2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson 6 Revision学案 科普版.doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson 6 Revision学案 科普版.doc_第2页
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2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson 6 Revision学案 科普版学习目标1掌握四会单词:east、world、high、 than 、night 、never、stop;三会单词词组:rise、cloud、hide、bright、earth、here and there.2复习一般现在时的各种句式:陈述句、一般疑问句、否定句、特殊疑问句及相关答语。3理解“What does the sun say ?”故事大意,回答相关问题重点难点更加熟练掌握和运用一般现在时的各种句式.课前指导(学习方法、相关知识等)小组合作学习单词, 听录音跟读课文,共同探讨课文大意。复习73页单词及语音。学习过程:Step 1 复习回顾复习15课的一般现在时的各种句式,并作进一步巩固。复习15课的语言结构:两人一组进行下列模式的对话A: Do you usually get up at six ? B:Yes,I do./ No,I dont.A:What time do you usually have breakfast ? B:I usually have breakfast at.A:When does your father go to work ? B:He goes to work at.A:How does your mother go to work ? B:She usually goes to work by bike/by.Step 2 自主预习过程1,自己试着拼出课后四会单词和三会词组;找出本课含【ai】音的单词,说说你发现了什么。2,听录音跟读课文,了解课文大意。(总结预习过程中出现的问题。)Step 3 合作研习过程1,个人认读单词,小组长检查读、写的情况。2,听录音跟读课文,共同探讨课文大意;小组操练“Check back”中第2题笔试题、第3、4题口语练习。Step 4 展示交流内容小组交流含【ai】音的单词:单词rise、hide、tired中字母i发【ai】音、单词high、night、bright、higher字母组合igh发【ai】音。2.学习“Read”部分“What does the sun say ?”。 A。 翻译重点词组:in the east _ here and there. _ all day and all night _ say good morning (sorry)to sb _ be much hotter and bigger than anything else _B 根据挂图逐图放录音,学生跟说,译成汉语 ,练习复述后回答问题 1.Does the sun rise in the east ? What can the sun send into your room ? 2.Where does the sun shine ? Can it make the world beautiful ? 3.Is the sun higher than the mountains and the clouds ? 4.Can you always see the sun ? Where does the sun sometimes hide ? 5.When is the sun very bright ? Does the earth travel all day and all night ?3, 听录音作“Check back”中第一题连线;小组操练“Check back”中第2题笔试题,重点练习频度副词的用法;两人一组进行第3、4题口语操练,重点练习一般现在时的各种句式。Step 5 检测提升题1.写出单词的适当形式。 1) Here(反义词)_ 2) high(比较级)_ 3) day(对应词)_ 4)be from(同义词)_2.连词成句 1),think 、by、school、to、she、bike、usually、I、goes_. 2),on、 still、the、We、ground、are_. 3),me、the、fly、sky、to、birds、meet、The、into_.3句型转换 1)。Your father has supper at home.(改为一般疑问句) _? 2)。He goes to school on foot.(对画线部分提问)_? 3)。The children play games at 4:30 every day. (对画线部分提问)_? 4)。Does Tom live in New York?(肯定回答)_.4.根据32页图片短语提示,叙述自己一天的生活情况。Step 6 总结收获,反思质疑:_.

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