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周周清10 SelfCheck 一 单项选择 10 1分 10分 1 Manypeoplethinkthenumber6canbringgoodluck them A atB withC toD of2 Thiscupistoosmall Doyouhavea one A cleanB largeC roundD new3 Arethere tomatoesathome Mom No therearen t Butthereare carrots A some someB some anyC any someD any any4 What doyouneed sir Medium please A colorB numberC sizeD kind5 youneedmyhelp pleasecallme OK thanks A IfB ButC BecauseD So A C B C C 6 Wouldyoulikesome Yes somechicken please A drinksB fruitC vegetablesD meat7 Thisyearthiskindofsportsbagisvery Whynotbuyoneforyourson A heavyB popularC youngD delicious8 Petermaycomewithustonight butheisn tsure A yetB againC eitherD soon9 Don t thecandles orwecan tseethethingsintheroom A talkaboutB cutupC blowoutD callback10 Yes I dlikesomedumplings A WhatwouldyoulikeB WouldyoulikesomenoodlesC MayItakeyourorderD Whatkindofdumplingsdoyoulike C D B A C 二 完形填空 10 1分 10分 Hello everyone MynameisJack I 11 inabusyneighborhood Thereisanewrestaurantnearmyhouseandthefoodthereisvery 12 MyparentsandIoftenhavedinnerthere Therestaurantisopenfrom7 30a m to10 00p m Therearemanykindsof 13 Whatwouldyouliketoeat Theyhavepancakes 14 allkindsofnoodleswithmeatandvegetablesforyou What 15 bowlofnoodleswouldyoulike Theyhavethelarge 16 andsmallbowlsforyou Ifyouwantto 17 something thereisjuice greentea coffee porridge andvegetablesoup Asforsome 18 theyalsohavefish muttonandbeef Youcanalsoeatsomevegetableshere Onions tomatoes 19 andcabbagesareallhereforyou Youcanenjoyhalf 20 onweekends Ireallyhopeyoucancometothisrestaurantandenjoythenicefood 11 A liveB haveC putD spend12 A hardB freeC deliciousD interesting13 A glassesB booksC specialsD clothes14 A orangesB dumplingsC waterD animals15 A ageB colorC sizeD kind16 A longB mediumC shortD old17 A eatB seeC sellD drink18 A meatB foodC fruitD soup19 A cakesB potatoesC pearsD bananas20 A worldB priceC hourD number B A C C B C B D A B 三 阅读理解 5 2分 10分 根据材料内容 选择正确答案 21 Howmuchisasmallbowlofbeefnoodles A 12yuan B 13yuan C 14yuan D 15yuan 22 What snotinthevegetablenoodles A Carrots B Tomatoes C Cabbage D Anegg 23 Mr Wangwouldlikealargebowlofmuttonnoodlesandanegg Heneedstopay yuan A 14B 16C 19D 2124 Youdon tneedtopayforthe intherestaurant A eggsB juiceC teaD beef25 Milliecallstherestauranttoorderabowlofnoodlesat11 30 Thenshecangetthenoodlesat A 13 30B 13 00C 12 30D 12 00 D B A B C 四 词汇运用 10 2分 20分 A 根据句意及首字母提示写单词 26 Jackissol becausehepassesthemathexam 27 Canyougivemethea tothequestion 28 Weareinthesameschool Butweareind classes 29 Let splaybasketball That sagoodi 30 Iwanttogoonatriparoundthew oneday ucky nswer ifferent dea orld onions B 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 31 be thereanysoupinthebowl 32 Theyofteneat chicken withriceforlunch 33 Ifhe come tomyparty Iwillbehappy 34 Itisgoodforourhealth drink somemilk 35 Somechildrendon tlikeeating onion becausetheysmellterrible Is chicken comes todrink 五 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话 有两项多余 5 2分 10分 A Hi sir 36 B Yes I dlikesomenoodles A OK 37 B Onelargebowlandtwosmallbowls A 38 B I dalsolikegongbaochickenandvegetablesalad A 39 Wehaveblacktea greenteaandjuice B Threeglassesofjuice please A 40 B Eathere A OK D E F A B 六 从方框中选择合适的单词 并用其正确形式完成短文 10 2分 20分 Ilikeeatingrice noodles strawberries ice cream hamburgersandsoon Butmyfavorite41 isdumplings EverySunday mymother42 manydumplingsforme Ifshehas43 time I llgotothesupermarketto44 some Dumplingslook45 whiteboats 船 Theyareverydelicious 46 mybirthdayeveryyear Iusuallyhelpmymothermakealotofdumplings Doyouknowthe47 BecauseIoftenasksomefriendsto48 themwithme Therearedifferentkindsof49 andmeatinthem Myfriends50 liketoeatthemverymuch all food makes no buy like On reason eat vegetables 七 书面表达 20分 假设你是Bob 今天是周日 下午你们一家来到新开的NewStarRestaurant吃晚饭 请写一篇60词左右的英语短文 简述一下你们一家四口的点餐情况 提示 1 NewStarRestaurant的食物情况 品种繁多 2 各自所想要的食物 food drinks Hi IamBob TodayisSunday Intheafternoon wegotoNewStarRestauranttoeatdinner Onepossibleversion Hi IamBob TodayisSunday Intheafternoon wegotoNewStarRestauranttoeatdinner Therearemanyspecialsinit Myfatherwouldliketoeatsomefishandalargebowlofbeefnoodles Mymotherwouldliketoeatapancakeandsomevegetablesalad Mysisterwouldlikeapancakeandsomechicken Myfoodisdifferent I dlikesomedumplings Atlast weallhavesometomatosoup

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