2019高考英语一轮选练习题 Unit 3 A healthy life(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc

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选修6Unit 3A healthy life一、阅读理解Aging brings wrinkles, sagging bodies and frustrating forgetfulness. But getting older is not all bad for many people. Mounting evidence suggests aging may be a key to happiness. There is conflicting research on the subject, however, and experts say it may all boil down to this: Attitude is everything.Older adults tend to be more optimistic and have a more positive outlook on life than their younger and stressed opposites. The big question is why seniors are happier. A recent study suggests one reason: Older adults remember the past through happy memories. Aging can bring more cheer as people bee more fortable with themselves and their roles in society. The older adults said they were enjoying more time with their family, spending more time on hobbies and having greater financial security and did not have to work.But others are doubtful about the link between happiness and growing older.The notion that those in old age are happiest is misleading, said Richard Easterlin, a professor of economics at the University of Southern California. It is based on paring people of different ages who are the same in terms of ine, health, family life. Easterlin added, When you take account of the fact that older people have lower ine than younger, are less healthy, and more likely to be living alone, then you will find it hard to accept that they are happier.In fact, scientists have found that as people age, their health declines and social networks disappear as their friends die, which can make the elderly less happy.Even if one does give in to ages dark side, health and happiness dont always go hand-in-hand. Its all about attitude. Research by the University of Chicagos Yang suggests that attitude about life and happiness, is partly shaped by the era in which a person was born. It turns out that individuals who adapt the best to changes also have the highest expected levels of happiness.Despite the conflicting findings about aging and happiness, the good news is that there doesnt appear to be a limit to how much happiness one can achieve in ones life. “Most people desire happiness,” Easterlin said. “To my knowledge, no one has identified a limit to attainable happiness.”1.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A. The key factor to older adults happinessB. There is a conflict between aging and happinessC. No one can define the limit to happiness.D. The relationship between health and happiness.2.Why are some seniors happier according to some experts?A. They focus on what makes them feel good.B. They have their own circle of friends.C. They have better ine after retirement.3.What can we learn from the passage?A. People of the same age have the same sense of happiness.B. Attitude may play a very important role in happiness.C. People who adapt the best to changes are more likely to be unhappy.D. Older adults who have more valuable life experience are more optimistic.4.Whats the topic discussed in the passage?A. Whether aging or attitude brings happiness.B. Why seniors adapt the best to changes in society.C. What the limit to an elder persons happiness is.D. How older people feel pared with younger people.【文章大意】随着年龄的增加变老,人们的幸福感也是不一样的。一些人认为老年人会更幸福些,而另一部分分则持有相反的观点。无论如何,幸福的关键在于一个人对生活的态度。1.C 【解析】推理判断题。根据此段中“the good news is that there doesnt appear to be a limit to how much happiness one can achieve in ones life no one has identified a limit to attainable happiness.”可知,幸福是没有标准和限度的。故选C。3.B 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中“Its all about attitude. Research by the University of Chicagos Yang suggests that attitude about life and happiness, is partly shaped by the era in which a person was born. It turns out that individuals who adapt the best to changes also have the highest expected levels of happiness.”可知,人们对生活和幸福的感觉主要取决于一个人的态度。故选B。二、完形填空Each year around Christmastime, I think back to the homeless dog that appeared at the family farm. His visit became a gift of _1_ that my family still talks about. It was a few days after Christmas in 1999. A _2_ dog wandered onto the front porch (走廊)and _3_ in as if hed lived here all his life. He quickly decided that his _4_ was to guard the house against squirrels. Every time he saw _5_, hed bound off past the garden to the trees, _6_ at the top of his lungs. Then hed walk back to his position on the _7_, ever vigilant (警惕的)Inside, the house was full of _8_.My 91yearold fatherinlaw, Jim Cravens, was seriously ill. The family had all _9_ to see to his care, to cook and to wele _10_. Jim and his wife, Dorothy, were beloved ones of the munity(社区). Whenever anyone _11_ the house to do anything or walk next door to my brotherinlaws house, the black dog followed. He would _12_ wait until we were done, follow us home _13_ lie down on the porch.This _14_ visitor gave us something new to talk about. Whose dog was he? Did someone _15_ along the road? Did he _16_ to stay? Anyway, it would be dark soon, and he would be _17_ on the winter night. Jim sat in the rocking chair by the front window where he could _18_ the happy black dogs ings and goings.My _19_ said he wanted to live long enough to see the new millennium (千禧年), and he did. He _20_ away on January 2. That was the day the black dog left. Later we heard that he was a rescued dog about a mile and a half from the farm. They named him Bogart.【文章大意】本文主要讲述了一只无家可归的狗来到作者家并给作者家带来慰藉的故事。1A.surprise BfortCdisaster Ddecision答案与解析:B根据全文内容可推知,这只狗给全家人带来了安慰,故选B。2A.white ByellowCblack Dbrown答案与解析:C根据下文第12空前的“the black dog followed”可知,那只狗是黑色的。3A.settled BwalkedCran Dslept答案与解析:A根据空后的“as if hed lived here all his life”可推知,无家可归的狗在走廊安顿下来,感觉就像它一直待在那里一样。settle表示“使处于舒适的位置,安顿”。settle in表示“安顿下来,适应于新家”。4A.thought BmethodCview Djob答案与解析:D根据空后的“was to guard the house against squirrels”可推知,此处表示“它的职责”。5A.one BitCthat Dthis答案与解析:A根据语境可知,此处应用one指代一只松鼠。6A.barking BsingingCreading Dlaughing答案与解析:A与上文的“to guard the house against squirrels”呼应可知,狗看到松鼠就叫。bark表示“(狗)吠叫”。7A.ground BporchCtable Dcarpet答案与解析:B与上文的“dog wandered onto the front porch(走廊)”呼应可知,此处指狗又回到了走廊。8A.joy BsadnessCshock Dexcitement答案与解析:B根据下文的“My 91yearold fatherinlaw,Jim Cravens, was seriously ill”可推知,当时家里因为老人的重病而充满忧伤。9A.waited BmovedCgathered Dleft答案与解析:C根据“The family had all”和“see to his care,to cook”可推知,家里人聚在一起来看护老人。gather“聚集”。10A.doctors BpassengersCreaders Dvisitors答案与解析:D根据语境可推知,此处表示欢迎来探望的人。11A.bought BenteredCleft Drented答案与解析:C根据下文中的“walk next door to my brotherinlaws house”可推知,此处表示的是“当有人离开时”。12A.hopefully BanxiouslyChurriedly Dpatiently答案与解析:D根据下文的“wait until we were done”可知,狗很有耐心。13A.and BorCbut Dyet答案与解析:A根据语境可知,wait,follow和lie down是一系列的动作,故用连词and。14A.happy BcuriousCeager Dfearful答案与解析:B根据下文的几个疑问句可推知,这只狗引起了大家的好奇,空处与“gave us something new to talk about”呼应。15A.pick him up Bdrive him backCdrop him off Dturn him down答案与解析:C根据上文的“the homeless dog”可知,大家猜测这只狗是不是被人丢弃的,故选C。16A.pretend BagreeCintend Dneed答案与解析:C根据下文的“Anyway,it would be dark soon, and he would be_17_ on the winter night”可推知,大家对这只狗接下来的安置有所担忧,所以有了“他打算留下来吗?”的疑问。17A.sorry BhotCwarm Dcold答案与解析:D根据空后的“on the winter night”可知,冬天夜里是寒冷的。18A.watch BhearCfeel Dimagine答案与解析:A根据空后的“the happy black dogs ings and goings”可知,此处表示“看到这只快乐的黑狗的进进出出”。19A.father BfatherinlawCbrother Dbrotherinlaw答案与解析:B根据上文中的“My 91yearold fatherinlaw,Jim Cravens,was seriously ill”可推知,病重的岳父想活过新的千禧年。20A.ran BdiedCwent Dpassed答案与解析:D根据上文提到老人活过了新的千禧年并结合下文的“away on January 2”可知,应选D。pass away意为“去世”。三、七选五Learning another language is an exciting trip into a new world, and it can take some time and effort to get there. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to make your adventure go a lot more smoothly.Learn a little every day.One of the keys to learning another language is practicing a little bit every day. 1 Studying for long periods can wear you out and limit your focus. Starting with small but regular sessions is the best way to keep your grammar and vocabulary fresh in your mind.Practice out loud. 2 Pronunciation is the key to learning another language and to making yourself understood by native speakers. Read sentences aloud from books or magazines in the language you re studying, or just read over your grammar exercises while youre practicing. Youll start to get used to the way the new words sound and feel.Close the books.From films to international websites, there are dozens of ways to encounter(遇到)other languages in the real world. 3 Listen to international radio stations many of them are streaming over the Internet or look up the websites of newspapers in the language youre studying. You can keep learning another language while surfing the web or having a movie night with your friends! 4 Learning another language takes determination and perseverance, so keep practicing! Remember to review the basics as well as new vocabulary and grammar, since everything you learn will build on the foundation you start with.Luckily, you have a great reason to keep up the hard work. 5 A. Be optimistic.B. Keep it up.C. Eventually, theyll just e naturally.D. Remember to explore some of them when youre learning another language.E. Learning another language can broaden your horizons and introduce you to new people and parts of the world.F. Get a feel for the language by saying words and phrases out loud while you practice.G. Reserve an hour to practice each day and stick to your schedule【语篇解读】本文介绍了学好另一种语言的几种方法。1.G 根据前一句One of the keys to learning another language is practicing a little bit every day.可知学习语言的关键是要每天练习,因此每天要复习一小时,并且坚持你的计划。故选G。3.D 根据句子there are dozens of ways to encounter(遇到)other languages in the real world.可知有多种方法可以在真实场景下遇到其他语种,那么下一句应该是说我们要学会探索出一些场景。故选D。4.B 根据下面的句子Learning another language takes determination and perseverance, so keep practicing!可知小标题应该是坚持,由此判断选B。5.E 根据前面的句子Luckily, you have a great reason to keep up the hard work.(幸运的是你有一个很好的理由来坚持这个艰难的工作。)可知下面要讲到原因,即这样做的好处/优点:开扩视野,帮你看到一个崭新的世界,由此判断选E。四、短文改错Most people directly link senior high school life with plenty of stress and endless homeworks.However, some interested activities indeed contribute to reduce the pressure.Last week the entertainment department of our Student Union organized the activity in which each class shoot a short movie.Our class chose a story setting in World War ,that showed the preciousness of peace.I think this process was a good lesson that taught to me how to strike a balance between studying or relaxation.Now I am determined than ever to treasure everything I have and fight for my future.【答案】Most people directly link senior high school life with plenty of stress and endless .However, some activities indeed contribute to the pressure.Last week the entertainment department of our Student Union organized activity in which each class a short movie.Our class chose a story in World War , showed the preciousness of peace.I think this process was a good lesson that taught me how to strike a balance between studying relaxation.Now I am determined than ever to treasure everything I have and fight for my future.第一处:homeworkshomework。考查名词。homework为不可数名词,没有复数形式。 第二处:interestedinteresting。考查形容词。interesting修饰物,意为“有趣的”;根据该句中的名词activities可知答案;interested修饰人,意为“感兴趣的”。第三处:reducereducing。考查动名词。该句中短语“contribute to”中的to为介词,后接动名词。第四处:thean。考查不定冠词。根据语境可知,该处泛指“一次活动”,故用不定冠词。第五处:shootshot。考查动词的时态。根据该句的时间状语“Last week”可知,该句陈述的事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时。第六处:settingset。考查过去分词。a story和set之间为动宾关系,表示“以二战为背景的故事”,故用过去分词作后置定语。第七处:thatwhich。考查关系代词。分析该句结构可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,关系词指代前面的a story,在从句中作主语,故用which。第八处:删除to。考查固定用法。teach为及物动词,后直接加宾语,不需要接to。teach sb.sth.为固定用法,意为“教某人”。第九处:or改为and。考查连词。该处表示在学习和放松之间取得平衡。between.and.意为“在和之间”。第十处:在am后加more。考查比较级。根据该句中的than可知,该处应用比较级。

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