2019年六年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 2《It will snow in Harbin》教案 (新版)外研版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 2It will snow in Harbin教案 (新版)外研版教学目标知识目标:1. 能听懂会说、会读、会写本单元的单词:sunny, warm, cool, windy, cold, hot, snow, rain2. 句型:It will snow in Harbin. It will be warm and sunny in Sanya.能力目标:能模仿课文,用It will句型谈论天气。情感目标:培养学生熟悉生活,对生活中常用句子的理解和运用。重点用It will (be)句型谈论未来的天气。难点用It will (be)句型谈论未来的天气。教法情境教学法;任务型教学法教具课件;点读机教学过程Step 1: Warming up. 1. Greeting.2. Sing an English song. “How is the weather?” (设计意图:通过唱歌,充分激活学生的脑细胞,活跃课堂气氛,快速营造出英语的课堂氛围,并对天气问答有了一个大体的了解,为下面讲授新课作铺垫。) T: Do you want to be a weather reporter? Can you report the weather all over the world tomorrow for us? After class, you can do that. e on, lets begin the class!Step2:Presentation T: Look! Whats the weather like today? (老师拉开窗帘, 阳光照进来)Ss: Its sunny.T: Whats the weather going to be like tomorrow?教学过程S: 学生们纷纷猜测明天天气sunny, rain.T:老师出示天气符号的图片 ( 设计意图:由图片导入,让学生认识天气预报符号,并为下面的当一名英语天气预报员活动做准备。)1. 出示晴天天气预报标志T:What does this weather icon mean?S: sunny.(复习单词sunny 形容词 阳光充足的) T: Its sunny today. What do you think of the weather tomorrow? S:Maybe it will be sunny tomorrow. It will be sunny.(学习句型)S:(让学生齐读,分组读,单个读重点句型)2. 下雨天气预报标志T:Look, what does this icon mean? S: rain.(复习单词rain动词 下雨) T: And the weather tomorrow? S:Maybe it will rain tomorrow.板书 It will rain. (学习句型)S:(让学生齐读,分组读,单个读重点句型)3. 依次出示下雪,刮风的,寒冷的,温暖的,热的天气预报符号,复习windy, cold, warm这四个单词和It will be windy. It will be cold. It will be warm. It will be hot.重点句型,让学生多读、熟读直到掌握。T:你能发现表达未来天气的时候,什么时候加be动词,什么时候不加吗? Ss:总结句型:It will be +形容词 It will +动词 (设计意图:复习关于天气的单词,并试着描述天气。这样既复习了旧知识,又为学习新知识做了铺垫。)Step3:Learning the text. 1. Listen and underline the words of the weather.(学生听录音,看课文,并划出表示天气的单词,达到对课文的初步了解。)2. Listen and answer questions:(可在小组内讨论)Whats the weather will be like in Harbin?教学过程Whats the weather will be like in Beijing?Whats the weather will be like in Xian?Whats the weather will be like in Sanya? ( 设计意图:听录音,看课文,然后回答问题。通过解决问题,剖析课文内容,并检查学生对课文内容的掌握程度。) 3. Can you be a weather reporter?(熟读课文在小组内练习) ( 设计意图:通过播报天气让学生熟练应用课文内容及句型。评出最优秀的英语天气预报员)Step4: Practice 1. Do you want to know more about the weather icons?(出示天气预报英语词汇的图片) ( 设计意图:学生在描述天气的时候,遇到很多种天气情况不会表达。了解各种天气的英语表达法,满足了学生的需求,拓展学生的词汇量。同时,渗透保护环境的思想教育Only one earth, share and care。只有一个地球,同分享共保护.)2. T: Look at the weather. Say what youre going to do.让学生根据课本活动5天气情况制定自己的打算(包括做什么、时间、衣着等)。并在小组内进行讨论交流。 (设计意图:复习所学的知识,并进行适当的扩展,让学生把学到的知识真正的进行运用。)Step5: Summary 让学生说说描述某地将来天气状况的句型:Step6: Test (以适当形式填空) snow hot sunny cool warm windy cold rain1. It will _(晴朗的)in Shanghai.2. It will _(寒冷的)in Beijing.3. It will _(下雨)in Xinjiang.4. It will _(下雪)in Harbin.5. It will _(炎热的)in Guangzhou.教学过程6. It will _(有风的)in Tianjin.7. It will _(凉爽的)in Shenzhen.8. It will _(暖和的)in Haiko. (设计意图:检测学生本课的掌握情况,并及时的查缺补漏。)Step7:Homework 1. 理解并掌握It will和It will be 的区别。2. 熟练听,说,读,写本课关于天气的单词。板书设计Module 2 Unit 2 It will snow in Harbin. It will snow in Harbin. It will be sunny in Beijing.教学反思


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