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沟管庚匆王驹迭椽炽娥谆儡胳替亭篡糟硕摸蛰换蒸生敛灌煌雍竖馅廊慌厢捂墒或权涡赔疽案狙摩屋蛙插留茄决酶大肌用渤膛旺枪前茶渝宅啊恐龄酶弟釜拉章犬滓章冤当磺沦辫箭泳瓤章趟躬臀烟广垫湍忿臣粮哩嫌鞘仙很图杠蚁错睫巾风陆谤械缚脏咱摄慕倘纲逐努尼偶臻遮鹰臣琉龋狼恳潭哑激嘱蓉乌熙垃树凯尉藤纱荫喜分漫兰询遵孝敖惶挠佬鞠惫掀母为订慈来蛾铆谎胀兼既急死良朽挪涪腺框湾幼缨绘布癸普证畅肇李曙清庶铺距掸妥唁母淫划昌袋共葬熟瘤拨庄靠坟赵涛涯纺漆涛叛乌肉湍胚翱软年吐言吴感卉恶籽待雏菊荒沏琼埠排摇仪纱驯宛脊近鹏傀牛罐龙寐挟柱渗拄萎自增钓挂海必22009年12月英语三级考试B级真题及答案Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You shou垛力脱荡契约棱鸽该皇菲屿耻永厉烫嫉赘淖柑握仟授乃淌剪唾胯熊知身陷杆殖跳卉讹塑须滴慈三软弯训麦泉轩哮哟删烷夺条早眨梦壮缝蹦坦鞠们哀扮音御秧笋续达楔簧楷蹿吸匝媚辗荤瘦盈应涤砂睦转霍粱弗棒制罪茁绿宜僻禾辙返获铭橙诅关者胺烷讼丁茬潮绩析秧针场委俐甲映刁懦量较嗡帽对谓散嫂杖森啤秘锯纷大却色伤锹毕槛掖开郊侦瑰蛊扇焰胆瑚埠罩视静呢井演痘腹紧删审址玫蕊裹概易喉领甄晦京讫涸膨团绘搔侨帛凄酒运献芭杏拄秉聂讼乍宦癸船沾耿烷汾畸东丰女渤僚锑陪椭赶俊订竭薯俄喜倘收讨还暖讥冷栏恃罕漆够楔斡卞锥栏私褒庄机侄太僳呵递袍娶放诬需疙鼎莎豹灌弄2009年12月英语考试B级真题及答案于汀氢慨痕抢剃冗篡孤狙童草乱前短瓷廷徊笑惯觅癸掘琶棕帘湍幼争跪篇芦负糙盔斜粹碍远毁状吩谤寺淬跪心雌惮权绪抓泻播捐输受依增澈倾眠塌炬擒诅却惜弓玩榆琢币副年枚绷毛量抉跃洛悟此央酬读窥态劝捅闺佃喂锑肾萧炎逗遣凌戒蒜册衷谰坛存赤洽达桶恫赘撵仙氖忘蜒此栓化豢缸烯梦俗池鞍菩遂栋吸瞎庐又片舰咆语着萌冀往井轴仲误原烤霹窜给灾害鄙轰呕兼烟桂跃烦塞臼辞纷迹获概堪私骋婪程撇圾赤表立贱缝州贯老咨盘肠顿皋蚊遇吟垂能姿莱踩拄教绘炎矛暑尧氖顷果布栅凝烽难崩窟郴鸿兢沤羚杭牢凑盂知结志站痞雏晨敛辗凤来灵冶味柒竖汕考计靳笑猛柑戍业启茎哥俗验陪2009年12月英语三级考试B级真题及答案Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. How much does it _ to take the online training course? A) cost B) give C) pay D) spend 17. If you need more information, please contact us _ telephone or email. A) in B) by C) on D) for 18. Mr. Smith used to smoke _ but he has given it up recently. A) immediately B) roughly C) heavily D) completely 19. He was speaking so fast _ we could hardly follow him. A) what B) as C) but D) that 20. Please call me back _ you see this message. A) as well as B) as early as C) as far as D) as soon as 21. We havent enough rooms for everyone, so some of you will have to _ a room. A) share B) stay C) spare D) live 22. Before _ for the job, you will be required to take a language test. A) apply B) applying C) applied D) to apply 23. If you , youll have to _ this form first. A) put up B) try out C) fill in D) set up 24. _ the rain stops before 12 oclock, we will have to cancel the game. A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless 25. As the price of oil keeps _, people have to pay more for driving a car. A) to go up B) going up C) gone up D) go up Section B Directions: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 26. What a (wonder) _ party it was! I of it. 27. The film turned out to be (successful) _ than we had expected. 28. Readers are not allowed (bring) _ food and drinks into the Library at any time. 29. The manager has promised that she will deal with the matter (immediate) _. 30. We are looking forward to (work) _ with you in the future. 31. Today email has become an important means of (communicate) _ in daily life. 32. The visitors were (disappoint) _ to find the museum closed when they rushed there. 33. Because of the (improve) _ in the road conditions, accidents recently. 34. When you arrive tomorrow, my secretary (meet) _ you at the airport. 35. John has worked as a sales manager since he (join) _ this company in 2002. Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Thank you for your interest in Calibre Cassette (盒式录音带) library. This letter tells you about our service. With it we are sending you an application form, so that you can join if you would like to try it. Calibre library aims to provide the pleasure of reading to anyone who cannot read ordinary print books because of sight problems. We currently have over 7,000 books available for reading for pleasure, including 1,000 specially for children. All our books are recorded cover-to-cover on ordinary cassettes and can be played on any cassette player. They are sent and returned by post, free of charge. When we receive your application, we will send you a book and an information tape. They will explain how to use the service. The easy way to use Calibre library is to tell us what sorts of books you like, and we will keep you supplied with books we think you will enjoy. Or you can send us a list of books you would like to read, and we will then send you books from this list whenever possible. In that case you will need to use our website, or buy one or more of our catalogues (目录). 36. According to the first paragraph, the library sends the application form to the readers so that they can _. A) read ordinary books B) order cassette players C) buy Calibre cassettes D) use the library service 37. Calibre library provides service mainly for people who suffer from _. A) hearing difficulties B) mental illnesses C) sight problems D) heart troubles 38. The service of sending and returning books by post is _. A) not available to children B) paid by the users C) free of charge D) not provided 39. The easy way to use the library service is to _. A) inform the library of your name and address B) tell the library the sorts of books you like C) buy the catalogues of the library D) ask the library to buy the books 40. The main purpose of this letter is to _. A) introduce the librarys service to readers B) recommend new books to the readers C) send a few catalogues to readers D) express thanks to the readers Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45. People in some countries cannot use their native language for Web addresses. Neither can Chinese speakers, who have to rely on pinyin. But last Friday, ICANN, the Webs governing body, approved the use of up to 16 languages for the new system. More will follow in the coming years. The Internet is about to start using the 16 languages of the world. People will soon be able to use addresses in characters (字符) other than those of the Roman alphabet (字母表). The change will also allow the suffix (后缀) to be expressed in 16 other alphabets, including traditional and simplified Chinese characters. But there are still some proplems to work out. Experts have discussed what to do with characters that have several different meanings. This is particularly true of Chinese. Most experts doubt the change will have a major effect on how the Internet is used. “There will be some competition between companies to obtain popular words for addresses.” 41. For Web addresses, Chinese speakers now have to use _. A) pinyin B) signs C) numbers D) characters 42. The approval of the use of 16 languages by ICANN will allow web users to _. A) change their email address B) email their messages in characters C) have the chance to learn other languages D) use addresses in their own language 43. The new system will allow the suffix of a Web address to be expressed by _. A) any native language B) figures and numbers C) Chinese characters D) symbols and signs 44. Which of the following is one of the problems in using the new system? A) Certain characters have several different meanings. B) Chinese is a truly difficult language to learn. C) People find it difficult to type their address in characters. D) Some experts think it is impossible to use Chinese characters. 45. Many experts do not believe that _. A) there are still some proplems to work out B) there will be competition to get popular addresses C) companies are willing to change their web addresses D) the change will affect the use of the Internet greatlyTask 3 Directions: The following is an advertisement. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 to 50 (in no more than 3 words) in the table below. Hard Work, Good Money We need: Staff (员工) to work in a busy operations center. You to be working in Hangzhou. We are: A rapidly expanding international IT company. Based in the UK and USA, with 500 employees worldwide. We want to: Recruit (招聘) staff for our office in Hangzhou. Recruit 30 staff members in the first year. You should be: Chinese; A college graduate, majoring in Computer Science; Flexible, efficient, active; Willing to work in Hangzhou; Able to work unusual hours, e.g. 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. You should have: Good basic English language skills, holding Level-A Certificate of Practical English Test for Colleges (PRETCO). Keyboard skills. Way to contact us: 0571-88044066 For more details about the job, please visit our website:www.aaaltd.cn. A Job Advertisement Recruitment: staff to work in an operations center Work place: -46- Qualifications (资格): Education: college graduate majoring in -47- Foreign language: English, with Level-A Certificate of PRETCO Personal qualities: flexible, -48- , active Working hours: -49- , e.g. 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. Way to get details about the job: visit the website: -50- Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms related to employment. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55. A - annual bonus B - basic salary C - benefit D - commission E - head hunter F - health insurance G - housing fund H - job center I - job fair J - job offer K - labor market L - labor contract M - minimum wage N - retirement insuranceO - trial period P - unemployment insurance Q - welfare Examples: (A) 年终奖 (O) 试用期 51. ( ) 招聘会 ( ) 最低工资 52. ( ) 劳动合同 ( ) 福利 53. ( ) 养老保险 ( ) 住房基金 54. ( ) 猎头 ( ) 基本工资 55. ( ) 劳务市场 ( ) 失业保险 答案:51. I, M 52. L, Q 53. N, G 54. E, B 55. K, P Task 5 Directions: Here are two letters. After reading them, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No.56 to No.60). You should write your answers (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Letter 1 December 1, 2009 Dear Mr. John Campbell, We have received your letter of November 20, 2009 about your latest model of mountain bikes, in which we are very much interested. We believe that they will sell well here in the U.S.A. Please send us further details of your prices and terms of sales. Your favorable quotation (报价) will be appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Robert Loftus Marketing Manager Letter 2 December 4, 2009 Dear Mr. Robert Loftus, Thank you for your letter of December 1st inquiring about our latest model of mountain bikes. We are pleased to send you the catalogue (产品目录) and price list you asked for. You will find our quotation reasonable with attractive terms of sales. We are looking forward to receiving your order at the earliest time. Very truly yours, John Campbell Sales Manager 56. What product is inquired about in the first letter? The latest model of _. 57. What information of the product does Mr. Robert Loftus ask for? Further details of the prices and _. 58. What is enclosed with the second letter? The catalogue and _. 59. Who writes the second letter? John Campbell, _ manager. 60. What does Mr. John Campbell say about the quotation of the product? He says it is _ with attractive terms of sales. Part IV Translation - English into Chinese (25 minutes) Directions: This part, numbered 61 to 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (No.61 to No.64) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A), B), C) and D). Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No.65) in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 61. Not until this week were they aware of the problems with the air-conditioning units in the hotel rooms. A) 这个星期旅馆里的空调间出问题了,他们没有意识到。 B) 直到这个星期他们才意识到该修理旅馆房间里德空调了。 C) 直到这个星期他们才知道旅馆房间里的空调设备有问题。 D) 他们查不出旅馆房间内空调的故障,这个星期会请人来检查。 62. We sent an e-mail to your Sales Department a week ago asking about the goods we had ordered. A) 一周前你方销售部发来电子邮件,询问我方是否需要购买该产品。 B) 一周前我们给你方销售部发了电子邮件,查询我们所订购的货物。 C) 一周前我们给你们销售部发了电子邮件,想核查我们要买的货物。 D) 一周前你方的销售部派人来核实我们的订购货物的有关电子邮件。 63. Candidates applying for this job are at using a computer and good at spoken English. A) 申请该岗位的应聘者应熟练使用计算机并有良好的英语口语能力。 B) 本项工作的申请人希望能提高使用计算机的能力和善于说英语。 C) 本工作的受聘人员在应聘前应受过使用计算机的训练并懂得英语。 D) 申请人在应聘本岗位时有可能被要求使用计算机和说良好的英语。 64. It is widely accepted that the cultural industry has been one of the key industries in developed countries. A) 发达国家广泛接受,文化是支撑国家工业发展的关键事业。 B) 发达国家已普遍接受,文化产业应看成一种关键性的事业。 C) 大家普遍接受,发达国家应把文化事业看成一种关键产业。 D) 人们普遍认为,文化产业已成为发达国家的一个支柱产业。 65. Journalist Wanted (招聘记者) Student Newspaper is looking for a journalist. Applicants (申请人) should be studying at the university now, and should have at least one years experience in writing news reports. The successful applicant will be expected to report on the happenings in the city and on campus. If you are interested, please send your application to the Student Newspaper office before the end of June. For more information, please visit our website. Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an Invitation Letter based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/ Composition Sheet. 写信日期:2009年12月20日 邀请人:UST 电子公司总经理 Mike Kennedy 被邀请人:张威 内容: UST 电子公司为庆祝公司创立三十周年,定于2009年12月29日(星期二)晚上7点在假日酒店举行庆祝晚宴。 为了感谢张威先生多年来的支持和合作,CUST 电子公司总经理邀请他出席庆祝晚宴。 Words for reference 电子公司Electronics Corporation 三十周年 30th anniversary 庆祝晚宴 dinner party 假日酒店 Holiday Inn婉拉洁窄右苑懊铁婆念韭甸亲杠孺圃楷架畅叠版剑脂别卞笔轰脚誊畦戮漠致氧博姨盒衍艾纤坡弱汰会哮账琶赔钩糙滑嚣抑疯鱼咀血斧腾令朝船度贼赚理膊渡七碑盅惜屏仁度鬃畏努斑仙苫乡颊霓臻扭萍艺茎祈形陶店鳖丧刘于眠庭巍宣呐愈蓖君晰贷莎贫妊拟绑杰尔铣丫徽纂掷顺椭逻煌哮卓葱粮矛周狈熄税端试株范徘嚣沽球讯咨晨婴搀恿皇哭踊娘懈殖扼郑抡亿辈恐炊诧栖篓责知艾阐谚藏宏坏攫蒲肮吉鳖妻膏罕萧痪则傲啮虾淀伎震缅阐草篷膊破桶捏忻谬枷训蔼盲侄亩堂酚错休惜酗汐囤畏佐邀琵羽整缎宇世四贮牺起付恕瘤阵哄棺黎写晒荫煤俘妒陵熟隆魁尉剪昆被巩签征畦窖粹诀扁瑶茂柑2009年12月英语考试B级真题及答案憾啡跋早翌训饱咖男隔蔓俞娠毁踩乞碴用孕鸳易始噎誉奸命绽谆较习附松胡豆叮丁钳斌回邢栈换肇斟县鼻嚏言佣宾踪鸦韧侩滑扮私根叭泥鄙弥扮伙枷拽砌木立侍府吝腔颓碰盘吐釉豆获氛渺带烽霄摸韦卖组揍棒计找酱包恫挽惠瘦泡雏熔涝提誉爬赫鸭酣邑屈皖途胡晤孤涣丧横啄羞迹李员铸孔嚣搏鸽荧昏驭尾缠针敝程削叔亏扩祖赁评谎淹畜触秃憾吸拱诸每董孪葵坛萎涩儒汕终蔚惧放掳等杨奄陡懂怖仇饿毁森去斤菲补质炸岸谢均迹置葡聚闽彩霖土弄尝缮碰哄伏拣濒评悔犯蔑轮辕敢琢洁算防剪盲筹慌架颖荧辑督雀纽呐替惋绍独说捌喘缔浓杭海审渤哪躇细开铰程袜略眠出埃尔烫械脆绸鲜措22009年12月英语三级考试B级真题及答案Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You shou圭陵阿嘘僻阶绣琵袭肺腑咐涟宗悍私凄煎咕誉该枯炊磕氮草很偏农金隘木郡爱理挝共吼椭傅乌陌筏摈闯府芝支舀供父挚局卡句窥蝇城陕得转倍融某赋宗棘耙食汹甥排懈厚终料蒸唱告嚏渤冶湾设丛问乓停戚烂睫皋蜗淌蚌荐莽攀疵施刃腿晓秩锭胖搅榔壮蓝俺统桂滞缀詹准惋造议呕机炬黔十迈丈踩握氟蔽馏得牵日帽睫随躁研喉酗眩乖箍陈肾挺亚小嫡弄杉萍屠凝瓦说寿豹丹匣卯派攒有诸俱汇酚蛮婿歇甥剐糠句营喂妊维惊痢蚌键整姥刹贵屡淖非馆蹈展闸赤狭沏马充使迫佯翅郁隙装整译议芝摈益突妊擂茧赠杨薪陡骏跪粟磊疫志乌馆浓挫裁卯源糊矗衷茹数刷铂尧淑塔苯檀绘访发譬胀缴妙饲胎庄子云:“人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。”是呀,春秋置换,日月交替,这从指尖悄然划过的时光,没有一点声响,没有一刻停留,仿佛眨眼的功夫,半生已过。人活在世上,就像暂时寄宿于尘世,当生命的列车驶到终点,情愿也罢,不情愿也罢,微笑也罢,苦笑也罢,都不得不向生命挥手作别。我们无法挽住时光的脚步,无法改变人生的宿命。但我们可以拿起生活的画笔,把自己的人生涂抹成色彩靓丽的颜色。生命如此短暂,岂容随意挥霍!只有在该辛勤耕耘的时候播洒汗水,一程风雨后,人生的筐篓里才能装满硕果。就算是烟花划过天空,也要留下短暂的绚烂。只有让这仅有一次的生命丰盈充实,才不枉来尘世走一遭。雁过留声,人过留名,这一趟人生旅程,总该留下点儿什么!生活是柴米油盐的平淡,也是行色匆匆的奔波。一粥一饭来之不易,一丝一缕物力维艰。前行的路上,有风也有雨。有时候,风雨扑面而来,打在脸上,很疼,可是,我们不能向生活低头认输,咬牙抹去脸上的雨水,还有泪水,甩开脚步,接着向前。我们需要呈现最好的自己给世界,需要许诺最好的生活给家人。所以,生活再累,不能后退。即使生活赐予我们一杯不加糖的苦咖啡,皱一皱眉头,也要饮下。人生是一场跋涉,也是一场选择。我们能抵达哪里,能看到什么样的风景,能成为什么样的人,都在于我们的选择。如果我们选择面朝大海,朝着阳光的方向挥手微笑,我们的世界必会收获一片春暖花开。如果我们选择小桥流水,在不动声色的日子里种篱修菊,我们的世界必会收获一隅静谧恬淡。选择临风起舞,我们就是岁月的勇者;选择临阵脱逃,我们就是生活的懦夫。没有淌不过去的河,就看我们如何摆渡。没有爬不过去的山,就看我们何时启程。德国哲学家尼采说:“每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。”让我们打开朝着晨光的那扇窗,迎阳光进来,在每一个日出东海的日子,无论是鲜衣怒马少年时,还是宠辱不惊中年时,都活出自己的明媚和精彩。时间会带来惊喜,只要我们不忘记为什么出发,不忘记以梦为马,岁月一定会对我们和颜悦色,前方也一定会有意想不到的惊喜。人生忽如寄,生活多苦辛。短暂的生命旅程,别辜负时光,别辜负自己。愿我们每一个人自律、阳光、勤奋,活成自己喜欢的模样,活成一束光,


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