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2019-2020学年高二英语下学期期末联考试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15.B. 9.18.C. 9.15.答案是C。1. What is the man going to do this weekend?A. Meet a friend.B. Go to Beijing.C. Attend a birthday party.2. What did the woman buy her husband as Christmas presents?A. A book.B. A watch.C. A record.3. What is the man?A. A worker.B. A driver.C. A teacher.4. How does the woman feel about the concert?A. Surprised.B. Relaxed.C. Worried.5. What does the man tell the woman?A. She is mistaken.B. His dog likes digging up flowers.C. There is another cat that looks like hers.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers talking about?A. A case of robbery.B. A housebreaking.C. A murder case.7. When did the conversation probably take place?A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Friends.B. Strangers.C. Husband and wife.9. How did the woman find her stay there?A. Boring.B. Wonderful.C. Adventurous.10. What does the man advise the woman to do when she gets home?A. Send him an email.B. Write a letter to him.C. Give him a call听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What is inside the mans package?A. Two shirts and a tie.B. Two shirts, a tie and a suit.C. Two shirts and a suit.12. How long does it take to go by regular mail from there to Toronto?A. About two days.B. About one week.C. About half a month.13. How much should the man pay at last?A. $18.25.B. $1.12.C. $3.08.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. Where did the woman meet the man?A. At the Berlin bus station.B. At the London bus station.C. At the womans apartment.15. Why did the man chose to take a bus?A. To save money.B. To enjoy the country view.C. To protect the environment.16. What did the woman say about the man?A. He didnt look well.B. He could have taken a faster bus.C. He should care more about the environment.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How might you know you are in a state of sub-health?A. Your doctor tells you so.B. The hospital tests show it.C. You always feel tired with no evidence of disease.18. Who is most likely to be sub-healthy?A. A middle-aged manager.B. A student in the middle of summer vacation.C. A young person who works as a cashier.19. What is mentioned as an effective way to prevent sub-health?A. Exercising regularly.B. Making more friends.C. Eating vitamin pills.20. What is the speakers advice on diet?A. Try to avoid meat.B. Drink fresh milk every day.C. Be careful about salty and sweet food.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Some Great WomenMalala YousafzaiOn Oct.10, xx, at age 17, Pakistani female education activist Malala Yousafzai became the youngest Nobel winner. When she was only 11, she wrote a blog for BBC, talking about her life under Taliban occupation. In xx, Yousafzai survived a shooting. She went on to bee an advocate for human rights movement and fighting Taliban forces to promote education for women in Pakistan.Liya KebedeEthiopian-born model Liya Kebede is a famous name in the fashion industry. But its her work as a maternal(母亲的)health advocate that has positively affected the lives of thousands around the world. Kebede has served as WHOs ambassador for maternal, newborn and child health since xx. That year, she also founded the Liya Kebede Foundation, which works to reduce maternal, newborn and child deaths in Ethiopia and other parts of the world.Jamila BayazAs Afghanistans first female police chief, Jamila Bayaz is appointed to run security details in District 1of Kabul, Afghanistan, which houses the presidential palace, government ministries and the central bank. Apart from facing a conventional society, the policewomen of Afghanistan are under constant threat from insurgents(叛乱者). Bayaz is also the mother of five children.Zainab BanguraIn xx, Zainab Bangura, from Sierra Leone, was appointed special representative of the United Nations secretary general on sexual violence in conflict. Stressing the point that sexual violence needs to stop, Bangura helped bring about a U.N. declaration in which 140 member states mitted to ending abuse during conflict.21. What is Liya Kebede famous for in the world?A. Her way to reduce deaths.B. Her work as a maternal health advocate.C. Her efforts to bee an ambassador.D. Her contribution to the fashion industry.22. Who made a contribution to the civil-rights movement in Pakistan?A. Liya Kebede.B. Jamila Bayaz.C. Zainab Bangura.D. Malala Yousafzai23. Which of the following can describe Jamila Bayazs work?A. Boring.B. Conventional.C. Dangerous.D. Controversial.BFor Zack, the shave was more than just a way to fund lifesaving research. It was a way to honor his late brother, Taylor Frink.Taylor, a volunteer firefighter in North Carolina, was killed in a car accident last September. Before his passing, Taylor was an eager supporter of St. Baldricks. He went bald(秃头)for the cause in xx, supporting kids with cancer and raising money to find cures.As a local hero, Taylor was beloved by the munity. When he died, more than 1,000 people attended his funeral to pay their respects. Zack looked up to his brother and this was the reason why he decided to bee a junior firefighter himself. They did everything together, Zack remembers.Zack knew his brother had planned to shave again in xx, so without hesitation he decided to fill his shoes and registered to shave at the local St. Baldricks event in Kinston, N.C.“He was always goodhearted, and I want to make my brother proud,” shares Zack.As part of Zacks kindnesses, he raised more than $ 1,000 for the St. Baldricks Foundation primarily by selling T-shirts he designed. Leading up to the event, Zack also visited his city council, missioners office and challenged the local official department to get involved.“We are not going to let Taylors name be forgotten. That is what I love about St Baldricks,” says Jean Culbreth, volunteer event organizer. “Zack gets it. He gets that what he is doing is keeping his brothers name alive.”The day finally came and Zack took his seat under the clippers(剪具), not only to honor his brother but to help kids with cancer. It was a special moment for all, and by the end of the day the event had raised more than $22,000!24. Why did Taylor Frink go bald?A. Because he suffered from cancer.B. To attract peoples sympathy for him.C. Because he wanted to look cooler.D. To help raise money for cancer cures.25. What did Zack do to show honor to Taylor?A. He followed Taylors example.B. He sold clippers to raise money.C. He decided to work at St. Baldricks.D. He persuaded his workmates to join his cause.26. What can we learn from the text?A. Zack designs T-shirts for children with cancer.B. Zack has tried to get official support.C. Zack raised more than $ 22,000 by selling his T-shirts.D. Zack works hard for St. Baldricks to get his name remembered.27. What Jean Culbreth says shows _.A. the result of the volunteer eventB. the reason for raising moneyC. the aim of Zacks behaviorD. the meaning of Taylors deathC“Belittle” was first used by Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States.Many years ago, Buffon, a French naturalist, wrote some books about natural history. The books were a great success even though some critics did not like them. Some critics said, “Buffon is more of a poet than a scientist.”Thomas Jefferson did not like what Buffon had said about the natural wonders of the New World. It seemed to Jefferson that Buffon had spoken of natural wonders in America as if they were unimportant.This troubled Thomas Jefferson. He was a naturalist, as well as a farmer, inventor, historian, writer and politician. He had seen the natural wonders of Europe. To him, they were no more important than those of the New World.In 1788, Thomas Jefferson wrote about his home state, Virginia. While writing, he thought of its natural beauty and then of the words of Buffon. At that moment, Jefferson created a new word-belittle. He said. “Buffon believes that nature belittles her productions on this side of the Atlantic.”Noah Webster, the American word expert, liked this word. He put it in his English language dictionary in 1806, “Belittle-to make somebody or something small, unimportant.”Americans had already accepted Jeffersons word and started to use it. In 1797, the Independent Chronicle newspaper used the word to describe a politician the paper supported. “He is an honorable man,” the paper wrote, “so let the opposition try to belittle him as much as they please.”In 1872, a famous American word expert decided that the time had e to kill this word. He said, “Belittle has no chance of being English. And as more critical writers of America, like those of Britain, feel no need of it, the sooner it is forgotten, the better.” This expert failed to kill the word. Today, “belittle” is used where the English language is spoken.28. What was the reason for Jeffersons creating the new word?A. He was a naturalist and writer.B. Lots of critics disliked Buffons books.C. Lots of critics thought Buffon wasnt a real naturalist.D. He disagreed with Buffons views on natural wonders in America.29. What do we know about Buffon according to the text?A. Some of his poems were known to Jefferson.B. Some of his books were wele by readers.C. He made some wrong ments on Jefferson.D. He made great contributions to the creation of “belittle”.30. What does the underlined word “those” in the last paragraph refer to?A. The critical writers.B. The English words.C. The word experts.D. The English-speaking countries.31. What may be the best title for the text?A. The ment on the New WorldB. The creation of Thomas JeffersonC. The history of the word “belittle”D. The argument about the new wordDLook and listen, and that concert poster just might be singing. Engineers have designed antennas(天线)that can turn everyday objects, from posters to clothing, into radio stations. Anyone walking or driving by can tune in and hear whats on The devices use radio waves, but they dont generate their own. They hijack(劫持)the same waves that carry music and news to your smartphone.Vikram Iyer co-led the project with Anran Wang, a graduate student in puter science and engineering. The two got the idea for their invention by paving attention to what was already around them. “Its the ideal way to minimize the power consumption for any kind of munication,” notes Iyer. Their research had focused on new types of wireless munications that wont require much energy. They wanted something that would work outdoors in a city. Then they realized the air is already filled with wireless munications in the form of radio stations.Radio waves carry energy at the sped of light from tall transmission towers to radios in cars, phones and homes. These waves of the antennas take in existing radio waves and change them slightly. Those changes add new sound information. The changed waves are then sent back out into the world where people can listen in. So the device only needs enough power to change the waves, not to generate them.The scientists tested their device with a poster. It advertised a Seattle concert by Simply Three. People standing almost 4 meters away from the poster could use FM receivers on smartphones to listen to all songs of the bands music. Those in cars as far as 18 meters away could use car radios to pick up some parts of the songs.The technology could even extend to clothes. Iyer, Wang and their team turned the shirt into an antenna. It let the shirt talk to the wearers smartphone. If a sensor in the shirt tracked a persons heart rate during exercise, for instance, the antenna could transmit those data to the wearers phone.32. The underlined word “generate” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to “_”.A. promoteB. repairC. produceD. recycle33. Which of the following is one advantage of the new antennas?A. They are small-sized.B. They save energy.C. They can be used in villages.D. They can improve radio signals.34. What is the third paragraph mainly about?A. The working principle of the antennas.B. The way the antennas take in radio waves.C. The benefit people can get from the antennas.D. The situation where the antennas can be used.35. What can be inferred from the text?A. The antennas can be available at present.B. Vikram Iyer created the antennas with much money.C. The antennas cannot be used in the students dormitory and classroom.D. The closer people stay to the antennas, the stronger signals they pick up.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Below is some advice on how to prevent cancer:Eat blueberriesAside from being a healthy and delicious snack, the blueberry contains pterostilbene, which has important colon(结肠)cancer-fighting materials. 36 . Blueberries also offer a large dose of vitamins C, So at breakfast, try to take in a cup and a half of blueberries in your cereal or yogurt, or mixed with other berries.Relax 37 ? Find ways to relax and you may reduce your chances of developing cancer. Purdue University researchers tracked 1,600 men over 12 years and found that half of those with high levels of worry died during the study period. Only 20 percent of the optimists died before the study were pleted, while 34 percent of the extremely anxious men died of some type of cancer. 38 !Break a sweat 39 . In a study of 29, 110 men published in The International Journal of Cancer, men who exercised just once a week had a percent lower risk of prostate cancer than men who didnt work out at all. The better the frequency and intensity of the exercise, the bigger the reduction in risk, according to the study. 40 Theres no question that secondhand smoke kills. A recent American Journal of Public Health study showed that nonsmokers working in smoky places had three times the amount of carcinogen(致癌物)in their body than nonsmokers working in smoke-free locations. Whats worse, their levels of the carcinogen rose 6 percent for every working hour. Many states have banned smoking in all workplaces, bars and restaurants. The message is clear: Do whatever you can to avoid the cloud of smoke.A. Breathe clean airB. But it has more goodC. Get away from diseaseD. Do you feel stressed or worriedE. Do you have a health check regularlyF. Even a small amount of exercise can offer major cancer-fighting benefitsG. Instead of stressing about the past or future, focus on the present and have a rest第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1,5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Two years ago, my whole family went to Vietnam, the country of my ancestors. The feeling of 41 still exists in me whenever I think about the visit.When I first 42 of the plane into the burning hot weather, I thought the trip would be long, 43 and hot. I didnt 44 my grandparents and uncle because I had never seen them before. However, the longer I was there, the more I 45 the stay. I became very 46 of my grandmother, and also loved talking about what my parents did when they were 47 . The more time I spent with them, the more I knew I would 48 them when it came time for me to go back to the United States. Besides my grandparents, I also loved to spend time with my 49 . Because they were close to my age, they knew 50 where to take me for fun. We went on boat rides, mountain climbing and to many parks and gardens.I had a great time, and also realized how 51 I am to live in a developed country. Although Vietnam itself is 52 , there are many poor and homeless people. The most 53 thing was that there were many disabled people, especially children 54 for food or money. Looking through these peoples eyes made me 55 what I took for granted. I had many 56 , but was not putting them to use properly.Finally the last day in Vietnam arrived, and we had to 57 from our relatives. Though there were tears and 58 , we all knew that one day we will 59 and have more opportunities to discover each other. Two years have passed, and I still remember this 60 like it was yesterday.41. A. sufferingB. excitementC. regretD. hesitation42. A. stepped outB. looked outC. kept outD. ran out43. A. relaxingB. boringC. meaningfulD. dangerous44. A. admireB. serveC. describeD. recognize45. A. expectedB. dislikedC. enjoyedD. ignored46. A. ashamedB. fondC. afraidD. tired47. A. youngB. poorC. healthyD. happy48. A. missB. blameC. consultD. understand49. A. classmatesB. parentsC. colleaguesD. cousins50. A. differentlyB. formallyC. exactlyD. curiously51. A. anxiousB. frightenedC. luckyD. pleased52. A. remoteB. controversialC. splendidD. traditional53. A. extraordinaryB. significantC. excellentD. heartbreaking54. A. beggingB. accountingC. apologizingD. charging55. A. designB. realizeC. scheduleD. imagine56. A. relativesB. assignmentsC. appointmentsD. opportunities57. A. partB. hearC. recoverD. benefit58. A. successB. sadnessC. disastersD. trouble59. A. appearB. remainC. reuniteD. change60. A. incidentB. adventureC. celebrationD. trip第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。When I first began excavating(挖掘)I went to a site 61 had been occupied between 200 BC and 43 AD by the Roman soldiers. I quickly learned there was an important 62 (divide) of labor on “digs”. Those who were 63 (skill) at drawing did the plans of the site and 64 rest had to move vast quantities of soil. As I looked ahead, I realized that I would get very 65 (tire) if I moved soil all day. so I decided to join the group drawing plans. 66 (lucky) for me, a spear was found in my section of “dig”. I 67 (tell) to draw it in a systematic way on squared mathematical paper. No matter how much I wrinkled my forehead and concentrated, I could not get it right. Later the section leader handed me a small hammer and asked me to remove the soil 68 (stick) around a metal box. What I finally exposed was a rare Roman necklace in it, I felt dizzy with excitement. After that I never mind 69 (move) soilafter all you never knew 70 you might find in it.第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Two years ago, I was in great depression. I worked hard at learning the piano and devoted all my spare time to practice it. But I fail to pass the B Level Test, which made me quite disappointing. So I turned to my grandpa for suggestions when I got home. Hearing that I told him, he smiled. Then he said, “Test results sometimes cannot show my real ability and level. Thus, your progress should not judged only by one test.” He encouraged me to study harder to the next years B Level Test. I took my grandpas advices. Now the certific


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