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2019年pep六年级英语下册第二单元测试题一、将单词,按读音分类。(10分)coat arouse know south hole load house soap now rose /au/ _/u/ _二、读句子,选择正确答案。(10分)( ) 1. How do you feel now ? _. A. All right.You can go now B. I have a fever C. Im watching( ) 2. Whats the matter, Mike ? _.A. I hurt my leg B. Im sorry to hear that C. Ok( ) 3. Does Amy feel tired ? _. A. Yes,she does B. No,she does C. Yes,she do( ) 4. I failed my English test. I am _. A. happy B. sad C. excited( ) 5.How are you,Sarah ? You look _. I am going on a big trip. A. angry B. tired C. excited三、选词填空。(10分)1. _ ( Whats, Whos ) the matter, Marry ?2. I_ ( feel, feels,feeling) sick.3.My temperature is 39C. I have a _( fever, toothache.)4. I am very _. ( bored, boring). I have nothing to do.5. How does Amy feel? She _ ( is, are , am ) happy.四、选择正确的答句,将序号填在括号里。(10分)( ) 1. Does Lily feel happy ? A. Hes doing his homework.( ) 2. What is he doing now ? B. I feel happy.( ) 3. Is it a killer whale ? C. No, she feels sad.( ) 4. Do you feel bored ? D. Yes, it is.( ) 5. How do you feel ? E. Yes, I do.五、选择句子。(20分)( )1. A. She has a fever. B.She has a cold. (1)( )2. A.She has a toothache. B.She has a earache. (2) ( )3. A. I have a stomachache. B. I have a headache. (3)( )4. A. My finger hurts. B. My leg hurts. (4)( )5. A. I have a cough. B. Im fine. (5)( )6. A. Shes sad . B. Shes happy.(6)( )7. A. Hes angry. B. Hes quite. (7) ( )8. A. Im happy. B. Im tired. (8)( )9. A. Shes happy. B. Shes angry. (9)( )10. A. Im excited. B. Im sad. (10)六、根据对话内容将正确的答案的序号填在横线上。(10分)A: 1 ,young man.A.I feel sickB.dink a lot of waterC.Good morningD.Bye-byeE.I have a headacheB:Good morning,doctor. A:How do you feel?B 2 .A:Whats the matter?B: .A:Oh.you might have a cold.Please 4 .B:Thank you doctor.Bye.A: 5 .七、快乐阅读,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(10分)Its Sunday afternoon. The weather is fine. There is a football match between class 2 and class 4. Many students are watching. Theyre excited. Now Zhangpeng has the ball. He passes it to Wu Yifan .But he cant kick the ball. Then John has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies to Zhangpengs arm. Zhangpeng is very angry. The ball files in to the gate. Their class kicks a goal. How is Zhangpeng feeling now? Guess! He is so happy! Hooray! Class 4 won the game. Class2 is very sad.( ) 1. There is a basketball match on Sunday afternoon.( ) 2. Wu Yifan cant kick the ball.( ) 3. Zhangpeng is happy when the ball flies to his arm.( ) 4.Zhangpeng is happy when the ball flies into the gate.( ) 5. Class 2 is not sad in the end.八、阅读短文,完成记录表。(10分) Many students are not very well today. The teacher is making a report to the headmaster.Sue is ill today. She has a headache. Linda is ill,too. She has a sore throat. David is not feeling well. He has a toothache.Tony is not better today. He still has a stomachache now. Mary has done her homework for a long time. She has a backache now. I am going to take them to the hospital now. I hope they will be better soon.NameWhats the matter?SueLindaDavidTonyTony九、书面表达。(10分) 写出你情绪变化较多的一天,写清楚因为什么事,使自己的情绪发生了怎样的变化。词数控制在4060个之间,建议使用一般现在时态。_

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