2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Cyberspace语境运用 北师大版必修2.doc

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2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Cyberspace语境运用 北师大版必修2.doc_第1页
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2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Cyberspace语境运用 北师大版必修2.doc_第2页
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Unit 4Cyberspace语境运用语境词汇运用词汇情景拼写(注意单词或短语的适当形式变化)1.Technological change is everywhere and(影响) every aspect of life.2.They(解决) their dispute in a friendly way yesterday.3.We meet (定期地) to discuss the progress of the project. 4.The burning plastic gave off poisonous gas, which is (有害的) to our health. 5.If you go online tomorrow,your puter might run the risk of being (攻击) by a virus. 6.We headed for the(目的地) at first light the next morning.7.They are cautiously(乐观的) that the reforms will take place.8.I gratefully took the cup of coffee she(提供) me.9.He learns English(也) Japanese at present.10.Writing a new book these days, he didnt (取得联系) you.11.All electronic puters(由组成) five units although they are of different kinds.12.Firefighters(采取行动) immediately to stop the fire spreading this morning.13.I wonder who will (接管) our pany in the future.答案1.affects2.settled3.regularly4.harmful5.attacked 6.destination7.optimistic8.offered9.as well as10.get in touch with11.consist of 12.took action13.take over单句填空(注意所填词汇的适当形式变化)1.What you said has led to the mistaken belief that smoking is not (harm). 2.(obvious), we dont want to spend too much money on the project.3.In addition to these (arrange),extra ambulances will be on duty during the petition. 4.A career in law is being increasingly(attract) to young people.5.He is writing a(history) novel about nineteenth-century France.6.Some(science) books of ancient China have been lost.7.In (real), I have realized that I must stop daydreaming and be realistic. 8.Focusing only on whats on our mobile phones may not only do harm our eyesight,but also prevent us municating normally.9.Keeping touch with our friends is an important part of friendship.10.The children are very quiet.I wonder what they are up.11. is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines are being built in Wuhan.12.As is known to us, China is famous a beautiful country with a long history. 答案1.harmful2.Obviously3.arrangements4.attractive 5.historical6.scientific7.reality8.to9.in10.to11.It 12.as经典句型仿写1.I think drink more hot water every day.我认为我们每天多喝热水是必要的。2. yesterday made Peter very angry.迈克昨天没有参加会议,这使彼得很生气。3.这个病人准备让人给他量体温。(have+宾语+宾补)The patient is going to.4.坐在船里的一对年轻的夫妇吃东西并且大声地谈笑,好像他们是世界上仅有的人。(虚拟语气)A young couple sitting in a boat were eating, talking and laughing loudly as if in the world.5.我的建议是你写封信鼓励他一下。(表语从句)My suggestion is to encourage him.答案1.it necessary that2.That Mike didnt attend the meeting3.have his temperature taken4.they were the only people5.that you (should)write a letter

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