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东方红林业局中学2018至2019学年度高二上学期期中 英语试题答题时间:120分钟 分数: 姓名:I. 阅读理解:(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 AI am a long distance runner. When I was thirtyone, I was in a serious car accident. The doctor told me that they would try to get me to walk“normally” but I would never run againterrible news for someone who views running as the oxygen she breathes. The doctors were right. For the next nine and a half years, I was unable to run more than twentyfive feet.In 2006,I began selftraining to take part in a 60mile walk. Three months into preparing, I realized that walking 45 hours a day was too long. If only I could jog part of itthat would cost me less time. I started jogging without my knees aching. Slowly, I increased the distance. The doctors were proved wrongit only took nine and a half years to do so.While practicing, I suffered a lossa dear friend suddenly died.His work had been to help women to accept themselves and reach their fullest potential. He believed that people should let nothing hold them back from achieving their goals. Soon after his death, a crazy thought entered my mind: what if I could run the LA Marathon? I knew that if I didnt train to my fullest, the doctors would win. So I trained seven days a week. And succeeded in crossing the finish lines of many marathons all over the United States to the astonishment of my doctors. They never believed I would achieve that.The aches and pains I experience while training and racing are nothing pared to the suffering people whom I respect must accept.1What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 1?AShe loved running very much.BShe lost heart after the accident.CShe often felt it was hard to breathe.DShe didnt believe what the doctors said.2The author tried jogging because she wanted to _.Aprotect her feetBget more practiceCsave some timeDcatch up with others3Why did the author decide to join in the marathon?ABecause she wanted to make more friends.BBecause she was so sorry for the loss of a friend.CBecause she wanted to prove the doctors were wrong.DBecause she was encouraged by her dead friends words.4The writers story tells us _.Awhere there is a will, there is a wayBa friend in need is a friend in deedCby falling we learn to go safelyDa good medicine tastes bitter BTo see the world is one thing;to have someone to share it with is another.Indeed,travel bees more interesting when you have a travel partner.A travel partner can be a close friend,a family member,a pal youve met online,or a business friend.You can have someone to talk toTraveling alone is fun,but wouldnt you feel lonely?Having a travel partner can remove the feeling of loneliness.This is especially true if you can get a travel panion who is very familiar with the place youre traveling to.You dont have to ask any information from the locals,and you can increase the time you spend in the country.You can have someone to share the expenses withOne of the major headaches in traveling is the costs involved.You cant simply ignore the rising price of hotels or plane tickets.You should also think about your daily needs,such as your food.Of course,you cant simply go back without bringing any souvenirs to your friends and family.All these can ruin your budget.However,when you have a travel friend,you can have someone to share the expenses with.You can meet a good friendHaving a travel mate is a good way of meeting a new friend or even a lifelong partner.You can never count the number of couples who actually found their way into each others heart while traveling together in another country.You can have someone to watch out for youWhen youre in a foreign land,youll never be really safe.You dont know the rules as well as the culture of the people.A travel mate will be perfect to remind you of your duties in the country and to watch your back just in case you get lost.So why dont you find a travel panion now?Lets find out how.5Whats the authors purpose in writing this passage?ATo introduce a travel pany.BTo encourage us to have a travel partner.CTo explain how to be a perfect travel partner.DTo tell an interesting experience with a travel partner.6Which of the following statements agrees with the authors opinion?ATraveling alone is not fun.BBuying souvenirs isnt necessary.CMany people fall in love when traveling.DIts better to choose a stranger as a travel partner.7The following paragraph will probably talk about_.Ahow to get along with a travel partnerBhow travel can benefit peopleCwhat we can learn from travelDhow to find a travel partnerCCycling for AirTed Schredd doesnt like cars. He wants people to stop driving because cars make the air dirty. Ted had an idea. He said, “Im going to cycle around North America. I want to show everyone that cycling is a fun way to get around. If more people ride bikes, the air will be cleaner.”He left his hometown with $ 160 in his pocket. When he got to San Diego, he met another cyclist. The cyclist invited Ted to speak at a big meeting about the environment. He said,“Well pay your airfare to Texas and well pay you to talk about your cycling trip.” Two hours later, Ted was on a plane to the environmental conference and to a big surprise!While he was at the conference, he met Deanna. It was love at first sight! They talked for six hours straight.The next day, Ted called Deanna and asked her to finish the trip with him. Deanna said yes, sold everything in her apartment, gave her notice at work, and was on the road with Ted 20 days later!“It was difficult at first,” said Deanna. “Ted got up every morning at 6:00 am., but I wanted to sleep until noon.” After a few days, they started having fun. As they cycled from Florida to Montreal and then back to Vancouver, every day was an adventure. People paid for their food in restaurants and gave them extra money. Some people gave them $ 50 or $ 100. They slept in peoples backyards and drank beer with motorcycle gangs.On their way back to Vancouver, they stopped in Edmonton to visit Teds relatives. During the stopover, they got married. People tied a “Just Married” sign and tin cans to the backs of their bikes. They now want to write a book about their trip. “We want people to know that you can be an environmentalist and still have fun,” Schredd said.8Ted Schredd went cycling because _.Ahe loves adventureBcycling is a lot of funChe wanted to find himself a wifeDhe supports environmental protection9The “big surprise” he had at the conference was that_.Ahe met another cyclist who wanted to join himBhe fell in love with a girl thereChe gave a long talk lasting 6 hourDhe had a lot of fun talking about his cycling trip10According to the passage, Deanna _.Aquit her job to join Ted on his tripBsold all her possessions to pay for Teds tripCwas fired by her employer for not going to workDasked for a long leave from work to join Ted in his trip11During the trip, Ted and Deanna _.Afound it hard to get up earlyBwere attacked by motorcycle gangsCdid not have to pay for their meals in restaurantsDdecided to get marriedDAmericans can travel almost anywhere they choose. But to protect its people,the government lists a few dangerous places where Americans cannot go. These places are unfriendly countries or countries at war. There,the traveller might not be safe. These countries are listed in a small book called a passport.This passport is a government request for the safety of its travelling people. It is also a governments pledge(保证)that the people will obey the rules of the host country.To receive a passport from the government,a traveller must prove that he is an American citizen(公民)An American cannot go abroad without a passport. Only certain close countries such as Canada and Mexico do not ask for passports.Stuck inside the passport is the travellers picture. Children travelling with their parents are included in one parents book.Thousands of people from the United States visit other countries every year. An American traveller might carry plane tickets,money,clothing and many other things. But the most important thing that he carries in another country is his passport.12A passport is not needed when an American goes to_.AEuropean countriesBdangerous areasCCanada or Mexico DRussia and China13It can be inferred from the text that_.AAmericans abroad need nothing except a passportBchildren cant travel to foreign countriesCa traveller is not safe in most countriesDAmericans travel abroad a lot14Which statement does the text lead you to believe?ASome countries dont ask for foreign visitors for passports.BPeople should take good care of their passports.CMoney is more important than a passport.DChildren are never included in a passport.15Which is best supported by the text?AA passport is needed whenever an American is travelling.BEveryone in America can get a passport from the American government.CThe American travellers abroad must obey the rules of foreign countries.DThe American government allows its people to work in dangerous countries.E.七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Secret codes(密码) keep messages private. Banks, panies, and government agencies use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by puter.People have used secret codes for thousands of years._16_Code breaking never lags(落后) far behind code making. The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.There are three main types of cryptography._17_ For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”_18_You might represent each letter with a number, for example. Lets number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, the message “Meet me” would read “13 5 5 20 13 5.”A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book._19_For example, “bridge” might stand for “meet” and “out” might stand for “me.” The message “Bridge out” would actually mean “Meet me.” _20_ However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must be changed frequently.AIt is very hard to break a code without the code book.BIn any language, some letters are used more than others.COnly people who know the keyword can read the message.DAs long as there have been codes, people have tried to break them.EYou can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.FWith a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words.GAnother way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.III. 完形填空:(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I used to be a shy girl who never joined in any activities.When_21_invited me,I always_22_and said,“I am only a small potato. I dont want to be the center of_23_.”Even in class when the teacher questioned us I never_24_my hand because I_25_that others might laugh at me if I made a mistake.But everything changed after I joined my class debating(辩论)team. I didnt want to join at first,for I was afraid to talk in front of a big_26_.However,my good friend tried to_27_me to go. She said, “I think you should break out of your shyness,otherwise it will be hard for you to_28_in this society.” She was right. I was always so shy that I missed many_29_.In fact,I used to have a beautiful_30_that one day I would bee a news broadcaster,but I knew it was unlikely because of my shyness.I thought for a long time and then I decided to have a go.How_31_I was! I felt I had made the first step in_32_my cowardice(胆怯)I_33_late at night to prepare for the ing debate. But the first debate was not what I had_34_.I was so_35_when I went to my seat. I dared not look at the audience and_36_.I shook like a leaf because I felt as if all the people were_37_me.I was so nervous that I nearly forgot what I had to say. My three teammates had the same_38_.We failed in the first debate.But our teachers and classmates didnt blame us. They said,“You did very well,_39_this is your first time.” In the second petition,I_40_my attention on the subject of the debate. I operated well with my team members and we succeeded! We won the warmest applause from the audience and the judges!21A. anyoneBeveryone Csomeone Dnobody22A. refused Bdisagreed Cquarreled Dargue23A. laugh Battention Cjoke Dtrick24A. rose Blifted Craised Dtook25A. frightened Bthought Cbelieved Dworried26A. number Bcrowd Cteam Dscene27A. persuade Badvise Csuggest Dwele28A. struggle Bexist Cstay Dsurvive29A. debates Bopportunities Cfriends Dpetitions30A.future Bintention Cdream Dpurpose31A. excited Bnervous Cshy Dafraid32A. changing Bfighting Ccontrolling Dconquering(战胜,征服)33A. stayed up Bturned up Cspent up Dwoke up34A. wanted Bhoped Cexpected Ddreamed35A. shy Bnervous Cexcited Dglad36A. students Bteachers Cfriends Djudges37A.staring at Blaughing at Clistening to Dtalking about38A. thing Bcondition Cproblem Dmatter39A. first of all Bafter all Cabove all Dat all40A. paid Bdrew Ccaught DfocusedIV语法填空(15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Lionel Messi,a player from the South American country of Argentina,_41_(be) the greatest soccer player alive today. At a young age,he_42_(move) to Spain and now plays professionally for the Barcelona soccer club. Messi started playing soccer at_43_age of 5 for a small soccer team_44_(own) by his father .Even as a young boy,he did very well .But when he was 11 years old,he found out he had a sickness which would prevent him from_45_(grow) much taller. There was a way to help him grow more,_46_his parents did not have enough money to pay for his medical needs .So,they looked around for a soccer club_47_would be able to do this for them .The clubs in Argentina couldnt help him,but the famous Barcelona club in Spain agreed_48_(accept) Messi on the junior team and pay for the bills .The Messi family_49_(happy) took the offer and moved to Spain .In the Barcelona soccer club,Messi was one of the best_50_(player) through his teen years. With his incredible talent,Messi has surprised the world. was a bit of luck.41_42._43._44_45._46._47_48._49._50_V 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分 满分10分) 文中有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。 It is three years now since I graduate from No.1 High School. Last Sunday the class that I was on held a gettogether,which took us a long time prepare. It was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybody and set a well time for all of us. We all enjoyed this precious day greatly,remember the time we spent together and the people they were familiar with. It was a pity which some of us were not present as they had gone to abroad for further studies. But they called back or sent greeting card from different places.VI.书面表达(满分15分)假如你是一名学生干部,学校要举行一次英语讲座,请你以学生会的名义写一份通知包括下列内容:1. 时间:2018年11月14日,星期一下午2点至3点。2. 地点:学校餐厅(the school dining hall)。3. 主讲人:山东大学体育学院的教授(Mr. Chen, a P.E. professor from Physical Education Department of Shandong University )。4. 内容:体育与健康。5. 注意事项: 可带朋友参加,不要迟到。6. 另外说明:我们即将成立各种体育俱乐部,使同学们有更多的机会锻炼身体,多结交志趣相投的朋友。报告会后进行进一步讨论。词数:100左右。基础知识大比拼I用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分)1.This is the first time that I _ (visit) the Great Wall.2._(hear) the exciting news, she was too excited to say a word.3.Parties _(give)by rich people every day for a month in the past.填空每空一词1. This is the best novel _ I have ever read.2. _ he was poor, the man was happy.3. -Tom didnt invite us to his birthday party.-So _ ? I dont care.II单词互译填空(每小题1分)1. barber _ 2. stressful_ 2. suffer _4.apply _ 3. 5 struggle _6.waste _7. 志愿者 n. _8.昆虫n. _9.假装v. _III词组互译填空(每小题1分)1. stand for _ 2.e to an end _ 2. be similar to _ 4.feel in the mood to do sth_ 5.dress up _ 6.on the increase _8. make a difference_ 8.in theory _9. play a trick on sb. _10.以-为食_10. 四处走动_ 12.引起,导致_ 13 (秘密地)逃跑_14编造_ 15 对-产生影响_IV翻译句子(每小题2分)1.我写信申请这份工作2.他昨天被看见进入房间3.他出生于1986年一个贫困的家庭。4.会议将要在教学楼201房间在四月五日晚八点举办。_5.在过去的两年里我们家乡发生了很大的变化。基础知识大比拼I用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分)1.This is the first time that I _ (visit) the Great Wall.2._(hear) the exciting news, she was too excited to say a word.3.Parties _(give)by rich people every day for a month in the past.填空每空一词4. This is the best novel _ I have ever read.5. _ he was poor, the man was happy.6. -Tom didnt invite us to his birthday party.-So _ ? I dont care.II单词互译填空(每小题1分)4. barber _ 2. stressful_ 5. suffer _4.apply _ 6. 5 struggle _6.waste _11. 志愿者 n. _8.昆虫n. _9.假装v. _III词组互译填空(每小题1分)3. stand for _ 2.e to an end _ 4. be similar to _ 4.feel in the mood to do sth_ 5.dress up _ 6.on the increase _12. make a difference_ 8.in theory _13. play a trick on sb. _10.以-为食_14. 四处走动_ 12.引起,导致_ 13 (秘密地)逃跑_14编造_ 15 对-产生影响_IV翻译句子(每小题2分)1.我写信申请这份工作2.他昨天被看见进入房间3.他出生于1986年一个贫困的家庭。4.会议将要在教学楼201房间在四月五日晚八点举办。_5.在过去的两年里我们家乡发生了很大的变化。 November 13,2018I用所给词的适当形式填空1.This is the first time that I _have visited_ (visit) the Great Wall.2._Hearing_(hear) the exciting news, she was too excited to say a word.3.Parties _were given_(give)by rich people every day for a month in the past.填空每空一词4.This is the best novel _that_ I have ever read.5._Although/ Though_ he was poor, the man was happy.6.-Tom didnt invite us to his birthday party.-So _what_ ? I dont care.II单词互译填空1.barber _理发师_ 2. stressful_有压力的_ 3.suffer _遭受_


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