2019年四年级英语上册 Unit4 Where is it Period 1 第四课时练习题 北师大版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit4 Where is it Period 1 第四课时练习题 北师大版.doc_第1页
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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit4 Where is it Period 1 第四课时练习题 北师大版.doc_第2页
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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit4 Where is it Period 1 第四课时练习题 北师大版一、抄写下列句子1Where is the sofa?Its next to the desk2Where is the desk? Its near the chair3Where is the pen? Its in the pencil box二、读一读art party bar park card yard garden heart afternoon star car三、听录音,找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的单词( )1sharkAbirdBstarCname( )2star Acake Bcard Cnut( )3heart Acat Barm Cball( )4chair Afarm Bgarden Cair( )5bar Ahave Bwater Cafter四、根据听到的问句选择合适的答句( )1AIts on the ground BIts a giraffe CIts blue.( )2AThey are farmersBThey are in front of the doorCThey are my grandfather and grandmother( )3AYes,she does BNo,I dont CNo,it isnt( )4AShe,s a doctor. BNo,she isnt CShes behind the door.( )5AHes under the tree BHes in the planeCHes in the water.五、看图,选择合适的对话1A:Wheres the car?2A:Wheres the rabbit?B:Its behind the bus B:Its near the river3A:Where is the frog?4A:Wheres the cat?B:Its near to the rock B:Its behind the door5A:Where is the ball?B:Its under the chair六、看图,仿照例子,把对话写下来A:Wheres the clock? Is it on the desk?B:Yes,it isA:_B:_A:_B:_A:_B:_参考答案一、略二、略三、BBBCC四、听力材料1Where is the guitar?2Who are they?3Is the monkey climbing the trees?4Where is your mother?5Where is the pilot?答案:A C C C B五、24l53六、略


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