2019-2020年北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 22《Environmental Protection》(The Seventh Period)教案.doc

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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 22Environmental Protection(The Seventh Period)教案Teaching goals教学目标1. Target language目标语言 重点词汇和短语 Vocabulary about natural disasters; Word formation.2. Ability goals能力目标 Talk about natural disasters and aid.Practise using the vocabulary of natural disasters. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable students to talk about natural disasters and aid.Learn one kind of word formation: Conversion.Teaching important points教学重点Talk about natural disasters and aid.Teaching difficult points 教学难点How to identify confusing words.Teaching methods教学方法 Task-based teaching method.Teaching aids教具准备Multi-puter, a good dictionary.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 Step I RevisionT: Good morning /afternoon, class!Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. /MsT: Yesterday I asked you to learn more about natural disasters and what we should do so that we will suffer less disaster. Now lets do a quiz. Show the following on the PowerPoint. 4Which disaster has an eye? A. Earthquakes B. Wildfires C. Volcanoes D. Hurricanes 5What does a NOAA weather radio do? A. Predict the weather B. Name hurricanes C. Broadcast weather warnings D. Bring rainSuggested answers:1. A. True 2. A. Flashfloods 3. B. False 4. D. Hurricanes 5. C. Broadcast weather warnings S1: Here is a story about tsunami.T: Ok. Please tell us the story.S1: I will read it. The story is about how an American survived a tsunami. On April 1, 1946, when Mieko “Miki” Browne was 18 years old, a tsunami struck her home in Hilo, Hawaii. Heres her amazing story. That morning I got dressed as usual. I was just leaving for school when I noticed that my shoes were filthy. I went back inside to polish them. Staying home those five extra minutes probably saved my life. When I came outside again, my mother was on the lawn picking flowers. Somebody yelled “tsunami!” We thought it was an April Fools joke. Then I looked up and saw a huge wall of dirty water. Palm trees 35 feet 11 meters tall were covered by water. My mother pushed me inside and slammed the door, just as the wave struck our house. It felt like wed been hit by a train. The wave picked up the house, and we floated away. Seawater came up to my knees. I decided to change clothes, in case we had to swim. When I opened the closet, the back wall was gone! All I could see past my hanging clothes were waves and dead fish. It looked like a strange painting. Through the windows we could see people floating by, holding onto whatever they could. A boy was clinging to a piece of lumber. The waves carried us far out into Hilo Bay and back again three times. Finally our house slammed into a factory wall. Somehow my parents and I climbed into the factory, where we found some neighbors on the upper floor. We all got busy tearing burlap sugar bags into strips to make a rope. Whenever someone floated by, we threw them the rope. Our family was fortunate. And Im not nervous about tsunamis anymore. But when I got married, I told my husband, “Were not living at the beach. Were going to live in the mountains!” S2: I downloaded an article from the Internet: How Schools Can Bee More Disaster Resistant T: Good! Please read it to us.S2: During Hurricane Andrew, Florida schools were blown to pieces. During the Northridge Earthquake, California schools were damaged. And after the Red River flooded in the spring of 1997, North Dakota and Minnesota schools were inundated by mud and made uninhabitable. Federal, state and local governments have spent millions repairing or replacing schools after disasters. Further, students have been left anxious, uprooted, out of classrooms for long periods of time or relocated to other facilities -disrupting their education and increasing their stress. And no state, no location, no school district is invulnerable. As gloomy as this picture is, there is much that can be done by school officials to plan for disaster, to mitigate the risk, to protect the safety of students and educators, and to ensure that schools recover quickly. The key, though, is timing. While the Federal Emergency Management Agency stands ready to mobilize when necessary to help munities pick up the pieces and recover, its preferable to expend energy BEFORE the disaster. FEMA cannot undo the damage of an earthquake on an unprepared school or push back the clock after a flood has swept away a childs school year. Under its new Project Impact initiative, FEMA is encouraging city officials, businesses, schools, residents and others within munities to work together before disaster strikes. Prevention is always the best disaster action. The Northridge earthquake really motivated us and had a positive effect of raising awareness about the need for munity preparedness, said Peter Anderson, director of emergency services for the Los Angeles Unified School District. It raised awareness on the part of the teachers and the staff that we have to be prepared - not because its mandated, but because its real. Many states now require specific disaster preparedness activities in their school systems. In California, for example, schools are required to have a disaster plan, to hold periodic drop, cover and hold drills and to hold educational and training programs for students and staff. In Kentucky, a 1992 bill mandated disaster plans, drills and training in the schools. Disaster drills in schools are required in Oregon, Montana and Missouri, and Idaho and Arkansas mandate earthquake resistant design for all public buildings, including schools. In support of the growing awareness of the need for disaster preparedness in schools, FEMA offers a course several times each year at our Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Called the Multi-Hazard Safety Program for Schools, the week-long course outlines a specific plan of action for all schools. As discussed in this class, FEMA remends the following actions for all school officials: Identify hazards likely to happen to your schools Mitigate against the hazards Develop a response plan, including evacuation route Plan for coping after a disaster Implement drills and family education .T: Have you ever felt an earthquake? They can happen anywhere in the world, but pared to other natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes and blizzards, serious earthquakes seem to happen less frequently. No matter how little they happen, earthquakes can be incredibly damaging to the munities in which they happen. How much the munity is affected by earthquakes depends on many different factors. Earthquakes can be dangerous to humans. Scientists still cant predict when they might happen, and so they take us pletely by surprise. After an earthquake happens, the power may go out, roads may be damaged, water and gas lines can break, and phones might not work. There is no way to be 100% safe from the destructive forces of an earthquake, but there are many things you can do before, during, and after an earthquake to stay as safe as possible. But what do you think governments can do to help prevent natural disasters? Please discuss in groups and discuss the questions in Ex7 on Page 11. Step II SpeakingDeal with Ex7. Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the questions in Ex7 on Page 11. They may refer back to the relevant parts of the text or the information they get outside class. Several minutes later, check the answers by having individually answer the questions.Suggested answers:1. Different answers are acceptable.(e.g. the severe winter storms, landslides and mudslides)2. The Disaster Preparation and Local Action Now (Disaster PLAN) Act would reauthorize a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant program that provides funding for states and local governments to protect themselves from the devastating effects of natural disasters earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding and wildfires. This measure would help local munities identify and assess risks from natural disasters and put measures in place to reduce damage. There are things we can do to reduce the potential for disaster, enhance preparedness for the disasters that do occur and improve our ability to respond to and recover from them. We can modify behaviours and policies that place us at risk and that increase our vulnerability to disasters. Protecting us against disasters demands increased awareness, co-operation and mitment from everyone governments, corporations, munity groups and individuals. The term “natural disaster” is somewhat misleading because it implies that disasters are the fault of nature. In fact, these events do not bee disasters without human plicity without humans creating vulnerability of where and how they build their homes, businesses and other critical infrastructures. 3. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency in the US) and the Red Cross are separate organizations, with separate programs will provide aid after disasters. State Environmental Protection Administration of ChinaInternational organizations and bodies established through international agreements or other mitments to protect the environment: mission for Environmental Cooperation (NAFTA) European Environment Agency (EEA) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Private Organizations (Environmental NGOs) These organizations are involved in lobbying, advocacy, or conservation efforts: Bellona Foundation Biofuelwatch BirdLife International Center for International Environmental Law Conservation International Earth Charter Initiative Earth Policy Institute ECOresearch Network Environmental Investigation Agency Environmental Law Association Worldwide EthicalNetwork.org - Global Online munity of environmentalists FERN Forest Stewardship Council Foundation for Environmental Education Friends of Nature Friends of the Earth Gaia Mater (the mother Earth) Global Water Policy Project Global Witness Green Cross International Greenpeace Information for Action iNSnet International Society for the Promotion of Environment and Renewable Energy The Nature Conservancy Nicodemus Wilderness Project Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society World Business Council for Sustainable Development Worldchanging Worldwatch Institute World Rainforest Movement World Wildlife Fund Xerces Society Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative 4. Governments should change their focus from aiding victims of natural disasters to reducing the risk of death and destruction from such calamities before they occur. A government initiative in earthquake-prone Japan to upgrade and better enforce building codes to a privately funded campaign in Cameroon to teach farmers what crops best avoid soil erosion and other flood damage during the rainy season. In Central America, a radio soap opera developed by local civic groups focuses on helping munities better prepare for hurricanes as the storm season approaches. the U.N. initiatives goal is to improve planning and regulatory mechanisms and encourage development and environmental protection strategies that help policy-makers determine where and why disasters are likely to occur and take steps to alleviate the risk. Step III VocabularyDeal with Ex 5&6.First go over word formation. Explain conversion to students. When doing Ex 5 if necessary, encourage students to use a good dictionary. Show the following on the PowerPoint. In linguistics, conversion, also called zero derivation, is a kind of word formation; specifically, it is the creation of a word from an existing word without any change in form. Conversion is a fairly productive process.Often a word of one lexical category (part of speech) is converted from a word of another lexical category; for example, the noun green in golf (referring to a putting-green) is derived ultimately from the adjective green. Conversions from adjectives to nouns and vice versa are both very mon and unnotable / insignificant (not worthy of notice, worthless) in English; much more remarked upon is verbing, the creation of a verb by a converting a noun or other word. T: Now lets look at some examples from noun to verb. He filmed the story. / He reproduced the story on a film.他把这篇小说拍成电影.人身器官名称,用作动词,表示使用这种器官的动作。He shouldered his way through the crowd. (他用肩膀从人群中挤过去) 此外,如to cheek (厚着脸说)、to finger (摸索)、to hand a person(用手领着)等。 盛具或衣物的名称,用作动词,表示“盛”或者“装入”。He pocketed his book and pen. (他把钢笔、本子装进衣袋子)以及to bottle (装瓶)、to can (装罐)、to sack (装在袋里)。表示地点的名词用作动词也有类似用法:to corner (逼在角落)、to island (隔离)、to nursery (放在温室里)等等。 除此之外,还有动词、副词、助动词等转化成名词的用法,我们来看一些例子: On another run they failed to see the boat. 他们第二次去的时候没有找到那只船。动词加副词转化为名词的例子也很多:break-down (垮)、get-together (聚会)、set-back (挫折)、wash-out (废物)等。 另外,形容词有时候也可以转成名词,如:the greens (青菜)、great sillies (大蠢人) T: After we learned something about conversion, lets e to Vocabulary. First please look at Ex 5. What are you asked to do in Ex 5?Ss: Decide if the underlined words in the sentences are nouns or verbs. We are also asked to write down their Chinese meanings.T: Please read the first group sentences together.(After reading)T: What part of speech is “arm” in Sentence a? And what about the one in Sentence b?Ss: “arm” in Sentence a is a noun, in Sentence b it is a verb.T: Good! Now work in pairs and plete Ex5&6. If necessary, you may use your dictionary to help you.When dealing with the exercises, remind students of the golden rule: learn vocabulary in context. First students should do the exercises individually, then pare the answers with their group members, finally Teacher checks the answers with the whole class. Step IV PracticeDeal with the exercises in Lesson 3 in Language Power on Page 56.Ex 1 is very difficult for students. They may work in groups and use a good dictionary to help them. Or Teacher may explain the confusing words to students first. This will make the exercises less difficult for students. Ex 2&3 are not so difficult. Students may be asked to do Ex2&3 individually and eight minutes later check the answers with the whole class. Water: Flood and tsunamiWind: Hurricane and tornadoEarth: Earthquake and volcanoHere are the rules:Water beats Wind!Wind beats Earth!Earth beats Water!Make a choice:


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