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2019-2020学年高一英语上学期课练五第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)The day that I will always remember is when I ran my first 10k. While putting my toe on the starting _41_, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. However, I would _42_ my heart, because in running, when you run out of your _43_, you just run with your heart.That day the _44_ was cool and fresh, and my courage had _45_. The race was about to start. Bang! The _46_ of the starting gun ran into the air. I took off running, _47_ like the wind. I knew it would be a really great _48_ for me. In the first four miles, I felt like a cheetah (猎豹). I felt _49_ and forceful in my pace.Then came the fifth mile. My legs _50_ like jelly (果冻), and I could feel fire burning in my lungs. “Keep _51_!” the thought ran through my head. Now was the time I had to run with my _52_. I had to win although I didnt know whether I would _53_ it. My body really wanted to _54_, but my heart told me not to. I think its the _55_ thing about running. The real run starts when you want to _56_.I saw the finishing line and I felt like an Olympic _57_ who was about to win the race. I had _58_ been happier, and felt proud too when I had my _59_ put around my neck. As the saying goes, “Running is the greatest metaphor (比喻) for life, _60_ you get out of it what you put into it.” Ive made up my mind to put a lot into running.41A.point Bsign Cline Dcourse42A.know Bcheck Cbreak Dneed43A.energy Bability Cknowledge Dmoney44A.situation Bscenery Cair Dsunlight45A.shown up Bmade out Cgot through Dset in46A.power Bsound Caction Dresult47A.carefully Bgently Cfast Dfreely48A.challenge Bmistake Ctrouble Dsuccess49A.nervous Bserious Cheavy Dstrong50A.looked Btasted Cfelt Dsmelt51A.growing Bgoing Ctalking Dresting52A.heart Bfeet Clegs Dbody53A.expect Bsee Caccept Dmake54A.take off Bstay out Cgive up Dturn back55A.first Bimportant Cterrible Deasy56A.stop Bjump Cturn Dimprove57A.coach Brunner Csupporter Dvolunteer58A.sometimes Bever Calways Dnever59A.coat Bmedal Cmodel Dlicense60A.because Bif Cunless DthoughAStudents from Oceanside High School in Rockland will be able to sleep a little longer from this autumn.Regional School Unit 13 Superintendent (负责人) Lew Collins said during the schools Thursday night meeting that the schedule (时间表) for the schools will be changed. Oceanside East and West will start a half hour later, at 8 am for their new school year.Research has shown that teenagers brains are often not fully awake at 630 am Collins said the schedule, which is used to get students to school for classes that begin at 730 am, calls for some to get on buses before 6 am to get to school on time. Teachers are having meetings at 640 am, which is too early, he thinks.Collins visited the high schools in Rockland and asked students when they would like classes to begin. Most of them said 800 am “I was surprised. I thought they would have said 900 or 1000,” he said.The National Sleep Foundation says on its website that teenagers biological clocks (生物钟) are designed to stay up later and get up later. The Foundation called for schools to change their schedules, which means a later start as well for elementary students (小学生)We do not have enough buses to run, since all the high school and elementary school buses run almost at the same time, Collins said. He suggested, “We should buy six more buses and get six more drivers to keep the new schedule working.”Elementary school classes in Rockland now start at 830 am, but will be moved to 845 am, starting in the autumn, “I know this is a problem for working parents, but we will see what we can e up with,” said Jane Brown, a teacher at Bardonia Elementary School. “Anyway, I believe if students get more sleep theyll be more ready to learn when classes start,” she added.61A new schedule will be made to _.Aadd more interesting subjects Bhelp students do better in classCask parents to learn about schools Dcut the number of meetings down62One of the problems facing the schools in Rockland is that they will _.Abe afraid of working parents disturbance Bbe worried about childrens safetyCbe short of school buses Dbe short of teachers63What does Jane Brown think of the new schedule?AShe is not certain about it. BShe is not interested in it.CShe is worried about it. DShe is hopeful about it.BThe words “protect animals” appear everywhere in books and on screens because some animals are in danger of dying out. But sometimes the reality can be a little different from what people read or watch.About 300 black bears were killed in Florida, USA, in October, xx. It has been the first bear hunt (猎杀) in the state since 1994. Local officers explained that the black bear population had grown to 3,500 and bee a menace to local people. In the past two years, bears have hurt at least four people in Florida.Months ago, the Swiss government allowed the local people to kill a wolf. This is because the wolf killed 38 sheepit was a great loss (损失) to some local farmers. Days ago in China, three old men were caught by the police for killing a serow, a kind of protected animal. They said they killed the animal because it ate the plants they grew.However, these stories dont always mean that animal protection stops because of human interests (利益), especially when it is related with economic (经济的) development. A Chinese man named Zhou Weisen set up a wild animal base in Guilin, Guangxi Province. He saved over 170 tigers and 300 bears. And his base offered jobs to local people.“There may never be a standard answer to the question of whether we should give more attention to the environment or human development,” said Robert May, a British expert at Oxford University. “We shouldnt push either one to the side, as the future is uncertain.”64Last October, Florida held its first bear hunt in about _ years.AfiveBtenCfifteenDtwenty65What does the underlined word “menace” in Paragraph 2 mean?ADanger. BAlarm. CChance. DChallenge.66Which of the following is TRUE?AA wolf in Switzerland was sent to a zoo. BThe three old Chinese men will not be punished.CThe serow is one of the protected animals in China. D3,500 black bears were killed in Florida in the past two years.67The writer mentions Zhou Weisens story to show that _.Aprotecting animals is hard work BZhou was good at raising tigersCZhou had a good relationship with local people Dprotecting animals can be good for economic development第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)An apology (道歉) tells someone that were sorry for the hurt we causedeven if we didnt do it on purpose.Why apologize?Apologies are one of the tools we use to build good friendships and relationships. When you say “Im sorry” (and really mean it), its because you probably feel bad that something you did or said hurt another person. _68_ Youre also saying that you respect the other person and you care about his or her feelings. After apologizing, you might feel a little better. _69_ When you apologize in a caring way, you can feel good because you are trying to make things right again.Does apologizing fix everything?_70_ Other times, it might take a while for someone to get past feeling upset. You may need to give the other person some time. Even after you say youre sorry, you might still feel bad about what you said or did. _71_ You are making up your mind to do better.What if youve been hurt?When someone apologizes to you, you may wele it. But if a person keeps hurting you and apologizing without making an effort to change, you may not want to make friends with him. _72_ Its polite to accept an apology, but anything more is up to you!ASaying youre sorry is more than just words.BThe other person will probably feel better, too.CIts always easy to get along with other people.DSometimes a heartfelt “Im sorry” fixes everything right away.EEveryone needs to apologize when they do something wrong.FBut you can feel good about apologizing or fixing the mistake.GJust because someone apologizes, it doesnt mean you have to be friends.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Sally is a good student. She does well in all her _61_ (subject). You must wonder _62_ she can study so well. Let me tell you something about her good study habits.First, Sally spends two hours _63_ (study) after school every day. And she always studies from seven to nine on schedule. Sally is a very _64_ (determine) girl, so nothing can stop her doing that.Second, if Sally wants to start studying, first she _65_ (put) everything that has nothing to do with her studying aside, like the cell phone. And _66_ (actual) there are only books left on her desk.Third, Sally never _67_ (leave) her problems till next day. When she meets some difficult problems and she cant work _68_ out, she will make a request to others _69_ help. She doesnt wait _70_ (do) them next day.What do you think of Sallys study habits? You can have a try. I hope they will be helpful to you.61._ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Online shopping has advantages. They can shop at any time. To shop on the Internet you only needed a puter or the Internet. You can pare the prices of same product and save moneys. You can also receive them anywhere in the world at any time. But shop on the Internet also has disadvantages. Paying over the Internet isnt always safely. You cant see the product or to try the clothes on. I think our life is changing because of online shopping. Some day no one will go by the shops any more, because youll be able to buy almost anything on the Internet.第二节书面表达(满分25分)下周六,你班将组织学生到北京欢乐谷(Beijing Happy Valley)游玩,假设你是班长李明,请你起草一则口头通知(announcement),内容包括:1于下周六上午800在校门口集合,乘公共汽车前往;2每人交门票费260元,自带水和午饭;3在公园内,可自由参观、拍照,要爱护游乐设施,保护环境;参与活动时,注意安全;4下午5:00返校。Boys and girls:May I have your attention, please? I have an important announcement to make.Next Saturday, well pay a visit to Beijing Happy Valley. All the students should meet at the school gate at 800 am. Well go there by bus. Please take enough drinking water and lunch. Whats more, every one must hand in 260 yuan for the ticket. In the park, you can visit every place and take photos freely. Please take good care of the facilities there and protect the environment. You must pay attention to your safety when taking part in some activities, which is the most important. Well return at 5:00 pm.Thats all. Thank you.答案解析21. 解析:D推理判断题。根据第二段的Our English courses for juniors are good for all the young people who want to develop their English language skills by taking part in exciting cultural and social activities.可知应选D项。22解析:D细节理解题。根据第四段的Evening language classes are taught in open groups at LSI school buildings.可知应选D项。23.解析:B细节理解题。根据第五段的Our evening language courses are for everyone.可知,这个课程针对所有年龄段的人开放。24.解析:A写作意图题。根据文章内容可知,本文主要在为LSI学校的一些语言学习课程打广告。25.解析:B推理判断题。根据第二段中的Most of the players were white, and Clemente was a black.可以推测,由于Clemente是黑人,所以一开始在匹兹堡海盗队时受到不好的对待。26.解析:D细节理解题。根据第三段中的But he believed in his skill and in his team. He promised his team that they would win.可知,在世界大赛的决赛时期,Clemente对自己的球队赢得比赛信心满满。27解析:A细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的描述可知,Clemente想要亲自将赈灾物资送到灾区,然而却在途中意外坠机身亡,故选A项。28解析:B写作目的题。作者在文章最后一段描述Clemente不仅热爱棒球还热心助人,最后因助人而献身,并引用Clemente朋友的话:“如果Clemente仅仅是一名棒球运动员,那么只有热爱运动的人会记得他,但Clemente舍己为人,全世界的人都将他铭记在心。”因此,作者旨在告诉我们:Clemente不仅仅是一名出色的棒球运动员。29.解析:B推理判断题。由第三段中的teenagers brains are often not fully awake at 630 am和第五段中的teenagers biological clocks (生物钟) are designed to stay up later and get up later以及最后一段最后一句可知,制定新时间表的目的是为了符合孩子们的睡眠规律以便他们在课堂上拥有更好的状态,故选B项。30.解析:C细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的We do not have enough buses to run等信息可知,问题之一便是缺少校车,故选C项。31.解析:D推理判断题。由最后一段中Jane Brown所说的“Anyway, I believe if students get more sleep theyll be more ready to learn when classes start”可知,对于新时间表她是满怀信心的,故选D项。32.解析:D推理判断题。根据第二段的前两句About 300 black bears were killed in Florida, USA, in October, xx. It has been the first bear hunt in the state since 1994可以推知,上一次猎杀黑熊是在1994年,距离xx十月的这次猎杀有21年的时间,故答案选D。33.解析:A猜测词义题。结合该词前的. the black bear population had grown to 3,500.和该词后的In the past two years, bears have hurt at least four people in Florida可知,黑熊的数量多达3500只,在过去两年里,佛罗里达州的黑熊已经伤了至少四个人,它们可能对人类造成伤害。menace意为“威胁”,与danger(可能造成损失、疼痛等的人或物)含义相近。34.解析:C细节理解题。根据第三段中的Days ago in China, three old men were caught by the police for killing a serow, a kind of protected animal可知,鬣羚在中国是受到保护的动物。35.解析:D目的意图题。第四段的第一句提到保护动物的行动并不会停止,因为这和人类的利益息息相关,尤其是跟经济发展息息相关。接着给出了周伟森在广西桂林建立野生动物保护基地,给当地人带来了工作机会的例子,来说明保护动物对经济发展有好处。七选五 话题:社会文化类【文章大意】本文是说明文,我们和别人道歉说明我们意识到了自己的错误,会改正自己的错误,以后会做得更好。36解析:A根据空后的Youre also saying that you respect the other person and you care about his or her feelings可知,道歉不只是表达歉意。37解析:B根据空前的After apologizing, you might feel a little better可知,道歉后,你会感觉好点,对方也可能会觉得好一些。38解析:D根据空后的Other times, it might take a while for someone to get past feeling upset可知,有时候一句真诚的“对不起”会立刻修复一切,另外一些时候却不是这样。39解析:F根据空前的Even after you say youre sorry, you might still feel bad about what you said or did可知,即使你道歉后,你仍然为你说过的话或者做过的事而懊恼,但是你已经道过歉或者正在改正错误,这会让你觉得好受点。40解析:G根据空前的. you may not want to make friends with him可知,仅仅因为那个人道歉了,并不意味着你必须和他成为朋友。完型41. 解析:C作者说他第一次参加了10公里的长跑比赛。由前文可知,作者在长跑即将开始的时候他的脚尖应该站在起跑线上。42.解析:D“felt my heart drop to my stomach”是习语,意为“感到极其紧张”。作者打趣地说,尽管如此,他需要(need)心,因为“you just run with your heart”。43解析:A当一个赛跑运动员力气(energy)用光的时候,他是用心在跑。44.解析:C根据后文的was cool and fresh可猜出,作者说那天空气宜人,新鲜。45. 解析:D根据后文“作者跑得像猎豹”可知,他的勇气聚集了。set in意为“到来”,符合上下文。46解析:B根据“Bang!”以及后文的starting gun ran into the air可知,作者说发令枪的声音响彻天空。47. 解析:C根据I took off running. like the wind可知,作者起步飞跑,就像一阵风。48. 解析:A10公里长跑对作者来说是一项非常大的挑战(challenge)。49. 解析:D根据后文的并列成分forceful可知,作者刚开始感觉到他每一步跑得坚强有力。50.解析:C根据后文的I could feel fire burning in my lungs可知,当作者跑到5英里的时候,他感觉到他的腿像果冻一样,即像灌了铅一样麻木。51. 解析:B此处是作者自己在给自己打气,让自己继续跑(keep going)。52. 解析:A作者此时明白他到了需要用心去跑的时候了,即此时需要极大的意志。因此选A项。53. 解析:D根据作者的腿像果冻一样推测出他此时怀疑自己是否能坚持跑到终点。make it是习惯用法,意为“成功做到”。54. 解析:C根据前后文以及转折关系可知,作者的身体吃不消,想放弃,但他的意志告诉他要坚持。55. 解析:B根据下文内容可知,作者意识到了关于跑步很重要的(important)事情。56. 解析:A真正的跑步开始于你想停止(stop)的时候,即坚持下去就是胜利!57. 解析:B根据后文的who was about to win the race.可知,作者感觉到自己像一个即将取胜的奥林匹克赛跑者。58. 解析:D根据后文的and felt proud too可知,作者说他从来没有(never)那样高兴过。59. 解析:B根据前文以及“I had my. put around my neck”可推断,作者取得了长跑的名次,别人将奖牌(medal)挂在他的脖子上。60.解析:A(长)跑是对人生最好的比喻,因为你能从中得到你的投入。根据意思可知,前后句子之间是因果关系,故选A项。语篇话题:校园【文章大意】本文为说明文,题材为日常生活类。本文向我们介绍了好学生Sally的三个良好的学习习惯。61解析:subjects考查名词。根据前面的She does well in all her可知,此空填subject的复数形式。62解析:how考查连词。根据上下文可知,此句意为:你一定想知道她是如何学得这么好的。63解析:studying考查非谓语动词。根据固定用法spend time (in) doing sth.可知,这里填study的动名词形式。64解析:determined考查形容词。根据前面的a very和后面的girl可知,这里填形容词determined。65解析:will put考查时态。在if引导的条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来,而主句用一般将来时。66解析:actually考查副词。根据上下文可知,这里填副词actually,表示事实上。67解析:leaves考查时态。根据上下文可知,这里表示的是经常的动作,故用一般现在时。68解析:them考查代词。根据上下文可知,这里用代词them指代前面提到的some difficult problems。69解析:for考查介词。make a request to sb. for sth.为固定搭配,意为“请求某人提供某物”。70解析:to do考查非谓语动词。动词wait后接动词不定式作宾语。改错答案:Online shopping has advantages. The can shop at any time. To shop on the Internet you only neede a puter o the Internet. You can pare the prices of same product and save money. You can also receive the anywhere in the world at any time. But sho on the Internet also has disadvantages. Paying over the Internet isnt always safel. You cant see the product or try the clothes on. I think our life is changing because of online shopping. Some day no one will go b the shops any more, because youll be able to buy almost anything on the Internet.


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