2019高考英语考前天天背 考前语基回扣第4组.doc

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考前语基回扣第4组阅读理解之障碍词汇1abstract adj. 抽象的;深奥的n. 抽象;摘要2acpany vt. 陪伴;伴随;伴奏;附带3acplishment n. 成就acplish vt. 完成;实现4assessment n. 看法;评价;评估5carrier n. 搬运工;运输工具;(病菌)携带者6creature n. 生物;动物;人7ponent n. 组成部分;成分;零件adj. 组成的;构成的8definitely adv. 肯定地;确切地9debate v. & n. 争论;讨论;辩论10explicit adj. 清楚明白的;易于理解的11foster vt. 抚育;培养;促进12issue n. 问题;发行;(报刊)一期13intelligence n. 智力;聪明14litter n. 垃圾;废弃物v. 乱丢;把弄得乱七八糟15inquiry n. 探究;调查;询问16precious adj. 珍贵的;宝贵的17profitable adj. 可赚钱的;有利可图的18recreation n. 娱乐;消遣;娱乐活动19splendid adj. 有光彩的;极好的20skeptical/sceptical adj. 怀疑的;怀疑论的完形填空之熟词生义1express n. 快车(熟义:v. 表达)Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai?2fail v. 缺乏;衰退;使失望(熟义:v. 失败)Last year the rain failed and many crops died.3fine v. 罚款(熟义:adj. 很好的;晴朗的)The man will be fined if he parks his car there.4foreign adj.不熟悉的(熟义:adj. 外国的;外文的)The subject is foreign to all of us.5freeze v. 惊呆;吓呆;不动;停止(熟义:v. 结冰;冻结)When faced with so many options,the lion chooses to freeze and wait instead of attacking the man holding the chair.6fresh adj. 无经验的(熟义:adj. 新鲜的)She is quite fresh to the work.7gain v. (钟表)快(熟义:v. 获得;赢得)Dont worry.My watch gains.We still have time.8govern v. 影响;支配(熟义:v. 管理;控制)The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.9help v. 避免;防止;起作用(熟义:v. 帮助)Try not to cough more than you can help since it may cause problems to your lungs.10hit n. 成功;红极一时的人或事(熟义:v. 击中;打击)As we know,the song was a hit at that time.语法填空之派生词汇1动词前缀en-(1)endanger危害(2)encourage鼓励(3)enable使能够(4)enlarge扩大(5)enrich充实2形容词后缀-ful(1)careful 细心的;仔细的(2)successful 成功的 (3)hopeful满怀希望的(4)powerful 强大的;强有力的(5)merciful仁慈的3形容词后缀-y(1)shiny 闪光的(2)wealthy 富裕的(3)hungry 饥饿的(4)tasty 美味的(5)guilty 内疚的4形容词后缀-ous(1)adventurous冒险的(2)dangerous 危险的(3)courageous有勇气的(4)humorous 幽默的(5)cautious小心谨慎的书面表达之高级词汇副词普通用词高级词汇very非常greatly/extremely/more thannow现在nowadays/currentlyoften经常frequentlysometimes有时occasionally/once in a while/from time to timesuddenly突然all of a suddenclearly显然obviously/apparentlyluckily幸运地fortunatelyfinally最终eventuallyonly仅仅merely/simplybesides况且in addition/whats more/moreover


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