2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三教学案:Unit 2 Section 2(含答案).doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三教学案:Unit 2 Section 2(含答案)一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.dietn日常饮食vi. 节食2.roastadj. 烤制的vt.&vi. 烤;烘;烘烤3.oughtv. aux. 应当;应该4.slimvi. 变细;减肥adj. 苗条的;纤细的5.rawadj. 生的;未加工的6.lien. 谎话;谎言vi. 说谎;躺;位于7.customern. 顾客;消费者8.discountn. 折扣.拓展词汇1.balancevt.平衡;权衡n.天平;平衡balanced adj.平衡的2.fryvt.&vi.油煎;油炸fried adj.油炸的3.curiosityn好奇心curious adj.好奇的4.hostessn女主人;女主持人host n主人;主持人v.主持;主办5.weaknessn虚弱;缺点;弱点weak adj.虚弱的6.strengthn强项;长处;力量strong adj.强壮的1.balance n天平;平衡vt.平衡;权衡联想名词动用的其他词:diet n日常饮食vi.节食lie n谎话;谎言vi.说谎图片记忆2.curiosity n好奇心;好奇词块out of curiosity出于好奇satisfy your curiosity 满足你的好奇心3.“力量”大集合:strength n. 强项;长处;力量energy n. 精力;活力;能量power n. 权力;动力;电力force n. 武力;暴力4.后缀ness名词集锦hostess 女主人;女主持人actress 女演员waitress 女服务员二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.balanced_diet平衡膳食2ought_to 应该;应当3lose_weight 减肥;体重减轻4get_away_with 受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚5tell_a_lie 说谎6even_though 即使7with_a_discount 通过打折8win_.back 把赢回来;重新获得1.by lunchtime到午饭时间2be made of 由制成(能看出原材料)3be tired of 对厌烦4raw vegetables 生蔬菜5be amazed at 因/对感到惊奇/吃惊6think about 考虑;想起7do some research 做一些调查8all day 一整天三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧。现在分词短语作状语。The little boy sat beneath the tree, reading_a_story_book.那个小男孩坐在树下,读一本故事书。2.“Nothing could be better,” he thought.他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”“否定词谓语动词比较级”表示最高级的用法。As is known to us, nothing_could_be_more_important_than_health. 众所周知,没有比健康更重要的了。3.Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not ing to eat in his restaurant as he always did.如果李昌不像往常那样到他餐馆里吃饭,那一定发生了很严重的事情。must have done “一定做过”,表示对过去事情的肯定推测。Your party must_have_been_very_nice.你们的聚会一定很有意思。4.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!have sb. doing sth.与否定的情态动词连用意为“不允许/容忍某人(一直)做某事”。He could_not_have_his_son_playing_puter_games all the time during summer vacation. 他不能容忍他儿子暑假期间一直玩电脑游戏。1(教材P9)Everybody has to eat, but do you eat a healthy diet?每个人都得吃饭,但是你的饮食健康吗?diet n日常饮食vi.节食be/go on a diet节食;减肥a balanced diet 均衡的饮食The doctor puts me on a very strictdiet, for Im too fat.医生严格限制我的饮食,因为我太胖了。He is on a diet to reduce some weight. 他正在节食以减轻体重。It is important to have_a_balanced,_healthy_diet.均衡健康的日常饮食很重要。2(教材P9)What will happen to you if you dont eat a balanced diet?如果你的饮食不均衡,你将会怎样呢?balanced adj.平衡的balance n平衡;天平vt.平衡;权衡(1)keep ones balance保持平衡lose ones balance 失去平衡keep a balance between A and B保持A与B间的平衡(2)balance A against/with/and B 权衡A与BThe courts must balance our liberty against the security of the nation.法庭必须在我们的自由和国家安全之间作出权衡。To keep fit, first of all, youd better keep a balanced (balance) diet.为了保持健康,首先,你要保持平衡膳食。Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.尽量保持工作与休闲的平衡。语境串记When he first learned to skate, he didnt know how to balance himself. But now he has learned to keep himself balanced while skating.最初学习滑冰时,他不知道如何使自己保持平衡。可是,现在他已经学会了滑冰时如何使自己保持平衡。3(教材P10)Want to lose weight?想变瘦吗?lose weight减轻体重;变瘦;减肥gain/put on weight体重增加;长胖;增肥by weight 按体重/重量watch ones weight 控制体重Because there is not enough food, they are losing weight.因为没有足够的食物吃,他们的体重在减轻。Some people do put on weight after they quit smoking.一些人戒烟后体重确实会增加。Dont give me anything to eat; I have to watch_my_weight.别给我吃任何东西,我得控制体重。语境串记Jack put on/gained weight last year, but he managed to lose weight by exercise quickly.Now he is still watching his weight all the time.杰克去年长胖了,但他靠运动很快变瘦了。现在,他仍然一直在控制体重。4(教材P10)Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside.王鹏在好奇心的驱使下走了进去。curiosity n好奇心;好奇 (1)in/with curiosity好奇地out of curiosity 出于好奇地(2)curious adj. 好奇的be curious to do sth. 好奇地做be curious about sth. 对感到奇怪(3)curiously adv. 好奇地People who made great inventions in science are full ofcuriosity.在科学上有重大发明的人都充满了好奇心。I opened the present out_of_curiosity when I got it.当我收到礼物时,出于好奇我就打开了。Im curious to_know (know) what has happened to him.我很好奇他发生了什么事情。It is childrens nature to be curious about the people and things around them.对周围的人和事物感到好奇是孩子的天性。语境串记He was curious to know how that old clock worked, so he took it apart withcuriosity and examined it curiously.他对那个老钟表是如何工作的很好奇,因此,他好奇地把它拆开了并好奇地研究起来。5(教材P10)He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling peoplelies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!get away with受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚get along/on with与相处;进展get down to (doing) sth. 开始认真做某事get over 克服;从(疾病、失望等)中恢复过来get through 用完;顺利通过;(有电话)接通;完成;结束(与with连用)get across 使理解;越过If you cheat in the exam, youll never get away with it.如果你在考试中作弊,你会受到惩罚的。Isnt it time you got down to marking (mark) those papers?难道不是你应该开始认真阅卷的时候了?The line is busy; I cant get through.电话占线,我打不通。He was disappointed at not getting the job, but hell get over it.他因没有得到那份工作而大失所望,不过他会从失望中恢复过来的。tell lies(tell a lie)说谎a white lie善意的谎言lie to sb. 对某人说谎/撒谎lie in 位于(的内部);在于I dont like the people who always tell lies/a lie.我不喜欢总是撒谎的人。He promised his mother never to lie to her again.他答应他母亲再也不向她撒谎了。The Rocky Mountains lie_in the west part of America.落基山脉位于美国西部。辨析比较lie, lie, lay原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词lie说谎liedliedlyinglie躺;位于laylainlyinglay放下;下蛋;产卵laidlaidlaying语境串记The boy lying under the tree lied to his mother that the hen laid two eggs at a time.那个躺在树下的小男孩对他母亲撒谎说那只母鸡一次下了两个鸡蛋。巧学助记规则的撒谎“撒谎(lie)”的变化是规则的不规则的躺“躺(lie)”的变化是不规则的躺过就下蛋“躺(lie)”的过去式是“下蛋(lay)”下蛋不规则“下蛋(lay)”的变化是不规则的6(教材P10)Perhaps with adiscountand a new sign he could win his customers back.也许打点折、写个新的招牌能够帮他赢回顾客。discount n折扣vt.打折扣;贴现give/allow/make a discount (of .)打()折with/at a discount (of 10%) 打(九)折The employees at the shop get a discount of 10%.商店员工购物可打9折。In this shop, everything is sold at a discount.在这家商店,所有的东西都打折卖。They give_a_discount_of_10% for cash payment. 现金付款,他们给予九折优惠。名师点津注意“打九折”的英语正确表达法为10% discount或者10% off。1. “Nothing could be better,” he thought.他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”(1)本句中使用了“否定词谓语动词比较级”表示最高级的用法。这种结构中的常用否定词还有no, not, never, nobody, hardly, seldom等。I have never seen a better film.我没看过比这部更好的电影。No one can be more_careful (careful) than she is.没有人比她更细心。How did your interview go?I couldnt_feel_better about it!The questions were very fair, and I seemed to find an answer for all of them.你的面试如何?我对那次面试的感觉再好不过了! 问题非常合理,我好像回答了所有问题。(2)表示最高级意义的常用表达法:Nothing is easier (easy) than this.这是最容易的事。China is larger (large) than the other countries/any other country/any of the other countries in Asia.中国是亚洲最大的国家。2He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!(1)句中have sb. doing sth.与否定的情态动词连用意为“不允许/容忍某人(一直)做某事”。He wont have his daughter arriving home late.他不容许女儿晚回家。I wont have you saying (say) to your parents this way.我不能容忍你如此对你父母讲话。(2)have sb.doing sth.用于肯定句中,意思是“让一直/持续”。Im sorry to have you waiting (wait) for so long.非常抱歉让你等了这么长时间。(3)have sb.do sth.“使/让某人做某事”。省略to的不定式表示一次性的具体动作,宾语与宾补之间为主动关系。I would have him wait (wait) for me at the gate of the park.我让他在公园门口等我。(4)have sth.done的三种含义:让/叫别人(为自己)做某事(自己)遭遇某事使某事完成(主语参与)Ill be ready after I have my son dressed (dress)我给我儿子穿好衣服就准备好了。.单句语法填空1The lecture made me realize the importance of a balanced (balance) diet.2Who had the machine running (run) the whole night yesterday?3Anyone who breaks laws cant get away with punishment.4. People have always been curious (curiosity) about exactly how life on earth began.5The boy told a white lie to his mother last night.补全句子1He finally won_back_his_fathers_trust_and_support.他最终赢回他父亲的信任与支持。2Lynn always seems to be_on_a_diet.林恩似乎总是在节食。3I really couldnt_ask_for_a_better_boss. 我真的找不到一个比他还好的老板了。4Do you give/allow/make_any_discount if I buy a whole case of wine?如果我买一整箱酒你们打折吗?5It is easier to put_on/gain_weight,_but it is quite difficult to lose_weight.增加体重较容易,但是减肥就困难了。一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1The hostess (女主人) was at the door to wele us.2Curiously (奇怪的是) enough, he had never seen the little girl.3I bought a pair of sneakers at a 30% discount (折扣). 4Chinese slimming (减肥) tea can help you lose weight easily.5A balanced (均衡的) diet is essential for everybody.6The minute the shopping mall opened, the customers (顾客) came crowding in.7We all have weaknesses (弱点) and strengths no matter who we are.8If you want to keep slim, protective (给予保护的) food is your best choice.9Some people prefer the mutton roasted (烘烤) over the fire in summer.10The naughty boy always tells lies (谎言) to make fun of people.单句语法填空1A balanced (balance) diet and regular physical activity will help you keep fit.2Fried (fry) things are considered unhealthy food.3Wang Peng sat in front of his restaurant feeling (feel) very disappointed.4Remember no one can get away with breaking (break) the law.5They are discussing the strengths (strong) and weaknesses of the argument.6Claire had her luggage checked (check) an hour before her plane left. 7In order to attract more customers, many supermarkets usually sell their goods at a discount at weekends. 8Too many sweets and not enough exercise will make you put on weight.补全句子1My mindless words must_have_hurt_him deeply.我无心的话一定深深地伤害了他。2If our parents would listen to us, they would understand us better.I_couldnt_agree_more. They just expect us to listen.如果父母听我们的建议,他们会更好地理解我们。我完全赞同,他们只是希望我们听话。3John had a strong desire to win_back_his_friends_love_and_trust.约翰强烈希望能重新赢得他朋友对他的爱和信任。4If you place orders now, we would give_you_a_10%_discount.如果你现在订购,我们给你打九折。5His answer did not satisfy_my_curiosity at all.他的答案丝毫没有满足我的好奇心。6The little girl ran so fast that she lost_her_balance_and_fell. 小女孩跑得如此快以至于她失去平衡,摔倒了。.课文语法填空Wang Peng felt 1.frustrated (frustrate) in his empty restaurant because no customers have e to his restaurant ever 2.since he got up early in the morning. He wanted to find out why. He hurried out and 3.followed (follow) Li Chang into a newlyopened restaurant. He found that the owner 4.named (name) Yong Hui was serving slimming food to make people thin. Driven by 5.curiosity (curious), Wang Peng came forward to take a close look at the menu. He could not even believe his eyes. He was amazed at 6.what he saw. He hurried outside and went to the library to do some research. 7.After a lot of reading, he realized that Yong Huis food made people bee tired 8.quickly (quick) because it was not enough energygiving food. 9.Arriving (arrive) home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign.The 10petition (pete) between the two restaurants was on!.串点成篇微表达小薇是个中学生。她体重有90多公斤,因为她喜欢吃甜食。她厌烦了(be tired of)别人嘲笑她,因此,她决定通过不吃早饭的方法来减肥(lose weight)。她每天都节食(go on a diet)。一个月后,她对她苗条(slim)的身材感到很吃惊(be amazed at)。但有时候她感到不舒服,因为她在饮食上没有保持平衡(keep ones balance)。医生建议她不该撒谎(tell a lie)说她每天吃的食物都适当。如果她听从医生的建议,她会把别人对她的喜欢赢回来(win .back)。Xiao_Wei_was_a_middle_school_student._She_weighed_more_than_90_kilograms_because_she_had_a_sweet_tooth._She_was_tired_of_others_laughing_at_her,so_she_decided_to_lose_weight_by_skipping_breakfast._She_went_on_a_diet_every_day._After_a_month,_she_was_amazed_at_her_slimming_figure._But_she_felt_sick_about_herself_at_times,_because_she_didnt_keep_her_balance_on_her_diets._The_doctor_advised_that_she_shouldnt_have_told_lies_that_she_had_eaten_right_food_every_day._If_she_followed_the_doctors_advice_she_would_win_others_fondness_of_her_back.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空There was once a woman who decided to kill all the monsters (怪物) in the world. This _1_ took her on a dangerous journey. She met with many _2_ along the way, each testing her strength and abilities.She hadnt traveled long _3_ she began chasing the monster of hunger. She _4_ him and declared, “Youve been causing hunger; _5_ to die.” The monster said, “I acknowledge I bring _6_, but I also bring benefits as well. There would be no _7_ to find food and survive without me. So look at the ways I might be _8_; dont destroy me.” The woman saw the _9_ in what the monster said, so the monster wasnt killed.Then she found the monster of suffering and said, “Nobody _10_ to suffer. Youre _11_ and I want to kill you.” But he also _12_ for his life, saying, “I do cause pain and sorrow. Yet because of me people _13_ and develop. Remember as a child when you put your hand too close to a fire and experienced the pain of the _14_? Your suffering was short, but you learned from the _15_. This learning has protected you, and this short suffering may have helped to _16_ your life.” The woman then realized another truth through pain we learn to _17_ pain and appreciate pleasure. So perhaps even suffering has its place if we learn how to _18_ from it.So she learned that it isnt what the object is, but how we _19_ it, that makes the difference. Experiences of the past _20_ what we do in the present. We can never tell how the unexpected bad events lead to unexpected beautiful new experiences.语篇解读:本文为夹叙夹议文。看似坏的东西也可以给我们带来好处,本文说明的就是这个道理。1A.hobbyBorderCpromise Dgoal解析:选D由“decided to kill all the monsters in the world”可知,该空意指杀怪物这一“目标(goal)”。2A.aids BsurprisesCchallenges Dpetitions解析:选C由“each testing her strength and abilities”可知,她在途中遇到了许多“挑战(challenge)”。3A.while BbeforeCuntil Dafter解析:选B出发不久她就赶上了“the monster of hunger”,即在赶上“the monster of hunger”“之前(before)”她还没有走很长时间,故选B项。4A.joined BfoundCpunished Dapproached解析:选D赶上“the monster of hunger”后,需要“接近(approach)”它,让它“准备(prepare)”受死。5A.agree BdecideCprepare Dturn解析:选C参见上题解析。6A.regret BfearCdisappointment Ddisfort解析:选D由“Youve been causing hunger”可知,此处它承认它给人带来了“不适(disfort)”。7A.doubt BmotivationCidea Dpossibility解析:选B饥饿“驱使(motivate)”人们寻找食物从而存活下来,由此可判断选B项。8A.useful BstressfulCharmful Dhopeful解析:选A由“I also bring benefits as well”可知,怪物认为它也有“用处(useful)”。9A.difficulty BtheoryCtruth Dbelief解析:选C根据语境可判断此处指“the monster of hunger”也有其自己的作用这一“事实(truth)”。10A.refuses BwantsCasks Dpretends解析:选B根据语境可判断此处意为:没人“想(want)”受苦。11A.ugly BstupidCworthless Dembarrassing解析:选C给人带来痛苦的东西是“没有价值的(worthless)”,故她要杀它。12A.defended BwaitedCapplied Dcalled解析:选A由其后面的讲话可判断它是在给自己“辩护(defend)”。13A.grow BthinkCtry Dlearn解析:选D由下文“but you learned”及“This learning”的提示可判断选D项。14A.disease BheatCwound Dincident解析:选B由“put your hand too close to a fire”可判断选B项。15A.experience BeffortCfailure Djourney解析:选A由上下文语境可判断此处指将手靠近火而后又将手收回这一“经历(experience)”,故选A项。16A.improve BacceptCrisk Dsave解析:选D由“This learning has protected you”可判断与protected匹配的应该是“拯救(save)”生命。17A.tolerate BavoidCovere Dreduce解析:选B知道靠近火会痛以后就知道不要将手靠近火,从而能“避免(avoid)”疼痛,由此语境可判断选B项。18A.escape BhearCbenefit Dsuffer解析:选Csuffering也有用,如果你能从中“受益(benefit)”的话,它们也有其作用。19A.see BdoCexpress Dbelieve解析:选A怪物看似没有价值,但其实有用,关键是你怎么样“看待(see)”它。20A.bring BsuggestCdamage Dchange解析:选D由最后一句可判断,此处表示过去的经历可以“改变(change)”我们现在所做的事。.短文改错All of us know the old saying “Practice make perfect.” It tells us unless we want to realize our aim, we should practice, and one day we will make it. Its easy to understand. Once I wanted to learn swimming. At first I found difficult to control my body. I just sank into the water. I feel very frightened. Then I watched others who were good at them and asked them the key to succeed. I went to the swimming pool every day, learned from them and practiced. A day, when my friend pushed me into the swimming pool, I sudden found that I could swim. How exciting I was! Now I can swim much more better than before.答案:第一句:makemakes第二句:unlessif第五句:found后加it第七句:feelfelt第八句:themit; succeedsuccess第十句:AOne; suddensuddenly第十一句:excitingexcited第十二句:去掉more

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