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一、单选1. Not until I began to work _ how much time I had wasted. A. didnt I realize B. did I realize C. I didnt realize D. I realized2. Only by practicing a few hours every day _ be able to master the language.A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you 3. If you dont go, neither _. A. will I B. do I C. I do D. I will4. No sooner _ to the station _ the train left. A. had I got, when B. I had got, than C. had I got, than D. did I get, when5. Never in my life _ such a thing. A. I have heard or have seen B. have I heard or seen C. I have heard or seen D. did I hear or see6. Here _! Where is Xiao Liu? There _. A. comes the bus, is he B. comes the bus, he is C. the bus comes, is he D. the bus comes, he is7. _, I will not buy it. A. Much as do I like it B. As much I like it C. Much as I like itD. As I like it much8. I dont like volleyball. _. A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So I do D. Neither I do9. _ the expense (花费), I _ to Italy. A. If it were not for,go B. Were it not for, would go C. Werent it for, will go D. If it hadnt been, would go10. So _ in the darkness that he didnt dare to move an inch. A. he was frightened B. was he frightened C. frightened he was D. frightened was he11. In modem times, girls like beautiful clothes. Yes, _ and . After all, our life has greatly improved. A. so do they, so do you B. so they do, so you do C. so do they, so you do D. so they do, so do you12. Such an excited mood _ that he couldnt say a word. A. he had B. did he have C. he has D. he did have13. Jimmy was very nervous and not a single word _ down in the dictation. A. he wrote B. he was written C. did he write D. was he written14. When I took the trip, little _ where it would lead me. A. I knew B. I know C. do I know D. did I know15. Have you ever seen anything like that before? _. A. No, I never have seen anything like that before B. No, never I have seen anything like that before C. No, never have I seen anything like that beforeD. No, I have seen anything like that before neve16. _, I would accept the invitation and go to the party. A. Were I you B. Was I you C. Had I been you D. Would I be you17. _ and caught the mouse. A. Up the cat jumped B. The cat up jumped C. Up jumped the cat D. Jumped up the cat18. Not only _ a promise, but also he kept it. A. did he make B. he made C. does he make D. has he made19. Not once _ their plan. A. did they change B. they changed C. changed they D. they did change20. Not until he arrived home _ he find that this wallet had been stolen.A. did B. would C. when D. that二、 请将下面的句子改成倒装句1. We can succeed in doing something only by working hard. Only by working hard can we succeed in doing something. 2. The weather was so fine that we all went out, lying in the sun. So fine was the weather that we all went out, lying in the sun. 3. The boy is not only working hard, but also very polite. Not only is the boy working hard, but he is also very polite. 4. Though he tries, he never seems able to do the work beautifully.Try though/as he does, he never seems able to do the work beautifully. 5. He cared little about his own health though he was ill. (可改为两个倒装句) 1) Little did he care about his own health though he was ill. 2) Ill though he was, he cared little about his own health.6. They had hardly heard the news when they rushed out into the street. Hardly had they heard the news when they rushed out into the street.7. The blue bird flew up into the sky when we passed by its nest. Up into the sky did the blue bird fly when we passed by its nest. 8. He not only cares about his families, but also lends a helping hand to anyone in need. Not only does he care about his families, but he also lends a helping hand to anyone in need. 9. He didnt get back to home until he finished all the work in the office. Not until he finished all the work in the office did he get back to home. 10. We neither like your proposal nor will give you another chance. Neither do we like your proposal nor will we give you another chance. 11. Although I am hard-working, it is still difficult to get to the top. Hard-working as/though I am, it is still difficult to get to the top.


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