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提分专练(二).完形填空Terje Isungset is a Norwegian poser and performer. Recently he has bee a _1_ in the world of music. While most musicians seek to _2_ a frosty reception at concerts, Terje Isungset is not _3_ at a chilly (寒冷的) feeling. He performs with instruments he makes himself out of _4_.A recent performance at Londons Royal Festival Hall _5_ a set including ice horns, ice drums and ice chimes, _6_ singer Maria Skranes.He _7_ his work as being about more than making music, since he also _8_ to display the characteristic of being beautiful and fragile. “I consider it a part of _9_ bigger.” Its not me and my project and my selfesteem (自尊) its the extreme weather,” he says.The Norwegian is _10_ a background in traditional Scandinavian music and jazz. Hes the _11_ of Ice Music Festival in Norway so people have a chance to enjoy ice music and plays at about 50 festivals and concerts a year, many in the _12_ conditions of Norway, Canada or Russia. _13_, at concerts in warmer climates, higher temperatures can _14_ difficulties, as spending any more than 50 minutes at room _15_ could damage the instruments.All of the instruments for the London show were made in Norway and shipped over in special _16_, highlighting the fact that, when it es to _17_ ice instruments, not any water will do. “If ice is from polluted water, it doesnt _18_ that good. If its from tap water it doesnt work because there are some _19_ in it,” he says. “The best ice was from 2003 in the north of Sweden. Im really _20_ to that ice.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了来自挪威的作曲家兼演奏家和冰乐器先锋Terje Isungset用冰制作乐器进行现场演奏的经历。1A.hit BheroCmodel Dwinner解析:选A由下文对Terje Isungset特立独行地用冰乐器进行表演的描述可知,此处表示最近他在音乐界很受欢迎,故用hit“很受欢迎的人(或事物)”。hero“英雄,崇拜的对象;男主人公”;model“模范,典型”;winner“成功者,获胜的人”。2A.prefer BavoidCarrange Doverlook解析:选B尽管大多数音乐家设法避免(avoid)在音乐会上得到冷冰冰的反响,但Terje Isungset并不害怕(alarmed)冷的感觉。prefer“较喜欢”;arrange“安排”;overlook“忽略”。3A.mad BamazedCdisappointed Dalarmed解析:选D参见上题解析。4A.ice BfrostCwater Dwood解析:选A下文反复出现的“ice”是解题提示,此处指他用冰制作的乐器进行演奏,故本空填ice。5A.collected BdisplayedCfeatured Dperformed解析:选C最近在伦敦皇家节日音乐厅举行的演出以一组冰乐器为特色,这些冰乐器为歌手Maria Skranes伴奏。feature“以为特色”。6A.acpanying BsupportingCappreciating Dintroducing解析:选A参见上题解析。acpany“为伴奏”。7A.values BemploysCsees Dgrades解析:选C他认为他的工作不仅仅是关于创作音乐的。此处see作“认为;看待”讲。value“重视”;employ“运用”;grade“(按能力、质量、大小等将)分级,给评分”。8A.offers BpromotesCchooses Daims解析:选D他还力争(aims)展现美丽和脆弱的特点。aim to do sth.“力争做某事,力求做某事”。9A.anything BsomethingCeverything Dnothing解析:选B他认为“美丽和脆弱的特点是更重要的事物(something)的一部分,这个更重要的事物不是我,不是我的项目,也不是我的自尊,而是极端的天气”。10A.equipped with Bbased onCreduced to Dsurrounded by解析:选A这个挪威人有传统的斯堪的纳维亚音乐和爵士乐背景。be equipped with“配备有”。be based on“以为基础(或根据)”;be reduced to“沦落,陷入(更坏的)境地”;be surrounded by“被围绕”。11A.discoverer BfollowerCfounder Ddirector解析:选C根据上下文可知,此处应指Terje Isungset是挪威冰雪音乐节的创始人(founder)。12A.plex BfreezingCpleasant Ddiverse解析:选B其中,有许多音乐节和音乐会在挪威、加拿大或俄罗斯极冷的(freezing)天气情况下举行。下文中的warmer与此处形成对比。plex“复杂的”;pleasant“宜人的”;diverse“不同的”。13A.Instead BHoweverCTherefore DPlus解析:选B然而(However),在比较温暖的气候中,音乐会上较高的温度可能会造成(cause)困难。该句与上文构成转折关系。14A.prevent BsolveCease Dcause解析:选D参见上题解析。15A.temperature BspaceClevel Dconvenience解析:选A根据上文中的“warmer”“higher temperatures”可知,此处指的是在室温下(at room temperature)。16A.materials BsizeCcontainers Dscale解析:选C这次伦敦表演所用的所有乐器都是在挪威制造,并用特殊的容器(containers)运送的。material“材料”;size“尺码”;scale“规模”。17A.carrying BadjustingCplaying Dproducing解析:选D当说到制作(producing)冰乐器时,并不是任何水都适合。18A.appear BsoundCwork Dfeel解析:选B如果冰是污染了的水形成的,那听起来(sound)就不那么优美了。19A.wastes BbacteriaCchemicals Dsupplies解析:选C如果冰是自来水形成的,它就不起作用,因为自来水里有化学物质(chemicals)。20A.accustomed BrelatedCopposed Daddicted解析:选D此处表示“我对那种冰很着迷”,故用addicted构成be addicted to“对着迷”,固定搭配。be accustomed to“习惯于 ”;be related to“与有关”;be opposed to“反对”。.任务型阅读Terry Wolfisch Cole may seem like an ordinary 40yearold mom, but her neighbors know the truth: Shes one of the “Pod People”. At the supermarket she wanders around in a selfcontained bubble, thanks to her iPod digital music player. Through those little white earbuds, Wolfisch Cole listens to a playlist mixed by her favorite disc presenter herself.At home, when the kids are asleep, Wolfisch Cole often escapes to another solo media pod but in this one, shes transmitting instead of just receiving. On her puter weblog, or “blog”, she types an online journal chronicling (按事件发生顺序记载) daily news of her life, then shares it all with the Web.Wolfisch Cole who also gets her daily news customized off the Internet and whose digital video recorder (DVR) scans through the television wasteland to find and record shows to her taste is part of a new type of people who are selecting, shaping and even creating media for themselves. They are increasingly turning their backs on the established system of the mass media that has provided news and entertainment for the past half century. Theyve joined the exploding “IMedia” revolution, putting the power of media in the hands of ordinary people.The tools of the movement consist of iPods, blogs, podcasts, DVRs, customized online newspapers, and satellite radio.People who are very enthusiastic about IMedia range from the 89yearold New York grandmother, known as Bubby, who has taken up blogging to share her worldly advice, to 11yearold Dylan Verdi of Texas, who has started broadcasting her own homemade TV show or “vlog”, for “video blog”. In between are countless IMedia enthusiasts like Rogier van Bakel, 44, of Maine, who blogs at night, reads a Webcustomized news page in the morning, travels with his fully loaded iPod and es home to watch whatever the DVR has chosen for him.“If the old media model was broadcasting, this new phenomenon might be called egocasting,” says Christine Rosen, a fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center. The term fits, she says, because the trend is all about mememedia. “The idea is to get exactly what you want, when and where you want it.”Rosen and others believe the beginnings of the IMedia revolution originate in the invention of the TV remote control, which marked the first subtle shift of media control away from broadcasters and into the hands of the average couch potato. It enabled viewers to vote with their thumbs, making it easier to abandon dull programs and avoid mercials. With the proliferation (激增) of cable TV channels in the late 1980s followed by the mid1990s arrival of the Internet, controlling media input wasnt just a luxury. “Control has bee a necessity,” says Bill Rose. “Without it, theres no way to sort through all the options that are being available.”(1)_of IMediaThe old: like BubbyBubbys started to keep blogs giving suggestions (2)_ on her life experiences.The middleaged: like Terry Wolfisch Cole and Rogier van BakelWhile going shopping Wolfisch Cole listens to a playlist mixed by herself.At home, Wolfisch Cole bees a (3)_, rather than a receiver, of information, editing and sharing news of her life online; she also uses her DVR to search for and record shows that (4)_ her needs.Bakel arranges his life to his taste, reading personalized web page with news in the morning, keeping blogs at night, traveling with his iPods and watching DVR programs.The young: like Dylan VerdiVerdi tends to share with others the TV shows or videos made (5)_ online.(6)_of IMediaUnlike the mass media, which provide resources directly, IMedia can help individuals (7)_ things they prefer through iPods, blogs, podcasts, DVRs, etc.The IMedia model might be called egocasting, which (8)_ getting exactly what you want, when and where you want it.IMedia enables the ordinary people to take charge of the media.Developmentof IMediaThe IMedia revolution (9)_ back to the invention of the TV remote, which signaled the change of media control and began to enable viewers to choose programs.Relying on cable TV channels and the Internet, it has bee necessary to control media input, which can guarantee the sorting through all the (10)_ options.答案:1.Enthusiasts/Lovers2.based3.transmitter/giver4satisfy/meet5.personally6.Features/Characteristics7customize/make/pile/present8.means9dates/traces10.available.书面表达(2019南通、扬州、泰州、淮安调研)下面这幅图展现了我国大学热门专业的变迁。请根据你对这幅图的理解用英语写一篇短文。Popular University Majors in China写作内容1简要描述上图中热门专业的变迁(30词左右);2分析变迁的原因(12个);3介绍你未来的专业选择并说明原因(12个)。写作要求1可参照图片中文字及下面文章开头所给提示作必要发挥;2词数150左右。开头部分已写好,不计入总词数;3作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。Over the past 30 years, China has witnessed great changes in popular university majors. 参考范文:Over the past 30 years, China has witnessed great changes in popular university majors. Maths, Physics and Chemistry, popular majors in the late 1980s, were replaced by subjects concerning finance and trade ten years later. Around 2000, puter science sprang up. Now engineering subjects are in great demand.The popularity of majors clearly reflects what our society needs most at different times. Economic focus determines the industry structure and in return, influences a students choice of majors. On top of that, students choices of majors represent their preference with regard to wellpaid jobs in society, which in part explains why occupations related to technological innovation enjoy huge popularity recently.Personally, Automation Engineering is my favorite. The gradual replacement of manual work will bee an inevitable trend. Thus, researchers and scholars in this field will be badly needed. In addition, to be an engineer was my interest from childhood. After years of study, my enthusiasm for it has never ended and it has now bee my dream career.


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