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2019年新版牛津英语三年级下册复习题一、 语音b: boy book ball robot bigp: up pie sleep r: red robot ruler run rubberd: bird desk door stand under s: six seven sorry this t: eat get ten time two m: farm make mum wele mother n: man new twin ten nine no 二、 四会单词1.开,打开open 2.这个,那个,这些,那些 the 3.门door4.关close 5.书book 6.在里in 7.跑run 8.吃eat9.说话talk 10.牛奶milk 11.铅笔pencil 12.尺ruler13.在哪里where 14.在下面under 15.在上面on16.课桌desk 17.椅子chair 18.九nine 19.八eight20.四four 21.五five 22. 六six 23.七seven 24.十ten 25. 课class 26.床bed 27. 好,行OK28. 午餐lunch 29. 十一eleven 30. 十二twelve31. 包bag32 窗window 33.鸟bird 34钢笔pen 35. 在后面behind三、翻译下列词组1.在上课 in class 2.起立 stand up3.坐下 sit down 4.格林先生 Mr Green5.开门 open the door 6.进来 e in7.关窗 close the window 8.看黑板 look at the blackboard9.打开你的书 open your book 10.我的橡皮 my rubber11.听鹦鹉的话 listen to the parrot 12.在图书馆 in the library13.不要喊。Dont shout. 14.不要跑。Dont run.15.不要在这儿吃。Dont eat here. 16.不要说话。Dont talk.17.不要睡觉。Dont sleep. 18.喝牛奶 drink milk19.一本英语书an English book 20.你的铅笔 your pencil21.我的午餐盒 my lunch box 22.在那边 over there23.我的书包 my schoolbag 24.一支黑钢笔 a black pen25.一支黄蜡笔a yellow crayon 26.一把尺 a ruler27.一个红文具盒a red pencil case 28.一只美丽的鸟 a beautiful bird29.真美丽!How beautiful ! 30.在课桌下 under the desk31.在门后面behind the door 32.在椅子上 on the chair33.在树上 in the tree 34.在我的书包里in my schoolbag35.几岁 how old 36.真可爱!How lovely!37.多么一个好看的蛋糕啊! What a nice cake!38.许个愿 make a wish 39.想要一个玩具汽车want a toy car40.你说对了。Youre right.41.你出局了。 Youre out. 42.是的时候了。Its time for43.几点 what time 44.醒来 wake up45.十一点钟 eleven oclock 46.快点! Hurry up!47.十二点钟 twelve oclock 48.该吃早餐了。Its time for breakfast.49.该上课了。Its time for class. 50.该吃晚餐了。Its time for dinner.51.该睡觉了。Its time for bed. 52.在农场 on the farm53.欢迎来到Wele to 54.一个苹果 an apple55.一个橘子an orange 56.看我的图片look at my pictures57.那些猪 those pigs 58.这些奶牛 these cows59.那些鸡 those chickens 60.这些鸭子 these ducks 61.十个梨子 ten pears 62.我的叔叔 my uncle 63.你的阿姨 your aunt 64.那个女孩 that girl65.我们是双胞。 Were twins. 66.我的堂表兄(弟)(姐)(妹)my cousin67.我的名字 my name 68.那个女人 that woman69.这个男人 this man 70.一个男孩 a boy 四、翻译下列句子1. 这是你的尺。This is your ruler.2. 这是你的尺吗? 是的,它是。Is this your ruler? Yes, it is.3. 那是我的蛋糕。That is my cake.4. 那是我的蛋糕吗?不,它不是。Is that my cake? No, it isnt.5. 它在你的铅笔袋里吗?是的,它在。Is it in your pencil case? Yes, it is.6. 请问,几点了?十点。What time is it, please? Its ten oclock.7. 这是什么?是个橘子。Whats this? Its an orange.8. 这些是什么?他们是橘子。What are these? Theyre oranges.9. 那是什么? 它是一个苹果。Whats that? Its an apple.10. 那些是什么?他们是苹果。What are those? Theyre apples.11. 这些是鸡吗?不他们是鸭子。Are these chickens? No, theyre ducks.12. 那些是猪吗?是的他们是猪。Are those pigs? Yes, theyre pigs.13. 那个女孩是谁?她是我妹妹。Whos that girl? Shes my sister.14. 他是谁?他是刘涛。Whos he? Hes Liu Tao.15. 她是谁? 她是海伦。Whos she? Shes Helen.五、写出下列词的缩写:here is= heres where is= wheres it is =its what is= whats he is=hes she is= shes that is=thats who is=whos I am=Im we are= were they are= theyre you are= youre is not= isnt do not= dont6、 人称代词:我 I 你you 他he 她she 它it 我们we 你们you 他们它们她们they动词 be : am is are 人称代词与动词连用口诀:I跟 am, you跟are, is 连着他她它, 复数都用are1. I am Helen. 2. Are you Liu Tao ? Yes, I am. 3. Who is she? She is my aunt. 4. He is my brother. 5. What is it ? It is a pencil. 6. We are twins . 7. What are these? Theyre apples. 8.Are those oranges? Yes, they are.9. This is an English book. 10. Is that a crayon? Yes, it is.三年级英语下册复习题一、 四会单词1.开,打开 2.这个,那个,这些,那些 3.门4.关 5.书 6.在里 7.跑 8.吃9.说话 10.牛奶 11.铅笔 12.尺13.在哪里 14.在下面 15.在上面16.课桌 17.椅子 18.九 19.八20.四 21.五 22. 六 23.七 24.十 25. 课 26.床 27. 好,行28. 午餐 29. 十一 30. 十二 31. 包32 窗 33.鸟 34钢笔 35. 在后面 二、翻译下列词组1.在上课 2.起立3.坐下 4.格林先生5.开门 6.进来7.关窗 8.看黑板9.打开你的书 10.我的橡皮11.听鹦鹉的话 12.在图书馆13.不要喊。 14.不要跑。15.不要在这儿吃。 16.不要说话。17.不要睡觉。 18.喝牛奶19.一本英语书 20.你的铅笔21.我的午餐盒 22.在那边23.我的书包 24.一支黑钢笔25.一支黄蜡笔 26.一把尺27.一个红的文具盒 28.一只美丽的鸟29.真美丽! 30.在课桌下31.在门后面 32.在椅子上33.在树上 34.在我的书包里35.几岁 36.真可爱!37.多么一个好看的蛋糕啊! 38.许个愿39.想要一个玩具汽车 40.你说对了。41.你出局了。 42.是的时候了。43.几点 44.醒来45.十一点钟 46.快点47.十二点钟 48.该吃早餐了。49.该上课了。 50.该吃晚餐了。51.该睡觉了。 52.在农场53.欢迎来到 54.一个苹果55.一个橘子 56.看我的图片57.那些猪 58.这些奶牛59.那些鸡 60.这些鸭子61.十个梨子 62.我的叔叔63.你的阿姨 64.那个女孩65.我们是双胞。 66.我的堂表兄(弟)(姐)(妹)67.我的名字 68.那个女人69.这个男人 70.一个男孩三、翻译下列句子1. 这是你的尺。2.这是你的尺吗? 是的,它是。3.那是我的蛋糕。4.那是我的蛋糕吗?不,它不是。5.它在你的铅笔袋里吗?是的,它在。6.请问,几点了?十点。7.这是什么?是个橘子。8.这些是什么?他们是橘子。9.那是什么?它是苹果。10.那些是什么?他们是苹果。11.这些是鸡吗?不,他们是鸭子。12.那些是猪吗?是的,他们是猪。13.那个女孩是谁?她是我妹妹。14.他是谁?他是刘涛。15.她是谁? 她是海伦。四、写出下列词的缩写it is = what is= he is= she is= that is= who is= I am= we are= they are= you are= is not= do not= here is= where is=五、连词成句,并翻译中文1. in bird the tree the is (.)_2. the Mr open robot please door(, .)_3. not listen the do boy to Mike (,.)_4. yes is a that brown it pencil case is (?, .)_5. over your crayon there is (.)_6. is where schoolbag my (?)_7. behind door it is the (.)_8. a bird what beautiful (!)_9. cake want I birthday a (.)_10. time for is it breakfast Bobby (, .)_12. to my school wele (.)_13. those green are apples (?)_14. is that who woman (?)_15. girl the twin is sister my(.)_16. that is grandma Su Yang your (, ?)_17. my here is book (.)_18. those are the what under tree(?)_19. you ice like would an cream (?)_20. sleep in dont class Liu Tao (, . )_六、人称代词:我 _你_他她它_我们_你们_他们它们她们_be动词_ _ _人称代词与动词连用口诀:_跟_,_跟_,_连着_,复数都用_.1.I _ Helen. 2. _ you Liu Tao ? Yes, I _. 3. Who _ she?She_ my aunt. 4.He_ my brother. 5. What _ it ? It _a pencil. 6. We _ twins . 7. What _ these? They_apples. 8. _those oranges? Yes, they _9. This _an English book. 10. _ that a crayon? Yes, it _七、an 专练 一个苹果_ 一个橙子_ 一个鸡蛋 _ 一本英语书_ 一个冰淇淋 _ 一件橙色的裙子_八、单数变复数练习:book _ pen _ruler _ apple _This is a crayon. _.That is a chair. _.What is this? Its a door. _What is that? Its a window. _Is this a chicken? Yes,it is. _ Is that a cow? No, its a dog. _Is it a duck? No, its a chicken. _九、复数变单数练习:books _ pens _rulers _ apples _These are crayons. _Those are chairs. _What are these? Theyre doors. _What are those? Theyre windows. _Are these chickens? Yes,they are. _Are those cows? No, they are dogs. _Are they ducks? No, theyre chickens. _十、肯定句和一般疑问句练习This is you. _?She is Helen. _?They are books. _?These are crayons. _?Those are chairs. _?That is a chair. _?Is this a chicken? _.Is that a cow? _.Is it a duck? _.Are these chickens? _.Are those cows? _.Are they ducks? _十一将下列词组翻译成中文1.in class_ 2. stand up_3. sit down _ 4. Mr Green_5. open the door_ 6. e in_7. close the window_ 8. look at the blackboard_9. open your book_ 10. my rubber_11. listen to the parrot_ 12. in the library_13.Dont shout._ 14.Dont run._15.Dont eat here._ 16.Dont talk. _17.Dont sleep. _ 18. drink milk_19.an English book_ 20. your pencil_21. my lunch box _ 22. over there_23.my book_ 24. a black pen_25.a yellow crayon _ 26. a ruler_27.a red pencil case_ 28. a beautiful bird_29.How beautiful ! _ 30. under the desk_31.behind the door _ 32. on the chair_33. in the tree_ 34.in my schoolbag_35.how old _ 36.How lovely!_37. What a nice cake! _38. make a wish_ 39.want a toy car_40.Youre right._41. Youre out._ 42.Its time for_43.what time _ 44. wake up_45. eleven oclock _ 46. Hurry up!_47. twelve oclock _ 48.Its time for breakfast._49.Its time for class. _50.Its time for dinner._51.Its time for bed. _52. on the farm_53.Wele to _ 54. an apple_55.an orange _ 56.look at my pictures_57. those pigs _ 58. these cows_59. those chickens_ 60. these ducks_ 61. ten pears_ 62. my uncle _ 63. your aunt _ 64. that girl_65. Were twins. _ 66.my cousin_67. my name _ 68. that woman_69. this man _ 70. a boy _


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