(新课改省份专用)2020高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 2 Healthy eating教案(含解析)新人教版必修3.doc

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Unit 2 Healthy eating一、课前基础自查(一)分类记单词省时高效.阅读单词(知其意)1.muscle n肌肉;(食用)瘦肉2.digest vi.& vt. 消化n. 摘要;概要3.glare vi. 怒目而视;闪耀n. 怒视;炫目的光4.spy vi.& vt. 窥探;秘密监视n. 间谍;侦探5.roast adj. 烤制的vt.& vi. 烤;烘;烘烤6.obesity n. 过度肥胖7.garlic n. 大蒜8.cooperation n. 合作;协作9.breast n. 胸部;乳房10.fibre n. 纤维;纤维制品11.vitamin n. 维生素12.protein n. 蛋白质.重点单词(写其形)1.diet n日常饮食vi. 节食2.fry vt.& vi. 油煎;油炸3.slim vi. 变细;减肥adj. 苗条的;纤细的4.lie n. 谎话;谎言vi. 说谎5.customer n. 顾客;消费者6.consult vt. 咨询;请教;商量7.sigh vi. 叹息;叹气n. 叹息;叹息声8.debt n. 债;债务9.hostess n. 女主人;女主持人10.discount n. 折扣 .拓展单词(通其变)1.balance n天平;平衡vt.平衡;权衡balanced adj.均衡的2.curiosity n好奇心curious adj.好奇的curiously adv.好奇地3.weakness n缺点;虚弱;弱点weak adj.虚弱的4.strength n强项;长处;力量strengthen vt.加强;巩固strong adj.强壮的;坚强的5.limit vt.限制;限定n.界限;限度limited adj.有限的limitation n范围;限制6.benefit n利益;好处vt.& vi.有益于;有助于;受益beneficial adj.有益的7.bine vt.& vi.(使)联合;(使)结合bination n结合;联合语境活用1.Children are always curious about everything they see and hear.They will ask all kinds of questions curiously.To meet their curiosity,_wed better answer them patiently.(curiosity)2.David has a strong body.He has the strength to do this hard work.We had better strengthen the relationship with him.(strength)3.Everyone knows the benefit of learning English and if you learn it well, it will be beneficial to your future career.It is reported that many graduates have benefited from having a good mand of English.(benefit)4.We cant always bine work with pleasure, and the bination is hard to get.(bine)5.The natural resources we have are limited.Therefore we have no reason to waste the precious resources without limit.(limit)(二)练中记短语记牢用活写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.lose_weight体重减轻;减肥2.get_away_with 受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚3.tell_a_lie 说谎4.win_.back 赢回;重新获得5.earn_ones_living 谋生6.in_debt 欠债7.spy_on 暗中监视;侦查8.cut_down 削减;删节9.before_long 不久以后10.put_on_weight 增加体重11.glare_at 怒目而视12.balanced_diet 平衡膳食13.for_the_benefit_of 为了的利益14.keep_fit 保持健康1.Though Jenny is the best student in study, she shouldnt get_away_with telling a lie.2.Many people who live along the coast earn_their_living by the fishing industry.3.You smoke too much, you should try to cut_down in order to keep healthy.4.Before_long,_he decided to return to the small village where he once lived to help those poor children.5.Since his mother has been ill for a long time, he is heavily in_debt.6.You eat the foods containing too much sugar and fat, which makes you put_on_weight easily.7.The government will have to work hard to win_back the confidence of the people.(三)仿写明句式以用为本教材原句句式解读句式仿写1.“Nothing could be better,” he thought. 他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”否定词与比较级连用表示最高级含义。就我看来, 没有什么比阅读更让人愉快的了。As far as Im concerned, nothing_could_be_more_pleasant than reading.2.Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not ing to eat in his restaurant as he always did.要是李昌不像往常那样到他的餐馆里来吃饭,那问题一定严重了。as引导方式状语从句。要是他不像以前那样微笑的话,那他肯定是遇到了令他不高兴的事。Something unpleasant must have happened to him if he didnt smile as_he_always_did.3.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!cant have sb.doing sth.“不允许某人做某事”。我不允许你用粗鲁的方式跟你的妈妈说话。你必须立刻向她道歉。I cant_have_you_speaking_to_your_mother in a rude manner.You must apologize to her immediately.4.According to my research, neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet. 根据我的研究,你我两家餐馆所提供的都不是平衡膳食。neither .nor .意为“既不也不”。我们的学校位于美丽的天津市,在秋天它既不太热也不太冷。Our school lies in Tianjin City, which is beautiful.In autumn, it is neither_too_hot_nor_too_cold.二、课堂重点深化1balance n天平;平衡vt.平衡;权衡自主体验单句语法填空Before making the final decision, youd better balance the advantages against the disadvantages.Youd better keep a balanced (balance) diet for the benefit of your health.补全句子When the boy was running after his brother, he lost_his_balance and had a bad fall.当小男孩跑着追哥哥时,他失去平衡重重地跌了一跤。系统归纳(1)balance A against B权衡/比较A和B(2)balanced adj. 平衡的;均衡的keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的饮食(3)keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡keep ones balance 保持平衡lose ones balance 失去平衡重点强化佳句时时写你太努力工作了,你最好在工作和休闲之间保持平衡。You are working too hard.Youd better keep_a_balance_between_work_and_relaxation.僻义牢牢记I must check my bank balance before I decide to buy the car.余额2lie v说谎;躺下;位于n.谎言;谎话自主体验单句语法填空My mother wont have me lying (lie) to her no matter what happens.The town lies (lie) on the coast with amazing scenery, which attracts many visitors every year.He didnt finish his homework last night so he told lies (lie)The survivors lay (lie) on the beach, exhausted and shocked.系统归纳(1)tell a lie/lies撒谎;说谎a white lie 善意的谎言(2)lie to sb. 向某人撒谎lie in 在于重点强化易错对对碰(lie/lay)The boy lying on the ground lied to his mother that the cock had laid an egg.The living room is clean and tidy, with a dinning table already laid for a meal.佳句时时写毫无疑问,这个候选人的优势在于他能用英语和外国人交流。There is no doubt that this candidates advantage lies_in_his_ability_to_municate_with foreigners in English.名师指津单词词性词义过去式过去分词现在分词lievi.说谎liedliedlyinglievi.躺;位于laylainlyinglayvt.放置;下蛋laidlaidlaying3strength nC强项;长处;优点 U力量;体力自主体验单句语法填空(2017北京高考)One idea is that sleep helps us strengthen (strong) new memories.The strength of riding bikes is that it can build up our strength.The ability to keep calm is one of his strengths (strength)系统归纳(1)build up ones strength/body强身健体strengths and weaknesses 优点和缺点The strength of .is that . 的优点是(2)strengthen vt.& vi. 加强;巩固重点强化佳句时时写(2018全国卷书面表达)为了强身健体,我们经常组织各种各样的活动,例如:打篮球、乒乓球等。To_build_up_our_strength,_we often organize all kinds of activities, such as playing basketball and table tennis.4limit vt.限制;限定n.界限;限度自主体验单句语法填空Set a limit to the number of tasks you take on each day and stick to it.Life is limited (limit), but there is no limit to serving (serve) the people.Any driver found driving beyond the speed limit will be charged.系统归纳(1)beyond the limit超过限度within the limits of 在范围内set a limit to sth. 对规定限度there is a/no limit to sth. 对是有限的/无限的(2)limit .to . 把限制在内(3)limited adj. 有限的limitless adj. 无限的重点强化佳句时时写(2015全国卷书面表达)文章的长度应限制在400词左右。The length of the article should_be_limited_to 400 words or so.僻义牢牢记The public is not allowed within a 2mile limit of the missile site.界限5benefit n好处;利益;优势vt.& vi.有益于;有助于;受益自主体验单句语法填空As we all know, books are the source of knowledge, from which I benefit a lot.If I am lucky enough to be elected, I will make every effort to serve for the benefit of students and our club.As everyone knows, sports are beneficial (benefit) to building our strength.系统归纳(1)benefit from/by .从中受益;得益于(2)for the benefit of 为了的利益(3)beneficial adj. 有益的;有利的 重点强化佳句时时写(一句多译)(2018全国卷书面表达)了解中国的餐桌礼仪对你很有益。Having_a_good_knowledge_of_table_manners_of_China_will_benefit_you_greatly.(benefit vt.)Having_a_good_knowledge_of_table_manners_of_China_will_be_of_great_benefit_to_you.(benefit n)Having_a_good_knowledge_of_table_manners_of_China_will_be_very_beneficial_to_you.(beneficial)僻义牢牢记In 1986, more than three million people were receiving unemployment benefit.救济金6bine vt.& vi.(使)联合;(使)结合自主体验单句语法填空Only when our theory is_bined (bine) with practice can the former bee reliable knowledge.It was several factors that bined to_harm (harm) our friendship.The firm is working on a new product in bination with several overseas partners.系统归纳(1)bine .with/and .把与结合起来bine to do sth. 联合起来做某事(2)bination n结合;联合;组合;联合体;结合物in bination (with) (与)联合/结合重点强化佳句时时写如果他能把自己的才能和勤奋结合起来,他应该会很有成就。If he can bine_his_ability_with_hard_work,_he should be very successful.1get away with受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚系统归纳get away (from) (从)脱离;逃脱()get along/on with 与相处;进展get down to (doing) sth. 开始认真地做某事get over 克服(困难);从中恢复过来get through 完成;接通电话;通过get across (to sb.)(向某人)解释清楚;使(某人)了解重点强化用法条条清(选用上述短语填空)I rang him several times this morning but could not get_through to him.If we can get_over present difficulties, then everything should be all right.It took a long time to get_across to the workers the way the machine worked.Every now and then I like to spend a few days in the country to get_away_from the noise and pollution of London.佳句时时写我们的英语老师严格要求我们,他绝不允许我们在考试中的作弊行为不受处罚。Our English teacher is very strict with us.He wont have us getting_away_with_cheating_in_the_exam.2cut down削减;删节;减少;砍倒;降低;杀死;夺去的生命自主体验写出下列句中cut down的含义Every one of us can make a great effort to cut down the use of energy in our country.减少;削减Immediate actions should be taken, like stopping cutting down trees, to better the environment.砍倒Hunger, cold and illness have cut down many of the villagers.杀死;夺去的生命系统归纳cut in插话;让某人分享利润cut up 切碎;齐根切掉cut out 删除cut through 开辟cut off 切断;中止;隔绝;剥夺继承权重点强化用法条条清(cut in/cut off/cut up)Id feel cut_off if I didnt know what was happening in the world.Cut_up the carrots before you put them into the pot.She kept cutting_in on our conversation, which made us very angry.佳句时时写为了保持健康,我们应该减少上网的时间。In order to keep fit, we should cut_down_the_time_spent_in_surfing_the_Internet.3否定词与比较级连用表示最高级含义教材原句“Nothing_could_be_better,” he thought.自主体验Your story is perfect; Ive never heard a_better_one before.你的故事太完美了,我之前从来没有听过比这更好的故事。Tom is taller_than_any_other_student in our class.汤姆是我们班最高的学生。You can_never_be_too_careful while crossing the street.过马路时,你越小心越好。归纳点拨表示最高级意义的几种特殊结构:(1)“否定词比较级”意为“没有比更;没有像一样”,常用的否定词有no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等。(2)比较级than(3)can/couldnever/notbe佳句背诵(增分要点句)(2018全国卷书面表达)From my point of view, nothing is more important than health in our daily life.As a consequence, we often take part in varieties of afterschool activities in the newlybuilt stadium.就我个人而言,身体健康最重要,因此,我们常常在新建的体育场参加各种各样的课外活动。(增分要点句)As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my classmates.作为学生,我可以告诉你,没有什么比在同学面前被老师表扬更好的了。4cant have sb.doing sth.“不允许某人做某事”教材原句He could_not_have_Yong_Hui_getting away with telling people lies!自主体验You cant have your children running (run) around in the house.There is no need to worry about.I will have Tom pick (pick) you up at the airport.(2016全国卷书面表达)I intended to take up a parttime job, through which I can have my horizons broadened (broaden)(2017天津高考)I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train to_catch (catch)归纳点拨用法规则(1)have sb.doing sth.意为“允许某人做某事”时,常用于否定句中;意为“让某人一直做某事”时,强调动作的持续性(2)have sb.do sth.让某人做某事(3)have sth.done让/叫别人做某事;遭遇某种(不幸的)事情;使某事完成(4)have sth.to do有事情要做(不定式作定语)注意事项该句型解题的关键在于搞明白have 的含义。(1)have是使役动词就要考虑have sb.doing; have sb.do; have sth.done(2)have是及物动词“有”含义时,就要考虑have sth.to do佳句背诵(精彩开头句)(2016全国卷书面表达)Im terribly sorry for not being able to go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.I have just found that I have an important meeting to attend that afternoon.(增分要点句)I wont have you making the same mistake again and again.本单元语篇话题与新课程主题语境“人与自我”中的“饮食健康”子话题相对应一、话题语素积累多一点子话题饮食健康(一)浅易词汇温一温mentalphysicalnecessarytasteenergy recover lifestyle habitfat effect strong breathecontain tired relaxed safety(二)生疏词汇记一记refresh v(使)精神振作;(使)精力恢复nutrition n. 营养;滋养snack n. 小吃零食及其他bacteria n. 细菌protein n. 蛋白质vitamin n. 维生素fibre n. 纤维intake n. 摄入量calorie n. 卡路里;热量cuisine n. 饭菜;菜肴beancurd n. 豆腐porridge n. 稀饭;粥mineral n 矿物质cheese n. 奶酪(三)常用词块忆一忆be rich in 富含be high/low in 含高/低be good/bad for 对有益/有害stay up 熬夜;不睡觉go to bed early and get up early 早睡早起be harmful to/do harm to 对有害keep healthy both physically and mentally保持身心健康take regular exercise 进行有规律的锻炼develop a healthy eating habit 养成健康的饮食习惯for lack of 由于缺乏attach much more importance to 认为更重要concentrate on 集中精力于take an active part in 积极参加consist of 包括keep fit 保持健康(四)写作佳句背一背The majority of people take in too much fat and not enough fibre, which does great harm to their health.Eating in a healthy way and exercising regularly are the key to keeping healthy.As far as Im concerned, we should develop a healthy eating habit to build up our strength.Only in this way can we have enough energy to study.二、“分步写作”表达准一点读后续写情节发展合理化阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。I just finished reading a story about a school administrator who was once a middle school teacher in a large American city. She had a lifechanging experience that I can identify_with too.After dinner one evening, she was waiting to get on the elevator and when the doors opened, she was face to face with a former student who she had made leave school. The student was not allowed to return and now, several years later, she was faced_with the same student.He had brought a BB gun to school. There were zero tolerance rules in place in the school. A BB gun, though not a deadly weapon, could still do a lot of bodily harm and perhaps it could prove dangerous. The fact is, the school was no place for it to be brought. The student was expelled (开除) and told not to e back.She and the student, immediately recognized each other and he offered a pleasant greeting to her as he stepped_out_of the elevator. He had in fact joined the military academy and was about to take the SAT to enter college. She was thankful that his life had not gone in_a_different_direction and that he wasnt in_jail. He had a positive outlook on his life and a plan to pursue something good in his future.Yesterday, I was in a grade 1 high school class teaching TOEFL Speaking. Tony was sitting in the first row. I noticed that before class, Tony had slightly kicked a desk and was obviously upset about something. I also know that he has a girlfriend in the class and I quickly concluded that theyd had an argument. I know that it is silly of him to act that way or perhaps even have a girlfriend at that age. Nevertheless,_he does and this little drama was unfolding even before class began.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:I was also sensitive to the fact that he likely wasnt ready to stand up and answer the TOEFL questions Id posed to the class. Paragraph 2:Ive been a teacher long enough to be able to read the students in the classroom and knew he needed some time to relax and cool down before I called on him. 写作步骤第一步:速读全文文本大意:作者首先分享了一个故事:一位老师遇到以前被自己开除的学生,学生被开除的原因是他把BB枪带进了校园。出乎意料的是这个学生目前在军校读书,而且积极向上。然后作者讲述了在自己的课堂上遇到的一件事。叙述意图:文章告诉我们教育需要爱心,友善的态度是教育最基本的前提条件,而且也是教育的真正动力。第二步:细读全文1所给短文情景模式分析。whoI, a middle school teacher, a former student, TonywhatA student was expelled (开除). However, he had a positive outlook on his life. Then the author told us what happened in a high school class when teaching TOEFL Speaking.whenafter dinner one evening, yesterdaywherein a high school classwhyThe student had brought a BB gun to school while Tony had had an argument with his girlfriend.2对原文所提供的下划线词语进行分类。人物:teacher, student事件:in a different direction, in jail, faced with动作与心理描写:identify with, step out of, upset, conclude其他:nevertheless第三步:精心谋篇1Paragraph 1:I was also sensitive to the fact that he likely wasnt ready to stand up and answer the TOEFL questions Id posed to the class.我也意识到这一事实,他可能不愿意站起来回答我给同学们提出的托福问题。情节分析从短文内容可知故事应围绕师生之间的事情展开。注意续写第一段提示语部分关键词“学生可能不愿意站起来回答问题”,面对这种情况,老师该如何选择呢?是像上文提到的老师那样严厉对待学生,还是想其他办法呢?故续写部分应为作者作为老师的心理斗争。2Paragraph 2:Ive been a teacher long enough to be able to read the students in the classroom and knew he needed some time to relax and cool down before I called on him.我从教时间已经够长的了,能够看透教室里每个学生的心思,所以知道他需要一些时间放松、镇定下来,然后我再让他回答问题。情节分析注意本段所给开头句子“knew he needed some time to relax and cool down before I called on him”,续写第二段提示语表明要等到他镇定下来后再提问他,因此接下来要描述何时提问的,以及提问的结果如何,最后通过对比两个故事谈作者自己的感受。所以下文续写应是谈自己的具体做法,最后结合全文,和作者前面读到的故事产生联系,讲述对待学生要具体问题具体分析。第四步:初写成文Paragraph 1:1我认为我应该给他几分钟让他镇定下来。I thought I should give him a few minutes to_calm_down.2如果我觉得他还没有从愤怒和不安中恢复过来的话,我也许昨天就把他跳过去了。If I didnt feel that he had_recovered_from his anger and being upset, I might even skip him yesterday.3当我面对这种情况的时候,我的脑海里有两种声音。There were two voices in my head when I was faced with such_a_situation.4一种说,“让他回答!”另一种说,“听从自己的内心”。One said, “Make him do it!” The other said, “Listen_to_your_heart.”5值得庆幸的是,我听从了自己的内心感受。Thankfully,_I listened to my heart.Paragraph 2:6我把他留到近乎最后。他出乎我的意料,回答得比我预料的要好。I left him almost to the last one and he surprised me and did better than_expected.7倾听自己的心声,而不是对他刻薄,证明我事情做对了。Listening to my heart instead of making it hard on him, proved_to_be the right thing to do.8托尼不仅获得面子和理解,而且我也得出结论,老师有时需要坚强和苛求。Tony not only got the opportunity to receive some grace and understanding, but I also concluded_that a teacher needs to be strong and demanding sometimes.9也有一些时候,老师需要与学生的情感进行沟通,需要听从自己内心的声音。There are also times that the teacher needs to be in_touch_with the emotional needs of the students and listen to the voice of the heart.第五步:润色升级1把要点3改为省略句。There_were_two_voices_in_my_head_when_faced_with_such_a_situation.2把要点8改为倒装句。Not_only_did_Tony_get_the_opportunity_to_receive_some_grace_and_understanding,_but_I_also_concluded_that_a_teacher_needs_to_be_strong_and_demanding_sometimes.第六步:复查定稿Paragraph 1:I was also sensitive to the fact that he likely wasnt ready to stand up and answer the TOEFL questions Id posed to the class. So I thought I should give him a few minutes to calm down. If I didnt feel that he had recovered from his anger and being upset, I might even skip him yesterday. There were two voices in my head when faced_with such a situation. One said, “Make him do it!” The other said, “Listen to your heart.” Thankfully, I listened to my heart.Paragraph 2:Ive been a teacher long enough to be able to read the students in the classroom and knew he needed some time to relax and cool down before I called on him. I left him almost to the last one and he surprised me and did better than expected. Listening to my heart instead of making it hard on him, proved to be the right thing to do. Not only did Tony get the opportunity to receive some grace and understanding, but I also concluded that a teacher needs to be strong and demanding sometimes. Nevertheless,_there are also times that the teacher needs to be in touch with the emotional needs of the students and listen to the voice of the heart.


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