2019年高考英语 考点一遍过 考点05 介词和介词短语(含解析).doc

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考点05 介词和介词短语高考频度: 【命题解读】介词在英语中比较活跃,然而在高考中直接考查介词的题不是很多,但是介词却是考生最容易犯错误的语法项目之一。【命题预测】预计2019年高考对介词的考查将不再局限于单个介词,将会更加注重对介词固定搭配中的介词的考查,精细化考查介词短语的辨析。在学习介词时,应重点掌握介词的基本用法,同时注意总结其与名词、形容词、副词、动词等搭配构成的短语的意思和用法。【复习建议】 1. 掌握介词的常见用法及易混介词的辨析; 2. 掌握介词与其他词所构成的一些固定短语; 3. 掌握在定语从句中介词的使用情况。介词的分类分类特点例词简单介词即一个介词about, across, after, against, among, around, at, below, beyond, during, in, on等等。合成介词由两个介词构成合成词into, onto, throughout, upon, within短语介词由短语构成according to, because of, instead of, up to, due to, owing to, thanks to等等。双重介词由两个介词搭配而成from among, from behind, from under, till after, in between等等。分词介词由现在分词转化而来considering(就而论), including,regarding,concerning等。兼类介词由形容词直接转化而来like, unlike, near, next, opposite等等。考向 介词短语的功能介词不能独立在句中做成份,介词后必须与名词、代词、或动名词构成介词短语在句中充当一个成分,表示人、物、事件等与其它人、物、事件等之间的关系。介词短语的功能例 句作定语They didnt find the solution to the problem.作状语We have breakfast at seven.(表时间)They were late for the meeting because of the heavy rain.(表原因)What do you mean by doing such a thing?(表方法)Nothing in the world could live without air or water.(表条件)作表语When I paid a visit to you yesterday, you were not at home.作宾语补足语I found the old building in a bad condition.考向 常考介词的辨析介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,使用频率相当高,其用法跟冠词一样复杂。但根据近年来高考命题的情况来看,考生需要掌握以下内容。1.表示相同或相似概念的介词(短语)的区别表示的概念介词(短语)区 别例 时间inonatat在一个时间点上;in在一段的时间之内;on在具体日子。at 8 oclock, at noonin the 1990s, in Januaryon Monday, on a warm morningsincefromsince 指从过去到现在的一段时间,和完成时连用;from指从时间的某一点开始。We have not seen each other since 1995.I hope to do morning exercises from today.in,afterin指在一段时间之后,也可以指一段时间之内=within;after表示某一具体时间点之后或用在过去时的一段时间中。Well be back in three days.After seven the rain began to fall.What shall we do after graduation?in the endat the end ofby the end ofin the end作最后、终于解,单独作句子成分,后不接介词of;at the end of 表示在末梢,到尽头,既可指时间,也可以指地上或物体,不可单独使用;by the end of 作在结束时,到末为止解,只能指时间。不可单独使用。In the end they reached a place of safety.At the end of the road stands a beautiful garden.They decided to have an English evening at the end of this week.By the end of last month he had finished the novel.位置betweenamong一般说来,between表示两者之间,among用于三者或三者以上的中间。You are to sit between your father and me.He is always happy among his classmates.注意:但有时说的虽然是三个以上的人或东西,强调的是两两相互间接关系时、在谈到一些事物或一组事物,而把它们视为分居两边时以及在谈事物间的差别时,就用between。Agreements were made between the different countries.The little valley lies between high mountains.They dont know the difference between wheat, rice and coin.inontoin表示在某范围内;on指与什么毗邻;to指在某环境范围之外。Changchun is in the northeast of China.Mongolia is on the north of China.Japan is to the east of China.oninon只表示在某物的表面上,而用in表示占去某物一部分。There is a book on the piece of paper. There is an interesting article in thenewspaper. He dug a hole in the wall.inintoin通常表示位置(静态);into表示动向,不表示目的地或位置。We walked in the park.We walked into the park.throughacrossthrough表示从内部通过,与in 有关;across则表示从一端至另一端在表面上的通过,与on有关。Water flows through the pipe.The old man walked across the street.in the corneron the cornerat the cornerin the corner 表示在角落里,in指角的内面;on the corner表示在角上,on指的不是内面,也不是外面,而含内外兼有之意;at the corner指在拐角处,at指的是拐角外附近的外面。The lamp stands in the corner of the room.I met with him at the street corner.He sat on the corner of the table.除了besidesexceptbutexcept forbesides指除了还有,再加上;except指除了,减去什么,不能放在句首。but 与except意思近似,表示除了外经常用在no, all, nobody, anywhere, everything等和其他疑问词后面。except for表示如无就,只是表明理由细节。All went out besides me. All went out except me.I never saw him reading anything but the newspaper.His diary is good except for a few spelling mistakes.表示的概念构成例 动作(表进行概念、表被动的关系)at+名词at dinner/table在吃饭 at work在工作 at war交战 at cards 在玩牌 at work 在办公 at play 在玩耍 at rest在休息 school在上学 at press正在排印at church在做礼拜beyond+名词beyondbelief难以置信 beyondcontrol不听管教。 beyondpare无可比拟 beyonddescription难以形容beyondexpression无法表达 beyondsuspicion无可怀疑in+名词或in+名词+of+名词in the army在当兵 in need of需要 in action在运转in progress在进行 in operation在运行中 inuse开始使用 insight看得见 instore贮藏着incourseofconstruction正在兴建当中。 in(good)repair维修良好的incourseofshipment.定的货正在运输途中。 inchargeof负责inthechargeof由负责 inpossessionof拥有inthepossessionof被拥有on+名词on business办事/出差 on holiday/vacation/leave在休假on watch值班 on duty值勤/日on guard在值勤 on strike在罢工on sale出售 on loan借贷on the march在行军 ontrial在试用 on the air在广播 onfire在燃烧on the move 在移动,搬迁,离开 onshow/display/ exhibition在展出under+名词under control在控制之中 under discussion在讨论underdevelopment在发展中 under observation在观察中under test在被测试 under construction在建设中under fire在炮火中 under examination在检查/调查中under consideration在考虑中 under repair在修理中underarrest被逮捕 underattack受到袭击undermedicaltreatment在治疗中 understudy在研究中其他against ones opinion反对某人的见解for ones opinion同意某人的见解abovereproach无可指责,无可非议 abovesuspicion不受怀疑abovecriticism无可指责at the mercy of在支配下;任由摆布forsale供出售 forrent供出租 withinsight看得见1.(2017新课标卷I短文改错)At the end of our trip, I told my father that I planned to return for every two years, he agreed.【答案】删除for【解析】时间名词有every,each,last等词修饰时,其前不用介词。故删除for。2. (2017新课标卷III语法填空)I was searching _67_ these three western lowland gorillas Id been observing.【答案】for3.(2017北京单项填空)Many people who live along the coast make a living _ fishing industry. A. at B. in C. on D. by【答案】B【解析】句意:许多住在海边上的人都是靠渔业来谋生的。此处用介词in,不用by,因为by后面通常接做什么事情来谋生,此处是指在捕鱼这个行业里,在这个行业里谋生,用in,故选B。4.(2017江苏单项填空)Determining where we are _ our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival.A. in contrast to B. in defense ofC. in face of D. in relation to【答案】D 5. (2017北京单项填空)When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California, you will be _ trees that are over 1,000 years old.A. among B. against C. behind D. below【答案】A【解析】句意:当你开车穿过加利福尼亚的红木森林时,你将会穿梭于超过千年历史的树木之间。be among 位于之间;be against 反对;be behind 在后面;be below在之下。根据句意,故选A。6. (2017新课标II卷语法填空)It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible _crowds_(crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and _62_ work.【答案】A from【解析】考查介词,to and from来回,故填from。2.常见同一形容词与不同介词搭配时意义上的差别常见形容词搭配意义absent(be) absent from缺席(be) absent in不在这里而在afraid(be) afraid of担心(be) afraid for为而担心angry(be) angry with sb.对某人生气(be) angry at/about sth.因某事而生气anxious(be)anxious for sth急于想得到(be)anxious about sth./sb.对某事/某人担心different(be) different from与不同(be) different to不关心familiar(be) familiar with精通,熟悉(be) familiar to为熟知(悉)good(be) good at擅长于(be) good for对有益(be) good to对友好/态度好popular(be) popular with sb.受欢迎(be) popular for因而流行strict(be) strict with sb.对某人要求严格(be) strict in sth.对某事要求严格3容易混淆的含有介词固定搭配的词组类 型举 例差一冠词,大相径庭in front of(在前面)in the front of(在前部) in charge of(负责)in the charge of(由负责)out of question(毫无疑问)out of the question(不可能) at table(在吃饭;在吃饭时)at the table(在桌子旁边)有无介词,意义不同know sb.认识某人know about sb.了解某人 shoot sb.击中某人shoot at sb.向某人射击search sb.搜身search for sb.搜寻某人 believe sb.相信某人的话believe in sb.信任某人的人格benefit sb.使某人受益benefit from sb.从某人那里得到益处画蛇添足,误加介词serve the people为人民服务(容易在serve后加for) enter the room进入房间(容易在enter后加into)follow me跟在我后面(容易在follow后加behind) marry sb.与某人结婚(容易在marry后加with)go abroad出国(容易在go后面加to) live upstairs住在楼上(容易在live后面加 in)母语思维,误用介词be caught in the rain被雨淋着(不用by) leave for some place动身去某地(不用to)set an example to sb.为某人树立榜样(不用for) in the direction朝着方向(不用to)do a favor for sb.帮某人一个忙(不用to) different from和不同(不用with)with the help of在的帮助下(不用under) steal sth. from sb.偷某人的东西(不用of)read sth. to sb.给(为)读(念)(不用for)【难点释疑】一、常用介词辨异1. about,on,of 关于on多用于慎重的、正式的语言交际场合。常见于学术上的论文或演说等题目,可供专门研究这一问题的人阅读,有论及之意。 about表示的内容多为普遍、不那么正式,有述及之意。of作关于讲,表示提及、涉及某人(事)时,只表示事情存在或发生,并不涉及详情;有时与about意义相近,但有时意义很不同,常与动词know、hear、learn(听说)、speak、talk、think、tell等连用。 2. except,except for,except that,but,besides,beside except除之外,指不包括,后面常接名词、代词(人称代词常用宾格),还可接介词短语、副词和动词不定式,此时相当于but,但不定式常不带to。 except for除了,只有,意思和except一样,主要指说明基本情况后,而在细节上加以修正,后面常接名词性短语。 except that除了,只是,意思和except、except for一样。但在用法上,其后常接名词性从句,也可接when、where等词引导的其他从句。 but所含除外的意思不如except明确。but多用在代词(主要是不定代词、否定代词和疑问代词)之后。 besides表示除外还有,所排除的事物常包括在所述范围之内。另外,besides可用作副词,相当于also,有而且,加之,何况之意。 beside也是介词,表示在附近,只不过形似besides,容易相互混淆。 如果在区别前后有同类的词语时,就用except,否则就用except for。3. including,included including是一个介词,意为包括,它一般放在包括对象的前面。 included是一个过去分词,意为包括。它一般用于被动语态中,也可放在包括对象的后面。 4. in,later,during 都与时段名词搭配 in作介词,同时段名词搭配,即in + 时段名词,一般用于将来时。 later表示以后,常同时段名词搭配,即时段名词 + later,常与过去时连用。 during作介词时,同时段名词搭配,即during + 时段名词,常与现在时或将来时等连用。5. in,with,by 用 with通常指用具体的或有形的工具、器官等,有时也表示用某种手段、音调等。 by作介词表示用时,一般指用方式、手段等。后面常接动名词或名词,后面接名词时,该名词前面一般不加修饰语。 in指用语言、字体、墨水、体裁、风格、方式、现金、顺序等。二、介词的省略1. 当表示时间的词前有this,that,next,last,every,each,some,any,all等时,介词常省略。e any day you like. 你想哪天来就哪天来。2. 表示时间的名词前有不定冠词,且不定冠词作每一解时,前面不用介词。An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天吃一个苹果,医生不找我。3. 习惯搭配中介词的省略一些常和动词、名词或形容词搭配的介词常省略,常见的此类搭配有:spend money/time (in) doing sth,waste money/time (in) doing sth,have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth,be busy doing sth,stop/prevent sb (from) doing sth等。三、介词不可遗漏的情况1. 含有不及物动词的不定式在形容词easy,hard,difficult,fortable等后作状语,且构成不定式的动词与句子的主语存在动宾关系或主语是不定式动作发生的地点时,介词不能遗漏。 The chair is fortable to sit on/in. 这把椅子坐着舒服。The man is difficult to work with. 这个人很难共事。2. 当非谓语动词表示被动意义时,相关介词也不可省略。 The problem is well worth paying attention to. 这个问题很值得关注。3. 在被动语态中,动词短语中的介词不能遗漏。 Your pronunciation should be paid attention to. 你应该注意你的发音。4. 在定语从句中,当从句的谓语和先行词构成动宾关系且从句谓语为不及物动词时,必须加上介词。 The library which we often go to is not far away from our school. 我们经常去的那个图书馆离我们的学校不远。5. 在too.to.,enough. to.,so. as to.等结构中,含有不及物动词的不定式作结果状语,构成不定式的动词为不及物动词,且该动词与主语构成动宾关系或主语为不定式动作发生的地点时,介词不能遗漏。The ice is too thin to skate on. 冰太薄了,不能在上面滑。题组一 基础过关单句改错1. I lent to her some money in order that she could go for a holiday. _2. Joe wasted a lot time before he got down to work. _3. The biggest problem was in that almost all munication systems were destroyed. _4. Only a few months ago, this area suffered by the worst drought in a century. _5. It was very kind for them to invite me to visit their country. _6. Appreciate and honor what you have instead focusing on what you do not. _7. The boy wanted to join in the army but was turned down because he was under age. _8. I just couldnt laugh to his jokes the way I used to. _题组二 能力提升I.单项填空1.This experience teaches me a lesson: Never judge a person simply _ the first impression.A.in the form ofB. with the help ofC. on the basis ofD.in case of2.It was quite_ me why people preferred to go to the island on such a cold night.A. againstB. overC. beyondD. above3. _ our disagreements, we have been able to find some mon ground.A. BeyondB. ForC. DespiteD. By4.Sometimes its tough to get off the couch and go for a run. With so many digital devices at your fingertips, how can you possibly keep_?A.in turnB.in shapeC.in returnD.in charge5.I feel that one of my main duties _a teacher is to help the students to bee better learners.A. forB. likeC.asD. with6.These ments came specific questions often asked by local newsmen.A. in memory of B. in response to C. in touch with D. in possession of7.Most people work because its unavoidable. , there are some people who actually enjoy work.A. As a result B. In addition C. By contrast D. In conclusion8.A mon memory they all have_ their school days is the school uniform.A. ofB. onC. toD. with9.Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is to live_nature.A. in view ofB. in need of C.in touch with D. in harmony with10.Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around _ Thomas Edison.A. thanks to B. regardless of C. aside from D. but forII.语篇填空As I walked _1_the city streets,I passed a young man searching through a small block of land that contained a mix of leaves and rubbish. I was somewhat puzzled why someone _2_him would be searching through rubbish. Finding this a little odd,I asked him,What are you searching _3_? He replied very simply that he was looking for money.After talking _4_him for a little longer,I found out that he had bee homeless after getting laid _5_ from his job. Since then,he had been working _6_ part-time jobs in a doctors office and in a food bank to earn some money. But he made so little that he lost heart. The man seemed fairly talented,although he was a little dirty.I told him that our thoughts create our reality,and I suggested that he not give _7_ and think _8_ a positive way. During the whole talk,what I stressed was that he was young and that everything was possible. Although he didnt respond _9_ the spot,my sense told me that what I said seemed to have an effect _10_ him.题组三 体验真题1. (2018新课标卷II完形填空)I still cant believe what a coincidence it was. Im just so glad I was there _60_ to help my son.A. on board B. in time C. for sure D. on purpose2. (2018新课标卷II短文改错)They would say to me that playing card games would help my brain. Still I was unwilling to play the games for them sometimes.3. (2018北京卷单项填空) Good morning, Mr. Lees office. Good morning. Id like to make an appointment _ next Wednesday afternoon. A. for B. on C. in D. at4. (2018江苏卷单项填空)Chinas softpowergrows_ theincreasingappreciationandunderstanding of China globally.A. in line with B. in reply toC. in return for D. in honour of5. Bob thought he couldnt go to the party because he had to write a report, but he went _.A. at first B. after allC. above all D. at random6.(2017天津单项填空)We offer an excellent education to our students. _, we expect students to work hard.A. On average B. At best C. In return D. After all7.(2017天津完形填空) My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000 25 a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger.A. in search of B. in need of C. in place of D. in support of8. (2017新课标I卷语法填空)There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical munity(医学界) a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side (effects) (effect) such as overweight and heart disease the very thing the medical munity was trying to fight.9. (2017新课标I卷短文改错)It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle on the road.10. (2017新课标II卷短文改错)They have also bought for some gardening tools. beside, they often get some useful information from the internet.11.(2016天津卷单项填空)The dictionary is _: many words have been added to the language since it was published. A. out of controlB. out of dateC. out of sightD. out of reach12.(2016浙江卷单项填空)The study suggests that the cultures we grow up _ influence the basic processes by which we see world around us.A. onB. inC. atD. about13.(2016全国新课标卷II语法填空)Most of us are more focused 44 our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day. 14.(2016浙江)That young man is honest , cooperative , always there when you need his help ._, hes reliable.A. Or else B. In short C. By the way D. For one thing15.(2015重庆)Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 _ the average.A. below B. on C. at D. above题组一基础过关单句改错1. 去掉to 【解析】句意:我借给她一些钱,以便她能去度假。动词lend后可接双宾语,所以to多余。2. 在time 前加of 【解析】句意:乔在开始工作前浪费了不少时间。a lot of为固定用法,意为许多,后接可数名词复数形式或不可数名词。注意:a lot为副词短语,表程度。3. 去掉in 【解析】句意:最大的难题是,几乎所有的通讯系统都被破坏了。根据语境及句子结构可知,句中用that引导表语从句。4. by from 【解析】句意:仅在几个月前,这个地区遭受了一次本世纪以来最为严重的旱灾。suffer from为固定用法,意为忍受,遭受。 6. 在instead后加of 【解析】句意:感激并且尊重你所拥有的,而不是将注意力放在你没有的东西上。instead of 为复合介词,意为而不是。7. 去掉 in 【解析】句意:这个男孩想参军,但因为年纪小被拒绝了。join表示参加,加入(某个组织)时, 后面不加介词in;表示参加(某项活动)时,才加 in。8. 第一个to at 【解析】句意:我就是不能像以前那样因他讲的笑话而发笑。laugh at为固定搭配,意为嘲笑,因而发笑。题组二能力提升 I.单项填空1.C 【解析】考查介词短语辨析。in the form of以的形式,with the help of在的帮助下,on the basis of 以为基础,in case of如果,假使。结合语境可知选C。2.C 【解析】考查介词。句意:我很不理解为什么人们愿意在那样冷的一个晚上登那个岛。against反对,over翻越,在上面,above在上面,超过,均不符合句意。be beyond sb.某人无法理解,符合句意,故选C。3.C 【解析】考查介词的用法。句意:尽管我们存在分歧,但仍能找到一些共同点。despite即使,尽管,符合句意。4.B 【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:有时,很难从沙发上站起来,稍微活动一下。手边有那么多数码设备,你怎么可能保持健康呢?in shape健康,符合句意。in turn轮流,相应地;in return作为回报;in charge负责。5.C 【解析】句意:我觉得作为教师,其主要职责之一就是帮助学生成为更好的学习者。as作介词有作为的意思,符合语境。6.B 【解析】句意:这些评论是对某些经常被当地新闻人问到的问题的回应。in memory of纪念; in response to回应; in touch with联系;in possession of拥有。分析句子成分知道空格处充当介词短语作状语的作用,根据常识和句意,评论应该是对问题的回应。所以答案是B。8.A 【解析】考查介词辨析。of关于,表示从属关系; on表示在之上; to表示对于; with表示和在一起。句意:他们共有的关于他们学校的记忆是校服。have a memory of对有记忆,是固定短语,故选A。9.D 【解析】考查短语辨析。 in view of在眼里; in need of需要; in touch with和接触; In harmony with与和谐相处。这四个短语后面都应该接名词,该句意思为:人的生活是自然的一部分,因此,我们生存下来的唯一的方法就是与自然和谐相处。根据句意,故选D。10.D 【解析】句意:要不是爱迪生的发明,今天我们身边享用的很多东西都将不复存在。thanks to 多亏,具有很强的迷惑性,如将题干改成_Thomas Edison, nowwecanbenefitfrom manyofthethings aroundus.则选A项;B项不管,不顾;C项除了;D项要不是,常用于隐藏式(含蓄式)虚拟条件句。故选D项。II.语篇填空1.along/down2.like3.for4.with5.off6.on7.up8.in9.on10.on题组三体验真题1. B 【解析】考查介词词组词义辨析。我高兴的是我在那儿及时帮助了我的儿子。A. on board在船上;B. in time及时;C. for sure肯定;D. on purpose目的。故选B项切题。2.for改为with 【解析】考查介词。play the games with sb.表示“和某人一块玩游戏”,故把for改为with。3.A 【解析】考查介词。句意:早上好,Lee先生办公室。早上好。我想预约下周三下午(和Mr. Lee见面)。make an appointment for意为“为预约”,是固定搭配,故A选项正确。4.A 【解析】考查介词短语词义辨析及语境理解。句意:中国的软实力增长与日俱增全球对中国的赏识和理解相一致。A. in line with按照;与.一致;B. in reply to答复;C. in return for作为 . 的报酬;D. in honour of为纪念。故选A。6.C 【解析】句意:我们给我们的学生们提供极好的教育,作为回报,我们期待我们的学生们努力学习。A. 平均起来,一般说来;B. 最多,充其量;C. 作为回报;D. 毕竟,终究。根据句意故选C。7. D 【解析】根据上文raise $50,000可知,此处表示为了支持三十年前为了结束饥饿而创办的一项活动。A. 为了寻找;B. 需要;C. 代替;D. 为了支持。故选D。8.as 考查介词。句意:这一趋势最初


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