2019-2020年牛津译林版英语8A Unit8 Natural disasters导学案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版英语8A Unit8 Natural disasters导学案【学习目标】 有关自然灾害的话题。2. 了解几种常见自然灾害的英文名称。3. 学会简单谈论常见的自然灾害及其导致的后果。4. 掌握下列词汇、词组及句型:1) 词汇:up earthquake coach flood village lightning storm thunder disaster mop accident crash 2) 词组:lose final thousands of wash away catch fire 3) 句型:I was sleeping when it started to rain. Who will mop up the water if I go home with you? Earthquake kills thousands of people.【课前预习】1. 翻译下列重点单词并借助于单词表的音标会读下列单词。自然的 事故_ _ 闪电 冲掉 地震 暴雨_ 雷,雷声_ 台风_ _暴风雪_ _ 闪电_ _2. 预习课文并翻译下列重点词组。自然灾害 一场车祸 一次地震 输掉比赛 雷鸣和闪电 冲垮村庄 mop the floor crash into the tree kill thousands of people 台风 暴风雪 暴风雨 3. 听读漫画。家长签字:_日 期:_【自主学习】1. 熟读漫画Eddie and Hobo 的对话,并回答下列问题。1). Whats the weather like today? 2). Whats happened to Hobo? 3). What was Hobo doing when it started to rain? 4). How does he feel at Eddies home? 5). What happened to Hobos house? 6). Why doesnt he want to go home alone? 2. 恶劣的天气可导致哪些自然灾害? 请通过讨论或上网查资料后完成下列表格。Weather conditionNatural disasterHeavy rainHeavy snowStrong windThunder and lightsDry weather3. 句型理解1). The floor is all wet. Whos going to _(把它拖洗干净)if you dont e with me.2). The school football team _(输掉了比赛).3)._(一场车祸) killed three men.4). A coach _(猛撞了) a tree last night .5). A flood _(冲走了村庄).6). Lightning _(引起了一场大火) in a house.7). A young boy _(从树上摔下来) and hurt his legs.【演练展示】1. 分角色表演ic strip并能背诵。2. 朗读有关自然灾害和事故的句子。3. 恶劣的天气会导致哪些自然灾害呢?请小组展示,其它小组可补充(每种坏天气所引起的自然灾害种类不限)【质疑拓展】1. Who will mop up the water if I go home without you? 如果你不和我一起回家,谁来拖干净水呢?1). mop 用作动词,意为“用拖把拖洗”。其现在分词、过去式及过去分词须双写p。 e.g. Shes mopping the floor。她正在拖洗地板。2). mop up意为“用拖把拖干净,擦去,抹”。它是“动词+副词”构成的短语,其后接的若是名词,则即既可以放在词组中间,也可以放在词组之后;若是代词作宾语,应放在mop和up之间。e.g. mop up the water on the filoor 拖净地板上的水Who mopped it up just now? 刚才是谁把它拖干净的?2. coach n. 长途汽车e.g. They went to Suzhou by coach last week. 上周他们乘长途汽车去了苏州。3. flood n.洪水,水灾e.g. The flood made everywhere here nervous. 洪水让这儿所以的人都感到紧张。4. village n. 村庄,乡村e.g. The whole village went to look for the lost child. 全村人都出去寻找那个丢失的孩子。5. 以小组形式提出疑问,小组讨论,组间交流答疑。Questions:_ 【当堂检测】(10分)1.默写ic strip_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. 根据括号内所给汉语提示或所给词,完成句子1). There are many natural _ (灾害) in the world every year.2). The _ (地震) in Lushan killed many people.3). What a foggy morning! There may be car _ _ (事故)in such bad weather.4). There are lots of people in this _ (村庄).5). The floor is all wet. I will _(拖)it up.6). - Im afraid of the _ (电闪雷鸣). What about you? - Me too.7). The flood _ (冲掉) many houses away last year.8). Do you enjoy the _ (大自然的) sights in your hometown.9). There was an _ (意外的事故) just now, some people died.10). There was _ (一次地震) in Japan last year.11). There will be a _ (暴风雨) in a few days in the south.12). The school team_ (输了) the game last week.13). He _ (猛撞) his car into the wall last night.3. 根据英文描述,写出表示天气现象的单词。1). People cant go back to their homes. Everything is shaking. Many things fall down.( ) 2). The weather is terrible. The wind is very strong. Sometimes it rains. ( ) 3). It rains heavily with a strong wind. People can hear thunder and see lightning , they have to walk in water in the street.( ) 4). It snows heavily with a strong wind. People cant go out. Everything looks white. ( ) 5). The wind is very very strong. It usually es from the sea. Sometimes it rains. ( ) 【评价反馈】个人得分小组得分自我评价(目标达成情况或记录还未掌握的内容)【家庭作业】1. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空:1). Many people lost their _ (life) in the accident.2). Giant pandas like to live in a _ (nature) world.3). The flood destroyed the town. Many people _ (lose) their homes.4). There are lots of _ (people) on the playground.5). I was _ (sleep) when it started to rain.6). _ of students joined the club. Two _ (hundred) students are girls.7). Is it _ (real) cold in northeast China? Yes, it is.8). Keep _ (work) on the problem and you will solve it soon.9). Some _ (village) came to help them build the new house.10). It was a night of _ (storm) weather.11). 7. The old man _ (fall) down when crossing Sunshine Street.12). Tianjin is one of the _ (north) cities in China.13). His father looked _ (angry) at him because he failed in the exam.2. 根据汉语完成句子。1). 昨天晚上他的汽车撞到了墙上。 His car _ _a wall last night. 2). 秋天,树叶开始从树上落下。 In autumn, leaves _the trees.3). 房子着火了,但在二楼的卧室里还有一个小男孩。 The house _ _but there was a little boy in the bedroom _ _.4). 你听说昨天的事故了吗? Did you _the accident yesterday?5). 当心火柴,它们可能引起火灾。 _matches, they _.6). 昨天一场电闪雷鸣的大暴雨袭击了北京。 A heavy storm _hit Beijing yesterday.7). 不要忘记叫醒他们。 Dont forget to _.8). xx年的特大洪水冲垮了许多房屋和大树。 The big flood in xx_9). 在四川大地震中, 成千上万人遇难。 The Si Chuan earthquake _ _10). 昨天一个年轻人从树上摔下来, 竟然安然无恙。 Yesterday a young man_ _, but he doesnt hurt badly.11). 上个星期五两个小学生在教室里玩火, 将整幢大楼烧了起来。 Two pupils played with fire in their classroom last Friday and _ _.12). 在昨晚的事故中,一辆大客车撞倒了数上。 A coach crashed into a tree_ last night. Reading【学习目标】1. 熟练掌握以下词汇:shaking, fear, scream, direction, wildly, calm, loudly 词组:feel slight shaking, look at each other in fear, run in all directions, in a great hurry, calm down2. 能够读懂文章,了解台湾地震的基本情况。3. 了解自然灾害,并学会在自然灾害中自我保护。【课前预习】1. 听录音,读、画、背本课新单词及重点词组。轻微的 害怕, 恐惧(名词) 尖叫 摇动, 震动 方向 失去控制地 平静下来 陷入困境 大声地 到处 由于 砖块 起初 _ _ 向四面八方跑 _ _ 平静下来_ _自言自语 _ _陷入困境 _ _ 喊救命 _ _很长一段时间 _ 尽力做某事 _寻找出路 _ 匆忙做某事 _ 2. 写出下列单词的变化Shake (名词)_ _ (过去式)_ _ direct (名词)_ _ Wild (副词)_ _ loud (副词)_ _ trap (过去式)_ _3. 听、读、译P94 Reading(15分钟)4. 通过预习课文翻译下列短语。在一个购物中心 恐惧地互相看着 碎玻璃 一阵恐惧 一种像打雷一样的声音 陷入困境地 a slight shaking run in all directions calm down in a great hurry try my best to do move away the bricks and stones 家长签字:_日 期:_【自主学习】听录音,熟读课文,了解课文内容。当地震开始时,我正在购物。I_ _ when it started.当玻璃和砖片落下的时候,人们发了疯一样的乱跑。People _ _ While pieces of glass and bricks _ _.一阵恐惧闪过我的脑海,但我告诉自已要冷静,因为我还活着。A moment of fear _ _ my mind, but I told _ _ Since I am still _ _.我正在试着找出路的时候,我突然听到头顶上有声音。I _ when I suddenly heard some noise above me.【演练展示】1. 跟读磁带,分段阅读并完成课文每段的问题,检查同学们对每段的理解。Para 1: Q1: What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started? Q2: What happened to in the shopping centre? Para 2: Q1: What happened to the buildings? Q2: How did people react(反应)? Para 3: Q: Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped? Para 4: Q: How did Timmy feel? Para 5: Q: What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help? Para 6: Q: How was he saved? 2. 小组合作:完成P95B2,并将图片按事件顺序复述整个故事。(先组内展示,后班内展示)。3. 讨论:分组对自己了解或是经历的自然灾害展开讨论:在灾害中如何保护自己?如(1) Is it a good idea to jump out of the window if the building starts to shake?(2) Is it safe to ride bikes or drive cars fast during a snowstorm?(3) Is it safe to hide under a big tree during a rainstorm with thunder and lightning?(4) What can we do if we dont have time to escape?【质疑拓展】1. At first, I felt a slight shake. 起初,我感觉有轻微的震动。slight 为形容词,意为“轻微的”。 e.g. a slight shake 意为“轻微的震动”Ive got a slight headache. 我的头有点疼。2. Then I heard a loud noise like thunder. 接着我听见像雷鸣一样的一声巨响。like 为介词“像,如,和 一样”e.g. She has a car like yours.3. People screamed in fear. 人们因为害怕而尖叫起来。in fear意为“害怕地,恐惧地” in fear of 意为“害怕,为担心”e.g. We were all in fear at that time. 那时我们都很害怕。 The little girl is in fear of snakes. 那个小姑娘怕蛇。4. People were running in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.当玻璃碎片和砖块掉下来的时候,人们在朝四面八方奔跑。1). in all directions 意为“四面八方”,与“in every direction”同义。e.g. Butterflies flew away in all directions/in every direction. 蝴蝶朝四面八方飞走了。2). while (conj.) 在时候,和同时e.g. While he was watching TV, he fell asleep. 他在看电视的时候睡着了。 而 (表示对比)e.g. Ann was dressed in white, while Jane was dressed in black. 安穿白色的衣服,而简穿黑色的衣服。 I like music while he likes sports. 我喜欢音乐,然而他喜欢体育。 5. but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive. 既然我还活着,我叫自己平静下来。1). since (conj.) 因为,由于;既然e.g. Since he was busy, he didnt e. 他因为忙,所以没有来。2). alive (adj.) 活着的,在世的e.g. His grandfather is no longer alive. 他的爷爷不在人世了。3). calm down 意为“(使)平静下来”,calm 作动词。calm down 是“动词+副词”结构的短语,代词做宾语时,只能置于两次之间。e.g. You must calm yourself down when you are in danger. 当你处于危险境地时,你一定要使自己冷静下来。6. 以小组形式提出疑问,小组讨论,组间交流答疑。Questions: _【当堂检测】 1. 根据中文提示或句意写出单词。1). I went to the _ _ centre and bought many things.2). She _ _ (感觉) sick and went to see a doctor.3). It sounds _ _ bombs in the sky.4). Dont run in all _ _ (方向).5). I tried my _ _ to work hard at English.6). I was caught in the rain and I was all w_ _ on my way to school.7). I am feeling a slight s_ _ (发抖) through my body.8). They looked at each other in f_ _ and felt frightened.9). Some girls s_ _ because they were frightened.10). Then I c_ _ down and asked myself where I am.11). _ (既然) everyone is here, lets begin our class.2. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1). I shouted _ _ (loud) for help.2). Tom fell off the tree and looked at his _ _ (break) leg on fear.3). Then, the _ _ (really) noise came, like bombs under the ground.4).“I cant stay here.” the boy said to _ _ (he).5). An earthquake _ _ (survive) told us the story.6). There are many _ (nature) disasters in the world.7). The earthquake killed _ (thousand) of people.8). I _ (do) my homework when my father came home.9). The earthquake in Yaan _ (kill) hundreds of people.10). I couldnt finish the work _ (with) your help.11). People were very frightened. They ran in all _ (direction).12). I told myself to calm down since I was still _ (live).【评价反馈】个人得分小组得分自我评价(目标达成情况或记录还未掌握的内容)【家庭作业】1. 完成句子。1). 他们告诉自己镇静下来。 They _.2). 人们到处乱跑,不知道该去哪里。 People _. They didnt know _.3). 我们不知道墙什么时候倒塌的。 We dont know when the wall _.4). 这把椅子挡路,请把它搬开。 Please _the chair, its on my way.5). 你能找到出路吗? Can you _?6). 人们互相惊恐地看着对方。 People looked at _.7). 我什么都看不见。 I could not _.8). 四周太静了。他们惊恐地彼此看着对方。It was too quiet around them. They _.2. 根据课文内容填空。(首字母已给出)I was doing some s_ when it started .At first; I felt a s_ shaking through my body. Then I heard a big noise like t_. People looked at each other in f_.Then the r_ noise came and the earth started to shake. People ran in all d_. I t_ my best to run out the street too. People were running w_ w_ pieces of glass and b_ were falling down. Then the walls began to e down too.3. 阅读理解Typhoons(台风) in the northern part of the world have girls names. Sometimes they have very beautiful names. Rose is a pretty name but there was nothing pretty about Typhoon Rose. It was the worst typhoon to hit Hong Kong in more than thirty years.It began to rain early on the morning of Monday, August 16th, 1971. At ten o clock in the morning, Typhoon Rose was still 130 miles away but already the wind was blowing peoples umbrellas away. The wind became stronger and stronger. The typhoon shelters(避风港) were soon full of boats. Ships that were too big to go inside the shelters put down more anchors(锚). Some very big ships went out to sea. It is safer for a big ship to be at sea in a typhoon because then it cannot be blown onto rocks. TaiTak Airport closed. No planes were able to take off or land. At 9:00 in the evening, all lights went out. No one slept well that night. It is difficult to sleep in such bad weather. In Typhoon Rose, more than one hundred people died. 229 people were injured(受伤) and 66 of these had to go to hospital. 1500 people lost their homes. The people of Hong Kong will not quickly forget Typhoon Rose!( )1. What does the short passage mainly talk about? A. The typhoon. B. The ships in the typhoon. C. Typhoon Rose D. The people in the typhoon.( )2. Typhoon Rose came to Hong Kong _ _.A. early in the morning B. on a summer day C. in the autumn of 1971 D. from the northern part of the world( )3. The boats went inside the shelters because _ _.A. it was safer to stay there B. people in the boats could go home C. the shelters were full of boats D. the ships may hit the boats( )4. The biggest ships went out to sea because _ _.A. the shelters were full B. they couldnt hit the rocks C. they wanted to go into Typhoon Rose D. they were not afraid of typhoon( )5. How many people died in Typhoon Rose?A. 66. B. Over 100. C. 229. D.1500.Grammar【学习目标】1. 掌握下列词汇及句型:1) discuss, terrible,break2) search the Internet, discusswith ,plan a trip to, on the side of the road, drive you to school , break down2. 能够了解并掌握过去进行时态。3. 学习when/while 在过去进行时中的用法。【课前预习】1. 写出所学过的句子时态的概念与结构及时间状语:一般现在时:一般过去时:现在进行时:一般将来时:2.识记P123-124关于现在进行时的相关知识,并找出用when/while引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时连用的情况。查资料搞清楚它的用法。3. 预习P97P98,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。寻找 与某人讨论某事 计划去某地去旅游 一张的地图 看指南书 看报纸 步行去 看见某人做某事 看见某人正做某事 在路的一边等待某人 开车送某人去上学 向往常一样 损坏,出毛病 是某人做某事的时间了 堆雪人 拍照片 跌倒 家长签字:_日 期:_【自主学习】1. 认真研读P97过去进行时的概念,完成本页练习。2. 认真研读P98的内容,尝试完成本页练习。3. 按要求完成下列句子。1). She is writing to her friend now. (用at nine last night改写句子)She _ _ to her friend at nine last night.2). They were talking noisily when the teacher came in. (对划线部分提问) What_ they_ when the teacher came in?4. 用动词的适当形式填空。1). John _ (work) all day yesterday.2). While I was riding along the street, a boy _ (run) towards me.3). Listen! Someone _ (shout) for help. 4). What _ you _ (do) at ten oclock yesterdayI _ (study) in class.5). I got up late this morning and _ (hurry) to school.6). I _ (do) some washing when you _ (knock) at the door yesterday.7). The traffic _ (be) heavy this morning. We were all late for work.8). What _ she _ (do) last Saturday?She _ (go) hiking with my classmates.【演练展示】1. 根据图形用过去进行造句并总结规律。1). He is swimming now. (用at this time yesterday)He _ _ swimming at this time yesterday2). It is raining now. (用the whole night yesterday改写)It _ _ _ _ the whole night yesterday3). They are dancing now. (用at 4 p.m. yesterday改写)They _ _ _ _at 4 p.m. yesterday2. 小组模仿回答。Q:What was Mr. Wu/Simon/Millie/Sandy doing when the snowstorm came? Mr. Wu _ _ when the snowstorm came. = _ _. Simon _ _ when the snowstorm came. = _ _. Millie _ _ when the snowstorm came. = _ _. Sandy _ _ when the snowstorm came. = _ _.总结规律:句子1 (延续性动作)(过去进行时)+ When +句子2 (短暂性动作) = When +句子2 (短暂


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