2019版高考英语一轮基础习选题 Unit 5 Theme parks(含解析)新人教版必修4.doc

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Unit 5 Theme parks一、阅读理解The most popular PE class at Waukegan High School in Illinois,US,takes place in a basement field house.It is the schools version of CrossFit,the difficult physical exercise that has exploded in popularity over the last 16 years at thousands of gyms.It has more than one million devotees and a professional petition shown on ESPN.Schools around the Chicago area have adopted CrossFit to interest students at a time of a rising weight problem among young people,and most say it really works pared with traditional gym classes.“I think its a great way to teach kids lifelong fitness,especially those kids who arent interested in hockey,soccer or basketball,”said the teacher,Tracy Haraf from Illinois Stony Creek Elementary,which devotes half of its PE days to CrossFit exercises.“They think its tough,but I think they have a lot of fun doing it.”Senior Alexus Wiltz,18,said the workout had improved her performance on the basketball court.“I noticed I was faster.I paid more attention on the court,my defending was better,”she said after a recent class.“It just really helped me.”But some doctors and researchers advise caution,saying the exercises that involve lifting weights can lead to injuries,particularly when performed by few inexperienced people.Doctor Craig Finlayson at Lurie Childrens Hospital of Chicago said he was worried that while strength training is fine for kids,heavy weights could be trouble for teenagers who might hurt themselves by trying to do too much or using poor form.CrossFit Inc.,the pany that certifies trainers and licenses gyms,disagrees that its program is more dangerous than other fitness routines.Gym teachers in Waukegans Greg Moisio,whose twocampus school has about 73% kids taking CrossFit each day,also say the risk of injury can be reduced with proper teaching and CrossFits flexibility.1Why have schools around the Chicago area adopted CrossFit?ATo improve students performance in petitive sports.BTo introduce something more challenging to the students.CTo make traditional gym classes more attractive.DTo help solve the students weight problem.2How do the students react to the strength training?A73% agree it has a bad influence.BThey show little interest in it.CThe majority believe its effective.DMost of them think its of no use.3What does the underlined word“workout”in Paragraph 5 refer to?AThe physical exercise.BThe basketball court.CWiltzs performance.DA lot of fun.4What can we learn from the last paragraph?ACrossFit is more dangerous than other fitness routines.BThe number of the injured in CrossFit classes is rising.CKids may protect themselves if theyre trained properly.DA great number of kids taking CrossFit lack flexibility.【解题导语】本文是一篇议论文。为提高学生身体素质,芝加哥周边学校大力提倡学生参与CrossFit训练,培训日益升温,但也同时引发一些医生和研究人员的担忧。1D细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,芝加哥周边的学校大力提倡学生参与CrossFit训练,目的是提高学生的身体素质,帮助解决体重上升问题。故选D。2C推理判断题。根据第三段中的“most say it really works pared with traditional gym classes”可推知,大多数学生觉得这个体能训练是有效果的。故选C。3A词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“I think its a great way to teach kids lifelong fitness,especially those kids who arent interested in hockey, soccer or basketball”可知,Tracy认为CrossFit是教孩子终身健身的好方法,尤其是对曲棍球、足球和篮球不感兴趣的孩子。结合画线词后的“improved her performance on the basketball court”可知,此处的“workout”就是指上文提及的“体能训练”。故选A。4C推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可推知,孩子们如果训练得当就可以保护自己不受伤。故选C。长难句分析:But some doctors and researchers advise caution,saying the exercises that involve lifting weights can lead to injuries,particularly when performed by few inexperienced people.(倒数第三段)分析:本句是复合句。the exercises that involve lifting weights can lead to injuries为省略了连接词that的宾语从句,作saying的宾语;that引导定语从句,修饰先行词exercises,在从句中作主语;when引导时间状语从句。译文:但是一些医生和研究者建议小心一些,他们说涉及类似举重的一些练习可能会导致受伤,尤其是当几乎没有经验的人练习的时候。词汇积累:professional adj.职业的,专业的petition n比赛,竞赛traditional adj.传统的caution n小心,谨慎二、单句语法填空1The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of _(amuse)答案:amusements此处表述各种各样的 “娱乐活动”,故需填入所给词的名词形式,且作此义讲时,多用复数。2Mary often does some _(translate) work to earn extra money, which accounts for half of her ine.答案:translation此处应用名词作定语修饰work,说明工作的内容。do some translation work “做一些翻译工作”。3Venice is one of the great tourist _(attract) of the world.答案:attractionstourist attraction “旅游景点”;由one of可知此处应用复数形式。4My grandfather, who is famous _his kindness, helped the Smiths out of trouble.答案:forbe famous for . “因而出名”。5Food _(preserve) in the refrigerator wont go bad easily.答案:preserved句中已有谓语动词,故所给动词应用非谓语形式作定语修饰其前的名词,且两者为被动关系,故用过去分词。6_(deed) are better than words when people are in need of help.答案:Deeds由空后are可知主语应用名词复数,deed “行动”。7The Silk Road has a _(long) of more than 4,000 kilometers and a history of 2,000 years.答案:length由冠词a可知应填名词,length “长度”。8This painting represents the first _(settle) arriving in America.答案:settlers由设空前的“the first”和空后的“arriving”可知此处指“定居者”,且不止一人,故填settlers。9His silence seems to be an _(admit) of guilt.答案:admission此处表示“承认有罪”,且冠词an后应接名词;admission 名词,意为“允许进入;入场费;承认”。10This kind of dance _(model) after the one of that famous dancing actress.答案:is modelledbe modelled after . “根据模仿”。三、完形填空。We rarely get a chance to see pure care and love for those who need it most. And this story will _1_ serve to remind us there is still lots of good in the world and that we are responsible for _2_ that goodness.Ms Noriza, 49 years old, was walking in the street when she smelt a(an) _3_ smell .She noticed many people were holding their _4_ and hurried by. Looking around, she found an old man in a wheelchair vomiting(呕吐)and his clothes were made _5_.“Nobody was helping him even though he looked so _6_,” Ms Noriza explained. She found some people were not only not doing something about it, but were plaining. The _7_ was more than she could bear. _8_, she went up to help.She went and bought a pair of shorts and a T-shirt in a nearby store and helped the old man get _9_.After that, she _10_ him back to his flat before she went to work. There was kindness shown by some other _11_, including Mr Goh. He was so _12_ by what Ms Noriza had done that he got his friend to _13_ the press of this story.“Her _14_ towards a stranger moved me. It was _15_ and plete kindness,” said Mr Goh.Sometimes we are so focused on conflicts, arguments and all sorts of _16_ things that we forget that the world is what it is because of us. If we want to see a society full of love, we should deliver that _17_ through our actions and our lives.So next time we are given this priceless _18_ to touch someone elses life, let us _19_ the moment and do something good, not just for the society, but for our _20_ as well.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了 Ms Noriza 在大街上帮助素不相识的老人的事情。通过本文作者呼吁人们要相信善良,秉承善良,传播善良,让社会变得更加美好。1. A. approximately B. hopefully C. finally D. merely【答案】B【解析】A. approximately 大约;B. hopefully 有希望地;C. finally 最后;D. merely 仅仅;在文章末段作者发表了自己的感慨,由此判断作者讲述这个故事的目的是希望人们能够把善良的美德传播开来,故选 B。2. A. spreading B. enlarging C. extending D. stretching【答案】A【解析】A. spread 伸开,传播:一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病),散布(信息),火势蔓延;B. enlarge 扩大:多指具体物品如相片的放大。也可指扩大视野,增长知识;C. extend 伸出,延伸:指空间范围的扩大,以及长度、宽度的朝外延伸,也可指时间的延长;D. stretch 伸展,拉长:一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展,不是加长。从文章最后两段内容可知作者希望人们用善良来驱逐冷漠,用道德来传递温暖,鼓励人们亲身去做,而不局限于仅仅去发现或者表扬善良的行为,故选 A。3. A. strong B. troublesome C. damp D. unpleasant【答案】D【解析】 A. strong 强壮的, 强烈的; B. troublesome 麻烦的, 讨厌的, 棘手的; C. damp 潮湿的; D. unpleasant不愉快的。 根据下文内容可知 Ms Noriza 闻到的是老人的呕吐物的味道, 当然不会好闻, 故选 D。4. A. ears B. eyes C. noses D. mouths【答案】C【解析】A. ears 耳朵;B. eyes 眼睛;C. noses 鼻子;D. mouths 嘴巴。从当时的情景可知老人的呕吐物发出难闻的味道,路过的人都捂着鼻子,选 C。5. A. wet B. dirty C. wrinkled D. broken【答案】B【解析】A. wet 潮湿的;B. dirty 脏的;C. wrinkled 有褶皱的;D. broken 破损的。根据语境可知坐在轮椅上的老人呕吐时把衣服弄脏了,选 B。6. A. pitiful B. desperate C. hopeless D. urgent【答案】A【解析】A. pitiful 可怜的;B. desperate 绝望的;C. hopeless 没希望的;D. urgent 急迫的,紧要的。在此Ms Noriza 指老人的状况令人同情,选 A。7. A. action B. smell C. word D. sight【答案】D【解析】A. action 行动;B. smell 味道;C. word 单词;D. sight 情景。上文 Ms Noriza 描述了当时的情景,她对没人帮助老人的这种情形看不下去了,选 D。8. A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Otherwise【答案】C【解析】A. However 然而;B. Besides 此外;C. Therefore 因此;D. Otherwise 否则。从语境可知此处表示因果关系,故选 C。9. A. cleaned B. dressed C. changed D. sheltered【答案】C【解析】A. cleaned 清洁;B. dressed 打扮;C. changed 换;D. sheltered 庇护,保护。根据上文可知老人把衣服弄脏了,而且 Ms Noriza 给他买了新衣服,由此判断她帮他换上干净的衣服,getchanged“换衣服”,选 C。10. A. acpanied B. ordered C. satisfied D. invited【答案】A【解析】A. acpanied 陪伴;A. ordered 命令;C. satisfied 使满意;D. invited 邀请。从常识和语境可知善良的 Ms Noriza 先陪伴老人回家,然后去上班,选 A。11. A. customers B. passers-by C. assistants D. salesmen【答案】B【解析】A. customers 顾客;B. passers-by 过路人;C. assistants 助理,助手;D. salesmen 销售员。从上文中的 “She noticed many people were holding their _4_ and hurried by”.可知 Ms Noriza 只是在大街上路过的人,所以选 B。12. A. attracted B. encouraged C. inspired D. touched【答案】D【解析】A. attracted 吸引;B. encouraged 鼓励;C. inspired 激励;D. touched 触动。根据下文 Mr Goh 说的话 “.towards a stranger moved me”可知他被 Ms Noriza 的行为所感动了,选 D。13. A. warn B. convince C. remind D. inform【答案】D【解析】A. warn 警告;B. convince 使人信服;C. remind 提醒;D. inform 通知。从语境可知 Mr Goh 让他的朋友把 Ms Noriza 的善良行为告诉了媒体,选 D。14. A. politeness B. mitment C. selflessness D. carefulness【答案】C【解析】A. politeness 礼貌;B. mitment 承诺;C. selflessness 无私;D. carefulness 认真。根据故事内容以及后句中的 plete kindness 可知此处 Mr Goh 指 Ms Noriza 对待一个素不相识的人的那份善良和无私,选 C。15. A. pure B. equal C. mon D. unusual【答案】A【解析】A. pure 纯的;B. equal 平等的;C. mon 常见的;D. unusual 不同寻常的。根据 and 连接并列成分前后一致的原则可以判断填 pure,表示不带有其他目的、纯粹的,故选 A。16. A. mental B. negative C. alternative D. practical【答案】B【解析】A. mental 精神的;B. negative 消极的;C. alternative 可供替代的;D. practical 实际的。根据前面列举的名词 conflicts, arguments 可知此处指一些消极、负面的事情,选 B。17. A. motto B. message C. speech D. means【答案】B【解析】A. motto 箴言;B. message 信息;C. speech 演讲;D. means 方法。从 if 从句的内容可知如果人们想要一个充满爱的社会,那么就需要通过我们的行为来传递这种信息,选 B。18. A. gift B. situation C. experience D. opportunity【答案】D【解析】A. gift 天赋;B. situation 情形;C. experience 经历,经验;D. opportunity 机会。在文中作者呼吁人们要在别人需要帮助的时候,伸出援助之手,由此可知此处指当人们遇到这样的事情,即有机会去传递爱心的时候,不要错过这个机会,故选 D。19. A. seize B. find C. acquire D. seek【答案】A【解析】A. seize 抓住;B. find 发现;C. acquire 获得,得到;D. seek 寻求。从上文可知作者希望人们在遇到这类事情的时候, 要利用这种时刻去把美好、 善良传递下去, 希望人们抓住这种机会, 选 A。20. A. memories B. volunteer C. souls D. future【答案】C【解析】A. memories 记忆;B. volunteer 志愿者,志愿;C. souls 灵魂;D. future 未来。俗话说“赠人玫瑰,手留余香”,善意的行为不仅在社会上传播了善良和美好,也会给自己带来快乐,让自己的心灵得到一次洗礼和升华,故选 C。四、单句改错1Once the children heard that their teacher came to himself, the whole class came to lives at once._答案:liveslifee to life “活跃起来”。2He is diligent. There is no wonder he has been admitted to Beijing University._答案:ThereIt固定句型。It is no wonder (that) . “难怪”,It is可省略,直接用no wonder。3You will need to buy tickets for the concert in the advance, because the band is very popular._答案:去掉advance前的the固定短语。in advance “提前”。4By doing so, not only I share good ideas with others but I also learn to express myself clearly._答案:only后加can当not only在句首时,句子应使用部分倒装,即not only后需使用相应的be动词/助动词/情态动词。结合句意,此处表述我不仅能够与他人分享好的想法,而且也学会了清晰地表达自我,可知应在only后加can。5Your dream will be e true sooner or later as long as you do your best._答案:去掉bee true意为“实现”,是不及物动词词组,不用于被动语态。


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