2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 5 The great sports personality区域过关集训 外研版必修5.doc

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2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 5 The great sports personality区域过关集训 外研版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 5 The great sports personality区域过关集训 外研版必修5.doc_第2页
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Module 5 The great sports personality.语法填空1I _ (final) came out of the contest as the first prize winner.答案finally2The season runs June through August, with additional _ (perform) in March and September.答案 performances3The questions were about telling friendship from _ (pete)答案petition4Yet, in a sense its human nature to do precisely thatwe assess the advantages and _ (advantage) of decisions all the time.答案disadvantages5I hope Ill work in a puter pany as a program _ (design)答案designer6She _ (ultimate) purchased a small piece of land with her husband and began growing their own foods.答案ultimately7What a wonderful gift to a _ (retire) teacher!答案retired8My mobile phone is _ guarantee, so theyll fix it for free.答案under.选词填空1.The rate of inflation in China will _ 3.5%4% in 2017 according to the latest statistics.The number of the private high school has _ five schools.答案increase byincreased to2.After the accident, Tom _ and dialed 110.When he heard the news, he _ with joy.I saw two students _ at the same time to answer the question.答案struggled to his feetjumped to his feetrising to their feet.单句改错1Men usually have the advantage beyond women when hunting for jobs._答案beyoneover2The injured bird struggled on its feet to eat the food in the bowl._答案onto3I specific asked you not to do that._答案specificspecifically4A group of young people called “singers” by others will put on performance in our town tonight._答案on后加a5Can you give me guarantee that the work will be finished on time?_答案me后加a.单句写作1Traffic accidents are _ (正在增加) as a result of the increase of private cars.答案on the increase2After he finished his papers, he _ (站起来) and went out.答案rose to his feet3_ (有可能) that shes already heard the news.答案There is a chance4. Parents should actively urge their children to _ (利用) the opportunity to join sports teams.答案take advantage of5Their football team _ (表现很好) in the match yesterday.答案performed very well

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