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2019年六年级英语上册重点词组及句型Unit 1词组:summer vacation 暑假 stay in China 住在中国 stay at home 呆在家里 visit the Great Wall 参观长城 the Summer Palace 颐和园 the White House 白宫 take some photos 拍照 do my homework 做作业 climb a mountain 爬山 learn English 学英语 swim in the sea 在海里游泳 watch TV 看电视 play chess 下象棋 play the piano 弹钢琴句型:P2,3 P6Where were you in the summer vacation? 你暑假在哪儿?I went to the USA. 我去了美国。I visited the White House. 我参观了白宫。Did have a good time in the summer vacation? 你暑假过的愉快吗?In the morning I learned English. 早上我学习英语。In the afternoon I swam in the sea. 下午我去了游泳。In the evening I watched TV. 晚上我看电视。Unit 2词组:do housework 做家务 in the past 在过去 every week 每周 make my bed 整理床铺 wash my clothes 洗衣服 clean my room 整理房间 sweep the floor 打扫地板 water the flowers 浇花句型:P10 P13 14In the past my mother made my bed. 在过去我妈妈帮我整理床铺。Now I make my bed. 现在我自己整理床铺。In the past he didnt make his bed. 过去他不整理床铺。Now he makes his bed every morning. 现在每天早上他自己整理床铺。Unit 3词组:by train 坐火车 a visit to Wuyishan 一次武夷山之旅 stay at a nice hotel 住在一个好的旅馆 see the mountains 看高山 see the waterfalls 看瀑布 go on a raft trip 坐竹筏旅行 weather forecast t天气预报句型:P22 26Where will you go for the holidays? 你假期将要去哪儿?I will go to the Wuyishan. 我将要去武夷山。What will you do there? 你将在那儿做什么呢?I will see the mountains. 我将要去看山。It will be cool and cloudy in Beijing on Oct.1st.十月一号在北京将会是凉爽和多云的天气。Unit 4词组:stay at a beautiful hotel 住在一个漂亮的旅馆 stay at a nice hotel 住在一个好的旅馆 climb a mountain 爬山 see the waterfalls 看瀑布 go on a raft trip 坐竹筏旅行 the Jiuqu Steam 九曲溪句型: P29 Lesson 7 课文P34 A: Where did you go for the holidays? 你假期将去哪儿? B: Wuyishan. 武夷山。 A:How did you go there? 你怎么去那里? B: By train. 坐火车。 A: When did you go there? 你们什么时候去那里的? B: On October 1st. 十月一号 A: What did you do on October 2nd? 你在十月二号做什么? B: I climbed the mountains. 我去爬山。 Unit 5词组:get up 起床 have breakfast 吃早饭 get to school 到达学校 go running 去跑步 do high jump 跳高 do long jump 跳远 be good at 擅长句型:P42 43 Li Hong usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning. 李红通常早上6:30起床。 But this morning she got up at 7:00. 但是今天早上她7点起床。P45 Lseeon10 课文Unit 6词组:be good for 对有好处 be bad for 对有坏处句型:P50 What did you have for breakfast this morning? 今天早上你吃什么?I had milk and bread. 我吃了牛奶和面包。P53 Lesson 12 课文 Unit 7词组:Thanksgiving 感恩节 Spring Festival 春节have a big family dinner 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐 invite friends 邀请朋友 make dumplings 包饺子 watch New Year programs 看春节晚会 say Happy New Year 说新年好 get some pocket money 得到一些零花钱 go to the fair 去庙会 句型:P 62 64 66Thanksgiving is ing. 感恩节就要来了。When is it? 什么时候?The 4th Thursday of November. 十一月的第四个星期四。How do you spend Spring Festival? 你们是怎么度过春节的?We made dumplings. 我们包饺子。Pass me the yams, please. 请给我地瓜。Would you like some turkey, Hu Ping? 胡平,你想要一些火鸡吗?Yes, please. 好的。/ No, thank you. 不,谢谢。 Unit 8词组:in September 1620 在1620年的九月 make their new home 建造他们的新家 enough food 足够的食物 learn to grow corn 学种玉米have a very good harvest 有一个好收成a model boat 一艘模型船 句型:P69-70 Lesson 15课文P73 Lesson 16课文P74 Look. This is a model boat. 看,这是一艘模型船。 What a beautiful boat! 多漂亮的一艘船啊!


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