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2019年小学一至六年级新标准英语(双册)教材知识点词汇:170 中有119个要求四会短语:81 中有27个要求四会目标语句:116中有48个要求四会新标准英语第二册词汇40+6单词40个eleven twelve orange father mother grandpa grandma sister brother he she they my your head face nose mouth ear eye leg pig chicken cow egg zoo snake elephant lion giraffe thin fat big long short tall meat noodles rice sweets短语6个how many in/ on/ under the bedgo swimming play footballplay basketballplay ping-pong目标语句9个1、Is it in/ on/ under the bed? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.2、This is my mother/ father. Thats my grandpa /grandma.3、He/ She is a doctor / teacher. 4、My mother / father is a . This /That is my / your / his / her .5、What are they? Theyre .6、Its thin / fat / big / little/ long/ tall/ short.7、Lets play . Lets go swimming.8、I / You / We / They like football. I dont like noodles.9、Do you like dolls? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Do they like jigsaw? Yes, they do. / No, they dont.语法1、 初步了解人称代词I、you、he 、she、it;2、 初步了解物主代词my、your、his、her;3、初步了解名词有单、复数的变化,如:cat-cats bird-birds 话题1、 谈论个人情况(喜好)2、 谈论家庭成员3、 谈论位置4、 谈论人体部位5、 谈论文体活动6、谈论食品新标准英语第四册词汇38+19单词38个weather like radio draw play help cook rain snow up picture skip today tidy room hill turn around left right park write letter colour sunny windy drink sad Children day fly some sleep see stop well me card38个单词,其中黑体的19个单词达到听、说、认并正确抄写的能力;词组10个go shopping go straight on next to in front of of course turn left turn right draw picture do homework turn around目标语句12个1、Whats the weather like?Its (sunny、 hot)2、I like(swimming)3、 Im drawing a picture.4、 Shes listening to the radio.5、 Sam isnt tidying his room.6、 Are you doing your homework?Yes, I am. No, Im not.7、 What are you doing?8、 The train is going up a hill.9、I usually play basketball.10、Its Childrens Day.11、Where do you live?12、Wheres the toilet, please?Its next to the park.学习目标语句12个语法1、了解人称代词I、you、we、he 、she、it的区别;2、初步了解be动词有不同形式的变化,如:am, is, are;话题1、谈论天气;2、谈论个人情况;3、谈论文体活动.新标准英语第六册词汇65+9单词65nice clever shy quiet plus wide river clock old new young who tiger lion phone writer will fruit orange peach pick first take work hard fifty second floor sleep day fast what twenty fourteen fifteen sixteen maybe loud seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty quite try thirteen grandfather then yesterday vegetable last milk tomorrow high why Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday thirty sixty forty eighty ninety seventy hundred apple pear其中32个黑体单词能够听、说、读、写;(新增2个) 词组9个a bit Big Ben the London Eye Tower Bridge the River Thames lots of Parents Day be good at Mothers Day目标语句20个1、He She is ( a bit ) nice clever. This riverIt is(very)widelong. 2、YouIwell go to the zoosee Big Ben. Will Sam Lingling you take a kite? Yes, hesheI will. No, heshe I wont . What will you be? Maybe I HeShell be a writeran astronaut.3、I SheHe My hairIt was (wasnt) shortin Hong Kong. TheyMum and AmyWe were (werent) young. Was hesheDaming there? Yes, heshe was. No, heshe wasnt. Were you on the second floor? Yes, we were. No, we werent. 4、How many peacheschildren are there? There are fourteen peaches children.5、Whats sixty plus thirty?Shes very nice.Will Sam go, too? Yes, he will. No, he wont.Maybe Ill be a writer.They were very young.There are fifty children in my class.能够听说, 20个功能句并能抄写7个黑体句子;语法1、了解利用be+容词描述人物及事物的特征;2、了解will的肯定句及疑问句;3、了解be动词一般过去时的形式及基本用法;4、了解There be 句型的一般现在时用法。话题个人情况:1、谈论一个人的个性特点。 2、谈论个人在学校的表现及对所学学科的擅长与否。 3、谈论自己和他人将来想要从事的职业。 4、谈论个人过去、现在所处的状态。数字: 1、用10以上的数字谈论某个地方有多少人或物。 2、用英语谈论加法。文体活动:1、说明并询问周末等未来时间内自己或他人将要做的事情。 2、讨论一次野餐等所须携带的物品及周末等未来时间内将要做的事情。其它:1、描述物体,建筑,地方等的特征。 2、说明曾经发生过的事情。新标准英语第八册词汇74单词74个Australia banana CD cheap duck grass party machine map meet moon New York picture why draw beautiful puter touch sheep sun east west south north本册模块词汇表中74个单词,其中的25个单词为听、说、读、写“四会”掌握;词组16个at all once upon a time look after Mothers Day look at lots of be good at next to near to in the east (west )of a map of look like play the pipa学习16个短语,其中黑体字的8个短语能够听、说、读、写“四会”掌握;目标语句22个Dont touch the machines, please!Dont feed the ducks!Wear these glasses, please!This puter is beautiful.Its costs one thousand eight hundred yuan.She went into a shop.Dad played the erhu. I was nervous.Were having a party. Hes painting flowers.Ill draw the pictures.Lets have a class party this Saturday!Its very hot. Its big and round.New York is in the east. The capital of America is Washington,D.C.Why do you like Australia? Because I love Australian animals.Im going to go to London.Ill send you a postcard.学习22个功能句,其中黑体字11个功能句为听、说、读、写“四会”掌握;语法1、能用Please.和Dont.表达允许和禁止他人做某事;2、能用Its +adj.(形容词)表达个人观点和态度;3、能用一般过去时讲述简单的小故事;4、能用be doing表述正在做的事情;5、能用Ill./am going to表述将要做的事情。话题1、谈论生活用品2、谈论文体活动3、谈论个人情况(个人计划, 暑假计划)4、谈论国家(美国, 澳大利亚)新标准英语第十册词汇46单词46个amazing borrow broken brown build busy chocolate drove email history message office piece place player sausage scissors season sent shoulder theatre ticket toothbrush本册模块词汇表的46个单词,其中以上黑体字23个达到听说读写的能力;词组17个,drive a bus send sb. sth. in a circle click on send sth. to sb. of course in English last week put in work in a factory ruturn the books have a good time on the trees in spring on Fridays at the office be ready for学习短语17个,其中9个达到听说读写的能力;目标语句27My grandma was a before.I sent you a .Did you get it ? Yes , I did .What (Where) did she ?She drove a bus .What did she have for lunch?Where did your grandpa work?He worked in a / an What did you put in your bag?Lunch is usually at half past twelve.You can / can t use the puters.Your bag is broken.This black bag is nice.Click on “ Email”.Write your message.What will we see ? We ll see lots of very big stones.How will we get there ?Where will you go tomorrow ?Will you help me ?Yes , I will . Have you got the Harry Potter videos ?Yes, we have. No, we haven t.学习功能句27句,其中17句达到四会的能力( 黑体部分);语法1、 能用一般过去时的特殊疑问句形式进行询问及回答。能正确使用what,where,when等特殊疑问词。2、 能用一般将来时的一般疑问句形式和特殊疑问句形式询问及回答某人将要做某事。知道be going to 与will 的简单区别。3、 能用have got 句式进行肯定、疑问的描述及回答。知道主语不同时有have got和has got的区别。4、学习并了解祈使句式的简单用法话题1、谈论家庭(家人过去的职业)2、询问朋友(过去做的事情/是否有某物)3、描述周围的环境(物品)4、谈论个人情况(计划)5、谈论日常生活(过去做过某事)新标准英语第十二册词汇50单词50hot dog waitress cola dollar cent enjoy around duck soon dry naughty funny quickly wet angry shine carry supermarket party hold fall later away stairs heavy clap arrive space travel interested spaceship model sent excited video proud someday blind deaf matter baseball team mistake scared middle really Study Geography Useful student本册模块词汇表的50个单词,全部要求达到听说读写的能力;词组23take place be proud of have a picnic in space in the sky fall down buy sth. for sb. make mistakes by bus be usefule true give sth. to sb. be born(was/were) go around the world be interested in play basketball e on look out of give to what about in all fly away play the trumpet学习短语23个,其中10个达到听说读写的能力;目标语句(20)1、 What do you want to do?2、 I want (to)3、 We are going to have a picnic.4、 Its going to rain.5、 I took some photos.6、 We are having our picnic.7、 I cant carry them all.8、 The apples are falling down the stairs.9、 He is playing but then the telephone rings.10、 I am flying in the sky.11、 I bought a book for you.12、 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou.13、 He spent about 21 hours in space.14、 Ningkangs dad is famous.15、 She was blind. She couldnt see.16、 She was deaf. She couldnt hear.17、 Whats the matter?18、 Why are you scared? Because19、 Are you going to go to middle school?20、 There are 2500 students at the school .21、 How much is it?22、 Its23、 When are you going to eat?24、 Its25、 There was/were.26、 Who can help me?27、 I will help you.28、 Sorry, I cant.29、 Who gave it to you?30、 Your mum gave it to me.31、 Yes, I am really excited.学习功能句31个,其中20句达到四会的能力( 黑体部分);语法1、 能用一般现在时表达现在发生的事情,知道动词形式的变化。2、 知道一般将来时will/be going to的表达形式。3、 能用一般过去时表达过去发生的事情。知道动词的过去式有不规则的变化,知道用could和couldnt来描述过去能力。4、 能用现在进行时表达现在发生的事情,知道动词+ing的变化形式话题1、 谈论食物;2、 谈论活动(生日、野餐等);3、 谈论人物;4、 谈论学校生活(即将开始的中学生活)。教材对学生学习的要求二、四、六册对学生的要求:大胆说,积极做,努力唱!八、十、十二册对学生的要求:坚持听说、继续演唱、认真读写!学习单词要掌握什么原则呢?在句子中理解;在句型中操练;在语句中实践。学习短语要掌握什么原则呢?在句子中理解;在句型中操练;在语句中实践;在实践中提炼;学习功能句要掌握什么原则呢?在语篇中理解、感悟;在语境中体验、操练; 在情景中拓展、运用;增长点:写作训练建议:四年级开始,渗透练笔意识,可考虑为小语篇填词、看图补全句子所缺的部分词组、功能结构等五年级练笔训练围绕话题,结合所学功能结构,借助所给的仿写、关键词、或图表信息等完成小练笔。六年级;在四六年级练笔基础上,训练学生读图、读题,正确理解作文要求的能力。 借助一定的话题线索或提示要求完成学生的简单语句表达。教学导向: 1)注重培养学生对话题的表达。 2)注重培养学生读题读图的能力。 3)注重培养学生正确、清晰书写的良好习惯。 4)关注词语的运用状态的正确性。5)训练英语思维及语言表达方式,适当地对学生进行英语“句式识别”的训练。如:My mum and I went shopping yesterday.I went shopping with my mum yesterday.


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