫到自己。to do something, or arrange for it to be done使做某事I need to get the washing machine fixed. 我需要叫人来修洗衣机。We must get this work finished on time. 我们必须按时把这活儿干完。21.MAKE STH DO STH使某物做某事T not in passive,不用被动态to make something do a particular thing使某物做某事get sth to do sthI couldnt get the engine to start. 我发动不了引擎。get sth doing sthWe got the lawn mower working again eventually. 我们终于又让割草机转了起来。22.MAKE SB DO STH使某人做某事T not in passive,不用被动态to persuade or force someone to do something劝使;迫使We couldnt get him to sign the agreement. 我们没法让他签协议。get sb to do sthIll get Terry to check the wiring for me. 我会让特里帮我检查线路。get sb doing sthIn the end, we got the children clearing the playground. 最后,我们让孩子们把操场清理干净了。23.UNDERSTAND理解T not in passive or progressive,不用被动态或进行式informalto understand something理解,听懂,明白THESAURUSUNDERSTANDI dont think she got the joke. 我想她是没有听懂这个笑话。I dontget it it doesnt make sense. 我不明白这讲不通嘛。get what/how/who etcI still dont get how she knew about the meeting. 我还是不明白她是怎么知道开会的事的。24.COOK烹调T not in passive,不用被动态to prepare food or a meal准备饭菜Shes just getting lunch. 她正在准备午饭。get sb sthShall I get you a sandwich? 我给你弄个三明治好吗?25.RADIO/TELEVISION广播/电视T not in passive or progressive,不用被动态或进行式to be able to receive a particular radio signal, television station etc收听到;收看到Can you get satellite TV here? 你这里可以收看卫星电视吗?26.ANSWER THE DOOR/TELEPHONE应门/接电话Tinformalto answer the door or telephone去应门;去接电话Can you get the phone? 你去接下电话好吗?27.CATCH SB抓到某人Tto catch someone捕获,抓住某人The police got him in the end. 警察终于抓到了他。28.HURT/KILL SB伤害/杀害某人Tinformalto attack, hurt, or kill someone袭击;打伤;杀死The other gang members threatened to get him if he went to the police. 其他的黑帮成员威胁说,他要是去报警就把他干掉。Ill get you for this! 这事我会找你算账的!29.TRICK SB欺骗某人Tinformalto deceive or trick someone欺骗I got you that time! 那一次我是骗你的!30.ON THE TELEPHONE在电话里Tif you get someone on the telephone, they answer the telephone when you have made a call, and so you talk to them与某人通电话I tried phoning him at work, but I just got his secretary. 我打过电话到他上班的地方,可接电话的却是他的秘书。31.get doing sthto begin doing something开始做某事We got talking about the old days. 我们开始谈起了过去的时光。I think we should get going quite soon. 我想我们应该很快就要开始了。What are we all waiting for? Lets get moving! 我们都在等什么呢?开始吧!32.get to do sthinformalto have the opportunity to do something有机会做某事We got to meet all the stars after the show. 演出之后我们得以见到了所有的明星。She gets to travel all over the place with her job. 她做这个工作可以到各地旅行。33.get to like/know/understand sb/sthto gradually begin to like, know, or understand someone or something渐渐喜欢/认识/理解某人/某事Itll take a while for you to get to know everyone. 你需要一段时间才能认识每一个人。After a while, I got to like him. 过了一阵子,我开始喜欢上他了。收起THESAURUS 词语辨析1.get通过寻找、要求或出钱获得,得到to get something by finding it, asking for it, or paying for itIve been trying to get some information. 我一直在设法得到些信息。She went to the bank to get some money. 她去银行取些钱。2.obtain获得,获取to get somethingMaps and guides can be obtained from the tourist office. 可以从旅游服务处获取地图和指南。The newspaper has obtained a copy of the letter. 这家报纸得到了那封信的副本。3.acquire得到,获得知识、技能,或大的、昂贵的东西to get something used about knowledge, skills, or something big or expensiveThe course helps older people to acquire computing skills. 这门课程帮助年长者掌握计算机技能。He acquired the property in 1985. 他在1985年购买了这份产业。显示更多SPOKEN PHRASES 口语短语 get sthused to say that something happens or exists发生存在某事物I didnt know you got tigers in Europe. 我不知道你们欧洲有老虎。2.youve got me (there)used to say you do not know the answer to something你把我难倒了,你把我问住了 gets meused to say that something really annoys you让我讨厌的是It really gets me the way he leaves wet towels on the bathroom floor.,What gets me is their attitude. 我非常讨厌他把湿毛巾扔在卫生间地板上。,让我反感的是他们的态度。4.get thisespecially AmEused to draw attention to something surprising or interesting that you are about to mention【尤美】你看用以吸引对方对某事物的注意And the whole thing only cost get this 12.95. 全部只要你看12.95美元。收起PHRVB 短语动词get aboutphr go or travel to different places四处走动旅行Shes 80 now, and doesnt get about much any more. 她现在80岁,不再经常出门走动了。Hes got an old van which he uses for getting about. 他有一辆旧面包车,出门就靠它。2.if news or information gets about, it is told to a lot of people新闻或消息传开I dont really want this to get about. 我实在不想让这事传开。get acrossphr succeed in communicating an idea or piece of information to someone, or to be communicated successfully解释清楚,传达We must get across the simple fact that drugs are dangerous. 我们必须让人们知道这个简单的事实毒品是危险的。The message isnt getting across. 这个意思没有被人们理解。get sth acrossIt took him ages to get his point across.他花了好长时间才把他的意思说清楚。It is important that we get this message across to voters.我们一定要把这个信息传递给选民。get aheadphr be successful and do better than other people in a job or work工作上取得成功,出人头地She soon found that it wasnt easy to get ahead in the movie business. 不久,她就发现在电影圈里出人头地并不容易。get alongphr v1.if two or more people get along, they have a friendly relationship相处融洽Weve always got along quite well. 我们一向相处得很好。They seem to get along with each other.他俩好像相处得不错。 deal with a job or situation or to make progress应付;进展Hows Sam getting along at university? 萨姆在大学里过得怎么样?Dont worry, well get along without you.不要担心,没有你我们也能应付。3.I must/Id better be getting alongused to say that it is time for you to leave, for example because you have something else to do我得走了get aroundphr v1.get around (sth)to go or travel to different places出行,各处走动We had to use public transport to get around. 我们只得使用公共交通工具出行。Its quite easy to get around London. 伦敦出行很方便。2.if news or information gets around, it is told to a lot of people新闻或消息传开News of the accident soon got around. 发生事故的消息很快就传开了。Word got around that the department might be closed. 有消息说这个部门可能要关闭。3.get around sthto avoid something that is difficult or causes problems for you回避,克服困难或问题I think we should be able to get around most of these problems. 我想这些问题大部分我们都能解决。She was always very clever at getting around the rules. 她总是很善于避开规章制度。get around tosthphr do something that you have been intending to do for some time终于去做一直想做的事I meant to phone her yesterday, but I never got around to it. 我本打算昨天给她打电话的,可一直没有时间。get around to doing sthWe finally got around to clearing out the garage.我们终于把车库清理了。get atsb/sthphr keep criticizing someone in an unkind way一再批评,老是指责Why is he always getting at me? 他为什么老是责备我?He felt he was being got at by the other students. 他觉得自己老是受到其他同学刁难。 getting at sthto be trying to say something in a way that is difficult for other people to understand设法说明某事What are you getting at, Helen? 你到底想说什么,海伦?Do you see the point Im getting at? 你明白我的意思吗? be able to reach something够得到,能够着We had to move the washing machine out to get at the wiring behind it. 我们只得把洗衣机挪出来,才能够到后面的电源线。 discover information, especially the truth about a situation查明,发现I was determined to get at the truth. 我决心要查明事情的真相。 use threats to influence the decision of people who are involved in a court case恐吓涉及案件审理的人Do you think some of the jury have been got at? 你认为陪审团里有人受到恐吓了吗?get awayphr leave a place, especially when this is not easy离开,脱身The meeting dragged on, and I didnt get away until seven. 会议开个没完,我直到七点钟才脱身。I like to get away from London at the weekend.我喜欢离开伦敦出去过周末。 take a holiday away from the place you normally live外出度假Will you manage to get away this summer? 今年夏天你能外出度假吗?Were hoping to get away to Scotland for a few days.我们希望到苏格兰度几天假。 escape from someone who is chasing you or trying to catch you逃离,逃脱The three men got away in a stolen car. 那三个人开着一辆偷来的汽车逃掉了。We knew it wouldnt be easy to get away from the police.我们知道要摆脱警察不容易。The thieves got away with jewellery worth over 50,000.窃贼带着价值5万多英镑的珠宝逃之夭夭。4.get away!used to say you are very surprised by something or do not believe it别胡扯!表示惊讶或不相信5.the one that got awaysomething good that you nearly had or that nearly happened几乎到手的好东西,差点发生的好事get away fromsb/sthphr avoid something that is difficult or unpleasant for you, or something that limits what you can do in some way摆脱困难或不愉快的事,或某种限制I needed to get away from the pressures of work. 我需要排遣工作的压力。She wanted to get away from the traditional ideas of what thea-tre is about. 她想摆脱传统的戏剧观念。There is no getting away fromthis fact (=you cannot avoid or deny this fact). 这是无法回避的事实。 begin to talk about other things rather than the subject you are supposed to be discussing偏离讨论的主题I think were getting away from the main issue. 我想我们偏离了主题。3.get away from it allto have a relaxing holiday过个轻松的假期You need to get away from it all for a couple of weeks. 你需要放下一切,休息几个星期。get away withsthphr not be caught or punished when you have done something wrong做错事而不被发现,不受惩罚Watch Frank hell cheat if he thinks he can get away with it. 留神弗兰克他逮到机会就会作弊。No one insults my family and gets away with it! 没有人可以白白地侮辱我的家人!2.get away with murderto not be punished for doing something wrong做了坏事而不受惩罚Some of those children get away with murder! 那些孩子有的简直无法无天! receive only a small punishment for something受到轻微处罚The charge was reduced to manslaughter, and she got away with three years in prison. 罪名减轻为过失杀人,她只被判刑三年。 do something without experiencing any problems or difficulties, even though it is not the best thing to do应付过去At school he had always got away with doing the bare minimum amount of work. 他上学的时候功课总是能不做就不做。The colours not quite right, but I think youll get away with it. 这颜色不是很合适,不过我想你穿问题不大。get backphr return to a place回来,回到某地Ill talk to you when I get back. 我回来再和你谈。He got back to the office just before lunchtime.他回到办公室的时候正好快要吃午饭了。 start doing something again or talking about something again回到某事上Well, I must get back to work. 好啦,我得回去干活了。Lets get back to the main point of the discussion.我们还是回到讨论的要点吧。Have you ever thought about getting back into teaching?你有没有想过再去教书? change to a previous state or condition again回到以前的状态Life was beginning toget back to normal.,I couldntget back to sleep.生活开始恢复正常了。,我再也睡不着了。Do you think theyll get back together (=start having a relationship again) ?你说他们还能和好如初吗?4.get sth backto get something again after you have lost it or someone else has taken it找回某物,拿回某物Did you get your books back? 你的书拿回来了吗?5.get sb backto do something to hurt or harm someone who has hurt or harmed you报复某人Ill get you back for this!这事我会找你算账的!get back atsbphr do something to hurt or harm someone who has hurt or harmed you向报复Hell probably go out with her just to get back at me. 他约她出去,可能就是为了报复我。get back tosbphr talk to someone or telephone them later in order to answer a question or give them information回头再给答复Ill find out the prices and get back to you. 我查一下价格再给你答复。get behindphr v1.if you get behind with a job, payments, rent etc, you do not do or pay as much of it as you should have by a particular time工作、付款、房租等拖后;拖欠,拖延You can always catch up later if you get behind. 如果你落后了,以后总是可以赶上。I dont want to get behind with my work.我不想拖延工作。2.get behind sbto support someone支持某人The crowd really got behind them and cheered them on. 观众很支持他们,给他们鼓劲加油。get byphr v1.


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