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2019年四年级英语上册Unit5MyBody教案广东版开心Teaching contents:The second period of Unit 5: My BodyTeaching aims:a. Students can listen, read and understand the new words: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, arms, legs and feet.b. Students can understand orders and do the actions.c. Students can use This is and These are to introduce their bodies.d. Emotion: 1. Take care of our bodies. 2. Care for others.Key points and difficulties:Students can use the new words to introduce their bodies. Distinguish the singular and plural forms.Aids: PPT, cardsTeaching procedures:Step 1 Warm upa. Greeting.b. Sing a song.Head, shoulder, knees and toes.Step 2 Presentationa. Lead in.Talk about Pinocchio and describe his body parts. Then lead in the new words.b. What is/are missing?c. I say, you do.d. The use of our body parts.What can you do with your mouth/eyes/hands?e. Introduce your body parts in groups.f. Reading: (1)Read the story by yourselves. (2)Finish the exercise with partners.(3)Read the story. (4) Retell the story.Step 3 Extensiona. A video Youve Got Eyes b. We should take care of bodies.Care for others.Step 4 Homework Copy the words and introduce yourself or your friends.


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