2019-2020年高一英语必修4 Unit1 单元教学设计.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语必修4 Unit1 单元教学设计三维目标1(一)知识目标1单词advertise drug cheat skillful cure ment aim campaign prehension remend purchase designer tip multiply corporation update aspect recipe bargain poster bonusfancy target appeal react packet personally urge essay shock tobacco 2短语make sb. aware of . do some research on . persuade sb. to do sth run for free be meant to do sth. fool sb. into doing sth. encourage sb. to do sth. feel pleased with . play tricks on sb. all for deal with when it es to care about get sth. across urge sb. to do sth cause/do great damage to . inform sb. about /of the dangers of .convince sb. (not) to do sth. discourage sb. from doing sth. 3句型We are so used to them that we do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.PSAs are often placed for free, and are intended to educate people about health, safety, or any other issue which affects public welfare.Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the plete truth.Not all ads play tricks on us though.It is important to always try to appeal to the way the audience will react. 4交际用语expressing opinions :I (dont)think/believe (that)It seems to me (that)In my opinion/To me,.giving reasonsbecause; as; sincefor some reasons, First, SecondThen (Next, Finally)5语法Direct speech and reported speech Reported speech: statement, question, and imprerative sentence (二)能力目标1. To learn about topics related to advertising.2. To gain knowledge about the ads, the social effects of advertisements and how to write an advertisements.3. To learn how to read expository writing.4. To practice and reinforce integrated skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (三) 情感目标To teach students what to do with various kinds of advertisements in our daily life.三维目标2Knowledge aims:(1)Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this unit:advertising airline drug shine shampoo advertisement persuade advertise welfare cheat skilful innocent breath fool grocery pleased ment mental aim nationwide motto cigarette benefit promote intelligence slave consult prehension latest best-seller amazed remend publisher senior purchase designer software eye-catching logo slogan design update aspect recipe bargain bonus fancy target determine analysis appeal react personally anti-smoking poisonous urge essay shock(2)To think about how to understand feelings when reading(3) To summarize and remember the main idea of the passages(4)To speak out the detailed information of the passagesAbility aims:(1)Develop students reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.(2)Improve the students writing ability.Emotional aims:To gain some knowledge about different kinds of advertisements整体感知整体感知1 Step 1 Lead-in 1. Ask Ss to present some ads to the class.2. To get involved in the discussion and practice their spoken English.Step 2 Wele to the unit Picture one Picture two Picture three Picture four Step 3 Pair Work More ads for Ss to have a discussion.Please talk to your partner. And prepare yourselves to present your discussion in dialogue to the class. (Pay attention that each speaker should have more than three sentences to say.) Step 4 Active reading:Listen to the material on Page 94 and try to answer these questions:1 Whats the ad about?2 What types of things will the stories be judged on?3 What should Ss pay attention to when writing the story?4 Why is it good for Ss to enter English writing petitions?Step 5 Mini-writing:Choose one ad and write something to promote your service or products.Step 6 Homework1 Look for more interesting ads and show them to your classmates next time.2 Make good preparation for Reading part.整体感知2Step 1 lead-in The teacher shows the students several beautiful advertisements, among which are both mercial advertisements and public service advertisements.Ask students to have a brainstorm and then answer the following two questions:1. Where can we find these ads?2. Why do you like these ads?Step 2 ObservationAsk students to focus on the four advertisements on Page1. Encourage the students to form pairs and discuss the contents of each one and try to divide the four advertisements into two parts. Thus, encourage the students to pay attention to the functions of the mercial advertisements and public service advertisements.Step 3 Discussion and speakingOrganize the students into four groups and ask each group to talk about one of the four pictures in front of the whole class. Each group should choose one representative to present their ideas to the whole class. The following three questions can help the students to start the discussion.1. What image(s) can you see on each poster?2. What can you read on each poster?3.What does each advertisement try to tell us?Step 4 More ads for you to discussProvide the students more interesting advertisements and their slogans. Encourage them to think about an appropriate slogan for their hometown.Step 5 Consolidation & ConclusionLet the students enjoy a joke related toadvertisement and ask them to discuss the question “Do you believe that advertisements tell the plete truth? Why or why not?”Review the two types of advertisements and their respective purposes, and educate the students to have a correct attitude towards advertisements.advertisementsmercial adspublic service adspurposesto make moneyto serve the publicattitudeskeep a clear headtake an active partStep 6 Reading strategy Expository writing follows the same format:introduction of subject,examples,facts that develop or support the idea,conclusionStep 7 HomeworkAsk students to look for more information about ads and make good preparations for the reading part. The students can surf the Internet if they have access to it.整体感知3直接引语和间接引语一. 定义交际中我们常常需要引述别人说的话,一种是一字不差地直接引用别人的话,放在引号内,称为直接引语(The Direct Speech), 另一种是间接地引述别人的话,称为间接引语( The Indirect Speech)。例如:He said, “I will choose a book from my students.” 他说:“我将为学生选一本书。”= He said that he would choose a book from his student. 他说他将为学生选一本书。二. 直接引语与间接引语的转化1. 标点符号的变化:He said to me, “Dont live in London!” = He told me not to live in London.2. 语序的变化: 疑问语序变为陈述语序。He said to me, “Do you live in London?”= He asked me if/whether I lived in London.3. 动词的变化: say (to) 在陈述句中多变为tell等词,在疑问句中多变为ask等词,在祈使句中表示命令多变为tell, order等词,表请求时多变为ask等词。He said to me, “Could you please live in London?” = He asked me if/whether I could live in London. = He asked me to live in London.4. 连接词的变化:连接词1. 陈述句用that连接He said to me, “I live in London.”= He told me that he lived in London. 2. 一般(选择,反意)疑问句用if或whether连接 l He said to me, “Do you live in London?” = He asked me if/whether I lived in London.l He asked me, “Do you live in London or Paris?”= He asked me if/whether I lived in London or Paris.l He asked me, “You live in London, dont you?”= He asked me if/whether I lived in London.3. 特殊疑问句仍用原来的特殊疑问词连接 He said to me, “When do you live in London?”= He asked me when I lived in London.5. 时态的变化:时态变化1. 如果主句中的谓语动词是一般现在时态,间接引语中的动词时态保持不变。 l He says, “I live in London.”= He says that he lives in London.l He says, “I have lived in London for years.”= He says that he has lived in London for years.2. 如果主句中的谓语动词是过去时态,间接引语中的动词时态作如下变化:一般现在时-一般过去时一般将来时-过去将来时现在完成时-过去完成时现在进行时-过去进行时一般过去时-过去完成时l He said, “I live in London.” = He said that he lived in London.l He said, “I am living in London now.”= He said that he was living in London then.l He said, “I will live in London next year.”= He said that he would live in London the next year.l He said, “I lived in London for years.”= He said that he had lived in London for years.3. 但是过去进行时,过去完成时,过去将来时保持不变。l He said, “When I saw her, she was living in London.”= He said that when he saw her she was living in London.l He said, “When I got to London, she had lived there for years.”= He said that when he got to London, she had lived there for years.4. 表示过去具体年份的状语不变。l He said, “I was born in 1956.”= He said that he was born in 1956.5. 表示真理,格言,谚语等不受时间限制的句子不变。l He said, “The earth turns around the sun.”= He said that the earth turns around the sun. 6. 强调所谈情况仍然存在时不变。l She said that the bus leaves at 5:40. (公交车尚未开走)l He told me that he works as a teacher. (现在仍是教师)7. could, would, should, neednt, had better, ought to, used to等情态动词不变。l He said, “I would like to live in London.”= He said that he would like to live in London.l He said, “I used to live in London.”= He said that he used to live in London. 6. 人称代词的变化:人称代词变化1. 一主(根据引号外的主语变换引号内的人称代词)l Tom said to Kate, “I have finished my homework.”= Tom and Kate that he had already finished his homework.2. 二宾(根据引号外的宾语变换引号内的人称代词)l Tom said to Kate, “You speak English better than me.”= Tom told Kate that she spoke English better than him.3. 三不变(第三人称不变)l Tom asked Mike, “Does she often e to school late?”= Tom asked Mike if/whether she often went to school late. 7. 指示代词,地点副词,动词, 时间状语的变化指示代词,地点副词,动词变化1. 指示代词的变化:thisthat thesethosel He said to me, “Ive known you since you came to this place.”= He told me that he had known me since I went to that place.l He said to me, “Will you e here today or tomorrow?”= He asked me if I would go there that day or the next day.l He said to me, “Did you e yesterday, a few days ago or last Sunday?” =He asked me if I had gone the day before, a few days before or the Sunday before. l She said, “Ill bring you this book next month.”=She said that he would go there again that night.l She said, “He will e here again tonight.”= She said that he would go there again that night.l He asked me, “Did you leave London yesterday morning or the day before yesterday?”= He asked me if I had left London the morning before or two days before.2. 地点副词的变化:herethere nowthen3. 动词的变化:ego bringtake4. 时间状语的变化:todaythat day tonightthat nightyesterdaythe day beforeyesterday morningthe morning beforelast weekthe week beforenext weekthe next weektomorrowthe next daytomorrow morningthe next morning3 days ago3 days beforethe day after tomorrowin 2 days time整体感知4ProjectStep I: Lead-in 1.Ask Ss to work in group of four and each student should find the general idea of each paragraph and tell his group member. 2. Ask Ss to report their result a) Para one: the definition of an ad campaignb) Para two: the target audience and how to determine the target audience.c) Para three: what the ad campaign saysd) how to reach the target audienceStep II : Reading 1. Structure of this passage a) introduction of subject b) supporting details c) conclusion 2. More questions to understand this passage 1) What do you know about an ad campaign? 2) What must you keep in mind when you start a successful advertising campaign? 3) Why do you need to research your audience? 4) What is important when you are planning an ad campaign? 5) What should your advertising campaign be based on? Step III: Language focus:Step IV: consolidation Ask Ss to finish exercises in the workbook on page 91Step V: Homework: To go over what they have learnt in this part.思维导图思维导图1重点单词advertise drug cheat skillful cure ment aim campaign prehension remend purchase designer tip multiply corporation update aspect recipe bargain poster bonusfancy target appeal react packet personally urge essay shock tobacco重点短语make sb. aware of . do some research on . persuade sb. to do sth run for free be meant to do sth. fool sb. into doing sth. encourage sb. to do sth. play tricks on sb. all for deal with when it es to care about get sth. across urge sb. to do sth cause/do great damage to . 重点句子We are so used to them that we do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.PSAs are often placed for free, and are intended to educate people about health, safety, or any other issue which affects public welfare.Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the plete truth.Not all ads play tricks on us though.It is important to always try to appeal to the way the audience will react. 重点语法Direct speech and reported speechReported speech: statement, question, and imprerative sentence 思维导图2交际用语expressing opinions :I (dont)think/believe (that)It seems to me (that)In my opinion/To me,.giving reasonsbecause; as; sincefor some reasons, First, SecondThen (Next, Finally)


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