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2019年三年级专项练习3A练习题(按要求写单词)Class_ Name_一、按要求写单词1. two(同音词)_ 2. for(同音词)_3. write(同音词)_ 4. I (同音词)_5. C (同音词)_ 6. T (同音词)_7. black (对应词)_ 8. wrong (对应词)_9. yes (对应词)_ 10. father (对应词)_11. woman (对应词)_ 12. brother (对应词)_13. this (对应词)_ 14. bad (对应词)_15. minus (对应词)_ 16. tall (对应词)_17. fat (对应词)_ 18. small (对应词)_19. long (对应词)_ 20. close (对应词)_ : 21. peach (复数)_ 22. mango (复数)_23. watch (复数)_ 24. bus (复数)_25. dress (复数)_ 26. box (复数)_27. pencil box (复数)_ 28. oranges (单数)_29. apples (单数)_ 30. photo (复数)_31. man (复数)_ 32. women (单数)_33. knife (复数)_ 34. Walkman(复数)_35. family (复数)_ 36. juice(复数)_37.I (复数)_ 38. it (复数)_39.is (复数)_ 40. you(单数)_41. he (物主代词)_ 42. she (物主代词)_43. I (物主代词)_ 44. you (物主代词)_45. it (物主代词)_ 46. I (宾格)_47. we (宾格) _ 48. evening(近义词)_49. desk(近义词)_ 50. picture(近义词)_真的不掉线吗?、?51. isnt (完全形式)_ 52. Im (完全形式)_53. lets (完全形式)_ 54. thats (完全形式)_55. what is (缩略形式)_ 56. he is (缩略形式)_ : 真的不掉线吗?、?基隆市西定國民小學九十四學年度第一學期五年級國語科第二次成績考查五年級( )班 座號( ) 姓名( ) 成績( ) 家長簽名( ) 一、填上國字或注音:十八分()()回鄉偶書描述詩人近鄉情卻和感慨萬千的複雜心情。()()他竭盡全力協助大家完成任務。()()阿嬤以雞毛撢子象徵駿馬,演出歌仔戲。()()這麼精緻的中國玉珮,難怪大家都喜愛。()()在運動會中,大家躍躍欲試,想要一展練習的成果。()()壽桃結可以表現出中國人含蓄的特性。()()沁涼的風從綠籬那邊吹過來。()()啁啾的鳥叫聲,有的婉轉,有的高亢。()()中國結是用柔軟的絲織線編織而成的。二、改錯字:十六分()他的興至很高,跟著大家一起彩繪牆壁。 ()這條項鍊是鈍金打造的。()楊小姐很優閒的在湖邊散步。()風一陣陣的從樹葉的縫細中吹過來。()馬路上有來往穿酸不停的車子。()聖誔節快到了,大家都忙著裝適聖誔樹。()阿嬤尾尾說著她最喜歡的電視劇情。()弟弟神彩飛揚的描述得獎的經過。三、寫出部首並造詞:十分滅:()部 ()腔:()部 ()弧:()部 ()聊:()部 ()頑:()部 ()四、詞義辨別,意思相近的畫,不同的打:六分斑白()真的不掉线吗?、?花白傳統()新潮趁著()利用竭力()盡力淳樸()華麗詳細()仔細五、選擇題:十八分()回鄉偶書的作者是唐朝的白居易李白賀知章。()歌仔戲演員為什麼要畫濃妝?比較漂亮讓觀眾看清楚扮相和表情傳統的規定。()中國結的實用性是指結繩記事精緻美麗含蓄特性。()下面哪一句話是運用譬喻法修辭?傘下垂掛的雨滴,像一串串珍珠項鍊也許是榕樹公公施展了魔法校園的樹叢裡躲著美麗的小精靈。()傘字一共有五個人,可用來表示積少成多多子多孫人山人海。()含蓄的意思是努力儲蓄心中情意不顯現出來含在嘴裡不吞進去。()馬路上的車子來往不停,可用來形容躍躍欲試竭盡全力川流不息。()運動會快到了,同學們個個,準備展現平常練習的成果。竭盡巧思手舞足蹈摩拳擦掌。()下面哪一項不是客家人特有的東西?米粉油紙傘擂茶。六、照樣造句:十二分走在人行道上,我的心情和我的腳步一樣輕快。(八分)跑在(),她的()和她的()一樣()。走出車站,穿過人來人往的街道,匆匆越過有紅綠燈的路口。(四分)()。七、語譯:八分一種愛魚心各異,我來施食爾垂鉤。少小離家老大回,鄉音無改鬢毛摧。八、造句:十二分儘管卻好像才便就在終於 真的不掉线吗?、?金融硕士全国排名排名 等级 校 名 1 A+ 中国人民大学 2 A+ 北京大学 3 A+ 复旦大学 4 A+ 厦门大学 5 A+ 南开大学 6 A+ 上海财经大学 7 A+ 浙江大学 8 A 南京大学 9 A 武汉大学 10 A 中南财经政法大学 11 A 东北财经大学 12 A 西安交通大学 13 A 吉林大学 14 A 清华大学 15 A 西南财经大学 16 A 中央财经大学 17 A 华中科技大学 18 B+ 西北大学 19 B+ 暨南大学 20 B+ 中山大学 21 B+ 北京师范大学 22 B+ 山东大学 23 B+ 华东师范大学 24 B+ 四川大学 25 B+ 对外经济贸易大学 26 B+ 湖南大学 27 B+ 江西财经大学 28 B+ 辽宁大学 29 B+ 苏州大学 30 B+ 天津财经大学 31 B+ 安徽财经大学 32 B 东南大学 33 B 首都经济贸易大学 34 B 华南师范大学 35 B 山西财经大学 36 B 兰州大学 38 B 浙江工商大学 37 B 云南大学 39 B 陕西师范大学 真的不掉线吗?、?40 B 南京财经大学 41 B 河北大学 43 B 深圳大学 42 B 南京师范大学 44 B 湖南师范大学 45 B 福州大学 47 B 北京交通大学 46 B 云南财贸学院 48 B 华中师范大学 49 B 上海大学 50 B 东北师范大学 51 B 浙江财经学院 52 B 安徽大学 53 B 重庆大学 54 B 郑州大学 55 C+ 湖北大学 56 C+ 北京工商大学 57 C+ 山东经济学院 58 C+ 福建师范大学 59 C+ 长春税务学院 60 C+ 北京航空航天大学 61 C+ 中国农业大学 62 C+ 外交学院 63 C+ 中南大学 64 C+ 武汉理工大学 65 C+ 山西大学 66 C+ 中国海洋大学 67 C+ 东北大学 68 C+ 河南大学 69 C+ 上海交通大学 70 C+ 广东商学院 71 C+ 上海对外贸易学院 72 C+ 湘潭大学 73 C+ 黑龙江大学 74 C+ 内蒙古大学 75 C+ 山东财政学院 76 C+ 河北经贸大学 77 C+ 华侨大学 78 C+ 广西大学 79 C+ 佛山科学技术学院 80 C+ 宁波大学 真的不掉线吗?、?81 C+ 西南交通大学 82 C+ 同济大学 83 C+ 中国地质大学 84 C 青岛大学 85 C 扬州大学 86 C 南京农业大学 87 C 汕头大学 88 C 中国科学技术大学 89 C 哈尔滨工业大学 90 C 中南民族大学 91 C 合肥工业大学 92 C 中央民族大学 93 C 华南理工大学 94 C 长沙理工大学 95 C 中国青年政治学院 96 C 广东外语外贸大学 97 C 河南师范大学 98 C 上海理工大学 99 C 河海大学 100 C 兰州商学院 真的不掉线吗?、?时态综合练习一、选择填空1.Well go swimming if the weather_fine tomorrow.A. is B.was C. will be D. is going to be 2.It_five years since he has left for Beijing.A. was B. has been C. is D. is going to be3. He _ in three days.A. ing back B. came back C. will e back D. is going to ing back4.Listen ! Someone_in the next room .A. cried B. crying C. is crying D. has cried 5.You must tell him the news as soon as you_him.A. see B. sees C. will see D. is seeing6.We cant find him anywhere . Perhaps he_home.A. is going B. went C. has e D. would e7.The teacher told us that the sun_bigger than the earth.A. is B. was C. has been D. will be8.We_to the Great Wall several times. A. go B. were going C. have gone D. have been9. Im afraid you cant sit here . Sorry , I_know.A. dont B. wont C. cant D. didnt10. As she_the newspaper , Granny_asleep.A. read, was falling B. fell C. was reading, was falling D. read , fell11. - When _ you _ the bike? - Last month.A. have, bought B. had, boughtC. do, buy D. did, buy真的不掉线吗?、?12. - Im sorry you have missed the bus. It _ five minutes ago. - What a pity!A. was leaving B. has leftC. left D. leaves13. - Have you mended your shoes, Bob? - Yes, I _ them twenty minutes ago.A. have mended B. mend C. had mended D. mended14. - When did he teach in your school? - He _ here in 1986.A. taught B. teaches C. has taughtD. is teaching15. - He has already gone to England. - When _ he _ there?A. will; go B. is; going C. did; go D. does; go16. - How was your weekend? - Great! We_ a picnic by the lake.A. have B. are havingC. had D. will have17. - When _ your brother _ back? - About half all hour ago.A. did; e B. had; eC. do; e D. have; e18. - How was your holiday last weekend? - Good. I_ to the mountains with my parents.A. go B. went C. am going D. will go19. What _ you _ last night?A. did; do B. was; doingC. were; did D. did; did20. - Why did you _ to Shanghai? - Because I _ to work there.A. e; wanted B. came; want C. go; want D. go; wanted21. - I _ you just now. But you werent in. - Sorry, I _ to the library.A. telephoned; wasB. telephoned; wentC. have telephoned; have goneD. have telephoned; have been22. There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be23. Charlie _ here next month.A. isnt workingB. doesnt working C. isnt going to workingD. wont work24. He _ very busy this week, he _ free next week.A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be25. Mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday.A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give26.By the end of last year he_about 1500 English words.A. learns B. learned C. was learning D. had learned27. If they e, we _ a meeting.A. have B. will have C. had D. would have28. He _ to us as soon as he gets there.A. writes B. has written C. will write D. wrote29. If it _ tomorrow, well go roller-skating.A. isnt rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. doesnt fine30.My sister_to see me. Shell be here soon.A. es B. is ing C. had e D. came31. Nobody _ how to run this machines.A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. He_swimming in the river every day in summer. (go)2. It_you are right. ( seem )3. Look, the children_basketball on the playground. ( play )真的不掉线吗?、?4. He_to the radio when I came in, ( listen )5. I need some paper. I_ some for you . ( bring )6. I didnt meet him. He_ when I got there. ( leave )7. He_down and began to read his newspaper. ( sit )8. He is very hungry. He_ anything for three days. ( not eat )9. I_with you if I have time . ( go )10. We will go to the cinema if it_fine . (be )11. “ When_you_the car ?” “ In xx . ”( buy )12.We_good friends since we met at school . (be)13.What_you_ at five yesterday afternoon ? (do)14. It _ (be) the 2nd of November yesterday. Mr. White _ (go) to his office by car.15. Gao Shan _ (put) the book on his head a moment ago.16. Dont _ the house. Mum _ it yesterday. (clean)17. What _ you _ just now? (do)三、根据句意填入单词的正确形式:1. My brother is two years _(old)than me.2. Tom is as _(fat) as Jim.3. Is your sister _(young) than you? Yes, she is.4. Who is _(thin),you or Helen? Helen is.5. Whose pencil-box is _(big),yours or hers? Hers is.6. Marys hair is as _(long) as Lucys.7. Ben _(jump) _ (high) than some of the boys in his class.8._ Nancy sing _ (well) than Helen? Yes, she _. 9. Fangfang is not as _ (tall) as the other girls. 10. My eyes are _(big) than _ (she). 11. Which is _(heavy),the elephant or the pig? 12. Who gets up _(early),Tim or Tom? 13._the girls get up_(early) than the boys? No, they_.14. Jim runs _(slow). But Ben runs _(slow).15. The child doesnt_(write) as _(fast) as the students.一、1-5 ACCCA 6-10 CADAC 11-15 DCDAC 16-20 CABAA 21-25 BCDDB 26-30 DBCCB 31 C 二、 1. goes 2. Seems 3. are playing 4. Was listening 5. will bring 6. had left 7. sat 8. hasnt eaten 9. will go 10. is 11. did, buy 12. have been 13. were doing 14. was, went 15 put 16 clean, cleaned 17 did, do三、1. older 2. fat 3. younger 4 thinner 5 bigger 6 long7 jumps, higher 8. Does, better 9 tall 10 bigger, hers 11 heavier 12 earlier 13 Do, earlier, dont 14 slow, slower 15. write, fast真的不掉线吗?、?DICTATION每天 至少听一篇DICTATION,要每句都弄懂,不可马虎,可以多听几遍。刚开始可能会有些单词或是句子听不来,听多了之后就只会有些 冠词,单复数的问题了。(一个月的突击DICTATION练习,我到了13分以上。)考前一个礼拜就把历年真题上的DICTATION听下,一来增长自信,二来熟悉考试。(真题普遍容易些。)CONVERSATION每天训练耳朵至少半个小时,务求听懂百分之八十以上。听的时候要注意力高度集中。这块是最简单的,只要听到了就能选的来的。PASSAGE这块是我的弱项了,但是我同学的强项。她给了我一些建议。她觉得此处有些题目完全可以不听都选对,逻辑性比较强。所以如果没听懂的话就根据常理思维选,如果不知道的话,就选那个最长的吧。NEWS原文可能会有些快,词语可能也不是日常常见的,但是听多了就会发现“新闻词汇”就那些常出现的,象“hostage”evacuate”等。而且,NEWS要监守个原则就是“听到什么选什么”就没错了。(很多人不一定听懂了,但是却都选得来,这也就是题感了,听出来的,做出来的,不难的。)VOA标准英语听力精选英语听力大师(附光盘) 深入分析各类英语考试!专四词汇复习笔记真的不掉线吗?、?“Would you send this message to Prof. Wilson?”“Sure, Ill be seeing him about something else in any case, so there wont be any bother at all.“你能给威尔逊教授传个话吗?“当然,我不管怎样也要见他说别的事情,所以一点也不麻烦。“During last decade, there have been many changes in family life.“Are these changes for the good or for the bad?“过去十年来,家庭生活出现了许多变化。“这些变化是更好了还是更坏了?” Tom was born in London on May 7, 1952 at 4:45 in the morning. (日期前用介词on,时刻前用at,上下午前用in)accuse与of连用,而charge和with连用。He was charged by the police with breaking the law.throw light on使更为清楚,阐明The new evidence threw some light on the case.be disappointed in表示对感到失望be disappointed with后应接指人的词be disappointed at后应接指东西的词。The student was disappointed in the prize awarded by the school. 这个学生对学校发的奖金感到失望。that cost of living表示生活费用living expenses指生活开支(经费),(复数形式) offset抵销,补偿onset开始,突然开始outset开端,开始outlet出口、出路。He has to offset his mean salary by living economically. 他不得不生活得很节俭以弥补可怜的收入。“How could you buy the whole flat?“I bought it on account.“(赊帐)All living things must, by reason of (由于)physiological limitations, die.所有生物都由于有生理极限而必须经历死亡。 lay sb. off暂时解雇某人 call on号召 lay aside储蓄,把某物放在一边 call for要求,需要 lay out展示,安排,布置 call forth唤起,引起 lay down制定、规定 call in召集,召来 When workers push together to organize themselves in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them off. 当工人们以工会的形式自发组织起来,雇主要解雇他们变得困难。The medical report contains a multitude of(许多,大批) words which are paratively seldom used in ordinary conversation. 这份医学报告包涵了许多在日常对话中相对使用很少的单词。As a matter of fact, Saudi Arabias oil reserves are second only to(仅次于)those of Kuwait. 实际上,沙特阿拉伯的石油储量仅次于科威特。blow ones top发脾气见到丈夫又喝醉了,玛莉大发脾气。Mary blew her top when she found her husband drunk again.cut off切断 revel in着迷,十分爱好 sit on开会讨论cut short中断 relate to with与相联系 sit in旁听cut into侵犯(利益) revert to回到,恢复到 sit down坐下cut up切碎 revive in在上复活 sit up端坐The owner of the auto plant refused to raise the workers wages, saying that it would cut into the profit. 车厂老板拒绝涨工人工资,说那会减少公司利润。at the mercy of在支配中a coat of一层涂层 bring forth使产生 assume假定,设想 a s真的不掉线吗?、?tory of一层楼 bring forward提出 consume消费a film of一薄层 bring up教育 presume假设a pad of 一层垫层 bring about带来,造成 resume重新开始as best (one) can表示尽最大努力John has to prepare the mathematic examination as best he can.约翰不得不尽最大努力准备数学考试none other than不是别人(或他物)而正是 (一般用在以人为主语的句子中)The girl under the tree is none other than my sister.树下那女孩不是别人,正是我的妹妹询问别人对某事的想法、看法时-what do you think of.或How do you likeAfter much calculation they decided to give him the position of manager.经过深思熟虑,他们决定给他经理的职位。attend on / attend up照料,侍候 televise live 实况转播alternately交替地 mobilized 运动的,流动的,好动的alternatively两者择其一地 mobile被动员的moved被移动的in good taste大方,得体She decorated the room in good taste good taste. get sth.across to sb.使某事被某人了解Michelle found it difficult to get his British jokes across to Australian audiences.米歇贝尔发现让澳大利亚听众听懂这些英国笑语很困难。get over痊愈,恢复,淡忘on the spot 在场,在现场be on location在拍摄外景 The news item about the traffic accident is followed by a detailed report made on the spot . Because there was little heat in the bed room, Even was cold most of the night.be worth doing sth. / worthy of doing sth. / worthy to be done值得做某事set/put sb. right使恢复健康be on good terms with与和睦相处 The store was jammed with people shopping for household wares.这家商店挤满了买家用品的人。That fellow excels at (擅长) long distance running. Vi.tip one s hat 轻触帽沿以示敬意 take ones revenge 报复be wary of 提防,小心翼翼 be at a disadvantage处于不利地位be confined to 被限制 be at an advantage处于有利地位She walked 7 miles today in order to lose weight; I never imagined that she could walk so/that far.专四词汇复习笔记 录入者:zhushican | 时间:-01-02 17:47:56 | 作者: | 来源:【学友网】 | 浏览:60次 admit, appreciate, avoid, consale, defer, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, mention, mind, miss, quit, postpone, practise, resist, risk, (cant) stand, suggest, give up, put off等后面只能接动名词。That the sun and not the earth the center of our plaary system was considered as heresy by the church in the Middle Ages.太阳系的中心是太阳而不是地球这一事实被中世纪的教会认为是异端邪说。That引导主语从句,全句的谓语是was considered.Sometimes a bus conductor gets on the bus to check the tickets.(公共汽车售票员)My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose 真的不掉线吗?、?its because she is an only child.(独生子)just as.,so. 如同,也是“。Just as relaxation is an important part of our lives, as is stress.正象休闲一样,紧张也是我们生活中的一个重要部分。 in the case of.意为“在的情况下“;in case of意为“以防,万一”We can make an exception in the case of John.我们可以把约翰的事作为例外。wrapping paper包装纸on end连续不断地 和表示时间的词连用 at length最后,终于in full全部地 in time及时,不迟 The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three hours on end last night.那两位学者昨天晚上花了三个小时为新字典写序。 I cant read the marks and notes Jim made in the margin. They are too faint. (不清楚的,模糊的 修饰字迹。)ck is very knowledgeable about wines.杰克对酒很在行。excuse sb. from (doing) sth. 允许不(参加)某活动 用被动语态I beg to be excused from your nephews wedding.我请求不去参加你侄子的婚礼。He ought to attend the meeting, shouldnt he ?当should和ought to作“应该“之意时,可互换,表示推论。但在疑问句中一般不用ought to而用should,比如:Should we begin?而不会用Ought we to begin? make charges for是词组,意为对收费,索价。Doctors often make higher charges for their works than they should.医生们经常索取比他们应得的高得多的费用。 His name was on the top of my tongue, but I just couldnt remember.他的名字就在我嘴边,但我就是想不起来了。 I caught a glimpse of the name of the book before she put it into the drawer.在她把书放进抽屉之前,我瞥见了书名。 admission和admittance都是“准入“的意思,但admission常用于公共场所,admittance用于私人场所All too soon it was time to go back to school after the Spring Festival.He handled the pany in collaboration with his brother.他与他兄弟合作处理公司事务。Jean could be a very attractive girl but she pays no attention to her clothes. 这里第一句表示虚拟,后一句表示现在的真实情况。have a campaign,chance,courage,opportunity,right to do sth.To survive in the intense market petition, we must gear(使适合,配合)the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world-market demand.In view o(考虑到,鉴于)his poor record in school, the board thinks that he should study hard. Shakespeare is the favorite of mine.We hadnt expected a power cut so we were astonished when the whole house was plunged into darkness. 我们并未料到会停电,所以当整个屋子一下子变得漆黑时我们大吃一惊。Valid有效的,合法的 通常指证件等合法、有效 operative指法津、法规,规定等“有效的“ effective常指方法或措施有效,强调能达到预期效果 efficient可以指人有能力或指某方法真的不掉线吗?、?Before the tourists set off, they spent much time setting a limit to the expenses of the trip. 在游客出发之前,他们花很多时间设定旅途花费的限额。 “Tina looks especially pretty tonight.“ “Yes, she always looks her best in a dress of that color.” dress指一切衣服;a dress表示一件女衫。 meet the demand of满足(某人等)的需要 exposure of sth. 对的暴露meet the demand for满足对的需要 exposure to sth. 暴露在 According to the acoustics, continual exposure to noise of high intensity would lead to loss of hearing.根据声学,持续暴露在高强度噪音下,会导致失聪。They will never reconcile themselves to their defeat. (甘心, 接受)The matter is not to be trifled with. 这个问题不可轻视。stumble upon偶然找到,发现While doing calculation for the project, the designers stumbled upon a new solution to a geological problem.在对工程进行计算时,设计人员碰巧找到了解决地质问题的方法。of late近来 (当这个词用于句中时,要用完成时态)They have visite


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