2019-2020年外研版高中英语选修9《Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries》word教案.doc

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2019-2020年外研版高中英语选修9Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionariesword教案教学内容:通过阅读文章“塞缪尔 约翰逊词典”与牛津英语大辞典等的学习,探讨词典这一中心话题,并就话题展开听、说、读、写的综合技能训练。同时引导学生深入了解词典,科学评价词典,合理利用词典。开拓词典的功用价值。学习目标:(1)熟练掌握生词,扩大词汇量 (2)掌握常用词by, do/does/, if, or, want, why在典型语境下的正确运用。 (3)词典文化,包括词典的历史沿革及发展现状。技能目标:(1)听。在听的过程中能够比较准确地理解对话和语段中新出现的词汇,并能够用关键词记下主要的信息;能够听懂课本提供的对话听力材料,并完成相关的练习。(2)说。运用本模块所学词汇和短语介绍塞缪尔 约翰逊的词典、牛津英语大辞典和其他词典;在表达中能完整、准确、清楚地做口头通知。(3)读。阅读中能够识别新学词汇、短语并根据语境推断其意义;正确理解介绍词典知识的阅读文章和有关的其他短文;学会从书面材料中有效汲取文化信息。(4)写。运用本模块所学词汇和短语完成所有的书面练习;在书面表达中能够根据行文逻辑需要正确运用一些连接词;能够较清楚地写出比较地道的书面通知。学习策略:在英语学习过程中了解和吸收异域民族文化特别是词典文化的精华;注意不同思维方式的学习,使英语学习过程称为文化素养和思维品质共同提高的过程。在学习的过程中同学们可以多方面的采取学习方法,例如Cognitive strategy (认知策略)、Monitoring strategy(调控策略)、munication strategy(交际策略)、resource strategy (资源策略)等等。文化意识:多方面,多渠道地了解各种词典,学习词典文化,增强保护和发扬人类词典文明的意识。我们指导学生了解词典文化,努力做到真爱是世界文化。课时:5课时Period OneContent: 1. new words and expressions 2. introduction (Reading and speaking )Aim: 通过词汇的学习进一步扩大学生的词汇量,要求学生能读会写新的词汇,能够在听力材料中识别新的词汇。在introduction中,在熟悉词典所包含的基本内容的同时,进一步对词汇学习掌握。Step1: 领同学们集体朗读新词汇,并给同学们5-8分钟的时间熟悉生词,重点是71页的生词。Step 2 : Brainstorm 看图说话根据课本上的插图要求学生回答问题:1.what can you see in the picture?2. does everybody have a dictionary?3. how often do you use your dictionary?4. when do you usually refer to your dictionary?通过简单的几个问题,让同学们熟悉本堂课所要学习的内容。然后让学生们开动脑筋,尽量多的想出与词典有关的词和短语。例如:refer to look up. consult hard paper Step 3 两个同学活动,分别完成Activity 1和Activity 2 的填空。两人先校对答案,然后老师集体校对。并给出学生们时间朗读这些句子,达到对生词的掌握。 Step 4 language pointsderive from: 起源于.plural singular: adj.复数的/单数的Homework: 完成课后练习P115第3题及P116 vocabulary的第456三题。 Period TwoContent: 1. reading and vocabulary(1) 2. language pointsAim: 通过阅读Samuel Johnsons Dictionary 和 The Oxford English Dictionary 两篇文章,对这两本词典有着清楚的认识,然后完成相应的练习。在听力训练中释义有关单词在词典中的意义,通过听的活动来复习相关的词汇。Step 1: 通过课本塞缪尔 约翰逊的肖像来引导学生.Have you heard of his name? How do you know about Samuel Johnson? What do you think he is? Discuss with your desk mate and say as much as you know about him.Step 2: Before ing to the text, lets deal with the new wordsastonish bow control embarrass improve spell worry omit rehearse polish1. Its ordered that everyone passing by the general bow to him.2. If you want to improve your English, youd better take every chance to practice using it.3. Your shoes need polishing badly.4. Its not astonishing that many people remended that the temple be restored as soon as possible.5. The second letter in this word can be omitted.6. His worried look on his face suggested that he hadnt found his missing child.7. It happened when we went to watch the musicians rehearsal the other day.8. The little girl stood beside her father watching him correcting her spelling.9. Last week the young teacher failed to control the class.10. I managed to spoil some wine on the hostess- I was so embarrassed.Step 3 read passage 1 and find words which mean:1. the way a word is written2. a group of people who are born at about the same time3. someone who writes about the life of someone else4. to change something after it has been written5. a written agreement between people7. a writer of rhyming verse, for exampleStep 4 read the text carefully and find key words of each paragraph and write a brief introduction of Samuel JohnsonPara 1 : 1709-1784, British, critic, poet, biographer, lexicographer.Para 2: the best dictionaryFrance and Italy, 55years, 1964, 18Para 3: When. Agree to do it in three yearssign a contract17461755some definitions were embarrassingly simpleStep 5 Before ing to the passage 2, deal with the wordsobsolete based on publication filing system prehensive1. A filing system is a way of keeping pieces of information in the correct order so that you can find them easily.2. If something is based on a particular idea, that idea is used to start the new thing.3. If something is prehensive, it includes all or nearly all the information possible.4. Something that is obsolete is no longer used or produced.5. A publication is a book, magazine, etc. that has been published.Step 6 read passage 2 in a loud voice and answer the following questions1. Who were originally responsible for the concept of the OED?2. How did the editor James Murray improve the production of the dictionary?3. How long did it take before the first part was published?4. Why does the writer say that the project was clearly too big for one person to take on?5. How have things advanced since the publication of first dictionary?二、language points1. of all time:有史以来2. at the time: 当时3. sign a contract: 签合同4. rather than: 而不是 other than: 除了5. from. to.:从.到. E.g. from door to doorfrom generation to generationfrom shoulder to shoulder6. at the touch of :一接触到.e.g. at the flick of. at the mention of. at the news of.at the click of7. as.as:和一样 8. during (over, in) the last (past) several years: 在最近几年(与现在完成时连用)9. prehensive -prehensionHomework: remember the new words and read the text fluentlyPeriod ThreeContent: language in use (1) & (2)Aim:引导学生掌握by, do/does/, if, or, want, why的用法.1. by Prep.(1) 用于表示动作由执行者发出,注意与with的比较,后者着重指利用的根据和材料等,例如:He was hit by a falling stone.He was hit with a stick.(2) 表示靠近:Do you know the girl standing by the window?e and sit by me.(3)表示方式:We are traveling to Paris by plane.She made a living by selling newspaper.(4)表示经过:She walked by me without noticing me.Every day I pass by the post office on my way to school.(5) 表示身体或物体的部分:The policeman seized him by the wraist.The farmer took the cow by the nose.(6)表示按照、论:We are paid by the month.Books came in the hundreds.(7)表示截止到, 在之前:By the end of last year we had seen a dozen foreign films.They have finished all the work by noe.(8) 表示由于:The other day I saw Linda by accident in the park.By mistake I took his raincoat.Adv. 表示经过,度过:Ten years have gone by since we last met.Tom walked by without even looking in our direction.2. do / doesaux. v. (1) 用来构成疑问句或否定句Do you like swimming? She doesnt live near here.(2) 用来放置在动词前加强语气,表示强调: Do be careful! He did turn up late.(3)用来代替前面用到的动词:Tod speaks English better than he did.She studies English as hard as I do Chinese.v.(1)表示做,从事:Im busy doing my homework.Its a great pleasure to do business with you.(2)表示进行:Hoiw are you doing in your new job?The students are doing well at school.(3)表示足够A dozen bottles of wine should do for the party.- I have got a plate.- That will do.3. if Conj. (1) 用来引导宾语从句, 表示是否:I asked him if he knew her.I dont care if she is my classmate.(2) 用来引导真实条件句,表示假如:If you dont leave right away Im calling the phone.If you see her tomorrow, tell her my new number.(3)用来引导虚拟条件句,表示假如:If I were you, I would stay at home.If you had listened carefully last class, you could answer the question now.4. or (1) 表示或,或者Was it Beijing or Shanghai where you first me her?Would you like tea or coffee?(2) 表示否则Put on your coat, or you may catch a cold.(3) 表示要么:Either he or you were there.Either you or your wife is to attend the meeting.(4) 表示换种说法: Its going to rain, or thats what the forecast says on TV.(5) 用于固定短语:or else:否则,要不然:You have up very early or else you cant catch the train. 5. want v. (1) 表示想,要I dont want your father to hear about it.He is wanted in connection with the murder of a girl.(2) 表示需要The table really wants cleaning.The flowers want to be watered.(3)表示需要,后面接名词及其过去分词作并与不足语:If you want a thing done, do it yourself.I want this paper printed.6. why Conj. (1) 用于疑问句,表示原因:Why do you say so?Why not stay longer?(2) 用于名词性从句,注意后面一句中不用why:I wonder why he keeps silent.Thats why she left.The reason is that he dislikes hot dogs.(3) 用于定语从句中作关系副词:The reason why he didnt accept the invitation is still unknown.Is that the reason why she kept silent at the meeting.Homework: 完成教材 P121 language in use 的练习1&2Period FourContent: (1) Reading and vocabulary (2) (2) Presentation skills一、Reading and vocabulary (2)Lead-in: passage 1 Do you remember James Murray? Here is what happened to him when he was working on the OED. What do you think the astonishing discovery might be?Step 1: Read the passage One by yourselves and find the answer the questions above. 调动学生想象,尽量多的给出答案.Step 2 : Word practice. Before ing to the passage 2,lets deal with some difficult words.astonish bow control embarrass improve spell worry omit rehearse polish1. Its ordered that everyone passing by the general bow to him.2. If you want to improve your English, youd better take every chance to practice using it.3. Your shoes need polishing badly.4. Its not astonishing that many people remended that the temple be restored as soon as possible.5. The second letter in this word can be omitted.6. His worried look on his face suggested that he hadnt found his missing child.7. It happened when we went to watch the musicians rehearsal the other day.8. The little girl stood beside her father watching him correcting her spelling.9. Last week the young teacher failed to control the class.10. I managed to spoil some wine on the hostess- I was so embarrassed.Step 3 Match the words in the box with their meanings.prolific asylum muffled insane solemn forbidding1. sounding quieter than normal muffled2. mentally ill insane3. unfriendly or frightening forbidding 4. very sad and serious solemn5. producing a lot of work prolific6. an old-fashioned word for a hospital for mentally ill people asylumStep 4 Read the passage 2 carefully and answer the following questions1. Why did James Murray want to visit Dr W. C. Minor?2. What kind of man do you think he imagined Dr W. C. Minor to be?3. Why did he think the man behind the desk was the man he had e to visit?4. Was the man behind the desk someone important after all?5. It is not at all as you suppose. What did the speaker mean when he said this?Step 5 Discussion Work in pairs. Four students a group. Discuss your answers to the questions.How does the writer imply that the house James Murray was visiting impressed him greatly? List the words and phrases he uses.二、Presentation skillsStep 1 :read the notice by yourselves and answer the questions1. Do you think this is an announcement to read or to hear? Why?2. Who wrote it, and for whom?3. What kind of style is usedinformal or formal/ How can you tell?4. What differences are there between written and spoken announcements?Sep2 Class activity分小组准备一个通知,可以先让部分同学展示写出的文章,然后互相修改。Use he following words and phrases to make your announcement to the class.Ask for attention: Hey! Listen up! Can I have everyones attention, please? Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?Say what your I have a short/ long announcement to makeannouncement is about: I have a announcements.Give details: The will take place in. Thats all, folks!Show you have finished: Thanks for listening Thank you for your attention.Homework: remember the new words and phrasesPeriod FiveContent: (1) Reading practice (2) Cultural CornerAim: 泛读文章Step 1 Work in pairs. Can you remember:1. how many words there are in the Oxford English Dictionary?2. who James Murray was?3. when it was first prepared?4. how many volumes it has today?Step 2 skimming and scanningLook at the title of the passage. Choose the most likely main idea.A. Past, present and future of the OEDB. New developments in writing dictionaries.C. The future of the OED online.D. A history of dictionaries.Step 3 read the text in a loud voice and finish the table according to the text.pastpresentfutureSorting quotation slips-Explanation of words and how used-来-Electronic dictionary-Available on the -60 million words-Structure and organization-Accurate display of words-Unlimited space-Biographical and geographical entries-Multimedia-Step 4 DiscussionHow often do you use a Chinese dictionary? What kind of information are you usually looking for?Step 5 Read the passage and answer the questions.1. Would you prefer to use Rogets Thesaurus or an A-Z Thesaurus?2. What Chinese language reference books do you know?


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