2019年六年级英语下册Unit3WhosThatMan说课稿1陕旅版 .doc

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2019年六年级英语下册Unit3WhosThatMan说课稿1陕旅版 .doc_第1页
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2019年六年级英语下册Unit3WhosThatMan说课稿1陕旅版各位老师; 大家下午好,我今天说课的主要内容是陕西旅游出版社xx年最新出版的小学英语教材六年级下册Unit3第一课时的内容。我要说课的内容包括六个部分:一,说教学材料;二,说学生;三,说教学方法与学法指导;四,说教学过程;五,说板书设计;六,说总结和反思。首先,我先分析一下教学材料,实际上,在第三单元,我们主要谈论的话题是介绍中国杰出的人物,在介绍人物的过程中首先介绍人物的职业。对于职业这个话题,六年级的学生并不会感到陌生,因为四年级上册专门介绍过基本的职业名称,学生在此基础之上学习更多的关于职业名称的表达会更加容易。 那么在今天要学习的课程里,我总结了以下两个特点:1,每张单词都配有图片,便于小学生理解所学单词的内涵,降低语言输入的难度,为语言输入扫清障碍。2,本课将着重点放在运用交流上,不仅要听说读写本节课的单词,而且要学会造句子,引导学生在语境中记忆单词,而非孤零零地死记硬背。让学生在给定的句型中多加练习,大声练习。本节课的教学目标分别是知识与技能目标,过程与方法目标,情感态度价值观目标。知识与技能目标:1.能听、说、读、写以下词汇:pupil,actor,singer,reporter,scientist,police officer,basketball player2.复习回顾所学关于职业名称的词汇,并学会使用句型-What does he do?-He is a/an +职业名称过程与方法目标:通过白板和ppt展示图片,设置情景,师生互动,小组合作等方法扩大学生的词汇量,使学生认知更多的关于职业名称的表达,就“介绍中国杰出人物”话题为中心,在互动合作中提高学生的听说读写能力。情感态度价值观目标:让学生认知各种不同的职业名称,并且能在心里播下一颗梦想的种子,三百六十行行行出状元,通过自己的努力和汗水收获明天的成功。培养学生的合作能力。教学辅助有:电子白板,ppt课件,图片,单词卡。第二部分,分析学生,六年级的学生在英语学习方面已经有了一定的功底,只是学生之间的差距依旧很大,因此要多关注学困生,让学困生在教师或同桌的指导和鼓励下多回答问题,多进行操练。再加上小学生本身的天性使然,会很积极,好动,喜欢做游戏,所以在我的课堂上,将会设计一些游戏互动的环节,比如大小声,Lets chant等游戏会充分地调动学生学习英语的积极性 第三部分,我本节课的教学方法与学法指导有:1. 情景教学法,利用电子白板和ppt课件,图片,设置情景,让学生在轻松,愉悦,真实的情境中进行单词认知,英语会话。2. 游戏教学法:组织学生开展游戏,使学生寓学于乐,在轻松,活泼,愉快的氛围里学习语言。3. 交际法:学生通过语言实践和交流可以充分展示自我,熟练运用所学语料。4. 合作学习法:让学生通过参加Pairwork ,group work的活动,是学生充分利用所学语言知识进行自由表达。5. 渗透指导:引导学生在复习旧知时将新知慢慢渗透,使学生能够从自身的认知水平出发,从简到难进行学习。6. 示范读法:教师读或者录音读可以有效地纠正学生的发音,从现在起为以后的英语学习奠定一个良好的基础。7. 点拨指导:学生参与课堂互动,通过上台实践或小组展示让学生充分展现自我,进行英语交际的过程中,学生在表达时有困难或有错误时,教师给与恰当的提示和指导。 第四部分,教学步骤Step One Leading-inA, Greetings and warming-upT: Good morning, everyone! Lets sing a song!(Finger Family)Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?Here I am, Here I am.How do you do?(daddy,brother,sister,baby)Ss sing the song with postures.T: Wow, excellent! You did a good job. Give you a big hand. Today we are going to learn Unit3 Whos That Man?(The teacher shows one photo of me and ask Ss)T: Who is that man?Ss: He is Mr.Gao.T: Yes, its me. What is he?Ss: He is a teacher.T: What subject does he teach?Ss: He teaches English.T: So I am an ?Ss: an English teacher.Today we are going to learn Unit 3 Whos That Man(write down the title on the blackboard.)T: First,lets try to review.Now I will show you the pictures,you can speak out the words.(Show the pictures in PPT or vocabulary cards and Ss speak out the words.)Just now you mentioned father, mother, brother, sister and baby, I am sure you must know their jobs. Now Id like everyone think about this question and give me the answers. Of course you can also write down your answers on your exercise book. Are you ready?S:Yes,I am ready.T:What is your father?S1:He is a worker.S2:He is a farmer.S3:He is a policeman.S4:He is a driver.T:What is your mother?S1:She is a cook.S2:She is a nurse.S3:She is a housewife.S4:She is a teacher.T:What is your brother?S1:He is a student.S2:He is a woker.S3:He is a doctor.S4:He is an engineer.T:What is your sister?S1:She is a student.S2:She is a nurse.S3:She is a policewomen.S4:She is a waitress. Step Two New PresentationA. Lets learn the new words.T:I am a teacher. Of course I am an English teacher. What are you?Ss: We are students.T:You are very young. So you are pupils. Show one picture of the Ss in our class and ask -Who is he?Now read after me “pupil”(every word three times and Chinese translation once)Then let the Ss read and write the new word.Lets Chant like this:I am a pupilYou are a pupil.He is a pupil.She is a pupil.We are pupils.(with responding postures)-What does he do?-He is a pupil.I am an actor You are an actor/actress.He is an actor/actress.She is an actor/actress.We are actors/actress (with responding postures)Use the same method to teach the following new words:singer, reporter, scientist, police officer, basketball player. Step Three ConsolidationA.The teacher shows the vocabulary cards and the Ss stand up and speak out the responding words.B.Each students try to make new sentences by using the sentence pattern-What does he do?-He is a pupil/.C.The teacher shows the pictures and let the students ask and answer(Show more photos of famous people)-Who is she?-She is Han Hong.-What does she do?-She is a singer.-Who is he?-He is Cheng Long(Jackie Chan).-What does he do?-He is an actor.Step Four PerformanceLet the students have a discussion and try to describe your ideal job in the future by using the new words weve learned just now.For example:I want to be a teacher.I want to be a worker.I want to be a police officer.I want to be a scientist.I want to be a singer.Let the Ss tell their dreams to the whole class.Step Five Self-checkFill in the blanks.Spell the new words in pairs.Write down the new wordsStep Six HomeworkA. Try to describe your idols.B. Try to describe your ideal job in the future.C. Memorize the new words and make up at least five sentences.第五部分 板书设计:Blackboard DesignUnit3 Whos That Man?New words -What is your father?-He is a worker/.-What does he do?-He is a pupil/.I want to be a/an +职业名称第六部分 总结和反思 本节课我的教学设计符合六年级学生的心理特点,遵循了儿童的语言学习规律,关注了学生的情感,通过这节课的学习,使同学们在轻松愉快的氛围里,轻轻松松地掌握知识,不仅复习了之前所学的职业名称以及句型What is your father?He is+ a/an +职业名称,而且在此基础上学习了其他关于职业名称的词汇,扩充了学生的词汇量,而且在句型What does he do?He is a/an +(职业名称)中得到了充分的训练,为第二课时的课文学习打下了良好的基础。更为重要的是为孩子的内心播下一颗种子,让他找到自己,守住自己的梦想,用努力与付出去追逐美好的明天。正所谓Sow an action, you reap a habit; Sow a habit, you reap a character; Sow a character, you reap a destiny.当然,上课的过程中还有个别同学表现不够积极主动,学习效果不够理想,我将会在今后的教学中加大对学困生的关注力度,不断钻研教学,使自己的英语教学能够芝麻开花节节高,让我的学生也能更加享受地快乐地学习英语。


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