2019高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 4 Pygmalion(含解析)新人教版选修8.doc

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Unit 4Pygmalion【短文语法填空】The origin of tea is lost among history and tales. What can be 1._ (rough) confirmed is that tea originated in the southwest of China. According to ancient stories, the first person 2._ (discover) the effects of tea is said to be Shennongthe father of agriculture and herbal 3._ (medical) in China. It 4._ (say) that Shennong once tried 72 different kinds of poisonous plants in a day and he lay on the ground, barely alive. At this moment, he noticed several rather fragrant leaves 5._ (drop) from the tree beside him. Out 6._ curiosity and habit, Shennong put the leaves into his mouth and chewed 7._ slowly. After a little while, he felt well and 8._ (energy) again. So he picked more leaves to eat 9._ thus cleared his body from poison.The ancient Chinese medical book called Shennong Bencaojing states that “Tea tastes bitter. Drinking it, one can think quicker, sleep 10._ (little), move more swiftly, and see more clearly.” This then was the earliest book to record the medicinal effects of tea.【解题导语】本文介绍了“茶”的起源。1roughly解析:考查副词。副词修饰动词。故填 roughly “粗略地”。2to discover解析:考查非谓语动词。不定式短语作后置定语。故填 to discover。3medicine解析:考查词性转换。形容词 herbal “药草的”修饰名词。故填 medicine。herbal medicine 意为“草药”。4is said解析:考查被动语态。根据语境可知,据说神农曾一天之内尝试了72种不同的有毒植物。It is said that意为“据说”。5dropping解析:考查非谓语动词。根据语境可知,此时,他注意到几片芳香的叶子正从他旁边的树上掉落下来。空处强调“正在掉落”,故用 drop 的现在分词形式。6of解析:考查介词。短语 out of curiosity 意为“出于好奇”。7them解析:考查代词。根据语境可分析出,空处指代 and 前的leaves, 指咀嚼“它们”。故填 them。8energetic解析:考查词性转换。感官动词felt 后应用形容词,故填 energetic。9and解析:考查连词。该空前后表示顺承关系,故用and。10less解析:考查比较级。此处与文中的“think quicker”和“move more swiftly, and see more clearly”为并列结构,故填less。一高考单词识记思考运用1核心词汇remark n谈论;评述 vt.& vi.谈论;说起 remarkable adj.非凡的;出众的 remarkably adv.惊人地;异常地condemn vt.谴责;使注定classify vt.编排;把归类;把分类classification n分类;归类oute n结果;效果proper adj.适当的 properly adv.适当地,恰当地trouble n& vt.麻烦;费神 troublesome adj.带来麻烦的,使人心烦的promise n& vi.妥协;折中adaptation n适应(性);改编本 adapt v改编,(使)适应hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇 hesitation n犹豫;踌躇mistaken adj.错误的;不正确的mistake n& v错误;误会fortune n机会;运气;大笔的钱 fortunate adj.幸运的 fortunately adv.幸运地overlook vt.俯视;忽视;不理会fade vt.& vi.(使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失2常考词汇horrible adj.可怕的;恐怖的horror n恐怖plot n情节;阴谋acquaintance n相识;了解;熟人superior adj.优秀的;较高的n上级;长官disgusting adj.使人反感的用所给单词的适当形式填空1The film classic (classical) The Last Picture Show was the last movie shown in the old theater.(2017全国卷)2To guarantee its economic growth, China needs to deal with the population issue properly (proper),as its workers are getting older.(2017江苏卷)3That night,Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast,and Rockaway was hit especially hard.Fortunately (fortunate),Natalies family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the citys bridges closed.(2016北京卷)4My life improved remarkably (remark) when I discovered art.The art world gave me a chance to express myself without words.(2016天津卷)5Her times were not exactly impressive,but even so,he sensed there was something trying to get out,something the other coaches had_overlooked (overlook) when they had assessed her and found her lacking.(2016江苏卷)6Mum and I became mad with him for placing our family in trouble.With time,an unfortable (fortable) silence grew between us.(2015陕西卷)7There is the belief that,if you arrive at an appointment late,you will be considered important.This is a mistaken (mistake) view.(2015陕西卷)8In this passage adapted (adapt) from a novel,a Canadian woman recalls for her childhood during the 1960s.“学校生活”用词一览further study 进一步学习term 学期facility 学校设施apply 申请educate 教育graduate 毕业,毕业生register 注册,登记schedule 计划表;进度表;时间表major 主修,专攻academy 学会,研究院public 大学的,全校的scholarship 奖学金professor 教授educator 教育者headmaster 校长instructor 教导员librarian 图书管理员monitor 班长“恐惧”表达词一览afraid 畏惧,害怕alarm 惊慌,恐慌dreadful 可怕的fear 恐怖,畏惧frighten 使惊惧,吓唬horror 战栗,恐怖horrible 恐怖的panic 惊慌的scare 吓,吓唬scream 惊叫terrible 可怕的terrified 恐怖的terror 恐怖tremble (因恐怖、忧虑等)战栗,焦虑,担心scared to death 吓死后缀ive形容词集锦active 主动的passive 被动的positive 积极的negative 消极的subjective 主观的expensive 昂贵的accumulate相关动词小结accumulate vt.& vi.积累increase vt.& vi.增长enlarge vt.& vi.扩大;放大expand vt.& vi.扩大;膨胀shrink vt.& vi.收缩;缩小reduce vt.& vi.减少【完形填空】I have written a poem called Flying Kites,in which a man _1_ his son to fly a kite.After a few minutes,the child _2_ drops the string and lets the kite soar(高飞)With joy in his eyes,he watches it climb until it disappears _3_.The father realizes that _4_ hell have to loosen the tie that binds(绑)him to his son.And he _5_ ,“Will I release the string as unselfishly as that?”Many years later my son,Gary,_6_ he wouldnt finish his college career.I tried to talk him out of it.But none of my reasoning made any _7_.At the end of the semester Gary moved back home.Gary managed to find a_8_ at a nursery and went at it with usual enthusiasm.I,_9_ ,was deeply disappointed.What was a college professors _10_ doing at a job that any high school dropout could perform?Then I tried to _11_ him.“Look,”I said,“in a few years youll be at your high school reunion with_12_ classmates who became doctors,lawyers,and engineers.Do you think youll be able to_13_ that?”“Yes,Dad,”he replied without _14_.Then he fixed his eyes on mine and said,“But the real question is:Can you?”Shame suddenly _15_ me.I wasnt thinking about my son;I was thinking about myself and what my friends would think.The problem wasnt Garys pride;it was mine.All at once I remembered my _16_ and the question it asks“Will I release the _17_ as unselfishly as that?”At that moment I knew I had to let go.Gary was _18_ enough to make his own choices.Today Gary has a successful career working for the city.I am very _19_ of who he has bee._20_ I let go of my pride,Ive been able to sit back and enjoy watching him soar.1A.orders BinstructsCadvises Dallows2A.suddenly BactuallyCproperly Dsadly3A.in a row Bin a wayCin no time Din the distance4A.abruptly BeventuallyCabsolutely Dapparently5A.responds BguessesCwonders Dhesitates6A.believed BexplainedCregretted Dannounced7A.progress BdecisionCeffort Ddifference8A.ball BjobCkite Dtoy9A.therefore BbesidesChowever Dotherwise10A.daughter BnephewCson Dcousin11A.support BacceptCcontrol Dpersuade12A.honest BordinaryClatter Dformer13A.prevent BforgetChandle Dadmit14A.hesitation BmitmentCpermission Dment15A.deserted BsilencedCignored Dangered16A.essay BarticleCpoem Dpassage17A.secret BstringCdog Dnews18A.old BhonestClucky Dcute19A.guilty BtiredCafraid Dproud20A.Since BWhenCAlthough DUnless【解题导语】本文主要讲述了作者应对儿子大学辍学这一情况的故事。【核心词汇】release v释放,放开semester n学期enthusiasm n热情reunion n团聚1B根据语境可推知,一个男人在教儿子放风筝。instruct“教授”。故选B。2A根据下文可知,诗篇中的儿子突然(suddenly)把线松开,让风筝高飞。3D与语境“disappears”呼应可推知,风筝消失在远方(in the distance)。4B这个男人意识到最终(eventually)他必须对儿子放手。5C结合语境可推知,诗篇中的父亲有疑问,想知道自己将来会不会无私地“松开线”。wonder“想知道”。6D根据语境可推知,作者的儿子宣布他将不会完成大学学业。7D根据下文的“At the end of the semester Gary moved back home”可知,作者的劝说毫无作用。make a difference意为“有作用”。8B根据下文的“What was a college professors _10_ doing at a job”可知,作者的儿子找到了一份工作。9C根据上文的“with usual enthusiasm”和下文的“was deeply disappointed”可知,上下文表示逻辑上的转折关系。10C根据上下文可知,Gary和作者是父子关系。11D根据作者下文所说的话和上文的“reasoning”可知,作者想劝说儿子放弃那份工作,因为作者感到很失望。persuade“劝说”。12D根据“reunion”可知,此处是和以前的高中同学团聚。former “以前的”。13C根据语境可知,作者认为儿子的工作一个高中辍学者都可以做,而他的同学们则成了医生、律师和工程师,作者问儿子能否应对这种情况。handle“应付,处理”。14A作者的儿子很坚定地回答,没有丝毫犹豫,与语境“Yes,Dad,”呼应。15B根据上文可知,儿子的话让作者沉默了。16C根据上文的“I have written a poem called Flying Kites”可知,作者想起了自己写的那首诗。17B根据上文的“Will I release the string as unselfishly us that”可知,此处表示要放开风筝上的线。18A根据空后的“make his own choices”可推知,儿子已经长大,可以自己做决定了。19D根据上文的“Today Gary has a successful career working for the city”可推知,父亲看到儿子的成功,自然是为之自豪。20A根据语境可知,此处表示逻辑上的因果关系。since“因为,既然”。二重点短语识记思考运用1动词短语pass.off as.(把某人)改变或冒充成make ones acquaintance 结识;与相见rob sb. of sth.抢劫某人某物fade out (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡show.in 带或领进来2介词短语in terms of.就来说;从角度in disguise 伪装(的);假扮的in need of 需要3其他形式generally speaking 一般来说once more 再一次用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空1In a society that tends to measure everything in_terms_of dollars and cents,we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our disasters in financial terms.(2015浙江卷)2As the program ended,the music slowly faded_out and someone began to speak.3When he didnt know how to get into the building,a boy showed him in.4If you are in_need_of anything,e here for help.5They threatened to shoot him and robbed him of all his possessions.6I am so delighted to make your acquaintance,Mr.Wang.“v.sb.ofsth.”短语随手包inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事rob sb.of sth.抢劫某人某物suspect sb.of sth.怀疑某人某事accuse sb.of sth.控告某人某事warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事cure sb.of sth.治愈某人某病convince sb.of sth.使某人信服某事“in名词of”短语大荟萃in charge of 负责;掌管in honor of 向表达敬意in case of 万一;以防in defense of 保卫in search of 寻找in need of 需要in place of 代替in favor of 赞成;支持in memory of 为纪念三佳句选粹在解读中学懂,在仿写中学通背原句学句型练仿写1.What if I was?如果我是,又怎么样呢?What if.?意为“如果将会怎么样?”。在接下来的半小时里,如果这个问题必须解决会怎样?What_if_this_problem_has_to_be_solved in the next half hour?2.But,sir,(proudly) once educated to speak properly,that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.不过,先生,(高傲地)一旦有人教她把英语说好了,这个女孩就可以在三个月以内冒充公爵夫人出席大使主办的花园晚会了。once educated 是省略结构,完整形式为once the girl is educated。当被问到他为何如此伤心时,这个学生说他失去了这次出国的机会。When_asked_why_he_was_so_sad,the student said he had been robbed of the opportunity of going abroad.3.Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.亨利希金斯与皮克林上校正坐着进行深入的交谈。形容词短语deep in sth.意为“专心于”,在句中作状语。全神贯注地读书,他没注意到老师走进教室。Deep_in_the_book,he didnt notice the teacher came into the classroom.【七选五】Building Trust in a Relationship AgainTrust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences. 1 Trust is a risk. But you cant be successful when theres a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.Unfortunately, weve all been victims of betrayal. Whether weve been stolen from, lied to, misled, or cheated on, there are different levels of losing trust. Sometimes people simply cant trust anymore. 2 Its understandable, but if youre willing to build trust in a relationship again, we have some steps you can take to get you there. 3 Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best oute would be for your well-being. 4 If youve been betrayed, you are the victim of your circumstance. But theres a difference between being a victim and living with a victim mentality. At some point in all of our lives, well have our trust tested or violated.You didnt lose everything.Once trust is lost, what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life. 5 Instead, its a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness.A. Learn to really trust yourself.B. It is putting confidence in someone.C. Stop regarding yourself as the victim.D. Remember that you can expect the best in return.E. Theyve been too badly hurt and they cant bear to let it happen again.F. This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.G. Seeing the positive side of things doesnt mean youre ignoring what happened.【语篇解读】文章主要讲述了人们一旦失去了信任,如何再次建立信任。1.B 【解析】根据上句信任是我们从过去的经历中获取的一种行为和下句信任是一种冒险可知,此空填B,本句是对第一句话的进一步解释:信任是信赖某人。2.E 【解析】上句有时,人们简直无法再信任(别人)了;下句这是可以理解的,由此可推测本句应是解释人们无法信任某人的原因。故填E。3.A 【解析】由下句对自己有信心能帮助你做出更好的选择可知,前一句应是学会真正信任自己,故填A。4.C 【解析】由本段最后一句在我们生活中的某些时候,我们的信任会被检验或打破可知,此处应填C,意为不要认为自己是个受害者。5.G 【解析】副词Instead表示转折。可推测这里应是看到事物积极的一面并不意味着你无视已经发生的事。故填G。


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