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汉川二中2017-2018学年高一下期末考试英 语 试 卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5个小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man mean?AHe cant hear what the woman is saying.BHe will try to touch the spider later.CHe is afraid to touch the spider.2. Where does the woman want to go?AThe supermarket. BThe book store. CThe kindergarten.3. When will the man check out?AOn Friday. BOn Thursday. COn Tuesday.4. What does the man advise the woman to do?AExercise for 20 minutes in the morning.BRead English every morning.CGet up early.5. Why does the woman want to buy a heavy coat for Jimmy?AWinter is ing soon.BJimmy will go camping in the mountains.CJimmy has caught a bad cold.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Who may the woman be?AMr. Thomass wife. BMr. Thomass boss.CMr. Thomass secretary.7. What is Mr. Thomas doing now?AHe is attending an activity.BHe is having supper.CHe is having a meeting.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What will the man do tomorrow afternoon?AHave a meeting.BGo to the national lab.CHave dinner with Mr. Cooper.9. What will the man do on Saturday?ADo some paper work.BWatch a basketball game.CVisit LG pany.10. When will the man have a meal with Mr. Cooper?AAt 300 BAt 700 CAt 1000 请听第8段材料,回答10至13题。11. What is the man looking for?AA shop BA food list. CA book list.12. Where is the list now?AIn the pocket near the bed. BOn the shelf. COn the bed.13. What does the woman think of the books?AThey are interesting.BThey might be useful.CThey are quite valuable.请听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. When did the woman begin collecting stamps?ALast month. BWhen she was ten. CTen years ago.15. How many stamps does the woman have now?ALess than 1,000.BMore than 1,000. CAt least 3,000.16. Why does the woman love collecting stamps?AShe can get much pleasure from them.BThe stamps are worth a lot of money.CShe loves putting stamps on her letters.17. What kind of stamps doesnt the woman have now?AStamps of the animals of Chinese birth years.BStamps of national flowers.CStamps of Beijing Opera face masks.请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.What is the similarity of logos?AThey are in small size.BThey are difficult to understand.CThey are simple in design.19. What colors are most frequently used in logos?ARed and yellow. BBlue and yellow. CBlue and red.20. What does the blue color on logos stand for?ATrust. BStrength. CEnergy.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThough beach vacations may be a great way to take your mind off work, lakes surrounded by mountains make for an even grander experience. If you are looking for some peace on your vacation, we have some remendations for you in the Caucasus(高加索). Lake SevanLake Sevan is situated in the central part of Armenia, in the Gegharkunik province. It is the largest lake in Armenia, located 6,200ft above sea level. Along the lake shore, there are various acmodations(膳宿).such as resorts and hotels with plenty of activities to take part in such as windsurfing, swimming and sunbathing. While there, do not forget to visit one of the famous cultural relics, the Sevanavank Monastery, and it offers a great view of the lake as well. Lake ParavaniLake Paravani, located at 6,801ft above sea level, is in the south of Georgia, near the Javakheti plateau. At this level, altitude sickness can occur and it is a good idea to be prepared to adapt to it properly, or bring medication for altitude sickness. Being a volcanic lake makes for a more interesting experience. The lake is best known for fishing. Do not e home during the winter months when the lake freezes. Lake CildirLake Cildir is located in the Ardahan province, East Turkey, near the borders of Georgia and Armenia. It is the second largest freshwater lake of Eastern Turkey, and many tourists are not aware of this beautiful attraction. Lake Cildir is surrounded by mountains of the Caucasus. The lake freezes during late November. If the winter is not extremely cold, you can try some lake activities like ice skating and ice fishing. Lake VanLake Van is the must visit of all lakes in this list. The largest lake in Turkey, Lake Van is located on the eastern shore of Turkey and is also the most accessible lake here. Its situated at 5, 380ft above sea level, and unique to lakes around the world, the water is high in salt content. 21If you want to visit some historic sites during your travel by a lake, you can go to_ . A. Lake CildirB. Lake ParvaniC. Lake SevanD. Lake Van22What is special about Lake Van?A. Its water is high in salt. B. It is a volcanic lake. C. It is globally the largest lake. D. It is surrounded by mountains. 23What challenge are travelers most likely to face while visiting Lake Paravani?A. Lack of medicine. B. Volcano eruptions. C. Altitude sickness. D. Low temperature all the year. 24Which destinations would be attractive to a fishing lover?A. Lake Sevan and Lake Pa ravani. B. Lake Pravani and Lake Cildir. C. Lake Cildir and Lake Van. D. Lake Sevan and Lake Van.BRachel Louise Carson was born on May 27th, 1907 in Springdale, Pennsylvania. She grew up on a farm where she learnt about nature and animals. Rachel loved reading and writing stories when she was young. She even had a story published when she was only ten years old. One of Rachels favorite subjects was oceanology(海洋生物学).Rachel attended college at the Pennsylvania College for Women where she majored in biology. She later got her masters(硕士) degree in zoology from Johns Hopkins University. After graduation, Rachel taught for a while and then got a job at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. At first, she wrote for a weekly radio program that educated people on marine(海洋的) biology. Later, she became a marine biologist and chief editor of publications for the Fish and Wildlife Service. In addition to her work at the Fish and Wildlife Service, Rachel wrote articles for magazines about the ocean. In 1941, she published her first book called Under the Sea Wind. However, her second book, The Sea Around Us, made her famous. The Sea Around Us was published in 1951 and was on the New York Times bestseller list for 39 weeks. With the success of the book, Rachel quit her job at the Fish and Wildlife Service and concentrated on writing full-time. After World War, farmers began to use pesticides (农药) such as DDT on their crops. Rachel was concerned about the effects that large-scale spraying of DDT may have on the health of people as well as the environment. Rachel began to gather research material on pesticides and write a book about the subject.Rachel spent four years gathering research material and writing the book. She named it Silent Spring referring to bird death due to pesticides and the spring being silent without their songs. Published in 1962, the book became very popular and brought the environmental issues of pesticides to the general public.On April 14th, 1964, she died of breast cancer in her home in Maryland. 25. What did Rachel Louise Carson major in for her bachelors(学士) degree?A. Oceanology.B. Zoology.C. Biology.D. Engineering. 26. What is the right order of the following events about Rachels life?a. She collected material for Silent Spring b. She taught for a while after graduation.c. She gave up her job at the Service. d. She had her first book published.e. She became a marine biologist.A. d-a-c-b-eB. b-e-d-c-aC. d-c-a-b-eD. b-d-c-e-a27. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. Rachel showed a talent for writing at a young ageB. it took little effort for Rachel to write Silent SpringC. it was Silent Spring that brought Rachel instant fameD. Rachel is believed to be more a biologist than a writer28. What type of writing is the article likely to be?A. A short story. B. A book review. C. A biography. D. A news report.C Albert was an ordinary worker in an oil pany in America. His workmates gave a nickname(绰号) “Four dollars a bucket (桶)” to him, for he was always used to leaving an advertisement of his pany “Four dollars a bucket of oil” below his name whenever and wherever he wrote down his name.As time went by, people forgot his real name. Later, when Rockefeller, the board chairman of the oil pany, heard of it, he was very surprised, so he invited Albert to e to his office.“Some people give you a nickname for Four dollars a bucket. Why arent you angry?” asked Rockefeller with some puzzlement in his eyes. “Oh! Mr. Rockefeller! I like this nickname very much, because Four dollars a bucket is our panys advertisement. As long as someone calls me Four dollars a bucket once, I think its a free advertisement for our pany. I have no reason to get angry. Dont you think so, Mr. Rockefeller?” “Oh! What a fantastic man!” Rockefeller said excitedly when hearing Alberts words. “Young man, work harder! You must succeed in the future! I believe in you!”Five years later, Albert became the second board chairman after Rockefeller. Later Albert said in one of his reports, “I dont think we should feel frustrated when we have no way to do the world-shaking things. We should treat everything actively because maybe our future success will begin with a small thing!”29. What was Albert in the oil pany at the beginning? A. A customer. B. An assistant. C. A manager. D. A worker.30. Why wasnt Albert angry at his nickname? A. He could bee famous. B. He liked to have a nickname. C. It could make his workmates happy. D. It could advertise for his pany for free.31. What would be the best title for this passage? A. A Clever Way to Make Advertisements. B. Albert and Rockefeller. C. Four Dollars a Bucket.D. The Second Board Chairman.D It is monly believed that all over the world, boys and girls attend a mixed school, where they study together. But boys schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions(情感) and involve them in activities such as art, dance and music.Always boys at single-sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic act“boy code” of hiding their emotions to be a“real man”.Surprisingly, the findings of the study go against received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls. George Carl, headmaster of Eton, warned that boys were being failed by the British education system because it had bee too focused on girls. He criticized teachers for failing to recognize that boys are actually more emotional than girls.The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they bee discouraged when girls do better earlier in speaking and reading skills.But in single-sex schools teachers can adjust lessons to boys learning style, letting them move around the classroom and getting them to pete in teams to prevent boredom, wrote the studys author, Abigail James, of the University of Virginia.Teachers could encourage boys to enjoy reading and writing with “boy-focused” approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them. Because boys generally have more acute eye, learn best through touch, and are physically more active, they need to be given “hands-on” lessons where they are allowed to walk around. “Boys in mixed schools view classical music as feminine(女性的) and prefer the modern genre (类型) in which violence and sexism are major themes,” James wrote. Single-sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel that they had to be “masterful and in charge” in relationships. “In mixed schools, boys feel forced to act like men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means,” the study reported.32Traditionally, in a mixed school ,boys _.A. behave more responsibly B. perform relatively betterC. grow up more healthilyD. receive a better education 33The writer argues that a single-sex school would _.A. encourage boys to express their emotions more freelyB. help boys to be more petitive in schoolsC. force boys to be their emotions to be “real men”D. naturally strengthen boys traditional image of a man34.In Abigail James opinion, one of the advantages of single-sex schools is_ A. boys can choose to learn whatever they are interested in B. boys can focus on their lessons without being distracted(分心) C. teaching can be adjusted to suiting the characteristics(特征) of boys D. teaching can be designed to improve boys team spirit35.The underlined word “acute” in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to _ .A. lovelyB. seriousC. sharpD. dull第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Currently, people from all over the world prefer to shop online. Experts predict our spending online over the next five years will grow by 129%. But how can you protect yourselves when shopping online? 36 It should be protected by up-to-date anti-virus software, and you should also install a personal firewall, which will stop hackers attacking your system. Check that your firewall is open before you start shopping, and when you finish, be sure to log out.Take a minute to look at the website before you buy anything. Check that the pany has a geographical address as well as a telephone number. 37 Sellers should have a list of all your rights somewhere on their website, and you need to read this before you decide to shop there. 38 As a general rule, online panies usually give their customers seven days to cancel their order if they change their minds about their purchase. 39 It is a lock-shaped symbol and you can find it on the browser bar (浏览器栏) at the bottom of the screen. Another indication of a safe website is its address. The address should not begin with“”but“s” the letter“s”stands for secure.The final stage of online shopping is the order confirmation. This is proof that youve bought a product from this pany, and it contains the special reference number for your order. 40 You might need it if theres a problem.A. You should always print this information and keep it somewhere.B. If this happens, your credit card will offer you the best protection.C. A special icon (图标) will tell you if the website you are using is safe.D. Make sure that your device, for example your laptop or tablet, is safe to use at all times.E. When you buy things on the Internet, theres no chance that something may go wrong.F. If you cant find the list, you should probably choose a different website.G.Its generally better to use sellers that you know about or ones that have been remended to you.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When I was 10, I was diagnosed with cancer. During treatment, I understood everything but the 41 of my case. It was not until recently that I realized how sick I was then. This November of 2015 will 42 my five years off chemotherapy(化疗) and I will be finally 43 of cancer. I know sick children often felt blue. In order to help brighten their 44 , I created a program through which I brought celebrities(名人) children 45 and respected to visit them in hospitals. The 46 I received from being able to 47 up the childrens day was indescribable(无法描述的). This fall, I will 48 my junior year of high school. I love learning and I truly 49 the time spent in school because during chemotherapy treatments I was often too 50 to attend. Another big part of my life is 51 activity. During my treatment it was very hard for me to walk let alone(更不用说) 52 . After finishing chemotherapy my main 53 was being able to run and play 54 again. Im overjoyed(欣喜的) to say Ive been able to 55 that aim. Being able to stand on the court and play sports again is a(n) 56 feeling. To me its important to convey(传达) a 57 of positivity(积极)and hope that anyone can make the most of any situation in life. Many dont 58 and think its strange when I say this, but Im truly grateful that I had cancer. Having experienced that, I have bee brave 59 have also gained appreciation for life. I know with determination everyone can follow their 60 . 41. A. developmentB. nameC. seriousness D. cause42. A. mark B. end C. begin D. reward43. A. warned B. told C. suspected(怀疑) D. cured(治愈)44. A. future B. spirits C. rooms D. way45. A. attracted B. impressed C. admired D. missed46. A. respect B. joy C. gift D. education47. A. make B. clear C. clean D. light48. A. enter B. leave C. visit D. drop49. A. kill B. save C. value D. waste50. A. weak B. young C. lazy D. busy51. A. mental B. indoor C. physical D. social52. A. swim B. run C. jump D. lie53. A. goal B. task C. problem D. idea54. A. cards B. chess C. sports D. music55. A. further B. kick C. set D. achieve56. A. puzzling B. amazing C. satisfying D. touching57. A. message B. note C. word D. wish58. A. speak B. apologize C. understand D. remember59. A. and B. but C. or D. so60. A. steps B. examples C. suggestions D. dreams第II卷 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。Before accepting a job offer, you should consider seriously 61 the job is really what you want to do. Why are you interested in this position?The reasons for 62 (take) a job mainly depend on your desires and your ability. It may be okay to take a job that is not something you 63 (real) want to do right now, if it allows you to get into a 64 (good) position in the future.Whats more, you should consider the pany 65 offers you the position. Is it a good pany 66 (work) for? Do they share your values? If not, does this matter to you?One of the most 67 (satisfy) parts of a job for many people is that the job _68_(challenge) them. It allows them to think and focus on 69 (problem). Its more than just 70 desk job.第四部分:写作第一节 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I was on my way to school on this morning when I caught sight of an old lady lie on the ground. It was raining heavy, so I ran to her quickly but held an umbrella over her. Then I called 120 immediately. While waiting the ambulance, I took down my coat to keep her warm. Soon the ambulance arrived. Seeing a lady sent to hospital, I felt quite relaxing. Although I was late for school today, I took great pride in what I have done. From my point of view, it is our responsibility to give a helping hand to those who are in troubles. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分) 假定你是李华,你校外籍教师Miss Rose

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