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河北省沧县风化店中学2017-2018学年高一英语上学期期中试题第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. What does Mr. Black do? A. A teacher B.A doctor. C. A policeman.2. Where is the boys book? A. On the desk. B. On the table C. On the quilt.3. How will the girl go to the airport? A. By car. B. By air. C. On foot.4. What does the man mean? A. He is tired of his job. B. He will see a doctor. C. He will change his job.5. Who will take Peters place? A. Mike. B. Tom. C. Jane.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题6. Why cant the woman have the party on the twenty-ninth? A. She will attend a meeting. B. She will travel to another city. C. She will see her doctor.7. How long will the party run? A. For four hours. B. For three hours. C. For two hours.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题8. Why does Tom call Linda? A. To ask Linda to find a job for him. B. To ask advice from Linda. C. To learn about Lindas first day at work.9. What happened to Linda the first day she worked? A. She worked overtime. B. She was late for work. C. She didnt have lunch.10. What do the other people think of the boss? A. He is kind to new workers. B. He likes those who work hard. C. He is always hard to get along with.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题11. What does the woman want the man to do first? A. Dry some dishes. B. Wash some plates. C. Clean the stove.12. Where will the man find another towel? A. On the shelf. B. In the drawer. C. On the table.13. Why does the man want to use the towel? A. Because he wants to dry the dishes. B. Because he wants to clean the bike. C. Because he wants to wash it.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题14. Why does the man e to New York?A. To take a business trip. B. To visit his girlfriend. C. To have a holiday alone.15. What will the woman do next? A. Bring the man the keys. B. Talk about the insurance. C. Bring the man the forms.16. What does the man think of the Porsche? A. Expensive. B. Fantastic. C. Not very beautiful听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. Who are “mall rats”? A. Those who spend a lot of time in malls. B. Those who own a lot of stores in malls. C. Those who often walk to malls.18. Which is NOT mentioned as a reason why people like malls? A. A safe feeling B. Reasonable prices. C. fortable environment.19. What can we learn about malls nowadays? A. They are too noisy. B. Most of them are too small. C. People can do a lot of things in them.20. When was the first indoor mall built in America? A. In 1935. B. In 1963. C. In 1965.第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AEvery people has their own way of saying things, their own special expressions. Many everyday American expressions are based on colors.Red is a hot color. Americans often use it to express heat. They may say they are red hot about something unfair. When they are red hot they are very angry about something. The small hot tasting peppers found in many Mexican food are called red hots for their color and their taste. Fast loud music is popular with many people. They may say the music is red hot, especially the kind called Dixieland jazz.Pink is a lighter kind of red. People sometimes say they are in the pink when they are in good health. The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the twentieth century. It probably es from that many babies are born with a nice pink color that shows that they are in good health.Blue is a cool color. The traditional blues music in the United States is the opposite of red hot music. Blues is slow, sad and soulful. Duke Ellington and his orchestra recorded a famous songMood Indigoabout the deep blue color, indigo. In the words of the song: “You arent blue till youve had that Mood Indigo.” Someone who is blue is very sad.The color green is natural for trees and grass. But it is an unnatural color for humans. A. passenger on a boat who is feeling very sick from high waves may look very green. Sometimes a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has, like a fast new car. That person may say he is green with envy(羡慕嫉妒. Some people are green with envy because a friend has more dollars. The color black is used often in expressions. People describe a day in which everything goes wrong as a black day. The date of a major tragedy is remembered as a black day. 21. If you had your wallet stolen while doing some shopping, you may call it_. A. a white day B. a black day C. a red day D. a green day22. Suppose a Mr Brown says he is very happy because his three children are all in the pink, this means all his children are_.A. lucky and wealthy B. gentle and modest C. fit and healthy D. creative and energetic.23. When she got home and found nothing had been done by her husband, Jane was really_. A. red hot B. green C. blue D. black24. In the following paragraph, the writer might tell the reader something about_. A. unpopular organizations in the world B. peoples response towards a black day C. the influence of the traditional blues D. more words about a color, such as brownBHave you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all, you probably sing when you are happy. Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory. Do you know what a “territory” is? A territory(领地)is an area that an animal ,usually the male, claims(声称)as its own .Only he and his family are wele there .No other families of the same species(物种)are wele .Your yard and house are your territory where only your family and friends are wele. If a stranger should enter your territory and threaten you, you might shout. Probably this would be enough to frighten him away. If so, you have actually scared the stranger away without having to fight him .A bird does the same thing. But he expects an outsider almost any time ,especially at nesting(筑巢)season. So he is screaming all the time, whether he can see an outsider or not. This screaming is what we call a birds song, and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away. Birds sing loudest in the spring when they are trying to attract a mate and warn others not to enter the territory of theirs. You can see that birds have a language of their own. Most of it has to do with attracting mates and setting up territories.25. Some scientists believe that most of the time birds singing is actually_. . Aan expression of happiness Ba way of warning Can expression of anger Da way of greeting26What is a birds “territory”? AA place where families of other species are not accepted. BA place where a bird may shout at the top of its voice. CAn area for which birds fight against each other.D. An area which a bird considers to be its own27Why do birds keep on singing at nesting season? ABecause they want to invite more friends. BBecause their singing helps frighten outsiders away. CBecause they want to find outsiders around. DBecause their singing helps get rid of their fears.28How does the writer explain birds singing? ABy paring(比较)birds with human beings(人类). BBy reporting experiment results. CBy describing birds daily life. DBy telling a birds story.CAs we get older, most of us worry about grey hair, wrinkles(皱纹) and maintain(保持)a youthful body. But people often dont realize the voice needs looking after. Here, Mr. Rubin, a voice expert, tells how to keep your voice youthful.Drink more fluid and avoid spicy foodYou need water for the vocal cords(声带) to vibrate(振动) well. The body must be kept hydrated enough to make the vocal cords operate well. Drinking 1.5 liters of water a day at intervals of 15 minutes is very important. Mr. Rubin advises avoiding foods with an annoying effect on the stomach, such as onions, chili, fizzy drinks and chocolate.Rest the throat and talk regularly(有规律的)The vocal cords can be scared if you use your voice during a bad cough. If you have a case of laryngitis(喉炎) with a cold, you should rest your voice for a day or two, and seek medical advice.Simply staying sociable (社交的)and using your voice is very important. “As older people get less mobile, they can speak less.” says Mr. Rubin. “The old need to municate with people more. By using the vocal cords, they enable the aging process to slow down. ”Improve your posture(姿势)Good posture is essential to keeping the voice young, so wed better stand properly. Exercise helps you take deeper breaths as it means there is better airflow through the voice box, producing a stronger tone.Sing in the showerThis is one of the best ways to preserve your voice, as it keeps the larynx muscles strong while the steam lubricates(使润滑) the voice box.“Singing is gymnastics(体操) for the voice,”says Mr. Rubin. Joining a choir is one of the best ways to preserve a youthful tone.29Mr. Rubin gives us advice on_.Aways to keep us from aging Bways to keep our voice youthfulCways to talk with other people Dprevention of diseases caused by talking too much30Which of the following statements is TRUE in the opinion of Mr. Rubin?ATaking more onions can keep us healthy.BProfessional singers voices tend (倾向)to age quickly.CThe steam can do great harm to the voice.DWe should stand properly to keep our voice youthful.31To protect the voice, the old people should _.Aget less mobile Blie in bed moreCavoid using the voice Dmunicate with others moreDHow to Be a Successful Language Learner?“Learning a language is easy. Even a child can do it!”Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree. For them, learning a language is difficult. They need hundreds of hours, and even this will no guarantee (保证) success for every adult language learner.But what does a successful language learner do? Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They dont depend on the book or the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues(线索)and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners dont wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. When munication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or inplete. Its more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because theyre interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to municate with these people and to learn from them. What kind of language learner are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. If your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the ways above.32.The writer of this passage wants to tell us _ .A.learning a language is easy B. ven a child can learn a second languageC.how to be a successful language learnerD.learning a language is a very difficult task33. Successful language learners are similar in many ways. How many ways did the writer mention in this passage? A.2 B.3 C.4 D.534. According to this passage, when you dont know the meaning of a word in the text _ .A.you should look it up in the dictionary at onceB.you should ask your teacher for helpC.you should guess the meaning of the word D.you should ask your deskmate35. If you want to learn English well you should _ .A.learn it from a famous teacher B. try to look for any chance to use itC.remember as many patterns and rules from your teacher as possibleD.recite as many passages as possible第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。- Margaret, when can we expect you and your daughter for dinner? Next Saturday?- Next Saturday? 36 Ive promised to go to Peking Opera with my daughter. Shes been waiting for that day. - 37- Yes, Sunday sounds fine. What time? - Does 6:30 suit you?- It suits us fine, but we dont know where you live.- 38 Ill meet you at the school entrance. I live just two blocks away.- All right.39- Well, I dont know. Thatll be for you to decide.- Good. Ive got a new dish that I want to try out.- Fine.40- Thanks. Good bye.A. Thats too bad. B. Ill see you then.C. Im sorry. D. What do you want us to bring?E. No problem. F. Lovely today, isnt it? G. How about Sunday then?第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C和D )中,选出最佳选项。One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive. Suddenly I 41 that a man sitting at a table near the window kept looking in my direction 42 he knew me . The man had a newspaper 43 in front of him, which he was 44 to read, but I could 45 that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought my 46 , the man was clearly puzzled (困惑) by the 47 way in which the waiter and I 48 each other . He seemed even more puzzled as 49 went on and it became 50 that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the 51 . When he came out, he paid his bill and 52 without another glance in my direction. I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had 53 .“Well,” he said , “that man was a detective (侦探) . He 54 you here because he thought you were the man he 55 .“What?” I said, showing my 56 . The owner continued, “He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I 57 say he looked very much like you! Of course, since we know you, we told him that he had made a 58 .” “Well, its really 59 I came to a restaurant where Im known,” I said . “ 60 , I might have been in trouble .”41Aknew Bunderstood Cnoticed Drecognized42Asince Beven if Cthough Das if 43Aflat Bopen Ccut Dfixed44Ahoping Bthinking Cpretending Dcontinuing45Asee Bfind Cguess Dlearn46Amenu Bbill Cpaper Dfood47Adirect Bfamiliar Cstrange Dfunny48Atalked with Blooked at Claughed at Dtalked about 49Athe waiter Btime CI Dthe dinner 50Atrue Bhopeful Cclear Dpossible51Arestaurant Bwashroom Coffice Dkitchen52Aleft Bacted Csat down Dcalmed down 53Awanted Btried Cordered Dwished54A. met Bcaught Cfollowed Ddiscovered 55A. was to beat Bwas dealing with Cwas to meet Dwas looking for 56Acare Bsurprise Cworry Dregret57Amust Bcan Cneed Dmay58Adiscovery Bmistake Cdecision Dfortune59Aa pity Bnatural Ca chance Dlucky60ABesides BHowever COtherwise DSo第II 卷第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。At the end of_61_16th century, about five to seven million people _62_(speak) English. _63_present, more people speak English as 64_(they) first , second, or foreign language than ever before. Although there are some _65_(different) between American English and British English, native speakers can understand each other. English changes when cultures municate_66_ one another. Old English was very different _67_the English spoken today. English is also spoken as a foreign _68_ second language in South Asia, where there are _69_ large number of English speakers. In China, the number of people learning English is increasing _70_ (rapid) and it is supposed that Chinese English will bee one of the world Englishes. 61_62_63_64_65_66_67_68_69_70_第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Tina and I had been good friend for years. We often did things together, so one day Tina didnt talk to me and just sat by herself. I dont know what was wrong. I thought about what I had done and said recent. Was Tina upset because I had done well in the history test than her? No, she was happy that I did well in school. I decided find out what was the matter. I walked over to there Tina was sitting. “Tina,” I said softly, “Is anything wrong?” He answered sadly, “Yes, my cat died on last night.” I finally knew the reason what she didnt talk to me and forted her.第二节书面表达(满分25分)假如你是李华,刚转学到新学校,老师让你用英语做一个自我介绍,要点如下:姓名:李华 年龄:16 身高:1.70m性格:活泼、外向、热情、友好爱好:旅游、交友、运动 擅长学科:英语和数学写一篇100词左右的文章,要点要齐全,可以适当增加细节,使行文流畅。 Hello, everyone, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thats all. Thank you!Keys:听力:1-5ACAAC 6-10 ACCBB11-15 ABABC 16-20BABCC阅读:21-24:BCAD25-28 BDBA29-31BDD32-35:CBCB36-40 CGEDB完型:41-45 CDBCA 46-50 DBABC 51-55 DAACD 56-60 BABDC语篇填空:61.the 62. spoke 63.At 64.their 65 differences 66.with 67.from 68.or 69 a 70.rapidly短文改错:1.friendfriends2.sobut 3.dontdidnt4.recentrecently 5.wellbetter6decided后加to 7.therewhere 8.HeShe 9.删on 10.whatwhy高一期中考试英语答题纸第II 卷第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61_62_63_64_65_66_67_68_69_70_第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Tina and I had been good friend for years. We often did things together, so one day Tina didnt talk to me and just sat by herself. I dont know what was wrong. I thought about what I had done and said recent. Was Tina upset because I had done well in the history test than her? No, she was happy that I did well in school. I decided find out what was the matter. I walked over to there Tina was sitting. “Tina,” I said softly, “Is anything wrong?” He answered sadly, “Yes, my cat died on last night.” I finally knew the reason what she didnt talk to me and forted her.第二节:书面表达(满分25分)Hello, everyone, _ _


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