2019-2020年北师大版英语高一下册Module 3《Unit 9 Wheels》(lesson4)word教案.doc

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2019-2020年北师大版英语高一下册Module 3《Unit 9 Wheels》(lesson4)word教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年北师大版英语高一下册Module 3Unit 9 Wheels(lesson4)word教案Background informationContent:Module 3, Unit 9, Lesson 4 Car Culture, first periodGrade:1Number of Ss:50Lesson duration:45 minsTeaching objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:1. describe problems caused by cars on peoples life in Britain.2. take notes of the key information related to advice of how to give up cars in Britain.3. identify the writers attitude towards cars by giving examples.4. raise awareness of environmental problems caused by cars.Main vocabulary:accident, air pollution, carbon monoxide, construction works, speed limit, traffic jam, get stuck in, stressed out, be addicted to, be related to, go up by, cut by, pedestrian areaReading strategies:1. predicting 2. skimming for the main idea3. completing notes4. reading for inferenceTeaching aids:computer, blackboard, handoutsHomework:1. Create a word web to organize the words learned in this lesson.2. Finish Ex. 1, 2 and 3 on page 84 (Language Power).Teaching procedures:StagesStepsIP&timeActivityIntentionsWarm-up1.WC 2 T elicits from the Ss words related to “road” by using pictures. Familiarize Ss with the topic and introduce some related key words, such as highway, pavement, crossroad, pedestrian overpass2.WC 3T talks about her personal experience related to traffic and discusses her feelings about traffic in Beijing. T encourages Ss to share their feelings.- Start from personal experiences so that Ss can talk about things they are familiar with. - Continue introducing some new words naturally. Pre-reading3.WC3Ss listen to a dialogue and figure out how long it took these people to go to work and how they felt.Use the beginning of the text as a lead-in to the topic. 4.WC2Ss make guesses about some figures related to traffic in Britain. (see handout)- - Activate Ss existing knowledge- - Increase their interest in reading the passage. While-reading5.IW3Ss scan the first part of the passage (on page 42) and check their guesses. - - Guide Ss to practice predition and scanning skills in reading.- - Increase Ss awareness about problems caused by cars.6.PW3Ss read the first part for the second time and underline all the problems caused by cars and check in pairs.Ss read for specific information and understand better all the problems caused by cardsPost-reading7.WC5T erases gradually all the information from the table and Ss try to recall it.Provide opportunity for Ss to internalise the information they extracted.transition8.WC3Discuss the following questions:a. Why do British people carry on using cars?b. How can they give up cars? Do you have any advice? Prepare Ss for the second part. Motivate them to learn more in the second part. While-Reading9.IW2Ss skim the second part of the passage (on page 43) to underline excuses made by the British people for using cars and six ways of reducing the use of cars. Check with the whole class.Reading strategy training: picking up key information. 10.PW5Ss read the second part again and list all the reasons for solutions using the notes. (see handout)Reading strategy training: note-taking11.WC3T checks answers by asking questions.Help Ss to get more important information from the passage.12.WC4Ss read the last paragraph and discuss about the writers attitude towards cars.Reading strategy training: read for inference.Develop Ss deep level thinking skills. Review and summary 13.WC4Ss browse the whole text again and work out the structure of this passage together with the teacher. Help Ss to understand the text structure. 14.WC3T asks the whole class to discuss about the topic. Develop Ss deeper level of understanding. Internalization*15.PW6Ss write down at least three questions about the text and then work in pairs to practice question and answer skills. Train Ss questioning ability and help them get familiar with the text again. (can be skipped if time is not enough)Note: T= the teacher Ss= the students IP=Interaction patterns; WC=Whole class work; PW=Pair work; GW=Group work; IW=Individual work(the second period)Background informationContent:Module 3, Unit 9, Lesson 4 Car Culture, second periodGrade:1Number of Ss:48Lesson duration:45 minsTeaching objectives:By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:5. use the word web to organize the vocabulary related to the topic;6. develop the awareness of collocations;7. use the phrases and collocations in this text to talk about traffic problems in Beijing and possible solutions.Vocabulary learning strategies:1. use word web to organize topic words:Road accident, pollution, carbon monoxide, highway, construction works, speed limit, traffic jam, pavement, angry, stressed out, global warming, pedestrian area2. focus on phrases and collocations:get stuck in, feel stressed out, be addicted to, go up by, be related to, cut bytake action, make excuses, share cars/journeys, cause traffic problems /pollution, produce carbon monoxideTeaching aids:computer, blackboard, handoutsHomework:p.85 Focus on reading.Translate the interview between a reporter and the mayor of Beijing. * Optional group work: Make a poster. Introduce the situation by identifying problems caused by cars in areas they know in China and suggest actions that they and their families can do to solve the problems.Teaching procedure:StagesStepsIP&timeActivityIntentionsReview 1. WC3WC5PW51. T helps Ss to review what is learned from the previous lesson by using a Mind Map. 2. When reviewing the part about the problems, draw Ss attention to phrases like go up by, go down by, die in , etc. 3. When reviewing the part about the advice, Ss work in pairs and talk about it based on the example given. Draw Ss attention to phrases like cut by, keep fit, carry on, etc. - Activate Ss knowledge about traffic problems learned from the previous lesson by using a mind map.- Focus Ss attention on the lexical phrases used for giving advice.2. IW3Students fill in the blanks in the summary of the text.Try to use some of the expressions when completing the summary.3.WC5A memory game. T shows 12 pictures within 22 seconds and Ss have to recall those words.Familiarise Ss with the words related to traffic and roads and prepare them for the next activity.Vocabulary work4.IW 4Ss try to group the words in the way they like so that they can remember them easily. Vocabulary learning strategies: organize words through a word map.5.PW3Ss try to find the right verbs to form suitable collocations with the nouns in the previous activity.Ss develop the concept of collocation between verbs and nouns.6.IW4Finish Ex. 6 on page 43.Choose from these expressions to complete the six sentences. Ss practise using the collocations in sentence level contexts. 7.GW6Ss work in groups of four. Each completes one paragraph of the passage about traffic in China and Beijing with the phrases given. Then they put the four paragraphs into a logical order. (see handout)Ss practise using the phrases in a short discourse context. *Extension8.GW7Ss work in pairs. One of them is a reporter and the other is the mayor of Beijing. Talk about the actions taken by the Beijing government to reduce traffic. Provide a context for Ss to use what is learned to talk about real life problems and solutions. *Note: T= the teacher Ss= the students IP=Interaction patterns; WC=Whole class work; PW=Pair work; GW=Group work; IW=Individual work


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