2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修七Unit 3《Under the sea》(Period 3)word教案.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修七Unit 3《Under the sea》(Period 3)word教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修七Unit 3Under the sea(Period 3)word教案Teaching aims1Students will be able to recognize the ing/being done forms and know the exact meanings of them.2Students will be able to use these two forms correctly.Teaching proceduresStep 1Revision Ask students to answer the following questions without referring to the textbook.1What did Clancy witness when he ran down to the shore?2Why did Clancy run in a hurry?3What did Old Tom do when they headed into the bay?4What did Old Tom do after George beat the water?5What did Clancy witness when they drew near?Suggested answers:1He saw a whale throwing itself out of the water and then crashing_down again.2Because Clancy had already heard that George didnt like being_kept_waiting.3They could see Old Tom swimming by the boat,showing them the way.4Tom circled back to the boat,leading them to the hunt again.5He could see a whale being_attacked by a pack of about six other killers.Next,ask students to pay attention to the underlined words and lead into the grammar item“v.ing”/“being done”Step 2Grammar learning1现在分词(ing 形式)的构成。ving 形式由 “doing” 构成,其否定形式是 “not doing”,v.ing 可以带宾语或状语构成 ving 短语,没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化。2动词ing 形式的被动式分一般式和完成式:(1) 一般式:表示这个被动的动作正在进行或与谓语表示的动作同时发生。(2) 完成式:强调这个被动的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前完成。语态时态主动语态被动语态一般式(not)doing(not)being done完成式(not)having done(not)having been done3.动词ing的被动式的句法功能。(1)作主语。如:So_being_killed_by_sharks was a mon thing.(2)作宾语,用在介词后或需要带ing 形式作宾语的动词后。如:George didnt like being_kept_waiting.He was terrified of being_abandoned_by_us.Do you remember_having_been_taken to Beijing at the age of ten?(3)作表语。如:What worried the child most was his not_being_allowed_to visit his mother in the hospital.(4)作定语。如:The problem being_discussed is of great importance.(5)作状语。如:Having_been_shown_around the library,we were taken to see the lab.(6)作补足语。如:As we drew closer,I could see a whale being_attacked by a pack of about six other killers.When we approached him,I saw James being_held_up in the water by Old Tom.注意(1)v.ing 形式的被动式主要在句子中作状语、宾语补足语和定语。但v.ing 形式的被动式的完成式,一般在句中作状语(偶尔作非限定定语),不作其他成分。They dont like the_design_of_the_new_bridge_being_built.(正在建造的桥的设计)Not_having_been_pleted,the museum cant be visited yet.(由于没有完工)(2)v.ing 形式的被动式逻辑主语(即动作的承受者)如果也是主句的主语,就不需要表示出来,但是如果逻辑主语不是主句的主语,就得把v.ing 形式自己的主语表示出来。如:The whole classroom having_been_cleaned,the students went home happily.(3)在want,need,deserve,require,repay,bear,take等动词及形容词worth后,习惯用动词ing的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于“to be done”。如:The house wants_cleaning. 这房屋需要打扫。My watch needs_repairing. 我的手表需要修理。The way deserves_mentioning. 这个方法值得一提。These young trees will require_looking_after carefully.这些小树需要细心照顾。The film is worth_seeing. 这部影片值得一看。Step 3Exercises句型转换(改成带ing形式被动结构的简单句)(1)The hotel which is being built now beside the park was designed by a group of young men.(2)The little girl was eventually aware that her parents abandoned her in the mountainous village.(3)He would e even if we dont invite him.(without)(4)After he had been examined several times,he was told to be healthy.(5)I noticed that some people were taken to the police station.Suggested answers:(1)The hotel being built now beside the park was designed by a group of young men.(2)The little girl was eventually aware of being abandoned by her parents in the mountainous village.(3)He would e without even being invited.(4)After having been examined several times,he was told to be healthy.(5)I noticed some people being taken to the police station.Step 4DrillingAsk students to do Exercise 1 on Page 23 and check with their partners then check together.Ask students to do Exercise 2 and check the answers together.Keys:1.being attacked2.Being held up3.Being included4.Having been accepted5being told6.Being helped out7.being taken8.being photographed9.being swallowed.Step 5Using structuresShow students the 6 pictures on Page 64 and ask them to describe them using the passive ing form in pairs.Keys:1.being invited2.being kept waiting3.being attacked4.being awarded5.being shouted at6.being blamedStep 6HomeworkFinish off Exercise 2 on Page 64


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